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One day in a furious battle between Naga and the King of Kumar Ghatt both of them got seriously injured. Both were then taken by their army. Naga was taken to Viswa Nagar. There he gets his treatment in the palace. When princess heard of this she reached to him and took a good care of him. The prince Biswajit never tolerated this and wanted to do something by which he can send Naga far away. So, he visited King of Kumar Ghatt, King Kurrup. He offered him a plan to take revenge on Naga. King Kurrup was thirsty for Naga's blood, who challenged his power. So he agreed to help Prince Biswajit.

In mean time princess and Naga aa spending time together, Naga tried to tell the princess about his love towards her. But the princess told him that she loves Prince Biswajit and that breaks Naga's heart. He left the palace and went to his old house to live with his father and mother. He then quit his job and the king also agreed with him gave him some land as reward. He then build an inn on his land and give them to tourist and others to stay there.

Soon his business worked. Now he lives with his family happily. But the prince Biswajit never tolerated him at all. Now he only wanted to get ride of Naga. The princess missed her best friend. Also, Naga missed her too but never visited her as he knew his dreams will never be fulfilled.

Prince Biswajit executed a plan. He allowed some soldiers of king Kurrup to entered in his fathers birthday celebration. They attacked and Prince Biswajit captured all of them. The king Samardev and Ritulekha and her mother everyone present there. The attackers when captured and asked who sent you they told King Kurrup sent them and Naga helped them to enter in kingdom and palace. Everyone was just stunned to hear this.

The king Samardev order his soldiers to capture Naga but prince stopped him and told him there is no profe that Naga does this all things so if they captured him public may oppose them as he is a war hero for them. The king was convinced by his words. Then prince Biswajit told them that he can solve this issue but needs King Samardev and his fathers permission and Ritulekha's help. Everyone agreed with him and gave him permission.

Prince Biswajit then took princess Ritulekha with him and asked her to help by plotting a fake love for Naga and collecting evidence against him from him. The princess who knowns how Naga feels about her also gave her approval to this plan. No one ever doubt anything and they all just believe that Naga was a traitor.

The very next day the princess went to Naga's inn and asked him to gave her best room for her stay. Naga did the same. After that on evening time when Naga was watering his garden alone the princess came to him and asked him what happened to him? Why he never tried to contact her? Whether he forgot her or what?

Naga replied that, he knows his place and don't want to ask for any trouble for his family thats why he had never contacted with her.

Then the princess cried and told him that she loved him now. She was confused with her feelings for prince Biswajit but now she realised the truth and only wanted to be with Naga.

Naga was ever able to sense the wicked plan of prince Biswajit and princess Ritulekha. He falls for princess words and acknowledge her love for him. Next day the princess left the inn. After that Naga and princess started to meet frequently. She used to came to Naga's inn on daily basis now and tries to collect any evidence against him.

The prince Biswajit one day came to Naga and told him that king Kurrup was going to attack our kingdom and they don't know anything about him or his plan. So he requested Naga to get intellects on king Kurrup. Naga believed Biswajit. So, he left for collecting information about king Kurrup without telling anyone the reason for his journey.

Then prince Biswajit goes to king Samardev and Ritulekha and tild them Naga was planning to invade their kingdoms. So he went to ask king Kurrup for his help and they need to prepare their army for war. Then Prince Biswajit planted false letters and money and jewellery in Naga's inn bot only that he also kept sone assassin in the inn. He asked princess Ritulekha to check and collect information from Naga's inn secretly as no one will doubt her. She did the same and collected everything and also came to know about the assassins and let king Samardev to know all the things. She showed all things to her father and king Minna.

In mean time Naga reached the kingdom of Kumar Ghatt but to his suprise the King Kurrup all ready with his army waiting for Naga's arrival. They captured him and sent him to prison and there they tortured him.

In Viswa Nagar the king Samardev ordered his soldiers to captured Naga's parents and those assassins. They captured them and they were brought infront of the king. When the king asked those assassins on whose order they were doing so they gave the name of Naga. King Samardev, king Minna and Princess Ritulekha didn't hear a single word of Naga's parents and sentenced them to life imprisonment and to acquire Naga's family properties and declared Naga as a traitor. Prince Biswajit also told king Samardev and his father that he had a way to settle dispute between their kingdoms and Kumar Ghatt by granting king Kurrup some of their land and instead he became their allies. So, everyone agreed on this peace settlement and finally the prince Biswajit was so happy as no Naga was there in their life anymore.

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