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Chapter 24: Chapter 24

We planned that we will pretend going out places away from the protection shield of our house so to see if anyone follows us or not and specially roam around that forest areas but yes we will split in different teams. Me jason and Jessica was in one grp in the second grp was of derek ray and leo, the third grp was of zen, alina and alex , the last grp was of andrew and steve. My grp pretended to go to college, 2nd grp near the forest area, 3rd grp to the wolf pack area where the former alpha was attacked and the last grp went to our neighbourhood area.

After a while walking through our way to college I sensed something. I gave a eye signal to the J siblings, I connected with their minds

In the mind

Christina: I sense something strange

Jason: me too

Christina: lets split but not too far or else the mind connection would be lost

Jessica: okay

Jason : okay

We 3 split to different directions. I stil feel the presence but I didn't look back in order to not make my behavior suspicious. I went to a corner where there was no one and finally looked back and no one was there then I felt someone was behind me, I turned and saw a demon he punched me on the stomach and I grunted. I then used my magical powers and tried to stop his movements, he is strong. Through mind connection I told j siblings the demon is here. The demon got out of my spell. He was about to grab me but I started chanting the mind torture spell he started screaming but I saw my spell was getting weak as he was resisting too hard so I kicked him on his stomach and he fell on his knees and made my spell stronger by that time J siblings reached the spot. Jason went to the demon and hit his head hard enough to make him unconscious. Jess asked me "r u okay?". I told her "yeah I am... don't worry". Jason asked me "r u sure". I nodded. Jess asked me "what should we do with this demon"

I told them "first of all we will call the others and inform them about this and for now we need to take to a place where we can hide him"

Jason said to us "we can take him to our wolf pack place, they will take good care of this demon" and he smirked.

Jess said "not a bad idea" and smirked too.

I teleported us to jason's wolf pack place. We explained everything to the werewolves. Soon our gang arrived there.

Alex said to us "how will we get info from this demon? I don't think so he will say anything"

I said to him "leo and andrew has hypnosis power, they can easily make him confess"

Soon the demon got conscious and the angel and devil started their hypnosis spell. Andrew then asked the demon "why u attacked us?" The demon said to us "it was the order of our leader"

Leo asked him "who is your leader?"

The demon answered "the king's commander in chief"

Andrew asked "king? Which king?"

Demon replied "king of amaris kingdom"

Our eyes widened what was he speaking. Kingdom of amaris doesn't exists anymore. Andrew said to him "but it doesn't exist"

Demon said "it does, it was rebuild"

Leo asked him "but how king arnold is alive? His existence went missing after that"

Demon answered "its not him its king Lucas"

Andrew asked him "who is king lucas? Is he related to king arnold?"

Demon answered "I don't know that I only know that king lucas rebuild this kingdom so he became the king"

Andrew asked him again "why your leader ordered to attack us?"

"Our leader only told to bring that girl named Christina and if anyone else comes in between either capture them as well or kill them thats it, he didn't said us why"

Everyone's eyes went to me and I was confused why me?

Leo asked the demon "how u came here?"

The demon answered "our dimension and your dimension is connected through a portal at which opens in the forest of this world and near our camp in our world which is a forest area as well and it can only be opened by the most powerful beings, for us the portal is opened by king Lucas"

Andrew asked "are there any other demons here?"

Demon answered "yes alot of them in search"

Leo asked him "when this portal opens?"

Demon answered "one time is fixed its midnight when we go back and when we come here is not fixed, king lucas can open it anytime he wants"

Andrew and leo broke the hypnosis spell and the demon again became unconscious.

We all were blank as we aren't able to process what the demon said. It was getting so puzzled up. Why the demons r after me and what's with this kingdom of amaris being existent and who is king lucas? Jason then broke the silence "the wolf pack will take care of the demon, but what we should do next?"

I said to them "we need to go to Kingdom of amaris". Everybody looked at me in shock. Alina said to me "but that's too risky we don't know what will happen to all of us"

I said to her "we don't have any choice... We can't just sit here and wait for the continuous attacks by these demons we need to stop this".

