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100% Level:UP / Chapter 1: New life in the world of demons.
Level:UP Level:UP original


Author: ShravanSuryarao

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: New life in the world of demons.

I slowly opened my eyes. I was sitting on a wooden chair in a void and in front of me, there was a beautiful girl with golden hair, silver eyes and large boobs, sitting in a divine chair. After seeing her, I remember that I was going home from school while talking with my friend.

Sato: Are you coming for kendo class?

Friend: Are you serious? You never miss a single day of practice! You're already a black belt in karate and taekwondo, and now you're going to kendo? Classes continue for 9 months without taking a single break!

Sato: Hmm! You know what? I'm practicing martial arts every day because I want to become a great warrior but I think this can only remain a dream, since we live in the 21 century. Sometimes I wonder why I wasn't born in the old times.

Friend: You have really weird dreams.

Sato: You can say that again. We have to go separate ways from here, so see you tomorrow?

Friend: Hmm, see ya!

Sato: Hmm, what should I do until kendo class?

*Three men are threatening a woman, telling her to give all of her money to them. They're standing in a narrow part of a road.

I jump between them.

Sato: Oy, what are you doing? Stop this and get away from her.

Gamblers: Hmm! Little brat! Get away from here! This is no place for a kid.

Sato: Haa! Who are you calling a kid?

* One of the gamblers charge at me.

Gambler: I will teach you good manners! Then you won't interfere in elders' talk.

* I grab his arm, twist it, and kick in his belly. He fell on the dustbins.

Sato: Thee! Someone was telling me "he will teach me good manners"! Oh, he is now sleeping on dustbins.

Gambler: Shut up brat!

*The three of them charged at Sato together, but Sato gave a spin kick in a face to the middle man and he dodged the other man's punch. He took a few steps back and gave him a flying kick and then he punched the last gambler with his full power at his stomach. He fell at the wall and drool came out of his mouth.

Sato: Huh! You are all such weaklings! Why did you choose to do this work if you all are such a weakling? You don't stand a chance against me.

*Gambler who is in front of me on the floor started to give a sign to the gambler who was lying on my back. Gambler on my back charge at me I noticed that and kicked him away but I let my guard down and the gambler who was in front of me removed his hidden knife and stabbed me in my stomach continuously 5-6 times. Everything in front of me began to fade slowly. My eyes were all blurry. I cannot stand so I am taking wall support but my consciousness was fading. I kneel down holding my stomach and pass out, then I was sitting in front of this beautiful girl in this void.

Sato: Who are you? Did I die?

Goddess Aura : I am Aura Goddess of the Breeze, and yes, you are dead. In a fight, you got stabbed by some thieves. You died, don't you remember?

Sato: Aaahhh! Why did I die so early? I didn't even get a chance to get a girlfriend! I gave all my time to my practice. Wait a minute, I know how I died! One of my friends had told me that I was going to die virgin if I gave all my time to training. I think it is his curse!

Goddess Aura: calm down child! I have good news for you. Since you lost your life during fighting for others at only the age of 17, I will grant you any one wish. Tell me, do you want a super rich family in your next life? Or do you want some extraordinary talent in your next life? Maybe you want to remain the rest of your life until you get old in heaven?

Sato: No, I don't want to go to heaven! You told me you will grant my any one wish!

Goddess Aura: Yes, you are correct.

Sato: So can you send me to another world?

Goddess: Some other world? Oh, I can understand, since you died in your world because of violence and greed. You want to go to a world where no one is greedy, and you can live your life very peacefully.

Sato: Wait, what are you talking about? I don't want to go to world like that! I want to go to the world where demon kings rule and there are a lot of demons in that world, and there are also adventurers who want to defeat the demons!

Goddess Aura: Wait a minute. Why do you want to go to a world where we only send people who do wrong things in their previous life?

Sato: What? You don't know that every anime fan's dream is to go to a world like that?

Goddess Aura: Hmm, ok, if you want to go there, it is a world called Daiona, who is captured by the demon king. I will give you some unique power so that you will have some chance to defeat the demon king. I am giving you the power of level identification. With this power, you can see other people's levels and your own level. I am sending you there with your current body and memory. I am increasing your level from lvl 1 to lvl 25, meaning you have 25 times more strength than your usual strength, and your strength will increase more as your level increases. But remember that you should not tell anyone that you are not from that world and you have the ability to see another person's levels.

Sato: Yes, I will not tell anyone about it, but how will I be able to speak their language?

Goddess Aura: Don't worry, I had already cast a spell on you so you are able to read and understand their language.

Sato: Finally my wish to go on a world where I can fight as much as I want as a warrior is becoming true. I am so happy!

*Goddess Aura starts a portal and transfers Sato to Daiona.

Sato: Finally my new journey is going to begin!

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