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Chapter 44: Sirzechs, Azazel and Kurayami(Rewrite)

(This is a Rewrite original Chapter.)

Kurayami was not exactly sure why Sirzechs was so focused on meeting and accepting his sister. The girl in question, Rias Gremory was simply the opposite of who he wanted in his life. From the spies in Kuoh, Rias her entire day at school, at home slacking off by playing video games, reading manga, and acting like a human. 

If she also took time to train to improve herself, he would be more understanding of her, but she had not been seen to train for over 2 years since she arrived at Kuoh. He focused back on the conversation he, Sirzechs, and Azazel were having at the bar of his living room. 

He did not plan to live here forever as he and Azazel were already looking for a good place to move him out. He was staying here with his parents to keep his mother safe. He reached up and down his shot of whiskey. 

"Sirzechs, I have got to ask, but what is the big deal with your sister? You seem incredibly insistent on me accepting her."

Even Azazel could see that as while they were speaking on things like relations between their people, Sirzechs would bring up his sister in certain ways. 

"I have to agree. Since we started this talk you have brought her up no less than 8 times. It's starting to get a little creepy if you ask me." 

Even Shin gave a firm nod of the head. Seeing that made Sirzechs sigh as he drank the whiskey that had been offered to him. 

"I will come clean. Everything you said about my sister is true. She does not train no matter how much I offer to tutor her, she moved to Japan simply because she was fascinated with the culture and her love of anime. 

The reason I wanted for you to take an interest in her is that she has been promised to someone. Riser Phenex of the Phoenix clan. He is the second youngest child of Lord Phenex. My Father wishes to have Rias marry him so that the Gremory Clan can have access to the Phonex Tears produced by his clan. 

He is a talented young man who has begun to show promise in the rating games. The issue is that he is an extremely arrogant womanizer. I don't wish for my sister to be subjected to his lust as she has expressed a great desire to marry the love of her life." 

Kurayami squinted his eyes not because he cared about Rias, but because he was now worried for Shirone. 

"Ok, you have my attention." 

That seemed to have made Sirzechs feel some hope for Rias. 

"For Rias?" 

"No. For Shirone. I will be frank with you Sirzechs, women in your culture are not exactly seen in high standing normally. They are married off unless they are greatly talented and they are essentially subservient to their husbands. 

Considering Shirone is part of Rias' peerage, she too would be subject to Riser's lust if he so desired." 

Kuroka's ears twitched as her face was instantly struck with terror. She imagined a scenario where Rias was married off the Riser and her innocent baby sister was violated. She rushed over to Kurayami's side and grabbed his arm. 

"You can't let that happen Kurayami. My sister." 

He could see the terror in Kuroka's gaze so he wrapped an arm around her to calm her down. Azazel shot Sirzechs a frown as that was cruel even for him, but that was rich coming from a child killer like him. 

"Sirzechs, if you don't like it just cancel the marriage with Riser. And since Shirone will be Kurayami's Sister-In-Law, she better not be harmed."

Sirzechs could feel how Kurayami was not pleased right now seeing Kuroka panic. Just hearing something awful happening to her sister had nearly sent her into a panic. 

Sirzechs raised a hand to calm everyone down. 

"I understand your view, but as surprising as it is I do not hold total authority over Devil Kind. By becoming the Lucifer, I gave up my right to the Gremory Lord seat. My Father holds all authority when it comes to my sister's marriages because of one thing. She is weak." 

Kuroka took a deep breath as she looked over still being held in Kurayami's arms. 

"If that is the case then you have failed her. She is your sister and just because of some stupid laws you are letting her be married off. If that happens my sister will suffer as a result." 

Sirzechs knew that was true, but he loved his sister too much to go against her wishes. He could have long since forced her to train, but she hated to train. She had said before that she had no reason to train as she would get stronger with age. 

That was the common sentiment among Noble Devils as unlike him she was born in a time of peace. 

"You are right. I have failed by allowing her to stagnate. I will have to take action for her sake." 

Azazel patted him on the back. 

"She might whine and complain, but it's either that or she becomes Riser's cum dump. You don't want that do you?" 

Sirzechs recoiled before shaking his head. 

"No, I don't." 

Kurayami stood up from his seat as while he liked a good stiff drink he did not drink often. 

"We got until tomorrow morning for you to plan how you will train her. If you excuse me, I want to take this time to get to know Serafall. I am new to long-distance dating you see."

Serafall who was mingling with Kurayami's other lovers giggled as she heard that. 

"I hear long-distance relationships are hard to maintain and we will both be very busy people so keep time open in that case big guy?"

When he heard the nick name she picked out for him he felt it was accurate. He was extremely big. 

"Big guy? Couldn't you think of a less on-the-nose nick name?"

Serafall leaned back as she thought of this. 


Akeno covered her mouth as she snorted. Her eyes were squinted as she was barely keeping her composure when she heard that. No one had ever referred to her brother in such a manner. 

When she looked at Kurayami she could tell he did not like that at all. 

"Birdie? That was the best you could come up with?" 

Serafall giggled as she could tell it was a good icebreaker. 

"I am kidding. How about simply Kura or Yami?" 

Akeno did not think that was a good idea. 

