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Chapter 35: Fate

Upon seeing this, Angelica found Mr . Moretti extremely mysterious .

"The black tea you provide is great," Klein said softly after he opened his eyes with a smile .

His actions were intentionally done for Angelica to see!

If he wanted people to select him for his divination services, Angelica's recommendation was a very crucial factor!

Since he wanted to act as a Seer, Klein no longer had any reservations . He completely personified the identity .

"Yes, Mr . Vannas is very picky about the quality of tea," Angelica said, stunned .

Klein put away his spirit pendulum by winding it properly . Then, he raised the white porcelain cup with floral design . With a smile, he gestured politely at her with his cup . Digestion of seer potion increased. Some mysteries are allowed.

Angelica returned to the reception hall, but she no longer had the mood to read magazines . She sat there, gazing into the distance . It was a wonder what she was thinking about .

This continued until there were knocks on the door . She jolted awake and hurriedly looked at the entrance, only to see a lady dressed in a light-blue dress .

The lady took off her veiled hat with a powder blue ribbon . She looked calm and melancholic .

"Good afternoon, esteemed lady . Would you like to join the Divination Club, or are you looking for a divination?" Angelica asked like clockwork .

"I want a divination . " The lady had a beautiful pair of eyes hidden with sorrow, and she bit her lower lip as she spoke .

Angelica guided her to the sofa and explained to her how the Divination Club worked in detail .

She picked up an album and handed it over .

"You can pick anyone . "

In her low spirits, the lady flipped through the album seriously . As there were too many club members there that day, there were too many choices . It left her quite upset .

"Can you recommend one? From these few pages . " She pointed at the middle section of the album, omitting the fortune-tellers priced above two soli and those below four pence .

Angelica took the album and looked at it for a few minutes . She deliberated her words before saying, "I suggest this gentleman . "

The lady who looked uneasy took a glance and realized that it was a fortune-teller named "Klein Moretti . "

"Mr . Moretti just joined the club . . . Is his divination reliable?" she asked worriedly .

Angelica nodded with great affirmation .

"Another member of the club and I are certain that Mr . Moretti is an outstanding fortune-teller . If it wasn't for his just joining the club, he wouldn't take such low fees . "

"I understand . " The depressed girl nodded . "I'll pick Mr . Moretti for a divination then . "

"Alright, please hold on for a second . " Angelica took the album and walked towards the meeting room .

She came next to Klein and said with a suppressed voice, "Mr . Moretti, someone wants you to divine for them . Which room would you like to use?"

That was effective . My first "business" is here . Klein put down his teacup and nodded calmly as he said, "Topaz room . "

"Alright . " Angelica walked slowly ahead of him and led him to Topaz room before opening its wooden door .

Klein sat behind the table that had various divination tools on it . He waited less than a minute before he saw a woman in a light-blue dress walk in . She looked down and melancholic .

Seizing the opportunity when she was closing the door, he tapped his glabella twice .

The yellow color in her stomach seems a little dull . . . The dark color of her emotions is very heavy, mainly worry and anxiety . Klein looked her over carefully and leaned backwards . He then lifted his hand to cut off his Spiritual Vision .

"Good day, Mr . Moretti . " The woman i

in the light-blue dress sat down .

"Good afternoon, how may I address you?" Klein asked politely, not carrying much hope of getting an answer .

"You can call me Anna . " The girl put her veiled cap aside . She looked at Klein with mixed anticipation and doubt, and said, "I would like to divine about my fiancé's situation . He traveled to the Southern Continent in March for a business deal . He sent me and his family a telegram last month on the third, saying that he was going to set sail and return . But he did not return after twenty days . At first, I believed that his delay was due to the Berserk Ocean's weather, but as of today, it has been more than a month . The ship he took, the Alfalfa, still hasn't arrived at Enmat Harbor . "

The ocean that separated the Northern and Southern continent was called the Berserk Ocean . It was well known for natural calamities and its countless dangerous currents . If it was not for Emperor Roselle, who sent men to discover a few safer sailing routes, countries in the Northern Continent would still have yet to enter the age of colonization, let alone lay an underwater cable to complete a transoceanic telegraph .

Klein looked at his very first client of his career as a Seer and asked carefully, "Which divination method do you wish to use?"

Anna, with her beautiful eyes, hesitated for more than ten seconds .

"You can choose any type that you believe will be accurate . You are the fortune-teller, while I'm not . Of course, apart from cards, including tarot, I have also attempted studying them at home . I always felt they were more like toys or a game . "

He pointed to a fountain pen and stack of white paper on the table and said, "Write down the name of your fiancé as well as his facial features, address, and date of birth . It would be even better if you can remember the specific time he was born . "

From her clothes, makeup, and demeanor, Klein did not believe that she was illiterate .

