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1% lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Great War
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor original

lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Author: genie007

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Great War

Inside China, during the war.


"Prince Hughes, I didn't expect that we could actually meet here", only to see several silhouettes hovering thousands of meters high in the sky, one of them, an old man who exuded surging holy power, smiled and said to a handsome to evil young man surrounded in front of himself.


Only to see the surrounded young man, an elegant temperament, as if it was the most honored nobleman in the Middle Ages, a pair of huge silver batwings, slowly incited, that hooked the moon in the middle of the moon, a hint of moonlight irradiation in the above, making it full of a burst of silver fantastic light, a set of silver edges of the gorgeous blood-red robes, elegantly set on this young man, only to see this young man, the brow gently frowned and Looking around the circle of people who surrounded himself, a beautiful voice rang out, "Yes, what a surprise, the Magisterium of the Holy See, there are two Cardinals, two Holy Knights, this lineup, really let me be flattered it ...".


Hearing that youth's words, the old man who spoke did not have a trace of a relaxed expression, but only looked at this youth with slight respect and fear, "It can't be helped, facing Prince Hughes, who is the most promising of the Blood Clan to advance into the Emperor level, our lineups of these are a must, or else we can't guarantee that we will be able to keep you . ."


"Oh? Leave me behind?" , hearing that old man's words, only to see that handsome face gently laugh, yet not losing its elegance, "Is our Honorable Magistrate saying that you are able to keep me? Hehe ...", at the end of his words, that laughter carried a hint of condescension and disdain.


Looking at the young man's disdainful laughter, the crowd present did not have any expression of anger, because they all know each other's identity, the most powerful Prince Hughes in the blood race, rumored to be the most hopeful to enter the emperor level of the Prince, the emperor level, what is that concept? That is the existence of God, although the immediate this is not yet, but, from that distance is not far away ...


Only to see the Magistrate smile slightly bitterly, "With the five of us, although we have the power to fight with you, Prince Hughes, but if you, Prince Hughes, want to leave, it is estimated that we won't be able to keep you, so, for the sake of this operation, His Holiness the Pope has bestowed us with a Holy Weapon!" .


Said this, only to see Hughes waved his big hand, do not know from what place suddenly appeared an ancient box, appeared in his hands, only to see the magistrate respectfully and slowly opened the box, a surge of holy power, emanated from the inside, only to see that with the opening of the box, a strong light, burst out ...


"Snort snort snort ...", only to hear a burst of toothsome sound ringing, the original do not know when, along with that milky white surging holy power gushing out, that Prince Hughes around, appeared a blood red light shield, will he firmly wrapped in it,. And that blood-red light shield, and that milky white holy light once contacted, it was like being splashed with sulfuric acid, slowly melting away.


"Holy Beetle!!!" Looking at the box, Hughes' originally calm and elegant look instantly disappeared, only to look at the box façade in shock, while retreating dozens of meters in the air in a lightning-like manner, and said in a screaming manner, "Your Pope actually bestowed the Holy Beetle upon you all? You guys really look up to me!!!" , only to see the shocked look on Hughes' face for a long time before he slowly calmed down and said with a frown. At the same time, slowly recovered his elegant temperament, just that face of shock, seems to be just a flash in the pan ...


"Wrong", only the magistrate, shook his head slightly, "Our target is not you, you should know ... that".


"Could it be?" , only to see Rest's eyes glaring at the Magistrate in surprise, then, his eyes turned cold, "It seems that your goal, is the Blood of Cain in me?" .


"That's right", the magistrate nodded, "As long as you hand over the Blood of Cain, we can let you go, after all, if we have a big battle, it would be bad if we lured out those powerful cultivators in the East ... ".


With a cold gaze, sweeping over the bodies of the Magistrate, the Cardinal, and the Holy Knights, Hughes' suddenly snorted coldly, then laughed: "Humph, it was with great difficulty that I managed to find the Cain's Blood, so how could I possibly hand it over? Haha, as long as we have the Blood of Cain, then it means that in the near future, our Blood Race will be able to give birth to an emperor level powerhouse, how do you think I can possibly hand it over to you?" .


Being gazed at by Hughes' icy gaze, the magistrate several people felt a moment of heart trembling, it is worthy of being close to the emperor level of the first blood, then tightened the holy beetle in his hand, the magistrate only slightly felt a little bit of peace of mind, "In that case, it seems that we can only use force ... ".


"Hmph, are you finally going to make a move? Come on then!" , only to see Hughes's handsome face, slightly staid, then, the pair of azure-colored eyeballs in his eyes, suddenly turned into a light silver color, flashing a little silver light, and the silver batwings on his back, also blazed with light ...


