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Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Hold the Line

With Owen unable to pursue her, Mumei wasted no time descending from her elevated position to where the lever to lower the gate was located. Along the way, she encountered several guards, swiftly incapacitating them to clear her path. Despite the confusion and alarm caused by her actions, Mumei remained resolute, her focus fixed on the task at hand.

Upon reaching the lever, she pulled it without hesitation, causing the gate to lower abruptly. The guards on duty reacted with panic and confusion, their voices ringing out in protest as they struggled to comprehend the sudden change. Ignoring their protests, Mumei turned her attention to the flare gun in her hand.

With a steady hand, she loaded and fired the flare into the sky, sending a bright signal soaring into the air. It was a clear message to Biba's war train, the Kokujou, and its crew, indicating that the gate was secured and open for their passage. As the flare illuminated the night sky, Mumei's actions set into motion the next phase of their plan, propelling them closer to their ultimate objective.

As the horizon darkened with the approaching horde, the sound of roaring engines filled the air. Dozens of bikes emerged, leaving a trail of blood splatter in their wake as they raced towards the now lowered gate. But what followed next was truly horrifying.

First came ten, then fifty, then a hundred, and soon, the numbers swelled to two hundred, and then a staggering five hundred Kabane. They trailed closely behind the bikes, drawn by the scent of blood, their relentless hunger driving them forward.

The guards of the station, realizing the imminent threat, scrambled to raise the gate in a desperate attempt to block the oncoming horde. But their efforts were futile. Before the gate could even begin to ascend, one of the riders on the bikes deployed a bladed boomerang-like weapon, slicing through the ropes that operated the gate's mechanism.

With the gate rendered immobile, the bikers swiftly rode through, their faces twisted in grim determination as they led the Kabane horde past the panicked guards. The defenders of the station, now faced with the overwhelming onslaught, scrambled to mount a defense against the rapidly approaching threat, their fear palpable in the chaos that ensued.

As the Kabane horde closed in, the defenders of the station formed a firing line, desperately attempting to hold back the relentless tide. But their efforts proved futile against the overwhelming numbers and ferocity of the undead. Just as the Kabane reached striking distance, a sudden intervention came from above.

Something descended from the sky, crashing into the midst of the horde with devastating force. The impact nearly killed one of the Kabane, and before the stunned defenders could react, the figure rose to their feet, brandishing a weapon with lethal precision.

Owen, amidst the chaos, battled relentlessly against the Kabane onslaught. Despite the limitations imposed by his wounded leg, he fought valiantly, his movements calculated and efficient. With his shield as his first line of defense, he dispatched two Kabane with swift strikes before thrusting his spear through the body of another, unshaken He fought we a ferocity he never thought he had.

Amidst the din of combat, Owen couldn't help but reflect on the choices that had led them to this perilous moment. Yet, with each swing of his weapon, any and all thought began to evacuate from his mind leaving a battle-crazed maniac, determined to protect the station and its inhabitants at any cost.

"Come on, men! We need to back him up!" A rallying cry erupted from one of the guards as they swiftly repositioned themselves, unleashing a barrage of gunfire upon the encroaching horde of Kabane. Owen, relieved to receive reinforcement, fought with renewed vigor amidst the chaos of battle.

As the Kabane pressed in around him, Owen's ferocity only intensified. In a display of sheer determination, he impaled two Kabane with his spear, but found himself unable to retrieve the weapon. Undeterred, he discarded the spear and resorted to using his shield as a brutal instrument of destruction.

With a swift kick, Owen knocked an approaching Kabane to the ground, then proceeded to rain down blows upon its skull with the force of his shield. The impact was enough to cause the creature's head to explode in a grisly spectacle. Without hesitation, Owen moved on to engage other Kabane, each receiving a similarly merciless treatment at his hands.

As the horde of Kabane seemed relentless in their onslaught, Owen's frustration grew palpable. He was on the verge of resorting to his last resort, Ronin, when a sudden influx of reinforcements interrupted his thoughts. Shouts and footsteps heralded the arrival of forty new troops, swelling their ranks and bolstering the defense against the seemingly endless horde.

