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Chapter 1: Ch 1: A watery start

" talking "

' thinking '

< System >

{ Author Note }

'Where am I' while looking around ' Are those floating underwater islands? I don't seem to have legs anymore which for some reason doesn't bother me well, it is what it is. Well, let's explore and I'm hungry as hell.'

'Is that a peeper Well at least I know where I'm at which means I have to deal with kharaa as well as Leviathan but let's focus on eating the peeper. As I start to move as quickly as possible to eat the peeper and bite its tail straight off. 'Well, peeper is surprisingly better than expected; it tastes like roasted salmon.'

< System unlocked >

Peeper DNA 5%

Mutations Gained: Bioluminescence and 360 vision

'Well okay then I have a system which is quite nice actually and will make my life greatly easier, I feel as though I should be more excited by this but I'm not which is slightly concerning, Well since I have a system, let's check my status.'

< Status >

Species: Boneshark

Titles: N/A

Biomass: 250

Health: 220

Bite: 20

DNA Assimilated: 0

DNA Processing: 1

Mutations: Bioluminescence, 360 vision, thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.

'Well, that explains why I don't have legs as well as arms but didn't bone sharks only have 200 health in the game? Did I absorb the peeper's amount of health?'

'but at hey I can see myself now because of the 360 vision from the peeper and damn do I look good I look like a large shark-like creature plated with a thick, hard segmented exoskeleton, with a large ass head and irregular teeth that, instead of protruding from my gums, are an extension of my exoskeleton. Though I lack dorsal fins, I do have two barbed pectoral fins and a set of bony flukes. As well as being gray in color with orange patterns on my head and the peripherals of each of my bone plates.'

{ A/N I stole this description straight from the wiki so if that makes any of you mad you can screw off because the wiki is for everyone but do enjoy the book. }

'Well, now that I'm done with my vanity I'm going to start exploring a bit and look for the crashed part of the Alterra ship if it has crashed yet since I seem to be at the underwater islands evidently with the floating islands.'

'Just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming. Okay, I'm done acting like Dori but I didn't find the crashed part of the Alterra. But I did get a decent lay of the land oh a shoal of peepers Well I was feeling a bit peckish.'I start chasing at full speed to try to get more than one peeper and luckily get three of them before they all get away.

'Well, that was more than I expected to get.' I start to chew on the peeper and swallow it. 'It still tastes like salmon but this time it tasted a little spicy. It might be because of the kharaa virus.'

<DNA Absorption>

Peeper 20%

Mutations Gained: Powerful Fins

'Well, it may be a small mutation, it's better than nothing.' My body slowly starts to burn and grow stronger and more powerful pectoral fins. 'That burned like hell but I can move faster now.' 'Well I have a couple of goals now: survive and get as strong as possible so I don't die and live peacefully.' As I continue you look for more peepers or other fish.

'Well I can't seem to find anything but I did find a nice little cave to live in. It's nice and spacious and can fit probably 10 or 12 of me.' 'Well, it's time for a nap. I've done a lot of things today.' as I swim into the Redwort, Violet Beau, and sand.

[Time skip 4 Hours]

'Well that was a good little nap and I got a nice little snack.' I take a bite from the Redwort and Violet Beau as well as completely open my eyes. 'Why am I surrounded by Bonesharks? This is quite the predicament but I can use this to my advantage.' I slowly swim to one of the smaller bone sharks and nudge it awake.

"I want you to be my subordinate." I say while looking the Boneshark in the eyes. "Sure I will be your subordinate I have nothing better to do." The small Boneshark says. The small Boneshark nudges against me softly. 'That surprisingly worked better than expected. I now have my first subordinate. I thought I would have to fight him but it might be because I'm a lot bigger compared to him. Let's keep going with all of them.'

< Subordinate tab >

Boneshark 1

Titles: N/A

Health: 200

Bite: 20

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.

'Oh, nice a subordinate tab should I give him a name or something or just leave it be fuck it I will name you Anubis you may be small but I believe you can be of use once you start eating. 'Anubis starts swimming in circles in happiness and nudges my left pectoral fin. 'Well, that's adorable for something that can rip off someone's face.'

