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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

— God —

I stepped through the portal to First Heaven, and almost instantly I was surrounded by many of my angels.

"Father, it's good to have you back!"

"Thank Father! You have returned!"

I took the time to tend to each of them and ensure they were doing well. They were all my children and all held great importance to my heart, so how could I ignore their worry and step past them?

"Father, I'm glad to see you have returned!"

I turned to see Helel walking towards me, and the hundreds of angels parted way to their eldest brother. As he reached me, I clasped his shoulders and pulled him in for a tight hug, and as I pulled away, I enjoyed the sight of his blush.

Angel or not, he was still but a boy at heart.

"I wasn't gone for long, Helel. I'm glad to see you're in a good mood."

Helel looked away, hiding his shame. I smiled wider at him, running a hand through his hair and he looked back to me.

"You are distressed, aren't you? Perhaps we should talk in a more…private setting." Helel's eyes widened and he gave a quick desperate nod. I turned to the rest of the gathered angels. "I shall be in Seventh Heaven, it is open to all who seek me."

""Yes Father!""

With a flash of light, Helel and I teleported to my throne. I took a seat, and with a wave of my hand, another seat appeared for him to take.

I stared into the eyes of my first son, and my eventual betrayer, my smile locked firmly.

"You are free to speak, Helel."

The moment the words left my mouth, Helel opened his mouth and closed it several times, as if looking for the correct words to say.

"...Father, I believe the humans you created…they were a mistake."

I raised a brow.

"A mistake you say…how so?"

"They aren't like us, like the angels, they are imperfect beings who will only breed further imperfection! I ask of you father, please reconsider their existence!" He spilled his thoughts to me, and I eyed him for a moment, bringing my hand to my chin in thought.

My mind had been made since before I brought the universe into creation, this was the path I would take, and there was no going back. That was the way of my plan, it wasn't perfect, but it was mine.

Or at least a future me…

"Helel. I ask that you watch the humans, take time to observe them, to see how mighty they can grow. They hold dominion over one of my Kingdom, don't you think-"

"They are undeserving!" Helel shouted, shooting out of his seat. Realization of what he had just done hit his face quickly. "F-Father, I-"

I waved him off. I created the angels to have the freedom of choice, so who was I to get upset when one of them got mad at my decisions? Plus his train of thought is somewhat rational.

"The humans are imperfect, that's true." I nodded, even as they were now, they lacked the level of perfection necessary to even come close to meeting Helel's standards. "Though that's exactly what brings me to love them."

"I…I don't understand."

"You needn't." I shook my head. "Humans aren't perfect, in time they'll come to make mistakes and will live with the consequences. What's so fascinating about them is how they will adapt to change." I smiled, recalling a life I had previously lived. Time and time again, whenever Mother Earth believed Humanity to be down and out they came back stronger than ever.

That was the beauty of humanity, their grit, their relentlessness-

…And the value they put on life.

I locked eyes with my eldest creation once more. "Helel, if you choose not to believe in humanity, believe in me. With time, they can be great."

Helel grits his teeth, his hands firmly grasped at his knees as he stares downward. "Father…I will try."

My smile grew wide as I stood up and clasped his shoulders once more, pulling him to his feet.

"That's all I ask, son."

— Azazel —

Her mind raced as she made her way to Seventh Heaven. Her Father, God Almighty had called her, and refusing was out of the question.

She had spent plenty of time within her quarters, learning the wonders of fingers and her womanhood and what a pleasant pair they made together, and with how knowledgeable God was about his creations, she was certain he knew.

The fact that she prayed to him for forgiveness didn't make it any better either.

God knew she was masturbating. Not only that…he knew she was masturbating to him.

Her body stopped right in front of the door to God's throne room. Her hand rose to knock-

"Enter, Azazel."

Of course, he knew she was here.

She opened the door slowly, stepping inside and bowing.

"Come, Azazel, you needn't bow to me."

That was true, but she and all her siblings did so out of respect. He was their creator, they existed because of him, so how could they not bow to him?

"D-Does today find you well, My Lord?" She asked, even now as she looked at his form, she couldn't help but start to feel her lust growing. Her mind raced, she knew it was wrong, but she wanted nothing more than to jump on him and feel his body.

He smiled at her, God how she loved that smile and stood up from his throne. "It does, Azazel. It may even get better. Are you busy right now?"

Busy, she had never truly been busy. The most meaningful task she'd had since her creation was recking Helel in Uno.

"I'm not."

"Wonderful." He stepped towards her, powerful strides that caught her attention. Her mind drifted to dangerous territory, thoughts of what it would feel like if it were his fingers playing with her womanhood instead of her. Or even better, what if it were his thing?