Anna did not reply . She extended her hand and took a piece of paper . She lifted the pen and dipped it in some ink . She started writing, pausing occasionally to think .

Two minutes later, she pushed the paper toward Klein .

Klein received it and turned it around . The information on the paper read: "Joyce Meyer, 15th September 1323, 2:00PM . Tingen City, East Borough, 8 Stevens Street . Short blond hair, aquiline nose . .

He looked at Anna with his dark brown eyes and said gently, "I will begin creating the astrolabe now . I will need some time and absolute silence; do you mind waiting outside? Angelica will provide you with a cup of tea or coffee . "

"Alright . " Anna knew that some fortune-tellers had their eccentricities, so she stood up unsurprised . She took her hat with the light blue ribbon and left the Topaz room .

Klein locked the door and returned to the table. He hoped to build a reputation to aid in acquiring future jobs . He picked up the pen and wrote a sentence in Hermes: Joyce Meyer's current situation .

He read the sentence silently and memorized the information on the piece of paper, repeating it again and again .

After seven times, Klein grabbed the piece of paper and leaned back into his chair .

He imagined the sphere of light, and his eyes became darker, allowing him to quickly enter a state of Cogitation .

The surroundings took on an ethereal quality . A formless, boundless fog stretched above him .

Klein recalled the contents of the piece of paper, then relaxed . He fell into a deep sleep in this state .

He was using a dream divination technique!

The surroundings began to turn hazy as Klein turned half asleep .

In the contorted fantasy, he saw a blond young man with an aquiline nose . He was swimming frantically in a sea of blood, nearly engulfed by the waves . But in the end, he managed to escape to shore .

The image shattered and changed . Klein saw a blue house with a toy windmill at the door . That blond young man was entering the house slowly, seemingly in joy .

He opened his eyes and woke up from his dream .

Crystal balls, tarot cards, and the prepared astrolabe entered his vision . Reality quickly replaced fantasy .

The initial dream was the result of the divination.

He opened the door and headed to the reception area . He saw Anna looking out the window, completely ignoring her cup of black tea .

"Ah, Mr . Moretti, is there a result?" She saw Klein in her peripheral vision and stood up in a hurry .

Klein did not answer her immediately . Instead, he asked according to the revelation he received from the dream, "Does your house, or Mr . Meyer's house, have a toy windmill?"

Anna's eyes widened, shocked into silence .

After a while, she muttered, "That was a present he gave me . It is by the door at my house . How did you know that . . . "

C-can this be divined?

Klein smiled and spoke with a gentle tone, "Congratulations Miss Anna, Mr . Joyce Meyer is currently a guest at your place . If you rush back, you should still be able to meet him . He just experienced a calamity, an unimaginably painful journey . What he needs now are not questions, but consolation and a warm hug . "

"Really?" Anna asked in disbelief .

The fortune-tellers she knew would never speak with such certainty or give such firm conclusions .

"You will know if you go back immediately," Klein replied with a gentle tone and smile .

"Oh, Lord of Steam, is that true? Has my poor Joyce returned? Are you certain? No, I cannot believe it . . . " Anna froze for a moment and said a few delirious words .

She took out a one-soli note from her purse and did not wait for Klein to give her the change . She broke into a small jog as she left the Divination Club, taking a carriage back home .

"Does this include my tip?" Klein looked at the note and shook his head with a laugh .

A two-wheeled carriage steered quickly across the streets and entered East Borough .

Anna watched the streets sweeping past her, feeling a mixture of unease, anticipation, and fear . It did not take long before the toy windmill entered her field of vision .

She got off the carriage, showing no care for her bearing . She staggered quickly towards the door and rang the doorbell .

The door creaked open, revealing a blond young man dressed in a black formal suit . He was haggard, but his eyes carried a glint of joy . He had an aquiline nose .

"I thought that I would miss you today," Joyce said with a smile .

" . . . Oh, Exalted Steam, you really are back!" Anna rubbed her eyes, exclaiming in pleasant surprise .

What the fortune-teller said was true!

No, that was a real seer!

It was simply fascinating!

Thoughts welled in her mind as Anna pounced forward with tears in her eyes and gave her fiancé a warm hug .

The two of them hugged silently outside the grayish-blue house . The toy windmill turned slowly, seemingly tossing all their difficulties far away .

Anna, with her beautiful eyes, hesitated for more than ten seconds

In a rather spacious living room, Anna and Joyce were seated on different sofas, separated by Anna's parents .

Joyce sighed with a satisfied expression and said, "Exalted Steam, I am so lucky to come back alive, to be able to see Anna again . "

"My poor Joyce, what happened?" Anna couldn't help but ask with concern .

