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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Ordinary Day?

A/N: Thanks for reading the intro! Now then, let your journey begin!


[Haku Yuta's P.O.V]

Slowly and with no energy, I opened the door sluggishly without effort; cold air drizzled at me coming from behind.

The sound the metal made as it tapped against my shoe hit my ears, soon I arrived at my place and took my seat.

"Morning Haku! Slept well yesterday?" I was greeted by Eiji, my best friend.

"Don't be so loud early in the morning please, it's a nuisance, also morning" I turned the air conditioner on as I sat beside him, and despite my complaints, I made quite the smile.

"You packed up all you need?"

I asked him curiously as I hurdled my bag upwards.

"Yah, didn't play vrmmo games last night though which made me cry"

He said while making a disappointed face as he looked at his VR Visor.

"Cut the drama, anyways, I brought snacks and a pocket wifi"

As I uttered the words, his face suddenly turned bright as if he had the best revelation of his life.

"You're my lord and savior man" He looked at me teary eyed.

"Whatever, praise me all yah want, so long as you don't use it all up the first few hours okay?"

"My online gaming shall be limited my friend, it's a vow, no it is my duty!"

He put his fist over his chest and made a gleeful bow, like a knight proud of their servitude.

Everything was all fine and dandy, till we were interrupted by the teacher announcing something up front.

"Attention all students, please remain silent and sleep well for our long journey, this errand should go well if we all cooperate, we don't want any accidents now don't we?"

Everyone groaned as they are forced to obey and yield to her undesirable voice which we are all sick of hearing, you know that feeling when an npc keeps repeating a line over and over again? Yeah, that sort of irritation.

Even if this was a trip, we didn't feel excited in the slighest, maybe because of the past events?

We felt this unwavering gut feeling telling us something is going to go wrong….


Past events? We don't even want to talk about it! For us, this was nothing more than another fight for our lives… one that we are all tired of doing.

I sat near the window and gazed at the darkness outside, I felt the cold vibe emitting from the window, like a relaxing breeze singing a lullaby.

Usually, at times like these I keep my guard up, most of us do, there was never a time where we could relax, especially on an outing like this.

But somehow, I didn't know if it was that stupid teacher annoying us, perhaps the exams yesterday drained us, maybe because it was still morning…

Either way, before we knew it, we fell into a tempting slumber-like state, no matter how hard we focused; none of us could stay conscious…

A mistake that clearly led to our demise…

*An Hour Later*

Skreeeech, thud, hissss.

I awoke with the sudden bump that felt like the bus fell, everything was upside down, ofcourse my first instinct was to struggle, but I couldn't get out because I was strapped into my seatbelt.

Before I could grasp the situation, I lost my grasp of reality for a moment, everything was burning, and the smoke suffocated me, even if I somehow got out of my strap, I'd suffocate before I could make it.

I couldn't feel my legs, they were crushed by the floor that is now a ceiling where I resided.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I felt an immense amount of pain as I noticed that not only my legs but my left arm was also severed, dropped below while what was left in me bled like hell.

I tried to look for survivors, but that came to bite me in the back as the sight I saw engraved an ever traumatizing memory…

Most of my classmates were dead, severed body parts, stuck metal objects in their torsos, broken glass pieces in their heads…

The scene was truly a nightmare…

Beside me, I saw the unconscious bleeding EIji, a sight I wished existed only in my nightmares, and now that very scene is strangling me.

Looking at him carefully, despite my whole body refusing to, I noticed his left leg is gone, and his head is bleeding but he's still breathing…

"Hey! Hey! Eiji wake up! Wake up! Get it together!"

"Get it….get up…"

I lost my words.

Soon, the smoke completely covered the area, making it harder to breath at all…

My vision became blurry; I soon noticed that I was losing a lot of blood. I screamed as I felt the pain suddenly shot at me again; everything darkened and fell silent until I lost consciousness.

"Damn it!"




*Drip, Drop*

The moment I fell unconscious, it felt like my soul was being dragged away, I couldn't feel my body anymore and I was…

Drifting away and floating, like an invisible force was tugging me in.

Soon, everything became bright and light once again filled my surroundings, I blinked, and slowly opened my eyes to see Eiji trying to wake me up.

Lying on a fetal position, I groaned as I laid my back away from the floor.

"Pull it together Haku! Get up man!"

"Urgh! What? Eiji? Where are we?" I asked in confusion.

It took me a second to process it all, for some reason I was alive again, no, it felt somehow different…

I tried to look around and grasp the situation, but sadly, even my rational mind was at a loss.

No matter how quick I was to adapt, this was just too sudden.

"Well… there's only one explanation and I think you know what it is…" he gulped as he finished his sentence.

"We're dead huh?" I exclaimed qietly.

'Weird, any normal person would be going insane right now, is it because we still feel that we're somehow alive even though it's only our souls(probably) that are left?'

He slowly nodded as a sign of confirmation;

Then our attention was caught by a loud voice…

"Welcome to this new, unfamiliar world…."

"You pathetic bunch….."

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