"Come on Anubis, let's have our brothers and sisters join us so we can hunt as a group and get more prey." Anubis quickly swims over to another one of the Bonesharks and softly nudges him to wake up.

'Well, that's most of the Bonesharks There are only two left and they are even bigger than I am.' I nudge the smaller of the giant Bonesharks to wake it up and talk with it.

"Why are you waking me up small one" the giant Boneshark says while opening its eyes and looking at me. "I wish to become the leader of this pack and help us hunt more prey." I say to the giant Boneshark trying my best not to be scared of it.

{ A/N I know a pack of sharks is supposed to be a school but pack sounds better to me and rolls off the tongue better as well }

"You may be the leader of the smaller ones of our kind but if you wish to lead me and my mate you must beat us in battle and live." the giant Boneshark says while starting to slowly swim around me. "Then I will beat both you and your mate in combat." I say scared but with confidence while starting to slowly swim in circles with the giant Boneshark.

"We should move outside of the cave." I suggest to the giant Boneshark to cause no damage to the cave. "Then we move outside the cave, little one you will fight me first then my mate." the giant Boneshark says and swims out of the cave.

I follow the giant Boneshark out of the cave to a small floating island a couple of meters away. 'I can do this, I can do this. I might be smaller but that can work in my favor to win against her.'

"Are you ready, small one we will fight until one of us admits defeat even if we lose limbs." the giant Boneshark says to me. "Anubis make sure that the pack stays away from the fight okay"

Anubis quickly swims away and tells the other Bonesharks. "I ready to fight now." I say then the giant Boneshark bumrush's me straight for my face and I narrowly dodge it and she bites my fin which takes a small chunk from it.

'dammit, this hurts like all hell.' I start to swim around her looking for an opening to bite her or scrap her with my fin. 'Her neck is the only place I can go for and she doesn't have 360 vision like I do because of the peeper.'

I swam at full speed to try and get to her neck but she moved in time and smacked me with her tail leaving a giant bleeding scar on my right side. 'fuck wasn't expecting that.' I see her swimming at me and she swam past me and hit my ass with her tail.

I then turned around and swam around a rock stack to get behind her sneakily and hit in between parts of her exoskeleton with the tip of my fin leaving a giant gash in her skin and joint.

she turns around in surprise and bites my tail while aiming for my spine making it where she stabbed her inner mouth. 'Stupid actions get stupid rewards.' She is slightly dazed as I swim in and bite her neck and start thrashing around as much as possible to bite off her flesh.

She starts thrashing around as well to try to get me off but it starts helping me get a chunk of flesh bitten off her neck and she starts bleeding profusely. "I submit I submit but just stop biting," she screams with fear in her voice as blood and flesh starts flooding my mouth. I slowly stop biting her neck just in case she's tricking me.

"You are now my subordinate as well." I say to the giant Boneshark. "I bow to the pack leader." says the giant Boneshark as she puts her head down. "I will fight your mate tomorrow for the rest of the day we hunt," I say as I call Anubis over. "Anubis bring over the rest of the pack we're going hunting for prey for all of us."

"I shall do as you say pack leader." says Anubis as he swims away and brings back the pack. "Tell the others to go in groups of two and bring back food" I say while swimming beside Anubis.

"Even though I beat you I barely won. I'm assuming you do not have a name so you will be known as Amphitrite from now on." I say while looking Amphitrite in the eyes.

"Pack leader what is the point of names and what is their meaning." says Amphitrite in a confused tone. "The point of names Amphitrite is to represent our identity and give us a sense of individuality." I say and Amphitrite looks at me in confusion still.

"It's fine that you don't understand Amphitrite. Just be like Anubis and don't question it. I bring no ill will to my new pack." I say while starting to swim out of the underwater islands.

"Pack leader we are heading into stalker territory if we go any further we are trespassing into their land." Amphitrite says with mild concern. "It's fine Amphitrite we are only grabbing some creepvine and leaving." I say with confidence while swimming to grab a big stalk of creepvine.

"You grab a stalk of kelp as well Amphitrite and make sure it has creepvine seed clusters." I say while waiting for Amphitrite as she gets a giant stalk in her mouth and swims over.

