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Life as GOD of the Universe? Life as GOD of the Universe? original

Life as GOD of the Universe?

Author: RealityEldritch101

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: I am...that I am?

Out of all the ways to die, getting struck twice by lightning in the same dang spot was not how the young man known as Dominic thought he would go out. 

Dominic was a 22 year old guy with brown hair and brown eyes, he was going on a solo roadtrip across the US in his RV when he had taken a stop by a beach to look around. The second he got out of his car lightning literally struck him twice... kind of funny when he thinks about it. 

Yes.. think... he should be dead but he can still think... and that's when he remembers... everything. 

He can remember the birth of the universe, he can remember creating it... he remembers when he was just a mass of existence and had no real body because he didn't need one at the time.

Turns out he was the Creator of reality or basically God. 

Dominic: " can this be?"

He is answered when he gets a message in his head left behind from the previous God or past self? It turns out that to better relate to humanity God temporarily sealed his Omnipotence and memories before he sent himself to be birthed by a couple on earth as a human in the 21st century. 

God did this because sure, he could understand humans better than they could understand themselves... but what good is knowledge without actual experience? So as an experiment Dominic was the result of that.

His Omnipotence was to stay locked until his human life ended, so him getting double struck down by that lighting may have killed his mortal shell but now he has his old memories back plus his Omnipotence. 

He also has a human perspective on things as well now, he isn't the God of old anymore but he also isn't quite Dominic either... he is... something new, the best of both worlds.

Dominic: "I am... Zenith"

Yes that name fits he thinks, he is the Zenith of creation. Now Dominic thinks about what he wants... what should he do now that he knows what he is again?

Dominic: " be honest... I just wanna keep going like I've been going... just have fun and take care of the people close to me... just enjoy life"

He starts by greatly limiting his Omniscience, reason he does this is well... it's boring to know everything.

He still wants to be able to be surprised and feel curiosity and not always know what will happen, so he decides to lock his Omniscience but if he wants he can turn it back on as he pleases. 

Next he does something similar to his Omnipresence by re-creating his destroyed human body and inhabiting it like an avatar.

He can still get anywhere he wants with just a thought but now with his human form he won't literally always be everywhere at once.

He did this for the sake of his own enjoyment, he wants to focus on things as they come one area at a time from now on. 

Using Omnipotence is surprisingly easy, he just has to will it and it shall be done. He can break and change the rules in any way he pleases really. 

Dominic: "Hmm... If I'm not constantly running things like I use to then that could be an issue..."

He remembered that in the past when he was simply an entity he always was running things making sure nothing went wrong with the universe.

But now that he locked his Omniscience and Omnipresence he couldn't do that anymore, Dominic gets an idea for how to fix this though while still keeping his current restrictions. 

He starts by teleporting himself to the center of the universe, using his Omnipotence modify his human form to easily survive the vacuum of space as he floats in the void of stars. 

Dominic: "Taking inspiration from stories I loved a lot of when I was living as a normal human, I'll make beings who can help me manage existence" 

He decides to start by creating embodiments of life and death.

For death he creates a grim reaper looking figure. A skeleton with a black hood and blue glowing eyes, he modeled him after how death looks in Discworld stories. 

For life he made a green haired woman with golden eyes and little twigs on her head like antlers almost. She was modeled after a Vtuber he knew of before back when that craze started on the internet. 

After he finishes making them they both look at their creator with reverence.

Dominic: "You are both death and life, I have created you both to protect the balance of life and death and manage it when I can not"

He looks at Death.

Dominic: "You are Death and for you I shall name you... Pratchett"

He then looks at life

Dominic: "And you are life and so you will be named... Fauna"

Life and Death nod

Pratchett: "Yes father, thank you for creating us."

Fauna: "We won't let you down!"

Death sounded just like Christopher Lee while Life sounded like the Vtuber she was based on. 

Dominic: "Excellent, now please wait while I create a few more bothers and sisters of yours"

Next would be Time and Space.

For Space Dominic created... well honestly first thing that came to mind was creating someone who looked like Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen. A white haired man with blue eyes and a pretty boy face. 

For Time Dominic created a woman with dark blue hair and eyes based off a different Vtuber he recalled once from the internet. 

Dominic: "You are Time and you are Kronii"

he looks at the Gojo look alike next.

Dominic: "And you are Space, you are... Gege"

They both nod to him.

Dominic: "You both have been made to keep time and space balanced and protected. 

Gege: "You got it pops"

Kronii: "Thanks dad!"

This should be good enough Dominic thinks, at least for now.

Dominic: "I may make more like you 4 later on but for now, go out there and keep watch on existence please, do your rolls well and I'll make sure to visit when I can"

The 4 embodiments of aspects of the universe nod and float off to go do their own things, Jojo would make sure to check on them from time to time. 

Dominic: "One last thing I should do"

He then uses his Omnipotence again and creates a man with blonde hair and orange eyes wearing special armor and with angelic wings on his back, this is his first angel and a being made to enforce virtues, also based on the Angel from Ultrakill. 