Joyce took a glance at his fiancée, and his expression turned grave .

"I still feel terrified to this day . I keep waking up from my dreams again and again . Five days after the Alfalfa left Caesar Pier, we came across pirates, scary pirates . The only fortunate thing was that their leader's name was Nast . "

"The pirate that calls himself the King of the Five Seas?" Anna's father, Mr . Wayne, asked in shock .

Although Joyce had already been there for half an hour, he did not volunteer details about his ordeal . He appeared to be fearful, perturbed, and uneasy . It was only after Anna returned and hugged him that he finally appeared to put it behind him .

"Yes, due to his declaration of being a descendant of the Solomon Empire, the King of the Five Seas, Nast didn't believe in killing captives . Hence, we were only robbed and didn't lose our lives . His subordinates even left us sufficient food," Joyce said as he recalled the ordeal .

His body started to quiver, but he continued to describe his deepest and scariest nightmare .

"I didn't lose much of my wealth . I believed that my misfortune was over, but as we continued towards our destination, a heated conflict erupted among the Alfalfa's passengers and crew . From disagreement, to fighting, to drawing revolvers, and raising swords to kill each other . . . I saw nothing but blood during that period . One after another, people beside me fell with eyes opened, never to be closed . Their limbs, hearts, and intestines were scattered across the floors . "

"Those of us who were unwilling to turn into savage beasts, the rational group, had nowhere to hide and nowhere to escape . We were surrounded by deep blue waves and the boundless ocean . . . Some wailed, some begged for mercy, some sold their bodies, but their heads were hung from the mast either way .

"Anna, I reeled in despair back then . I thought I would never see you again . Fortunately, in such a nightmare, there was still a hero . The captain took us to hide in the sturdy keel of the ship, and we relied on the stored water and food there until the maniacs reached their limits . Mr . Tris encouraged us, courageously leading us in an assault against those murderers . . 

"After an unforgettable bloody battle, we survived . But the Alfalfa strayed off course, and only a third of the original sailors remained . "

When he depicted the most horrible and darkest side of the human psyche, Joyce couldn't help but recall the "hero," the man that called himself Tris . He had a round and amiable face . He was shy like a girl and enjoyed staying in a corner . Only people whom he was familiar with knew that he was a very good conversationalist .

But it was such an unremarkable boy who stood in front of everyone with determination in the worst of days .

"Oh, Exalted Steam, my poor Joyce, you went through such a heartbreaking ordeal . Thank God, praise be to God, He prevented us from eternal separation . " Tears welled up in Anna's eyes as she constantly dotted three points to form a triangle, the Sacred Emblem for Steam and Machinery .

Joyce revealed a faint pale smile .

"This is the reward for our faith . The Alfalfa then went through storms, lost its course, and after surmounting one challenge after another, arrived at Enmat Harbor 

"Due to the bloodbath that had taken place on the boat, those of us that survived were held captive by the police and questioned separately . We didn't have a chance to send telegrams home to update our loved ones . When they released us this morning, I immediately borrowed some money from my friend and took the steam locomotive back . Thank God for letting me set foot on the land of Tingen again, allowing me to see all of you again . "

Then, he looked towards his fiancée in confusion .

"Anna, when you saw me, I could feel your happiness and surprise, but I couldn't understand why you rushed towards the door so excitedly right after you got off the carriage . Heh, I had planned on giving you a huge surprise . "

Anna thought about what had happened earlier, and continued in disbelief, "There's nothing to hide, Joyce . As I was worried about you, I went to the only divination club in Tingen City today for a divination . That fortune-teller—no, the seer told me, he said, 'Your fiancé has returned; he's in the house with a windmill . '"

"What?" the Wayne couple and Joyce exclaimed simultaneously .

Anna covered her face and shook her head .

"I can barely believe it either, but it happened . Exalted Steam, perhaps there really are miracles in this world . "

"Joyce, that seer asked me for your name, characteristics, address, and birth date . He told me if the house with a toy windmill was yours or mine . When I confirmed it was mine, he said, 'Congratulations Miss Anna, Mr . Joyce Meyer is currently a guest at your place . What he needs now are not questions, but consolation and a warm hug . '"

"God . . . " Joyce found it unbelievable and incomprehensible . "Does he know me? Did someone send him a telegram? Could it be that he is familiar with the police in Enmat Harbor? No, that doesn't explain it . How did he know that I came to your place? How could he possibly know that you would seek a divination? Did you make an appointment?"

"No, I made a selection at the last minute," Anna replied with a vacant-looking expression .

