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Love at First Ride Love at First Ride original

Love at First Ride

Author: Sensual_Goddess

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Today, We meet

"I have made so much money today, I don't even think it's neccessary to continue working today. Matter fact, I'm going to go offline so I will be able to take a break for the rest of the day." As soon as she got ready to push the buttom to go offline for her small chauffer business, another ride up popped up on her phone.

"Well, I guess I can take this last ride. There is no point in letting my rating go down. Plus that's a little bit more money that I didn't have before." She started heading to her next and last picked for the day.

"Bonjour, I will be your chauffer Zora. What is your name?" The thought of possibly letting someone dangerous in her car kind of made her blush, but it almost immediately went away as she thought of the serious danger she could put herself in.

His mouth opened as if he were getting ready to say something, but no words escaped from his scumptious lips. "Excuse me, what is your name honey? I cannot let you in my car without knowing who you are? I will cancel the ride if I have to."

When Zora looked back up from her phone, she realized that this goregous dark skin toned man was just staring at her awed at her beauty just as much as she was in his. She cleared her thought this time, "Are you waiting on your chauffer honry?"

He sternly cleared his throat, while still trying to conjour up the confidence to speak to his chauffer. "I didn't mean to stare. I am not used to getting chauffers that look like you. I'm ..."

"Well now  that we've introduced ourselves," the door unlock, "We can be cordial. Please come in and have a seat." She was relieved that her paranoia did not get the best of her in that moment.

She kept thinking in her head, "He is so handsome. I am so glad that I caught this ride. He's super goregous. I just can't stop looking at him." She kept glancing in her rear view mirror to see him looking down at his phone while his dark aroma filling her car. She found herself glaring at the man at a red light as if she wanteed to say something to him. Before she got the chance to, a car from behind blew at her to go because she was getting ready to pull as someone was blowing their horn at her from behind.

The man looked up to see what was going on, but Zora was already concentrating back on the road. She was usually a small talker when it came to the people that she gave rides to in her car, but she could not say anything to this particularly stunning man.

"Do already have directions for where I need to go or would like my directions?" Zora did not have a problem with taking directions from people that were from the area because thehy usually knew backroads that usually avoided traffic. This man was too handsome. she had to be careful, or at least that's what she thought.

"Um, I have directions, but thank you for the offer." She knew some pretty good backroads herself.

"DO you mind if I sit in the front seat ma'am?" She was totally surprised by the question because there were not too mnay people that asked, and it has only been women thus far, butt Zora politely agreed. It was safe for him ride in the front nayway.

 He got in and the door slammed behind him. "I apologize. I did not mean to close the door that hard." He commences to put his seatbelt on.

"It's ok. The car doors are just heavy like that. Nice to meet you. Are you already to go? Is it only you?"

"Yes ma'am. It's only me."

"I'm not trying to be rude, but please do not call me ma'am anymore." She felt a little offended because she was kind of into him but she knew he was just trying to be respectful. Zora still didnt like that. She thought she was too young to be called ma'am.

"I didn't mean to offend you."

"I know honey, it's just I know that I am way too young to be getting called ma'am. That's all you're ok. Let me start the GPS to your location." HIs address was pretty far so they had a long ride ahead of them.

For the first 10 mintues or so of the ride, they rode in dead silence. no music, no talking, and barely any cars on the backroad that they were taking. It felt a little spooky to Zora, but she didn't say anything because she was used to driving routes like this all the time. She was just nervou because her passenger was so sightly gorgeous. It was hard to believe that he was even real, so she thought she might test out her theory.

She had to get over her nervousness first. Zora could barely formulate proper words in her let alone try to talk to this person.

Zora took a big breath and blurted out, "It's too quiet in here. Do mind if I turn on some music?" She asked the question out loud to be polite, but was too nervous too wait for an answer. She commenced to turn the radio on and up a little to drown out all of her nervousness and started to drive with two hands.

"Are you ok ma'am?... I mean i didn't mean to call you that again, but you look so uncomfortable driving like that."

She was only nervous because he looked so scrumpcious, she didn't even know what to say. She took a really shallow swallow of her spit, an unnoticable deep breath, and said, "I'm just a little nervous, but I'm ok."

"Are you nervous because of me?"

"A little bit yes, but it's not a big deal."

"Well, I promise there is never a real reason for you to be nervous around me.  I would nerver try to hurt you or anything like that. I will even sit back in the backseat if that would make you more comfortable. You can ahead and pullover so I can hop in the back right quick."

"No that won't be neccessary. Like I said, it's not reall that big of a deal I'll relax in a minute. No worries."

"May i ask what about me makes you nervous because i really think it should be the other way around. Actually, i thought that's the only way it would be. If you don't want to tell me that fine, but I would definitely appreicate if you told me so I could try to make it better for you a little."

"I don't really think you could help me with my problem unless you were ugly. I think you would still be handsome beat up, so I don't know what to tell."

"What are you trying to say?"

Zora started to get really nervous, "Can we change the subject?"

"I mean if want, but before we do can you just tell me what you meant because that just kind of confused me."

She took a deep breath and started to talk really fast, but he understood every word that she said, "What I meant was that you are imaculinitely handsome. You're looks surprised me when you were first peeping the window of my car. I couldn't help to starte at you in the backseat until you asked to sit in tthe front. When you sat in the front seat, the smell aroma of you filled my sensees. The small talk that I wanted to start while you were sitting in the back fled to my stomach, so I didn't have anything to say." Zora felt like she was sabout to have an anxiety attack. her breathing started to get heavier as she realize he didn't say anything back he was just looking at her.

"Um, are you okay with me pulling over aat this gas stsation that's about half of a mile up?"

"It's not a problem with me, but I think you need to take some slow deep breaths." Zora could see that gas coming up on her right, but she also felt herself calming down by listening to this young man telling her to take some slow breaths. She till felt the need to puill over though. She had to.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm ok. Ijust need to take a moment to breathe."

"Here hold my hand and look at me."

Zora deep into his light brown eyes and felt as if she were floating on a cloud. She held his gaze until...

 "You're very beautiful and it made a little nervous that even had to think about getting in your car so I understand>" HE said that as he made sure that his gaze was locked into hers. he studied her emotions until he thought it was the perfect timing.

He cuffed her chin softly in his hand and followed with, "Everything is going to be ok. You'll probably never see me again, but just know I'm probably more nervous than you right now. Does that make you feeel better?"

Zora didn't know what to say so she started to blush. He still had her chin at the tip of his fingers. He gently lifted her face so he look at her. In the same moments, he took his chance and kissed Zora....

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