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Chapter 25: The inner fear & The hidden motive

"Hey, bro, what happened??? Why do you look so tensed and panicked???", asked Oliver curiously while observing the sudden change of Nathan's expressions.

"Nothing. There is no such a thing like what you are thinking. You know it's just like that. First, say what he said to you.", said out Nathan with an awkward smile while scratching his head by pretending to just smile and being curious to know Nick's words but from inside he was sweating up to hell as he didn't want to blow his cover off that much fast in front of Oliver or anyone.

"Sure why not. Actually I wanted to know…" Oliver started to say while walking near to Nathan and standing in front of him wearing a serious expression where Nathan was standing there quietly with cross fingers not to hear what he was expecting Oliver to ask him.

"Bro, I want to know what kind of magic spell do you cast on the people you meet. I really want to learn it and apply it on others too.", Oliver completed his words while holding Nathan's shoulder.

"What??? You want to know??? I mean this is what you wanted to ask. This is… But why??? I mean…", Nathan freaked out while being too much puzzled at Oliver's that kind of question as he was expecting him to ask him something else but the table turned so quickly that Nathan couldn't understand anything.

"Bro, I am serious. Why are you reacting as if you have just seen a ghost??? What's going on???", Oliver who didn't have a single idea of Nathan's reason for reacting like that questioned out curiously with a puzzled expression.

"Are you even for real???", Nathan laughed out as he couldn't control his feeling of relief and the enjoyment of the fact that Nick had been silent for the whole while and hadn't let out anything yet.

"Why would I be not real??? That guy has become a fan of you only after meeting you for just a few seconds. That's why I want to learn your spell to attract people too. Bro, please tell me what is your secret mantra??? After all, I am your one and only buddy and bro.", said Oliver while pleading like an innocent cute puppy by wagging its tail.

"That means he didn't say any bad stuff about me with you???", Nathan asked wearing a suspicious expression as he was still doubtful about the things and wanted a final confirmation to clear them.

"No, man, he was praising you a lot from the moment he met you and also asked me to put good words about him in front of you again and again whenever he came to meet me. Maybe he too became a fan of you.", said Oliver happily.

"By the way, it's easy to pull your leg. Look at your expression.", added Oliver while laughing out.

"Hmm, so you were enjoying seeing me cliffhanging but what about your hairstyle, bro???", said Nathan with a complaining voice while laughing out by pointing towards Oliver's messy hair which was looking like a nest of crows.

"Don't laugh. You are the one responsible for this tragic state of mine.", said Oliver while sobbing and focusing back to style his hair with a deep breath to achieve inner peace and courage to be able to fix his messy hair before the class time.

"So, from Oliver's words, it means Nick took the bait to keep silent like an obedient fish. After all, it was the wisest decision for his health.", Nathan turned back to the playground with a secret smirking as his little secret whatever it was, safe in between Nick and him as Nick didn't have let anything out.

"But I can't take more risk especially the one like him that can hinder my plans or affect my tasks.", Nathan kept focusing on the playground while observing Nick like an eagle who was observing every activity of its prey before hunting it down.

"Phew, finally, done with my hair.", Oliver said with a deep breath of tiredness after fixing his hair back to the way it was.

"By the way, bro. I forgot to share something with you but before telling you about it, just take a peek at this.", added Oliver while handing his phone to Nathan and pointing towards its screen.

"What is it???", asked Nathan casually while taking the phone from Oliver as he thought it to be something normal or baseless to just pass time.

"You will understand it, bro, once you see this post because it will blow your head.", said Oliver with a mischievous smile.

Nathan took a look at the post that Oliver mentioning and he could understand everything. As expected the news of his performance from the day before had turned into a wildfire that spread around with no time as those junior girls who were passing by their classroom while Nathan was explaining captured the whole scene of his amazing performance into a video and had uploaded it on to the gossiping page of the students and also on to the official forum of the school. It was just not that as they had already put a caption that blew up Nathan's mind along with their comments.

"See the caption, bro: 'A mesmerising genius from XKG' and the comments, bro. Let me read them out- So, he is from XKG, The top school of the city, Oh my god I can't believe my eyes, Is it for real, Somebody please tell me it's a lie, No doubt he is so handsome and attractive, After all, all most all the students of XKG are elites from high class and there is so less chance for the commoners in XKG, That means he is from a big family, Don't know for sure, Let's find out together, Wow, I think he has got a quite big background, He is a big fish, Let's dig out more about him, Of course, there is nothing that can hide from us, We will dig all the information about him…", Oliver was reading out all the comments but Nathan interrupted him with an irritated voice, "Just stop it there. I am not fonder of listening to those fake words. What is this site and what's going on??? Who did it???"

