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Chapter 10: Morgan and Duane

I was back in the suburb where Rick told me that Morgan and Duane had been staying. I was just cruising in my humvee looking for any sign of them, when I saw their weird jeep thing parked on side of the road. I really gotta ask Morgan what the hell that thing is because it is hideous. Parking beside it I hop out make my way toward the house it was in front of, what confused me though is that this didn't look like the house Rick described.

Maybe they were scavenging? I creep my way around the outside of the house when I hear a scream so I bolt forward to get around the corner. What greets me is zombified Jenny, clawing at Duane while Morgan fumbles for his pistol. I instead take out mine and send a bullet into Jenny's brain, splattering blood over Duane's face.

Morgan still seemed to be in some form of shock as he began to rapidly fire his pistol to where Jenny was now dead laying atop Duane. Morgan's eyes seemed blank as he just continued to yell in sorrow, it looked like he thought that Duane was killed by Jenny and he couldn't handle it. I shot the pistol out of Morgan's hand and it seemed to bring him out of his shock.

However, sadly, it looks like he had indeed shaken off the rust that he had talked about at the police station. Multiple bullet holes covered Jenny's body and head as he got off 4 shots before I thought to stop him. I cry alerted us that Duane is in fact still alive and Morgan immediately rushed forward and threw the body of his deceased wife off of Duane.

Only to find he also had 4 bullet holes on his body. 2 to the chest, one in the arm, and one… through the throat.

"Da-ack!" Blood gurgled at the hole and was rapidly filling his lungs as evidenced by the gurgling breathing. Choking and drowning in his own blood was not a good way to go so I did the sensible thing and fired a round into his head to end his suffering. I suppose this wasn't the best course of action as Morgan then looked up at me with those same eyes that lacked any sort of recognition as to who I was and he charged me. Drawing a knife he had strapped to his pants.

"Morgan calm down, he was suffering!" I called out as I jumped back away from the knife slash. His eyes continued to almost look through me as an expression of pure rage and desperation was on his face.

"Duane! No, get away from Duane. My boy! You killed my boy!" He slashes again and again until I finally decided to end this charade. I grabbed his arm at the wrist on his next swing and brought it down on my knee. Not hard enough to break it, but enough for him to involuntarily drop the knife. He swung with his free hand, but I just ducked under and stuck my arm between his legs where I then lifted him and over my shoulder. Slamming him back to the ground and knocking the air from his lungs.

Tears pooled in his eyes and he hacked and coughed trying to get any air he could after having it forcefully dispelled. Damn it, what is Rick gonna think when I show up with a crazy Morgan who accidentally shot his own son. I couch down beside and he turns his head toward me and one hand gripped my pant leg and he looked at me pleadingly.

"Kill me, please. I can't live without my son. Please kill me, just make the pain go away." He wracks with sobs as he shakes his body side to side as if a child throwing a tantrum and I just stared down at him thinking. I can't say I felt envious of his desperation and love he felt for his son because that same love caused him to snap and accidentally kill his son.

There's no room for irrationality anymore and if Morgan snapped again, there's no telling who he would attack. His sobs continued as he looked at the cooling body of his son and the decayed body of his wife, hand still gripped firmly on my pant leg. I sighed and stood up.


One shot to the brain and the sobs ceased. If they had just came with us from the beginning this wouldn't have happened. Now, what to do what to do? Tell Rick the truth about how Morgan went crazy? Nah Rick is rather dense sometimes, and due to his love towards his own son he could never imagine snapping and accidentally killing him. I mean I imagine for most good fathers the thought of killing their own child seems impossible to them. No, it would be easier to just tell him that they had both been bit and I had to put them down.

Looking over Duane's body I see that Jenny had indeed gotten a bite into him, so I don't have to worry about him. Morgan on the other hand… sigh. I drag Jenny's body and place Morgan's arm in a way that it would look like he was defending when she but his forearm. A little chomp on the forearm with enough force to break the skin I toss Jenny off and leave them all laying there. I could dig graves for them, but that would be a lot of work, plus they should decompose faster in direct sunlight.

I doubt Rick will come out here to look at them as this is the opposite direction of the CDC, but you can never be too sure with Double D. I grab Morgan's gun and finish looting the house he was in and then looted their weird jeep. I never did get to ask him what the hell this thing is. Damn it Morgan. They only had a few canned things of food and the ammo that Rick had given them before separating.

Back at the safe house I looted the rest of their food and various other things they had stashed around the house. Now for the real reason I wanted to come back here, my house.




It took about 30 minutes to reach my little house and I was glad to see that it hadn't been looted yet, not that anyone would find anything unless they managed to find the basement. Though unless they knew to look for it they would never find it. I went to my weapon section and began refilling my mags with ammo and grabbed a couple more bags of bullets. I also grabbed my battery powered tools and headed back up to the humvee.

I began making hidden compartments with the main one being an extra space just under the trunk bed. It didn't need to be big, I just needed it to hold several bags of bullets for various guns. I put one of the military rifles I found back at the hospital in there, along with silencers for it and another pistol I grabbed. After seeing Darryl's crossbow it made me want to grab my own compound bow, but I didn't hide that. Also grabbed a quiver that held 30 steel tipped arrows. I'll probably eventually need to make my own arrows, but that's for the future.

Extra set of clothes, and a personal month supply of canned food and water went into this hidden trunk compartment. I stuffed it with sheets and pillows to make sure they don't rattle around and alert people to its presence. With all that done it was time to leave after refilling the generator with the gas I had gotten from the hospital. It should be able to last around 4-5 months on its current tank, but I should really come back in 3 to do maintenance and then refill it again.

The last thing I grabbed before leaving were some more comic books, and actual educational books on auto repair and other boring stuff like that. But books like those will come in real handy as we continue to lose more and more people. I kind of lied that wasn't the last thing I grabbed, I also grabbed a couple bottles of liquor but I don't have to tell anybody about any of that.

Now it was time to ride to back and as I was passing through the little town I saw a clothing store with a dress in the window and remembered that yesterday was Amy's birthday. Parking right outside I head in and I'm met with a completely empty store. No walker stench or even the sounds of them were anywhere to be smelled or heard. I came across a flowy light blue sundress and I grabbed it off.

It seemed to be the right size for her and I grabbed a gift bag that the store used to package items in. Just as I was about to walk out the store I spotted a few racks of clothing that made a smirk form on my face. A lingerie section. Now obviously I would not be giving her these items anytime soon as I imagine that would probably be a little weird. As well as they're highly impractical for the current state of the world.

But damn if a man doesn't still have his fantasies and her wearing a pair black lingerie is up there for me. Grabbing it and wrapping it in a separate bag that I hid in my trunk I resume my trip back to the quarry. It had been about 4 hours since I left, being a 2 hour drive from there to here and then spending and other 2 hours looting and getting ready to head back. I should get back a little bit before the sun starts to go down.




(AN: Little shorter than normal, as I just couldn't get in a rhythm for some reason. Some people are going to be like "oh no why did you kill if Morgan and Duane?!" Honestly? Idk, it was just a though that popped in my head and it felt like something MC would do. In his own stunted way, he saw killing Morgan as helping him. Which in a way I do as well. Also the Morgan shooting Duane thing is how I always assumed it happened.

When Rick meets Morgan he's gone crazy and says that when he saw Jenny going towards Duane all he saw was red. So I took that as he just began firing wildly to try and stop her and accidentally hit Duane as well leading to his craziness. So, sorry for all the Morgan fans, but he his dead. Oh well onto the CDC :)

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