"Kura in Japanese means storehouse and Yami by itself means dark. Kurayami means Deep Darkness or the Dark which is the perfect name for my brother, but splitting them just doesn't work." 

Walburga pointed at him and giggled. 

"Master Storehouse, hahahaha." 

Kurayami walked up behind her and poked her in the forhead with a finger. 

"That's it, no pain for you." 

Walburga brought her hand up to her mouth before biting it. Instantly she realized she could not feel pain. Her eyes began to well up with tears before she ran away wailing. 


He yelled back to her. 


He shook his head with a small smile on his face as Walburga was fun. When she was gone, he sat down at the table with Serafall, Raynare, Esdeath, Akeno, Natsume, Lavinia, and Kuroka. Grayfia decided to sit herself down as well as Azazel and Sirzechs continued their talk. 

Once he was seated, Kurayami now wanted to bring up his nickname again. 

"So, birdie is out. So is Kura or Yami as they are just half my name. So, what does that leave." 

Serafall leaned forward and looked Kurayami up and down. She looked at his dark leather clothes, the black cross on his neck, his black and purple eyes, and his quite handsome face. 

She also thought of his powers and had one. 

"Thunder Cracker. No, that-" 

He stopped her as he thought of that. 

"I like that one." 

Esdeath thought about it and felt it was good. 

"Shit, that's good. That's yours so now, we all got to think of one to call him by." 

Raynare stood up and she began to look Kurayami all over. 

"End of all life." 

All of them turned to Raynare almost chastising her as that felt like an insult. She defended herself. 

"Hey, this between Death Mages, but out." 

Akeno rolled her eyes. 


Natsume had one. 

"Nature man."

Kuroka though hugged hugged him from behind. 


Grayfia began to chuckle as she sat next to him. 

"You certainly have a rowdy family." 

"That I do. I wouldn't change it for the word." 

Just then, Shuri walked into the living room with Walburga at her side. Her pregnancy was coming along as her belly was quite noticeable. When she walked in, she sighed. 

"Kurayami, did you steal Walburga's ability to feel pain?" 

Walburga nodded. 

"YES, HE DID! I can't feel anything at all. Watch." 

Kurayami knew what she was going to do so he returned her ability to feel pain At the same time she clenched her fist and punched her full force in the face. 

"OWW! Hey, I felt that." 

She punched herself again which made Shuri sigh. 

"Kurayami, keep her in check." 

"Of course." 

That seemed to go positively as Kurayami spent the rest of the day simply with his lovers and potentiol lovers. Natsume and Lavinia were growing closer to him, but now Serafall and Grayfia were added to the list. 

It was good he was essentially immortal and had all the time in the world. Regardless even when night came no one slept as going a few days without sleep was fine. Missing one day was going to have no harm. 

Regardless, when morning came around it was time for Sirzechs and Serafall to return to their territory. Kurayami was going to go with them as he and Sirzechs had agreed to meet with Ajuka and Falbium. 

When it was time to go, Kurayami was standing with Serafall and Sirzechs. He did not expect to battle, but just in case he took every one of his familiars into their pacts. This way, if anything went off he would not be alone. 

Plus, he also had Shin with him who would always follow him. He was currently being sent off by all the girls who wished him successful dealings. Just then, Kuroka turned into a cat and jumped into his arms. 

"I need to go with you. I need to see my sister."

Sirzechs was fine with that. 

"As is your right. Serafall, you ready?"

She nodded. 

"I will admit, I will miss you girls, It sucks to imagine that I will be apart from you all for so long. All of you are great." 

Raynare smiled as she hugged her. 

"Take care of yourself Serafall. Don't get too bored ok? Sirzechs I should not need to say this, but return Kurayami alive. I have my grandfather on speed dial after all."

He smiled at the threat.

"I will keep it in mind."

Serafall rolled her eyes. 

"Please, Zechs is harmless. Kind of." 

Everyone waved as Sirzechs teleported them to the Devil's territory. Now Kurayami put up his guard as if anything could happen. They appeared in the Gremory mansion. 

"Welcome to the Gremory Manor. You are a guest here now as any aggression toward you is aggression against Grigori. I hate to ask this, but would you mind spending some time here? We can set up a small celebration or party so you can meet both the other Satans and the Lords of the Pillars."

Kurayami accepted the offer. He did not like politics, but he was the one who agreed to be Governor General. 

"That is fine. My word is almost law in Grigori. Only a fol like Kokabiel would still disobey my word after all."

Serafall wondered about that. 

"How is that warmonger?"

"He is alive if you are asking. Recently he has been losing more and more sway in Grigori the stronger I get. He is a problem." 

Serafall had to agree. 

"That is true. I got some time to spend before I got to get to work. Want to spend more time talking." 

Sirzechs smiled. 

"I will have the servants set up a room for the three of you if that is what you want.

Kurayami accepted the offer. 

"Great. I will stay until this party. How long will set up take?" 

"Not long. While they get your room ready, we can go to my office. We spoke at length earlier, but we have more things to discuss." 

Kurayami nodded. 

"Lets. Serafall, you coming?" 

"Sure. I want to see what else will be discussed. Hope it's not about Rias." 

Sirzechs smield bitterly. 

"It won't." 

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