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Chapter 16: Chapter 15

Maera was silent for a few moments for she didn't what to say to Actaea. This woman or should she say sea nymph who was a born thousands of years ago, has lived in a time where gods and mythical being walked the earth. She has lived a long life all alone and being cursed for something that she tried to prevent, but that didn't stop the gods for punishing her. The question that came to her mind was did she belong to the past or here in the present time. There was so many other questions running through her mind, that she didn't know where to start. "You look like your thousands of miles away right now my dear."

"I'm sorry I've just have so many questions running through my head right now."

"I can understand, and I can answer any questions that you my have. I'm here for you, and can help you in anyway that I can."

"What happened with your daughters? Did you ever see them again?"

"After I left to keep them safe it wasn't until some time later that I made my way back to the island. By that time my girls had moved out of the house and had families of their own. I didnt want to interfere

in their lives, not knowing if Poseidon may be watching. I did what I had to do to keep them safe. Once I knew they were alright I left, and wandered the world and adapting to the different times and ages over the years. Until I found myself here again back where it all started on Naxos. I did keep an eye on my descendants, and yours and Aeolus's son, but I don't want to give to much away. You look as though you are miles away still my dear. Please let me know if there is anything else I can answer for you."

"My aunt has always told the story of how we were decedents of the priestess who was gifted the second sight. How she raised Poseidon's son and he granted her the gift of sight to her and those born after, but really it turned out to be a curse. You were cursed to walk the earth alone, unable to die for being punished by a vengeful god who wanted someone to blame for Aeolus's death. All this time I thought why would this be a gift when all it has ever lead to is heartache."

"I understand how you feel, and I never would have believed all this would have happened. I can't tell you how sorry I am for it was meant for me to be punished not my family or those who were born after." Maera looked at Actaea, and she couldn't be mad with her, it wasn't her fault. This woman or should she say sea nymph had lived thousands of years all alone and not having a single soul to talk to. "I'm sorry I'm not upset with you, it's just I've been told from my aunt who learned the story from her mother that we were born with this gift from our ancestor a priestess who was possibly a sea nymph that had the second sight. Who would have thought it was all true, that you are real and then learning your story and how my visions that I've been having will eventually come true. That I will end up in the ancient past, to find a man who will eventually love me and be my true love? Do I really end up in the past, is that my future, is that where I belong?"

"Yes, you will end up in the past, and you and Aeolus will fall deeply in love with each other, and will eventually have a son. I don't want to reveal to much for it will be your decisions and your fate to decide these things. I will tell you this, you are really truly happy with him, Aeolus." She took Maera's hand and squeezed it to reassure her. "This all just a lot to take in who would have thought there are beings from Ancient Greece and gods of old still alive in this day and age. Then you tell me that time travel is possible, that this necklace is the key?"

"It's not just the necklace, in my time the gods made different objects that contained very powerful magic. Objects that still exist in this world, and can be very dangerous if they fall into the wrong hands. Magic can be very unpredictable and if not used right there are consequences."

"There's more out there, like the necklace?"

"Yes, they could be other powerful, magical stones, or objects made by the gods in Olympus, so you must be careful if you come across them."

"How would I know though, if they are magical?"

"The necklace, the stone will glow bright when you are near one and it can sense others born with gifts like you. Also, the stone has a mind of its own, it can sense when the wearer is in danger and will do whatever it can to protect you. That is why Poseidon gave it to Aeolus, to protect him from harm. When Aeolus met you in the past he fall in love with you at first sight, and he wanted to protect you, so he had the stone made into a necklace for you."

Maera looked down at the necklace, and stared at the dark green stone, wondering if all that she has learned it will take her into the past. "Do you know when I will end up into the past, or even how?"

"From what I remember of the past, I found you washed up on the beach from a terrible storm, I rescued you and brought you back to the temple to heal. It was the beginning of fall, during the time of the harvest festival when the moon was full, and the whole island was celebrating for it turned out to be a very good harvest for us. Not long after there was signs of a storm coming in, and that is where I found you laying in the sand on the beach. It wasn't long before the storm that I was having visions of a young woman laying on the beach. I didn't know it would be you my dear, but I knew to keep a look out for any signs of storms that would be coming in, and to look for anybody that might wash onto the shore during a storm. Who would have thought it would be you, my own descendant, who would be my son's truest love. You my dear are destined for great things, but I don't want to give to much away for knowing ones future could alter it."

Maera was silent for a moment, she thought about everything Actaea has told her. "It will be during a storm sometime around fall?"

"Yes, it was just after the festival, a terrible storm had come in, thankfully the island is protected by them, since Aeolus has the power to control the winds, and his father being the god of the sea. The island has always been protected in the past. Since most of the old gods are gone now, it hasn't been protected in a long time."

"For the longest time I've been having these visions of me being on the beach, and a man walking towards me. I can see he is wearing armor, and there is a sword attached to his side. I cant see his face cause of the sun hitting it but in my visions when I see him I feel safe with him, like I've always known him. It has to be him, Aeolus, he is the one in my visions."

"I have no doubt it's him, but being the past came also be dangerous. There will be others who will want to use you for your gift, they will try to take you away from Aeolus. You must be careful but in time you will learn how to protect yourself, and Aeolus will keep you safe."

"I still cannot believe all this is real, but I also can because of being born with having visions, is something others wouldn't believe. You said that I will end up in the pst during a storm during at the end of summer? Will it happen soon in the time and present or later in the future?"

"In the past when I found you after the storm, you are the same age you are now. It's possible that it will be in this time in the present, now that you would end up in the ancient past. You must be carful for in that time it is very dangerous and there are other gods that are your enemies. Hades for sure, and Ares. They will be the ones to give Otto the blade that will one day kill Aeolus. If are destined to be in the past perhaps there is a way to prevent his death."

"Wouldn't that mess with history, changing the past could have major consequences? If I could save him what about your history? Wouldn't that change your history you had with your family after Aeolus's death?"

Actaea looked away from her for a moment and then took a deep breath. "Yes, that's true, if Aeolus were to live then I would have never meet Lysander and have my girls, and without them you wouldn't exist since you're my descendent. I just thought about my beloved Aeolus, he was like a son to me, and if I could have saved him I would have." She then took Maera's hand and squeezed it. "You my dear are meant for the past, you are his true love. I want him to be happy even if his life will end some day. But promise me you will be carful, like I said there are those who will use you against him and want you only for your gift."

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