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Chapter 79: Chapter 80: Library Update – 3,000 Books!

Chapter 80: Library Update – 3,000 Books!

While the younger generation embraced the concept of "involution," older individuals like Lu Jianhua chose a different path. They preferred to remain in their dormitory, focusing on their research and teaching. Whenever necessary, they would collaborate with fellow teachers in their respective fields to discuss teaching materials.

Lu Jianhua, at this moment, held a textbook with a look of wonder and amazement in his eyes. The textbook introduced a novel bridge construction method that ignited his curiosity. He felt that it was a valuable addition to his knowledge. He envisioned using these construction methods in future projects, realizing that they could significantly contribute to his career.

In just a few days, he had already mastered several construction techniques like the one described in the textbook. He considered the possibility that, if he continued his tenure at Shanhe University for several years, a deep understanding of these textbooks would propel his achievements in the field of architecture to new heights. He even aspired to attain the top position in the country.

In the office building, Principal Qin Mu was preoccupied with various administrative tasks related to the school. As the university was newly established, he personally reviewed all matters, no matter how minor.

Once the affairs were addressed, Qin Mu took a moment to stretch and considered his next task. He summoned Liu Datou and instructed him to arrange for several workers to relocate the 1,220 volumes of books to the library.

Half an hour later, three thousand books were delivered to the library, but the workers faced an unexpected problem. Liu Datou reported to Qin Mu, "Principal, those professors have occupied all the passages in the corridor. We can't get through."

Surprised by this, Qin Mu was briefly taken aback before a small twitch appeared at the corner of his mouth. He responded, "Then ask them to make way."

Despite Liu Datou's attempts, the professors initially resisted, but their attitude changed immediately upon realizing it was the principal's request.

With no other option, Qin Mu went personally to the library and was greeted by the sight of professors scattered around the corridor. They were all engrossed in their textbooks.

The professors discussed complex topics, ranging from dual study methods to improving nuclear energy utilization, discovering new high-temperature and friction-resistant materials, and making significant advancements in mathematical conjectures. Their passionate engagement with the subjects was evident.

However, due to the limited space in the study rooms, many professors were forced to occupy the corridor, sitting on the ground.

"Ahem, we've just received a new batch of books for the library. Please make way," Qin Mu interrupted with a dry cough, which led the professors to reluctantly stand up and create space along the wall.

Liu Datou, with a wry expression, was still reeling from the earlier encounter.

Qin Mu ordered, "Proceed to move the books."

Liu Datou quickly directed the workers to place the 3,000 books inside the library. As the professors saw the books, their eyes widened in disbelief. They had been eagerly waiting for books in the library.

Yet, as they examined the books carried by Liu Datou and others, they noticed that all of them looked brand new, with paper and materials in pristine condition, as if they had just come off the printing press.

This discovery left them a bit disheartened, understanding that building an extensive collection of books would take time and history. They shared stories of renowned universities like Yenching and Qingbei, with their century-old heritage and extensive collections of ancient and rare texts.

Disappointed, they returned to their textbooks, setting aside the new books for the moment. Meanwhile, the task of building a library collection didn't seem to be a top priority.

In the meantime, in the teaching building, Qin Mu proceeded to check on the usage of the three major classrooms. His first stop was the "Holographic Virtual Reality Sharing Classroom," where he observed that teachers from the Department of Archeology, led by Hu Zhengchu, were wearing VR glasses and fully immersed in virtual reality. The complexity of their expressions revealed their excitement and astonishment.

Musing on the value of this technology for liberal arts subjects, Qin Mu nodded in approval. Disciplines like calligraphy, painting, sculpture, history, and archeology could significantly benefit from such an immersive learning experience, which enhanced students' understanding of the subjects.

He moved on to the "Full Digital Smart Classroom," an advanced classroom equipped with a specialized intelligent teaching system. This classroom allowed for targeted teaching, improving students' overall performance and addressing their individual needs.

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