With the additional support, the defenders were able to hold their ground more effectively, allowing Owen a momentary respite from the relentless onslaught. However, before he could fully catch his breath, Owen found himself once again in the midst of battle, dodging an incoming attack from a Kabane with practiced ease.

Seizing the opportunity, Owen grabbed hold of the Kabane's arm, swiftly slamming the edge of his shield into its joint with precision. The force of the blow severed the limb, leaving the Kabane disarmed and vulnerable. With a swift kick, Owen propelled the now one-armed creature back into the throng of Kabane, buying himself precious moments to retreat behind the newly reinforced firing line.

As Owen surveyed the chaotic scene unfolding before him, his attention was suddenly drawn to Mumei, whose expression betrayed a sense of horror at the devastation surrounding them. However, before he could address her, his focus was diverted to two approaching figures, one of whom bore a severe wound near his heart. Upon closer inspection, Owen recognized the injured man as none other than the Lord of Iwato, accompanied by a companion.

"Hello, my lord,, what happens were you attacked?" Owen greeted respectfully, his attention momentarily diverted from the ongoing battle. The Lord of Iwato approached with a determined yet grateful expression, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"I was almost assissinated by Biba people, but I must thank you for saving my people," the Lord of Iwato expressed, his gratitude evident in his words. Owen nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze shifting towards the still numerous horde of Kabane, barely held back by the fifty troops.

"It's no problem. Let's just hurry and wrap—" Owen's sentence was abruptly cut off by a piercing scream from a nearby soldier.

"GET DOWN! TRAIN!" The urgent warning echoed through the chaos, prompting the soldiers to scramble to the side of the tracks as the massive black train, Kokujou, thundered through the horde of Kabane. While this would have been a welcomed sight under different circumstances, the direction in which the Kabane were flung posed a new danger, hurtling them towards the line of troops who now found themselves surrounded by dozens of Kabane.

Amidst the tumultuous chaos, Owen's resolve remained unwavering as he swiftly reentered the fray, his shield firmly in hand. His actions became more calculated and brutal, a reflection of the dire circumstances they faced. With swift efficiency, he seized the gun of a fallen soldier, unleashing a barrage of gunfire into the encroaching Kabane, ensuring to avoid hitting any of the nearby troops.

But Owen's arsenal didn't end there. In a desperate bid to stem the tide of the oncoming horde, he retrieved suicide bags from the fallen guards, hurling them towards the charging Kabane before igniting them with a well-placed shot. The resulting explosion tore through the ranks of the undead, decimating their numbers in a fiery display of destruction.

Not content to stop there, Owen seized another suicide pouch, aiming its explosive force towards the blinded Kabane. Though the blast didn't inflict significant damage, it succeeded in disorienting the creatures, buying Owen precious seconds to maneuver past them.

With a swift stride, Owen advanced towards his spear, still embedded in the body of one of the fallen Kabane. With determination etched on his face, he wrenched the weapon free from its gruesome impalement, ready to rejoin the fray with renewed vigor. In the face of overwhelming odds, Owen's unwavering determination and resourcefulness proved to be their greatest asset, as he fought tirelessly to turn the tide of battle in their favor.

"This is going to take a while," echoed Owen's thoughts as he remained entrenched in the relentless battle, fighting alongside the continuous reinforcements from the station. For hours on end, the clash against the Kabane persisted, with neither side showing signs of yielding.

Despite the fatigue setting in and the relentless assault of the undead, Owen and his fellow defenders refused to relent. With each passing moment, they fought with unwavering determination and unyielding resolve, pushing themselves to the limits of their endurance in their quest to hold back the tide of darkness threatening to engulf them.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of struggle, a moment of reprieve came as the Kabane succumbed to a well-placed shot from one of the soldiers. The battlefield fell silent, save for the sounds of exhaustion and relief emanating from the weary defenders.

Sadly just when Owen was going to sit and relax a call from ikoma who came running left him unable to rest as the next words from his mouth left him cursing.



Yay another chapter now lets get chasing down that Biba fucker

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