"Perhaps a good seer needs to be in control of vast amounts of information, even if it cannot be used any time soon . Perhaps, that is the fascinating aspect of divination . " Anna's father, Mr . Wayne sighed and concluded . "In the known history of more than a thousand years and in the uncertain Fourth Epoch, divination has existed and has yet to disappear . I think there must be a reason for that . "

Joyce shook his head lightly and asked, "What's that seer's name?"

Anna thought and said, "Klein Moretti . "

In the reception lobby of the Divination Club .

As Klein had spoken softly, Angelica knew not to go close . Therefore, she only saw Anna leave as though she had lost her soul, wearing shock and confusion on her face .

Angelica briskly walked to the sofa and asked out of curiosity, "Was the result good?"

She did not dare ask the actual result, afraid of violating the unspoken rule of fortune-tellers .

"Yeah . " Klein nodded and took out three copper coins from his pocket . "One-eighth of one soli is one and a half pennies, right?"

"Yes . " Angelica looked at the copper coins and realized that one of them was a penny and two of them were halfpence . She quickly held it out and said, "There's an additional halfpence . "

Klein smiled faintly and said, "Thank you for taking care of my customer . She gave me a tip, so it's only right I give you one . "

It ' s also to thank you for recommending me . . . he added in his heart .

"Alright . " Angelica felt an unknown fear of Klein, but since the reason was appropriate, she didn't refuse the offer .

Klein returned to the meeting room, believing that there would be more people requesting his divinations .

However, he did not receive a second customer by forty minutes past five .

It wasn't because the Divination Club's business was poor, but because most people had already chosen a fortune-teller .

They likely were recommended by others and had long determined whose services to hire . . . In short, I'm still lacking in reputation . . . Klein laughed at himself for using game terminology .

He finished his third cup of Sibe black tea, grabbed his top hat and silver-edged walking stick, and walked leisurely out of the meeting room .

Angelica suddenly recalled Glacis's instructions, and she quickly moved to intercept him .

"Mr . Moretti, when will you next visit the club? Mr . Glacis would like to thank you in person . "

"I will come over whenever I'm free . If fate permits us, he will definitely meet me," Klein replied, using the tone of a psychic charlatan, as though he was in character .

Then, he left the club before Angelica could respond and took the public carriage home .

When he stepped through the door, Klein found Benson reading the newspaper and Melissa putting together bits and pieces of gears, bearings, and springs in the evening sunlight .

"Good afternoon . Did Mrs . Shaud visit?" Klein asked casually .

Benson didn't put down his newspaper; instead, he lifted his head .

"Mrs . Shaud's visit lasted fifteen minutes . She brought some gifts, and she was very happy with the muffins and lemon cake that we prepared . She also invited us over whenever we have the chance to . She is a friendly, well-mannered lady . She knows how to carry a conversation very well too . "

"The only problem is their belief in the Lord of Storms . They believe that girls shouldn't go to school, but should be homeschooled instead," Melissa complained .

It was obvious that she was very upset about it .

"Don't mind that . As long as she doesn't disturb us, she will still be a good neighbor," Klein comforted his sister, smiling .

The Loen Kingdom was a multi-religious nation, unlike the Frosac Empire in the north which only believed in the God of Combat or the Feynapotter Kingdom in the south which only worshiped Mother Earth . It was inevitable that the congregations from the three major churches of the Lord of Storms, the Evernight Goddess, and the God of Steam and Machinery had conflicts in beliefs and customs . After a thousand years of this, they restrained each other, making coexistence possible .

"Okay . " Melissa pursed her lips and redirected her focus onto the pile of parts again .

After dinner, Klein continued revising history . Only when Melissa and Benson showered and returned to their rooms did he wash up, enter his bedroom, and lock his door .

When he taken of his clothes he heard murmurings. He then took four counterclockwise steps and returned above the gray fog. He saw miss justice star rippling like a lake. When he made a connection with it. His vision gone white.

In Earl hall mension, Audrey who returns from the daily class. She wanted to fulfill Mr. Fool mission. Then she clasped her hand and recited Fool honorific name and said she will be going to do the ritual. Then after that her vision saw gray fog and Mr.fool at the end of table.

She set up a alter and draw Mr fool symbol and she recite the name and said "I wish for sequence 8 potion corresponding to spectator its name and where I can find it."

Above the gray fog, klein listen her wish and he created a scene of name of potion and tell her fate will give you the hints in future."

"Fate will give me hints." She muttered and after that she concluded the ritual.

Above the gray fog, Klein said in soft voice "you have to make some contribution for it." Then return to real world.

Sd_paNdit_2361 Sd_paNdit_2361

There will be break tomorrow and next day. after that I will continue again.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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