"Do it, absolutely can't let him bar the Cain's Blood and send it back, otherwise, in the near future, the Blood Race will have an emperor level powerhouse ...", seeing the change in Hughes' body, the senior personnel of the Holy See who had dealt with the Blood Race for so long, how could they not know that what this means? Only to see that magistrate pulling out a battle axe from somewhere and holding it up high, he said.


"Kill!!!" , only to see a flower in the hands of the two cardinals, a bible suddenly levitated in their hands, their mouths chanting, "Almighty God, show your holy light, break all the evil, holy light shine!" . Only with their words, two intense columns of clean white light descended from the sky and enveloped towards Hughes.


"Holy Cross Swords!" , and the other two Sacred Knights, were also pushing their holy power with deadly force, only to see the same two huge clean white cross sword awns, ruthlessly chopping towards Hughes.


"A quick battle, if we provoke a powerful Eastern cultivator, we will be in trouble", only to see the magistrate roar after the same shot, only to see the battle axe in his hand, the same burst out a strong holy light, then a huge axe awn, towards Hughes ruthlessly chopped down... ...


Looking up at the two pillars of holy light that were blasting towards him, two cross sword awnings and a vicious axe awnings, Hughes' brows gently furrowed, then his figure flashed and instantly disappeared in place, dodging past the two pillars of holy light;vampires were originally known for their speed, let alone a Prince-level vampire?


The nails on his hand, suddenly skyrocketed, only to see Hughes' hand, fiercely clenched: "Break!" , only to see that the two holy light cross sword and the magistrate's axe mane, actually in the air as if squeezed by something, instantly burst ...


Then, without waiting for a few people to make another move, only to see Hughes's forehead, suddenly lit up, and then, strong spiritual power like a rushing great tsunami, swooped towards a few people.


"Ah!!!" Only to see the two Holy Knights and Cardinals, as if they were hit by a high-speed train, screamed a roar and flew backwards, "actually a spirit break!" Seeing a few people flying backwards, the magistrate's face changed wildly, did not expect Hughes to strike, is his masterstroke, only to see the magistrate quickly moved forward, appeared beside them, hand held up, at that moment, a jade carved like a clean white Holy Beetle, flew out from inside the box, suspended in front of the people of the Holy See.


"In the name of my Lord, summon the holiest light of the divine realm, and drive away all the darkness in the world ...", only to see that when the Holy Beetle flew out from that box, only to see that no matter whether it was the Magistrate, or the Cardinal, or the Holy Knights, all of them were all solemn, and put down their weapons. Put down the hands of weapons, pious hands together in front of the holy beetle, prayed loudly, "Holy purification!!!" . Finally, only to see all of them suddenly open their eyes and roar loudly!


"Actually combined their efforts to issue a Divine Purification?" Hearing the incantation of those clerical people, Hughes immediately felt a burst of strong uneasiness, then, only to see Hughes behind the silver bat wings vibration, instantly turned into a silver lightning, towards the far side of the flash, but, just at this time, only to see a thick milky white column of light, from the sky ruthlessly shot down, will be the whole of the sky illuminated bright as day, and the same towards the direction of the escape of Hughes to catch up with! ...


"Shit!!!" Finally, even if it is all the time to maintain the nobleman's demeanor of Prince Hughes, looking at that lightning-like on catching up with the column of light, but also can not help but curse out foul language, then, only to see his hand in his neck a pull, at once a pitch-black sculpture appeared, only to see the entire sculpture, I do not know to what kind of metal made, exudes an inexplicable attraction, the whole statue, for a fallen angel's Image ...


"Soul Detonation!!!" , only to see Hughes's eyes glared, roared loudly, at once, a powerful force from his body burst out, ruthlessly toward that milky white light column slammed over, "Peng!" The loud bang appeared between heaven and earth, a bright light flashed, and then once again returned to the darkness of the night's characteristic silence ...


"Is it resolved?" , only a few moments later, a few flashes of light flashed by, and those few people from the Holy See instantly appeared, and a cardinal said uncertainly.


"Definitely solved ...", only to see the magistrate, the tone of certainty said, "positively carry our joint show of divine purification, not to mention his a Prince, even if it is a real emperor level, now may be the corpse of no bones, quickly go, so big noise must have caused the attention of the East cultivators. Quickly go, such a big movement, must have caused the attention of the practitioners in the East", said the magistrate, and the rest of the crowd lightning towards the far side of the disappearance of ...


And at that moment, no one saw that the silver bat that had been covered in tatters fell diagonally and smashed into a city below ...

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