"We can leave now, Amphitrite." I say while starting to swim back to our cave with our giant stalks of creepvine. We arrived back home at the same time as two of the five groups that went out searching for food.

"How much food did you four bring back?" As I look at the four small Bonesharks. We have brought back four peepers" Says one of the bone sharks as he and his teammate spit out two peepers each.

"That's good, what about you two." As I look at the other two Bonesharks. "We sadly only bring two peepers pack leader." As they both spit one peeper out each.

"That is fine. I want you four to put the peepers you have caught in the corner of the cave. We wait for the others to get back before we eat." I say while pointing my nose in the direction for them to put the peepers at.

"Pack leader, what was the point of getting this creepvine?" Amphitrite asks in confusion. "The point of getting this creepvine is for us to somehow make nets to more easily catch food, if it doesn't work we can at least plant the creepvine seeds to have some more cover". I explain to Amphitrite.

"Pack leader, how do we make nets?" Amphitrite asks while staring at the creepvine. "That is a great question. I haven't thought that far but I'm going to go plant the seed clusters." I say as I grab some of the seed clusters and swim to the island I fought Amphitrite on.

'Where should I plant these seeds.' I question myself. 'There would work' as I bite a seed cluster to get the seeds to plant them. I headbutted the floor and made a hole in the ground and spit out all the seeds and glowy juice.

'Perfect this should hopefully work.' as I continue the process 10 more times. 'This is also a good chance to check my status.'

< Status >

Species: Boneshark

Titles: N/A

Biomass: 400

Health: 300

Bite: 20

DNA Assimilated: 0

DNA Processing: 1

Mutations: Powerful Fins, Bioluminescence, 360 vision, thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.

'Well, that's good progress for my first day. I should hopefully be able to fully assimilate peepers by the end of the day, I should check my Subordinate tab as well.'


Titles: N/A

Health: 230

Bite: 20

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.


Titles: N/A

Health: 250

Bite: 25

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.

Bonesharks 1-11

Titles: N/A

Health: 200

Bite: 20

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.

'Well everyone seems to be the same Besides Anubis and Amphitrite they both have more health and bite force. Is that because I am named Anubis. He should be as strong as the other, Amphitrite I understand since she's huge.'

I question it in my head as I swim back to the cave. "Well everyone seems to be back and there looks to be a good 30 peepers in that pile as well as a couple of spadefish, Garryfish, and boomerang." I swim towards the pile.

"Everyone gets 1 peeper besides Amphitrite as she's the biggest. The rest is for me to eat. It may seem unfair but it is going to be worth it in the end I promise." As I start to slap a peeper towards everyone with my fin and two towards Amphitrite. I started to eat all of the peepers, Garryfish, spadefish, and boomerangs.

'So the peepers taste like salmon, the Garryfish kinda tastes like chicken, the spadefish tastes like tuna with a bit of a crunch and last but not least the boomerangs taste like trout.'

<DNA Absorption>

Peeper: 100% Spadefish: 15% Boomerang: 20% Garryfish: 10%

Mutations Gained: Expulsion Tubes, Enzyme 42, Mottled-green Coloration, Dorsal fins, Under-stomach Feelers, and Serrated teeth.

'Wow that's a lot more than what I expected, Fuck why does my entire body burn so much.' as I swiftly swim to a dark corner of the cave to wait for the pain out.

<Evolution Started>

'The fuck just happened as I slowly open my eyes, holy shit do I look different. As I look at myself seeing that I grew a large dorsal fin in the middle of my back and towards the center of my tail.

I also grew small feelers letting me feel what was under me and feel the temperature better. I even got another set of teeth which seem incredibly sharp and serrated and are those little tubes in between my plating.'

{ A/N I know I used a lot of the same words in that paragraph but I could think of many other words that could fit as well so I hope you won't mind it too much. }

'I wonder what the Mottled-green Coloration did because I don't look any different in that regard, well I take that back as I turn a mottled-green. This could be useful I guess not where I'm currently at but in the future, it will be.'

'Well, I'm assuming it's a new day so let's start waking everyone up.' I start nudging everyone awake to get ready for the day. "Who are you?" Amphitrite yells at me while all the other Bonesharks gather around her.