She hadn't seen many, only the other male archangels when they all entered the bath in Fifth Heaven. They had interested her, but none more so than their Father's. He was perfect in all things, handsome, strong, and powerful, how would it look?

"Calm yourself, Azazel." She could hear the smile in his voice as he stopped just in front of her. She had to look up to his towering form. His rainbow-colored eyes stared into her purple ones in amusement. "You've been troubled recently. I would like you to tell me about it."

Azazel squirmed in his sight, to speak so openly about it…

"Your prayers for forgiveness mixed with the sounds of your pleasured screams were a lot less tame than a simple conversation with me face to face." He chuckled and red consumed her whole face. Did he have to bring it up?!

"Yes, Father."

"Good." He grabbed her hand, and she wasted no time intertwining their fingers. His grip was strong, comforting and as he led her to a room separate from his throne room, she started to wonder, would she get her wish?

He opened the door and they walked into a room with gold couches in the corners. Against the far wall was a large wooden desk with a chair in front of it, and a chair behind.

God gestured for her to take a seat. She looked at him, then at their intertwined hands, and with great reluctance separated from him and took a seat. He moved behind his desk, taking his seat as well.

"Do you like this room?" He asked with genuine curiosity, leaning forward to rest his chin on his hands.

She took more time to observe the room, she wanted to give him an honest answer.

"It's quite nice, the smaller details like the little bits of gold in the desk bring out its uniqueness." Truthfully she had never seen another office, so she didn't know what qualified as a 'good one' but she did like this room.

"I'm glad." He grinned. "Now then, shall we have our little talk, Azazel?"

Her hands gripped at the hems of her dress as she forced herself to meet his gaze.

"Be not afraid, I won't punish you for such a thing."

Her mouth opened in surprise, he wasn't going to punish her? Why not?! She had sinned, hadn't she?!

"You did." He nodded, he was reading her mind, she shouldn't have expected anything else. "Though it was due to your unique nature."

"Unique nature?"

"Ever since you were created, you've been more…curious than any of your other siblings. Each of you are angels, separated by your natures, it's what makes you Azazel." He clarified with a smile.

"Oh, I get it." She hummed in thought. Every time she spoke to her Father, he found a way to teach her something new, and it was one of the reasons why she held such a high respect for him, besides the obvious reasons. "Though, why…" His explanation didn't help her see how she was allowed to get away with sin.

"You're an angel, but you're also a woman. A curious woman typically learns of her sexual desires faster than others. Thus lust is born." He explained and she clung to every word. "You wish to know more about the pleasure you have given yourself and that is why your mind continues to burn those passionate fantasies; It's all in hopes you seek out greater pleasure."

The question that had been on her mind since she gained consciousness was answered, and all she had to do was sit down and talk to God!

She felt like such an idiot avoiding him whenever she could due to the shame she felt. God was the ultimate forgiver, and he only judged those that are deserving.

"I understand! Thank you, My Lord. I had been trying to figure out why my mind worked so differently as opposed to my sisters, and even my brothers."

God chuckled at her. "Of course, helping my beloved angels is one of my many duties, do not hesitate to come to me if you require help."

"I won't hesitate, not again, thank you, Father." She bowed her head and rose to her feet.

"Hold on a second, Azazel." He stopped her, she turned back around to face him to see his face much more serious. "We merely deciphered the root cause of the problem, we haven't created a solution."

She paused as she processed his words. He was right, knowing what caused it wasn't going to stop her from going back to her room and imagining him pinning her down. They needed a solution, a permanent one.

"What do you have in mind, Father?" She questioned, sitting down. She didn't dare ask if he had anything planned. He's God, the King of Kings, the Almighty Planner, he knew all answers.

"There are many options, but three that I would even dare entertain."

Azazel listened carefully, as he continued.

"Option One; I alter that part of your nature to not grow so curious over sin. Option Two; You abstain from any self-pleasure, in time it should tidder out." She didn't like either of those options so far. She didn't want to remove these feelings she felt, she wanted to explore them further. Both options wouldn't allow that.

"Option Three," She leaned in closer, "I could provide you some assistance."

Her world froze for a moment as she stared at her creator in disbelief.

"I see you're a bit confused. You're an angel, to feel lust and act on it, such a thing would surely make you fall, but there is an exception. The exception is that those lustful acts are done with me. For an angel to not fall, their love for me must exceed their sin. Should we take part in such actions, you're love for me will exceed the unfathomable amount you already hold for me, and thus your lust will never surpass it."

That was another bomb he had dropped on her, and it didn't take her but a few moments after processing his words fully to give her an answer.

"Three, please!"

Kakukami Kakukami

Up to ch.16 on Patreon. Link in Synopsis.

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