Ray said "she is correct"

We all got lost in our thoughts for a while. Steve then spoke up "if we want to go to that kingdom of amaris we need to disguise as these demons or else we will get caught, and for that we need 10 more demons, when all these 11 demons r together , we will make a potion which will show everyone except us as we only took the potion,the appearance of those 11 demons so we would be able to sneek through the portal easily, this is u can say a deception spell"

Zen said to steve "thats really good idea"

Derek said to us "but still its too risky"

Leo said to derek "we have no other way"

Jess "exactly"

After all of this we all again went on demon hunting. The next few days went on fighting with those demons and keeping them captive in the wolf pack's place. It was really exhausting for all of us.

And within a week we completed capturing 11 demons. Me alina and steve made the potion. We gave 3 mini pocket container filled with the potion to each of them, the other 2 were for emergency situation because this potion last almost 20 to 22 hours. We then waited for the midnight to come. Around 11 am we took the potion, we all can see each other's true self only, others will see us as if we have those demons appearance. We wore those black cloaks and the white masks of those demons which we took earlier and went towards the forest. We saw other demons coming towards us. We then silently followed them. One of them asked jason if he found us he said no. As Jason's appearance changed so his voice too so the demons can't even doubt us a single bit. Around 20 demons gathered around us. We all were highly cautious. At exactly 12 am the portal opened we all entered it. As we entered the other dimension it felt like a whole new world. We saw alot of tents maybe the demons place. They started moving into the tents. We all split up. It was night time so the demons had put on a bonfire. I zen derek and leo were in the same tent and others were in different tents. We removed our masks as the other did so. One of the demon started saying that it was so hard to capture that girl and her friends. That girl was probably me. The other demon agreed and said that whatever they do all the credit would go to their leader who isn't doing anything and who knows why King lucas is after that girl. The 1st demon said that only the leader knows why, the latter demon said to him that for now to sleep as they will again go searching. Me zen derek and leo pretended to be asleep. As soon as we saw everyone was sound asleep we escaped from there and went to other tents in search of the others. After a while we found them and went to a place little far away from the tents. Leo explained what we heard. Ray said "then we need to get hold of that leader"

Alex said "but the question is how?"

Zen said "for now let's visit the kingdom so if we can get any further clues, plus we already have a hint king lucas is a part of this, so maybe his palace could be of some more Hints as well.... Because these kings always hide so many things in their palace or so I heard"

I said to him "we can only go to the palace if they go. We can't just go there and get suspicious, for now we can just roam around the kingdom"

Steve said "but remember one thing we have less than 3 days to be in this appearance, either we need to get back to our world somehow or we need to find a place to hide here"

Alina said "we'll see what we'll do"

Jess said "yeah for now let's get back to our tents. We all will go to the kingdom during morning time".

We all then went to our tents and slept. At 7 am around we all went to the kingdom and few others went in search of us in our world. The kingdom was so huge with magnificent architecture. The palace was so well built. It was a really busy place. The whole day we tried our best to gather info about king lucas but not much was found. All we got to know that the people who r currently living here are new to this kingdom the original people of this kingdom went missing after that attack plus they had no clue if king lucas had any connection with king arnold all they new that King lucas had rebuild this destroyed kingdom. The next day luckily we were ordered to go to the palace to meet the leader. The other demons said that they had no clue about us at this the leader got furious and said to them if they don't find us in a week he wilk kill all of them. Me and my gang followed the others but slowed down our paces and as they were walking they didn't noticed that we weren't even walking with them because we already were walking behind them plus as they were busy bad mouthing their leader. I put the invisibility spell on everyone and we went to discover the castle. We all went in different directions. In one corridor I had some sort of feeling like something is there which is sort of attracting me towards it. I followed that feeling and entered a room. I saw a beautiful sculpture of ice of a man. I tried to touch it and felt magic around it, this sculpture definitely didn't melted because of the magic spell. Who is this guy? He seems familiar. I focused my vision more on the sculpture. Ahhh I am having a headache. I closed my eyes a vision of the guy whose sculpture is infront of me. I just saw his face and I got disturbed when someone said who left the door open. I opened my eyes and went outside the room while Getting a glance of the figure for the last time. I didn't had a choice but to leave because they were saying to lock the door properly. Was it accidentally unlocked when I went into the room? God knows. That guy's sculpture was stuck in my mind. I searched other places, but had no clue. Soon I bumped into zen he said to me to come with him. In that room already andrew was there. It was the library but we can't touch the books as some people were there already. We were about to leave the room but we saw someone entering the room. As soon as I saw this guy, he felt familiar too. What on the earth is going 1st that sculpture guy and now this guy. Everybody in the room bowed him by saying "your majesty". Is he king lucas?

