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Chapter 20: Loki the Player

"Hello, why do you look upset?" asked Loki standing in front of Anna.

Looking up, Anna was stunned, "Um, ah, um, what, what, uh, wow," said Anna without thinking about it.

Standing up, Anna took a second good look at Loki, he looks so...

Bowing, Loki held out his hand, "Your highness, would you be willing to accompany someone like me for a dance?" asked Loki looking into Anna's eyes.

Feeling her stomach turn and flutter, Anna nodded as she couldn't speak right now. Taking her hands, Loki took her to the middle of the dance floor where they began to dance a little. Elena, Stefan, and Damon arrive, looking around Elena spots Loki dancing with a girl.

Noticing Elena, Loki stops dancing and leads Anna to meet with one of his friends, "Come on, come meet Elena," stated Loki dragging Anna. Reaching Elena, Loki introduced, "Well, Anna, this is Elena, and Elena, this is Anna."

"Hello Anna, I am Elena Gilberts," stated Elena smiling.

Damon narrowed his eyes a little, "I am Damon, and this is my brother Stefan," introduced Damon pointing to Stefan who waved.

Waving back, Anna felt a little weird, "Um, Loki, can you stop holding my hand, I need to use the bathroom," said Anna, understanding, Loki let go of Anna's hands and she runs off to the bathroom.

"So, is she your girlfriend?" asked Elena with a small hint of jealousy.

"Probably just a sex toy, am I right?" stated Damon which earned him an elbow from Elena.

Loki smiles, "Nah, actually, I'm a virgin, I never partook in the actions of sexual intercourse throughout my life," confirmed Loki shocking Anna, Damon, Stefan, and most importantly Elena.

"Why are you lying? Seriously? You are a f*cking Immortal Witch and never partook in sex?" asked Damon in disbelief.

"Yeah, I just don't see the point," Loki stated nonchalantly. Anna comes back from the bathroom and says she would like to dance alone, shrugging, Loki asks, "Well then, Elena, would you like to dance?"

Accepting his hand, Elena waves at Stefan and Damon, "So your gonna let Loki take your girl now? Unbelievable, anyways, I am gonna look for Noah, so just stand here and watch Loki dance with Elena," scoffed Damon walking off.

Spotting Noah, Anna walks up to him, "Look, you need to chill with Elena, she is not Katherine, and I also found where to find Emily's spellbook, it is in Johnathan's journal," stated Anna whispering to Noah.

Ignoring her, Noah continues his stalking of Elena Gilberts, noticing Noah from the corner of her eyes, Elena says, "Loki, I have to go and talk to Stefan real quick, alright?"

"Alright, just don't be too long," stated Loki watching Elena walk over to Stefan.

"What's up?" asked Stefan.

Elena points to a hooded person, "I think I see Noah," confirmed Elena. Stefan nods and follows the hooded teenager, catching up with the hooded figure, taking off the hood, it was not Noah but a random teenager.

Realizing this was a trap, he runs back to the party, Elena who's not that comfortable right now grabs a cup and drinks some of the party juice. Picking up the phone, Elena answers, "Hello? Who is this?"

"Do as I say or your brother Jeremy dies, do you understand, if you do, nod," stated Noah.

Nodding, Elena does as Noah says and walks into the hallway of the school, Elena being the smartass she is decides to run into the Cafeteria, Noah appears behind her and was about to feed on her.

Stefan and Damon rush into the room to see Noah up against the wall, and Loki creating some wooden poles. Elena at the moment is on the ground watching, waving his hands, the poles stab Noah's arms in place.

Both of his arms were stabbed into the wall, then Loki created a metal rod and with a wave of his hand, the metal rod stabbed into Noah's stomach. Snapping his fingers, the metal rod begins sparking in electricity, snapping his fingers once again, the whole room turned grey.

"Loki, Stop, I am fine," stated Elena standing up.

Looking back, Loki sighed and released Noah from his bindings but the metal pole remained. Damon and Stefan began to interrogate him, Loki was just sitting on the ground with Elena. "Are you okay Loki?" asked Elena.

Breathing heavily, Loki nodded, "Yeah, I just need a couple of days off," stated Loki getting up. Anna was watching the whole time and she was horrified but a bit turned on just a bit. Snapping his fingers, the room became normal color once again.

Noah told them how to release the tomb with Emily's grimoire found in Johnathan's journal and told both of them he was interested in Elena because she looks like Katherine, then Damon having enough of Noah not telling who he was working with ended his existence.

Walking to the dance floor, Loki teleported out of the school. Anna met up with Ben and attacks him but it was just an act and they kiss. Anna seemed out of it kissing Ben which he didn't pick up on.

"Why did I want to kill him so badly? I never felt that way towards anyone else, it wasn't just because of Elena but it was just because I wanted to do it, why though?" asked Loki to himself. Sighing, Loki goes to sleep in his room wondering what went wrong.

In a very dark room, a being sat on a throne, "Damn, that f*cking Elena, I almost made him kill Noah, then I would gain more powers, hahaha!!!"

Ken who is a god kneels in front of this being, "Mighty Lord, what do you seek from me and the other gods now? We have done everything you asked for," stated Ken.

The being opens its eyes to show black eyes, "Doesn't matter, just do what you wanna do for now, but when the time is ready, I expect you to be ready or else," stated the being.

Ken gulped, "Yes Lord, I will bring that message to the other gods," Ken went to the other gods and gave them the message.

Back to Elena, she was in her room after the party, contemplating what she felt watching Anna and Loki dance. She couldn't possibly like Loki? Could she? Loki is handsome and a caring person while still being a badass, he even defended me, ugh I don't know thought Elena.

Deciding to deal with her feelings later, she falls asleep.

Anna was trying to sleep but couldn't get Loki out of her mind, "Babe, why aren't you going to sleep?" asked Ben.

"Nothing, I am just thinking about how to get out of my mother and what the best way is," lied Anna.

Ben nodded and they both drifted to sleep...

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