"Calm down, bro. It's just a post sent by a junior but who it is we don't know and this is just a gossiping page for the students to chat and you know passing time. And the other one is the official forum of our school. If you want, I can give details about it. After all, you are new that's why you don't have any idea about it but please don't stress out, bro.", said Oliver with a concern expression on his face to see Nathan's sudden reaction while trying best to cool him down as in Oliver's point of view it was the nervousness and panic out of a new student but for Nathan what it was really, it was only known by himself.

"Damn it. Those stupid girls. What should I do now???", Nathan freaked out in anger from inside while trying his best to be pitiful and worried from outer in front of Oliver and saying by holding his temple in a disturbed voice, "What with those links??? What can I do even I get them??? But still, give it if you think it's helpful and those comments… They are exaggerated. Don't you think so??? How can they try to get involved with my privacy??? Who gave them the right??? This is just too much."

Oliver who was feeling bad for Nathan said while patting his shoulder, "Don't worry, bro. It's a common thing in our school. After all, those fangirls have been pestering you from the beginning but now the gathering will be a bit more in number but expect that nothing more. None will disturb your privacy or get involved with it. So, don't be frustrated."

"By the way, give me your phone. I will give you the link. Then you will be able to have an early updating about those situations and take mental preparation to face it the next day.", added Oliver with a smile.

"Oh, sure but I didn't bring my phone to school. I thought that it was forbidden or something. I will then write it down somewhere in my any note copy. Let's get into the class.", said Nathan in an awkward voice while scratching his head embarrassingly.

"But bro, how can you write down it??? It's a web address and???", Oliver asked out with a puzzled expression as Nathan's words flew away over his head.

"Then just forget it.", said Nathan wearing a bittersweet smile.

"Whatever you want, bro. Then just write it down. Let's go to the classroom.", said Oliver while patting Nathan's shoulder with a cheerful voice as he didn't want to upset Nathan.

Nathan happily nodded to his words and dragged Oliver with him to the classroom immediately as he didn't want to be noticed by any of his fangirls.

"Hope these things won't come on my way. If they started to dig up, it will be more troublesome. I got to handle it as fast as I can.", Nathan was busy with his planning while reading a book after having those web address from Oliver where Oliver who had to get inside the classroom so early because of Nathan and also who couldn't understand Nathan's weird behaviours was sobbing like a puppy by sitting next to him.

Meanwhile, as usual, their class time started but Lucas and Travis were nowhere to be spotted which gave a sigh of relief to Aurora and her friends as they didn't have to bear that unbearable Lucas as they were expecting it to be.

Unfortunately, their happiness and relief didn't last for too long as along with Mr Mathew, Lucas and Travis entered into their classroom but that was not the only shocking thing for them to witness as Lucas and Travis sat on the same bench where Nathan and Oliver were sitting and Lucas took his seat right next to Nathan.

All most everyone knew that Lucas's sudden approaching towards Nathan along with Travis was going to invade a huge wave of some unpredictable disaster for Nathan soon but as none of them knew what was Lucas and Travis up to so they couldn't do anything to help Nathan but to just observe them from far.

By witnessing the view of their getting along together, Aurora was having a restless feeling as what she could see was Nathan's being grouping up with Lucas to help him to pull dirty schemes against her by being one of his alleys in the upcoming times but Scarlet was continuously convincing Aurora that nothing sort of things like she was fearing would happen as Nathan was different from Lucas and wasn't that much dumb to fall into Lucas's traps.

Whatever Scarlet's opinion was; Aurora couldn't get rid of her feeling of being at unease until she herself witness Nathan avoiding Lucas's company or not getting along with him.

Half of the day got away with the observation of the behaviours of Nathan and Lucas during the class time in the mid-time of lessons but more than their friendly vibes and happy conversations what was more visible was the tense pressurizing atmosphere between Nathan and Lucas along with Oliver and Travis but none was actually certain about what was actually going on among these four boys.

After a bunches of classes and lessons finally, it was the lunch break where the answers to some of their most awaited questions were about to reveal out.

"Hey, Ophelia, look at Oliver. He seems troubled.", said Madison while pointing towards Oliver who was standing alone in the corridor wearing a long face.

"Yes, seems so.", said Ophelia while taking a peek at him.

"Where is his friend, Nathan???", asked Chole while searching for Nathan around.