Dominic: "You are my top Angel named Sol, your job is to help watch over humanity when I'm not around and try to keep majority of them on the right path"

Sol: "As you command Creator"

Dominic then creates some lower ranking angels to help Sol out, they aren't as powerful as the Seraphim but they will still be very helpful, he takes inspiration from the bible plus some anime and games as he creates the angel hierarchy.

He also creates a realm only he and they can access, though instead of calling it Heaven he decides to call it the Aether. It's a bright sunny place looking like a tropical paradise, it's even better than any beach or island earth would have.

Dominic: "Now go and do good"

he leaves the angels to their work before creating a new realm, this one based off his own spin on the Nether from Minecraft.

To inhabit this realm he starts by creating a female demon named Merudiana, she has red skin and yellow eyes and is based off a demon girl he saw in a video once but... he can't remember what exactly he saw her in before besides some details. 

Dominic: "Merudiana or just Meru, you are the first and most powerful of the demons, your job is to tempt humans to sin on earth. BUT... you are not allowed to directly harm the humans or directly interfere just like with the Angels, You're job is to tempt and spread sin yes but not to be like a Sauron or something." 

Meru: "I understand creator... if I may ask why create me though?"

Dominic: "Like all things there must be a balance, the Angels will do a lot of good but there still must be evil for good to counter and to test people. So you and the demons will do just that, no killing humans or ruling over them though."

Meru: "I understand Creator... also you are looking very hot today~"

She gets close to him and traces her finger on his chest, Jojo does blush a tad cause of this. 

Dominic: "....well looks like you have a sinful nature... as intended... still please keep yourself in check around me"

Meru: "Did you make your body this attractive when you got it?"

Dominic: "I may have adjusted my human form a bit once I got my powers back... but only a bit"

he then quickly creates some more types of demons to inhabit the Nether that Meru would rule, after he finishes making the demon hierarchy he goes to leave.

Meru: "Aww can't you stay a little longer creator?"

Dominic: "I'll visit you later just like I'll visit the others"

Meru: "How about dinner once you get back then?"

Dominic: "Uh... sure, ok bye bye now"

He teleports out as Meru giggles. 

Meru: "He's so cute... and strong... I want him~" 


After creating Angels and Demons to keep a balance of Virtue and Sin in the world, Dominic floats through space and thinks on what to do next. 

Dominic: "Ok those 6 should keep the universe in balance for now at least, I'll check on them all later... for now I think it's finally time I get some me time. Now what to do first?"

After thinking for awhile Dominic gets an idea.

Dominic: "I have the power... why not make certain fictional worlds I enjoyed reading or playing games of or watching... real?"

He then uses his Omnipotence to make his favorite fictional worlds from movies and games and books and anime and more real, existing in their own universes outside of his main one. 

Dominic: "Still funny how easy this is...well time to explore! I've always wanted to adventure in some of these worlds."

He creates a randomizer wheel and spins it for where he's gonna visit first. 

Dominic: "I'm still technically on vacation so I can be gone for a few months before I should visit my family so they don't get worried"

The wheel stops as a world is selected. 

Dominic: "Ooo... interesting one"

Randomizer wheel choice: Touhou Project

Dominic: "Touhou huh? yeah that could be fun! Fantasy land with all sorts of magical Youkai and stuff in it"

He then gives himself an ability that will hide who he truly is so that nobody in this world will be able to tell he's the Omnipotent Creator, he will just seem to be a normal human to everyone. 

Dominic: "And just to be... somewhat fair"

He also gives himself the power to use all the different kinds of magic in Touhou that one can learn at MAX level. 

Dominic: "I'll still use my Omnipotence if I want but... I'm gonna try to keep myself to only using this magic during my stay in Touhou, that way this may be more fun and almost fair."

He also gives himself another ability to hide the true level of his magic power so people will always assume he's an amateur ranked mage. 

Dominic: "Oh it's always funny to see the looks on people's faces when someone that looked or felt weak turns out to be very strong hehehe"

He also gives himself expert martial art skills to use as well if he ever has to get up close and personal. 

Dominic: "Da this should work, Master Martial arts and Various MAX LV Magic is all I shall give myself to work with for this trip."

Once he feels ready he creates a backpack with some essentials and teleports himself through reality to his destination. 

Dominic: "Gensokyo here I come!"


*To be Continued* 

RealityEldritch101 RealityEldritch101

Welcome to a new story! I got inspired by a couple other ones to make this one.

This is an Omnipotent God MC who's still got some human sides to him casue of circumstances, similar to my last story this one is going to be mainly for my enjoyment to write except in a more direct way than the last one.

Dominic's gonna start off visiting the Touhou Project before visiting some other possible worlds, besides this however I also wanna develop his original world once he goes to check on it.

His original universe is gonna start to get some changes cause of what he added of course so that should be intresting or fun as well lol.

If you liked this please comment! Also give ideas for stuff Dominic could maybe do with his Omnipotence if you want, He's definetly gonna mess around for fun a lot.

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