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I need to get another job fast. I feel like I am drowning in debt even when I am not exactly in debt. I have no idea what to do, basically all my options have been exhausted and I have to eventually let Gigi know what's going on. She knows about my situation at home but I haven't told her how bad things have gotten and I did not tell her for good reason. 

Gigi is just like her mother, they care from their very core and are always willing to help wherever they can. It's a beautiful trait to have, but she has already helped me out too much. I don't want to become a financial burden on her. 

The only person who I've been opening up to a lot is Bryce and he offered to help, which I flat out declined because of two reasons. Number one being that just like Gigi I don't want to owe him or become a burden to him. Secondly because I don't want to send out any more mixed signals. Our situation is already messed up enough, with the cuddling and whatnot, so since the last incident we had I had some time to think about and just decided to let things cool off between us. 

I realised that the only person I should be having that kind of contact with is my boyfriend, which is very funny because I have not had one since I broke with 'Darren the douche' in my second year of college. Darren was an awful person. He really was a douchebag that just got under everyone's skin. I don't even know why I dated him in the first place. He was all muscle and no brains, just a complete chauvinistic pig.

"We're here", a voice says pulling me out of my thoughts. I look away from the window at the driver. I quickly give him my fare and step out of the car. 

I walk into Le Petit Chateau and get my butt into work mode. I'm glad I have a morning shift today because I can be done by midday. At the same time the morning shifts are so busy with the breakfast and brunch buzz. 

Why can't people eat breakfast in their own homes?

By the time I am done for the day, my feet are painful and I curse these heels that I have to wear. Dress code is a sucky and selfish thing to have. Just like people who like to have themed events, why can't I wear what I already have in my closet? Now I have got to run around like a headless chicken, looking for something to wear that fits your theme also spending money that I cannot afford to waste, on something I get to wear for one day at most. 

As I am about to take off my shoes in the locker room. My phone rings with a call from Gigi. 

"Ola chica, are you done for the day?" she asks. 

I nod and then remember she can't see me, "Yes, finally" I say with a sigh of relief.

"Great, come over".

"Sure thing", I say to her. 

We both hang up after a quick see you now. I slip my feet back into the death traps. Using the mirror in my locker I fix my make-up, set my hair free from the regular pony and run my fingers through it just to give it some volume. 

Today is a hot day so despite the gross acts that I suffer through, I wore a skirt today. With  my shirt tucked in, my hair fixed and my purse on one hand , I left the building. 

"Rosalie, hey", Paul greets me with a smile as we pass each other. 

"Hey", I say back. 

He is on his way into the restaurant. I quickly move away and power walk away from him as fast as I can in these shoes. 

Ever since the night he dropped me off at home, Paul has been overly friendly. It's like everytime I go on a break, or when I am done with work, he is there. He mysteriously appears and it is creeping me out. Add on the fact that he knows where I live without me even telling him, he is way up on my 'creep radar'.

As I walk to Gigi's office, I enjoy the feeling of the sun on my legs and face. I have the sleeves of my shirt rolled up to my forearms. The weather is just giving me a good mood. 

I finally get to the headquaters of Bliss magazine which is where Gigi works. I greet the security guard at the door with a smile.

I walk to the receptionist Mandy and tell her that I am here for Gigi. She rolls her eyes and tells me to wait. She has never liked me, and the feeling is mutual. Nothing happened between us but we just have a mutual deslike for each other and I am okay with that. 

The elevator dings, the door open and Gigi is inside waving me to come in. I walk up to the elevator and get in. On the way to the 13th floor where her main workspace is, we talk about how each other's day has been. 

Once we get there, we walk up to her desk. She has this nice corner to herself which is mostly a very large desk with some files, stationery, her macbook and a few other things. I smile as I always do when I spot the picture of us at her graduation. Also I feel a pang of sadness 'cause I didn't get to graduate with my best friend as we planned to. 

I had my scholarship taken away when the company that sponsored me and six other students got bankrupt. It was very sad and I unfortunately was one of the few who were unable to raise enough money to complete studying, so I have six more months of actual school work to do so that I can graduate. 

With all the problems back home now I can't afford to go back to school and basically get my degree. I have been lying to my parents the whole time and I have a feeling that they know that there is no way it takes this long to study for a Journalism degree.

I leave my purse with Gigi's things and just grab my phone as we walk back to the elevator and go down to their cafeteria. 

I have visited a couple of times over the past year and I've sort of become a familiar face to the people who work here. 

I get three slices of mad Italian pizza and a chocolate frappe, while Gigi gets a Greek salad and a bottle of water. We sit at one of the tables and start eating. 

I close my eyes as I take a bite of the pizza. The figs and rocket are just melting away in mouth it almost feels like I am in food heaven. 

Gigi laughs at me "You're so weird. You literally work at a place that makes food".

"Yeah, but I still prefer this than the food I see everyday", I smile at her and we continue to eat. 

I am not wrong. I really do prefer eating here than where I work. I don't even eat at work on my lunch breaks, I normally just have a snack bar or something. Call me weird but working at a restaurant and eating the same food you serve your customers feels funny. 

Don't ' believe me? Ask anyone who works at a KFC or McDonald's if they want to have fried chicken and burgers for lunch. I am pretty sure that you'll get the same answer as mine. 

After a while of chatting about trivial things, Gigi decides changes the subject. 

"I know", she says to me. 

I am lost and decide to ask, "You know what?".

"That you didn't get the internship".

Dang it! She must have overheard the conversation I was having with Bryce the other day, because I did not tell her that I got rejected and I definitely know that Bryce would not betray my trust in him like that. 

I let out a heavy sigh, and I actually feel my shoulders sag as I exhale. 

Gigi gets the message from my body language that I am very disappointed. I had hyped myself up so much when I was applying that I was sure that I was going to get the position . I mean I nailed my interview and Mr. Evergreen said that I showed so much promise. 

So why did I not get in? That is the million dollar question that I have no answers to. 

"I have no idea what I am doing wrong G. I can't take anymore rejection, something's got to give", I say with a slight quiver in my voice. 

Taking a deep breath I pull myself together as she places her hand on top of mine.

"I know Rosie,which is why I made a plan for you", she says with a wide smile. 

A plan? If she thinks that I am going to let her help me out financially, then there is no way I am going to accept that. 

As if she can read my thoughts she tells me it's not like that. 

"I know how independent you are, so I got something else for you,". 

I wait for her to speak as I watch her take a sip of her water, 

"There's a job available,"

"Here?" I ask not completely sure if I could get hired by Bliss without an actual qualification.

She shakes her head no. "I'm not sure you'll want it-", 

"At this point I'll take anything",I say cutting her off her sentence. 

"As I was saying," she rolls her eyes. "The job is basically for someone who has to help around a famous person's house, like look after it and stuff."

Looking after someone's house? House sitting? Is that what the job is?

"So basically being a maid",she says sheepishly. 

A maid? 

I never saw myself being in that position. I mean no one aspires to be a maid, but I am desperate ate and will do anything to become financially stable. Plus I get to work for a famous person, so that means the pay will be good. 

"Okay, I'll take it".

"Great, I've already given them your details, so expect a call soon". 

We get up from the table and discard off our trash. On the way back to her office, I realise that I never asked who the person is.

"So who am I going to be working for?" I ask as the elevator dings and we get in. 

Gigi looks at me with a grin and responds, "Anabelle Walker".

I let out a squeak, my eyes going wide as saucers as the elevator doors close up. 

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