King lucas then said "I can sense something". Our eyes widened and we gulped. One of his subjects said "your majesty what do you mean?". King lucas answered him "there is someone in this room except us". Me zen and andrew rushed out of the library at that moment only and went as much far we can from the library. We all were then busy panting. We escaped from the castle and waited for others, we all 3 said that king lucas looked familiar to all of us, after couple of minutes others joined us. I told all of them the sculpture incident and our encounter with king lucas. They also told they wanted to find more but there were so many guards and people around them so it was impossible for them as well to do something.We all went outside the palace territory and then to a back of a random house where no one was there and broke the invisibility spell. Leo then teleported us back to the tents. We only had less than a day left. We planned somehow we have to manage to go back to our world in order to make the potion and come back here. Last day we went all the places where the demons went and along with that we found some hiding places for us. At evening we were about to go back to our world with the others. Our potion's magic would be over less than an hour. We were about to go but we saw the leader arrived on his horse. He rode down the horse and said to the demons "I have been told by the king to give u these special weapons, these weapons are not ordinary weapons because once u stab Someone it will not kill someone but will make them unconscious, this will make it easier to bring them here." He handed us the weapon and went away. The portal was taking too much time and as already the leader wasted our time we were getting anxious. Shit I am transforming back to my original self. I looked into others eyes I could see the terror in their eyes as well. One of the demon said "I feel someone else's presence in this crowd" and another demon said "this smell is not of a demon". Shit!. The demon which was standing next to ray said "wait u r not a demon". And was about to take off ray's mask but he already stabbed him with that special weapon. The fight Started between us and those demons. They were highly trained so it was really hard to beat them. I knocked down a few and others did too. But soon we saw other demons approaching towards us. Me leo and Andrew did the teleporting spell together and landed to one of the hidden spots Which we discovered earlier. We all fell on the ground while heavy breathing. Derek asked us "what should we do now? We got caught"

Zen answered him "we have to now hide for a while".

The hiding place we chose had an abandoned broken house as well. We thought of hiding there for now. Ray helped in healing our wounds. I was able to notice he was getting extremely tired and exhausted and was trying to resist hard. The night has already fell. Ray said he will go out for a while to get some fresh air. I said to the guys I will go too. I saw him sitting by a tree breathing heavily. I went to him and knelt down to his position and asked him what was going on with him. He tried to say it was nothing but anybody could tell he was lying. I requested him to say the truth, he said "Actually I haven't consumed blood since I have come here , Alex was able to have blood because he was able to escape from the eyes of those demons and found a secure place for consuming blood but unfortunately I wasn't able to do that, then this fight..... which exhausted more so because of that I am feeling really weak"

I said to him "U can't even move in this state". I can't see him in pain like this. I had only one choice. I started opening my upper buttons of my shirt. He got shook and said "what r u doing". I said while unbuttoning the shirt "u need blood so have mine for now or else u won't survive this" he said to me "no I can't have your blood"

I said to him "u can't go in the state for hunting plus even if u go for hunting they will catch u as they have already seen us"

"But Christina-"

"No but" I said firmly and gave deep gaze to him.

After seeing how serious I was about this he had no words to argue with me and he said "I'll try not to hurt u". I answered him "I know u won't hurt me ray". I then slid off my shirt in such a way it fully exposed my neck and collar bones area and swept my hair at one side. His eyes turned from those dark blue to red, his fangs protruded from his mouth. He came close to me he gripped my left arm and I could feel his breath on the lower right side of my neck. He was hesitant and was trying to resist the bloodlust. I put my hand on his back and rubbed it while saying "do it". His fangs then pierced into my skin. It felt a little bit of pain at first but soon the pain went away, I closed my eyes and then he slided his other hand around my waist and the hand which was on my left arm he put it on my back. Soon I felt pleasured and warmth rather than pain. His lips were touching my skin and was giving me chills down my spine. His arms all around me. Why am I liking this feeling? He was drinking my blood but I didn't felt a single drop of pain. After few minutes he removed his fangs from me and looked at me directly into my eyes. My eyes were also fixed on him and almost no space between us. My heart was beating so fast. Soon we broke the eye contact and there was an awkward silence between us. I put my shirt properly and the fangs marks couldn't be seen because of my collar. I stood up and said to ray "we should go inside the house"

He answered "yeah.... Umm thanks alot..... I feel so better". I gave him a reassuring smile and we both walked towards the house. Everybody was asleep on the floor. We both also went to sleep because we needed to rest also.

