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Chapter 2: Reincarnation

Lucas Andrew at the age of 95 had passed away.

Black. that was all I could see, I was surrounded by black, but then a thought came To my mind.

"I swore I had died, did I just fall into a coma, but why would I fall into a coma if I was just about to die." Then a thought came to my mind."is this the place people go after they die."

I waited for a while but nothing happened no noise, no nothing.

1 day later

After waiting for so long I was starting to get bored, I attempted to move my arms and legs but I couldn't even see them let alone move them. After that I tried to 'move' around but I didn't fell myself moving. after about 8 hours I decided to stop trying to use my body and think of other things.

Then I once again thought of something, reincarnation, although I was not a light novel enthusiast I had read my fair share to pass the time including reincarnation light novels. Then does that mean I would be in my mother's womb, from everything that I have got so far reincarnation would be the most likely answer to my problem at the moment.

If this is a reincarnation type situation, from my experience most of them go towards the fantasy magic route. Does that mean if I cultivate I would be able to use magic when I am born, would that make me really overpowered. I was so exited about the fact that I might be able to use magic that I completely forgot bout everything that I was doing before and began to cultivate.

I was completely obsessed with the cultivation that when I snapped out of it I had no idea how long had passed, but what I did no was that I could fell my thoughts become faster and clearer. I also noticed that I had somewhat of a body meaning my being in the womb theory was right.

I began to try to move my body but I still couldn't do anything, I looked around and nothing seemed different other then the fact that I could see myself, so instead of just waiting I decided to get right back into cultivating. Once again I was absorbed into cultivation any didn't know how long had passed but my body had gotten a lot bigger and I could somewhat shake my hand although not anything drastic.

I noticed something else this time when I tried to look around i could see further than usual and when I tried to put my mana into my eyes, although I failed at first I can now can get an accurate shape of the place I'm in and my size. I'm about the size of a banana and the womb is still a bit bigger than me.

Something I got from this discovery was that I could use something equivalent to spiritual sense. so I attempted to control my mana and use something equivalent to telekinesis but I failed over and over again and couldn't get the hang of it.

5 days later

After what felt like an eternity I finally was able to do a slight pushing motion with my mana which made it feel like all the hard work had finally paid off. unfortunately, when using telekinesis it pushes against the edges of the womb and might hurt my future mother so i'll hold off for now.

"Hey Chris, I think the baby just moved a little."

"hmm, I thought I would take six not five months for the baby to start to kick."

" That's why I thought it was weird"

"Tomorrow when I am done with farming we can go see the village doctor"


After figuring out the basics of how to use magic I decided to go back to cultivating, because I couldn't use telekinesis in fear of hurting my mother. While I was cultivating I started to hear a cracking noise, and I was worried that my mother was hurt so I immediately stopped cultivating and decide to check, by this time my power had grown and I could now use my spiritual sense on the whole of my mothers body.

For some reason I didn't find anything wrong with my mothers body so instead I decide to check my own body which was about 36 cm big now and discovered a pitch black sphere in the middle of my abdomen, and when I went to use my spiritual sense on it I discovered it held all my mana. This led me to believe it is the thing you would find in magic novels to measure a beings power.

Mine is pitch black which I am guessing Is the lowest level core, but this meant that what I was doing before was right, my cultivation will help make me stronger and live a happy and worthy life of a reincarnated person. Still sitting here dreaming about my glorious future is not gonna help anyone so I decide to head right back into cultivation.

After another two months of cultivation I was suddenly thrust awake and when I used my spiritual sense I finally knew it was time, 'For what?' you might ask. For my birth and for the start of my new life in what ever land this will bring me to. When my mother started pushing I didn't try to resist so it was a rather easy birth and the first thing I saw was an old lady who was holding me in her arms.

'This must be the doctor' I thought.

In the next moment she started to move me and passed me off to a surprisingly beautiful young lady who I was guessing was my mother. I also saw my father to her side who was looking increasingly worried with the pale state of my mother and probably the fact that I was not crying."

"Don't worry, the baby is perfectly healthy."said the doctor "Anyway, what will you name him Cynthia." My mother after pondering for a couple seconds finally said.


"Lucas Andrew"

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