"Don't you know that guy always disappears during the lunch break???", said Emily while rolling her eyes.

"What about the other two that was forcing themselves on these two???", asked Abigail amusingly.

"As usually, Lucas and Travis are together in the canteen. Didn't we just saw them before heading to the classroom???", said Scarlet while sharing the chew gums that she got from the canteen with everyone.

"Hmm. But poor Oliver seems more troubled. He is always so cheerful. I think we should ask him. At least Ophelia should do it.", said Aurora while chewing her chew gum and resting herself like a fancy cat on the comfortable chubby soft body of Chole who was sitting next to her.

"Yes, we should. That way we can also know some information about the situation between Lucas and Nathan.", said Emily who just hit the right idea.

"Good idea. Let's go then.", said all of them cheerfully.

"But if we go in the group, he won't reveal the whole situation.", said Emily with a serious voice.

"That's right but who will go then???", asked the rest of them curiously.

"Let's send Ophelia because she has a good connection with him as they are the same school bus partners who share the same seat.", said Emily while pointing towards the Ophelia and then again adding by the look at Ophelia's uncertain expression to go alone, "And Aurora and Scarlet will join with you too as Oliver has a good understanding with them too."

"Okay, we are in.", said Scarlet by seeing Aurora in a dash before even going there by only hearing the proposal of Emily.

"I will but the thing is that why are you guys staying back???", asked Ophelia curiously by getting up to go but sitting back to know their reasons.

"Simple Oliver doesn't have any common interest with me and Abigail. Moreover, as classmates, we three talk with each other barely once or twice a month that too over the topic of studies nothing more. So, obviously we won't bother to approach him for his mood then he will easily guess that we are there with any hidden motive and if not it, then he will just share with us about his studies. Same goes with Madison and about Chole, she is the daughter of the wise principle.", said Emily while putting forwards her points like a lawyer.

"But what it has to do with her father's title???", asked Ophelia confusedly.

"Chole barely talks with boys." said Aurora while getting up from her seat to head to Oliver.

"Oh, my darling, you are my true friend.", Chole pulled Aurora to a hug happily like a bear in love.

"But what I said was not the only reason. The main reason is that Chole's father is the wise principle and it matters in this case.", said Aurora where others were trying to find Aurora as Chole was the one who was whole over the place by covering tiny Aurora with her large body like a huge bear carrying a tiny cat.

"Obviously it matters because most of the students not only boys but also girls don't talk about the details of their activities in front of Chole as they fear that Chole will say them to her father and also Lucas dislikes Chole the most because of this same reason and one more thing Oliver fears her most in the girls because of her father. So, we can't send her there. Now tell me any more questions??? If not go fast because we only have this lunch break that we can get Oliver to speak as maybe he will change his mood later when Nathan is around him.", said Emily while flicking Ophelia's dumb head.

"Hmm, okay then, let's go to him now.", said Ophelia while dragging Aurora and Scarlet with her happily to Oliver who was standing alone while dashing out in a heavy and dull agitated mood.

"Hi, Oliver, what's going on??? You seem to be in a bad mood.", said Ophelia while tapping slowly on Oliver's shoulder to wake him up from his dashing out.

"Oh, Ophelia, hmm. You got it right but it's just a simple matter. Nothing to worry.", said Oliver who turned to see Ophelia standing next to him with a forced smile to hide his off mood.

"Oh come on, Oliver. Just tell it with us.", said Scarlet while taking her place next to Ophelia.

"What else can bother me???", said Oliver again with a smile by trying his best to look normal.

"Don't lie Oliver. It's clearly visible from your face that something is bothering you a lot.", said Aurora while heading to stand next to him from behind and somehow Aurora's entry to there gave a surprise blow to Oliver as she was famous as the cold beauty who approached the people less even though she was a kind soul.

"Aurora is right. Just stop pretending and showing tantrums and just say it out. You will feel better.", said Scarlet while switching her side next to Aurora.

"Yes, just say it out what is there to hide.", said Ophelia with begging puppy eyes.


Hello, everyone. Hope you all are fit and fine. Here is another chapter. What do you think- will Aurora and her friends able to dig out anything from Oliver??? will Oliver choose to share about his mood with these girls??? will Nathan's fangirls become a hurdle in his way??? did Nathan really not have a phone with him at that time??? or, was he lying to Oliver??? where does Nathan disappear to during the lunch break???

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Take care and have a nice day. See you in the next chapter and also stay tuned to know about another secret side of Nathan.

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