"Amphitrite it's me, the pack leader I know I changed a bit well more than a bit actually but that's not how you treat your leader." I say while making eye contact with Amphitrite and realizing I'm bigger than her now as well.

"If you really are the pack leader, prove it." Amphitrite yells while getting ready to lunge at me. "Okay, then I will prove it I'm your pack leader because I woke every one of you up one at a time yesterday and made you my subordinate. I fought you Amphitrite and bite off a chunk of your neck Is that good enough proof for you". I say with minor annoyance.

"It is you pack leader but why do you look so different and why are you so big now." Amphitrite asks with a confused and wondering tone. "Well, I look like this because of all the food I ate I told you all it would be worth me eating most of the food." I start swimming towards Anubis.

"Why did you not question I was somebody different from Anubis." I asked with curiosity. "Because you smelled the same," Anubis said while looking into my eyes. "I guess that's a good enough reason" I start swimming towards a cave on a different island with Amphitrite.

"Is this where your mate is staying, Amphitrite." I ask with wonder and slight excitement. "Yes, this is where my mate has been staying since you beat me." As she slowly swims into the cave and I follow her.

"I'm here for my fight with you today to make you my subordinate," I say to the boneshark. "I accept your battle since you beat my mate" The boneshark swims forward to make himself more visible.

"Well, you're bigger than your mate. I was expecting you two to be the same size. You even have gray and black exoskeleton, unlike the rest of us." I say with interest and eagerness for the fight and a new subordinate.

"Yes, I am indeed a little different compared to our brethren but where are here to fight not to talk? We can talk after I either become your subordinate or you become mine." as he swims out of the cave.

{ Well I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter I really wanted to make a subnautica fic since I couldn't find any and I really like it when the MC isn't human so that's how this beauty came to be as well as inspiration from a bunch of other fics that I truly love I also can't decide on a name for the MC so if you could be so kind to give a suggestion I would be eternally grateful to you but I'm done with this little author note and will show you his current status, Mutation explanations, and subordinates. }

< Status >

Species: Boneshark?

Titles: N/A

Biomass: 1,500

Health: 860

Bite: 50

DNA Assimilated: 1

DNA Processing: 3

Mutations: Expulsion Tubes, Enzyme 42, Mottled-green Coloration, Dorsal fins, Under-stomach Feelers, Serrated teeth, Powerful Fins, Bioluminescence, 360 vision, thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.

<Mutation Explanations>

Large Eyeballs: Consistent with high light sensitivity, likely for hunting luminescent prey in low-light environments. From Boneshark

Thickly-armored Exoskeleton: an external skeleton that supports and protects an animal's body. From Boneshark

360 vision: gives a complete view of the surroundings and yourself From Peeper

Bioluminescence: a form of chemiluminescence where light energy is released by a chemical reaction. From Peeper

Powerful Fins: This species has evolved powerful fins which enable rapid acceleration in still water, and the ability to leap meters into the air to avoid pursuers. From Peeper

Serrated Teeth: Suggests adaptation for grinding corals that other herbivores are unable to digest. From Boomerang

Under-Stomach Feelers: Suggest adaptation for a better feeling of the water movement and temperature around it. From Garryfish

Dorsal Fins: The fins attached increase the lateral surface of the body during swimming, and thereby provide stability but at the expense of increasing drag. From Spadefish

Mottled-green Coloration: Commonly encountered in plant-rich environments, the spadefish is well-adapted to hide amongst the vegetation. From Spadefish

Enzyme 42: is an enzyme found in almost every life form on Planet 4546B but is only produced by the Sea Emperor Leviathan species as a digestive enzyme. Enzyme 42 was minorly spread by peepers to cure the Kharaa virus. From Peeper

Expulsion Tubes: The tubes attached to the peeper's torso are connected directly to its gills, and appear to be designed to expel oxygen on demand. For an extra boost of speed if Required. From Peeper


Titles: N/A

Health: 230

Bite: 20

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.


Titles: N/A

Health: 250

Bite: 25

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.

Boneshark 1-11

Titles: N/A

Health: 200

Bite: 20

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.

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