I again Started seeing a nightmare.

This place? Its a room. Someone is standing there with her back towards me. She turned and it was my aunt. "Aunt" I called her but she couldn't hear me, soon the ground beneath her started breaking and she fell in the hole. I screamed her name and tried to catch her but it was useless I was stuck in one position.

I woke up breathing heavily. I saw andrew infront of me and he then only hugged me and rubbed my back while whispering in my ears "its okay calm down, I am with u". And I calmed down. And he whispered again to me "lets take a walk outside". I nodded. Everybody else was sleeping. The sun was about to rise soon. We both walked while feeling the calm breeze. I felt his gaze and asked "what?". He said "nothing". I pushed my hair at one side as it was getting on my face continuously due to the breeze. Andrew said "what's that on your neck. My eyes got widened. Fuck i didn't noticed maybe while sleeping my collar slid down a little. I covered it immediately "its nothing" he said to me "don't lie to me" I again said "its nothing". He said while coming towards me "then show me". I stepped back while saying "no". He said "yes". I started running. He teleported infront of me. I turned and was about to run again but he was faster he gripped me by my hand and pulled me because of that I was almost about to lose balance but andrew supported me properly by holding my waist with his other hand. He let go of my hand and was about to check my neck area. I tried to push him but was no use he was tightening his grip on me. I gave him a death glare and said "if u do this I'll use my magic". He said "u won't" and used the freezing spell, I can't even move an inch. THIS ANDREWWW! He said "ik u r mentally screaming go on" and smirked. I was still in his arms. He then pushed my collar down completely and saw those fang marks and was shocked and he unfroze me. I pushed him and I started scolding him "why did u do so". He had a blank expression while asking "who did this to u ray or alex?". I said to him "its Nothing I had no choice ray was in alot of pain..... He didn't drank blood for days". Andrew said "I am gonna kill him how can he have your blood" and was about to walk away. I held his hand and stopped him "he didn't wanted to do I forced him. It was my choice u can't blame him..... If u want to blame... then blame me... Because of this I didn't told u guys I knew u would react like this" Andrew gave me a look which showed he was hurt. I said to him "It wasn't his fault". He then stopped and said "lets go and wake others" and we went to the house. I saw ray was getting up and so was Jess, then we started waking up others. We planned that firstly I'll put the invisibility shield around this area so no one would be able to see this house and us. We already had weapons of ours Which we brought from our world, we hid them in our clothes so nobody was able to see them plus we had the weapons which the demon leader gave us. For now I told them I would put invisibility spell on few of us so they could collect some ingredients to make a magical dust which would get the rid of our smell so even if we pass through these demons they wouldn't even recognise us and we needed new clothes which will cover our faces as well food. Ray zen leo and andrew went to bring the ingredients, Food and clothes and I told them to come asap because the invisibility spell works for few hours only. I started putting the invisibility shield around the house. Alina and steve tried to renovate the house with the help of nature's forces. Jess alex derek and jason also helped alina and steve as much as possible. After few hours we were done. And the others came back. I made the dust and gave it to everyone in tiny pouch which I made from the clothes they brought. We then sprinkled it over us. I told them the dust only works for a day so to sprinkle it till the day we r here. After changing into our new clothes and eating out food we went to the main area of the kingdom to check upon what the demons were upto. I carefully covered my face with the shawl. As I was walking through the streets I saw a demon who was walking towards me and...

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Hey guys! Finally I am back! Extremely sorry for this huge gap in between my writings, my exams r finally over and now I would be able to continue to write stories properly. I wrote a long chapter because it's been a while since I updated a new chapter. My novel just hit 10K I still can't believe it , it feels like a dream come true. I am really grateful to u guys for showing so much love and support to my novel. Thank you so much. Love you guys.

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