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Chapter 25: Day 41- I’m charged.

'Well, we've been doing nothing but wandering for the past couple of days. We've been fighting some creatures with Fembur, but nothing really compares to that sloth. It's strange that a lot of beings are still much stronger than my slave, but we don't have much trouble fighting them. Our combined strengths and teamwork do make us pretty intimidating. It's hard for anything to touch us. A lot of these beasts are practically just animals that are looking for a snack. Tigers, monkeys, carnivorous plants, vultures, alligators, eels, piranha... actually the piranha were a nice meal. I can pull oxygen from the water more easily now. I let my slave sleep in a lake we found. She likes the idea of being a nereid. It seems like her skin won't get damaged from extended submersion. I think her being slimed so much has helped with that. She heals quickly, and her very body seems different than normal. Slime really is great.'

'Of all the creatures we've fought, the plant was actually the worst. It's sleep pheromone disabled my slut. She was going to sleep through being eaten. It was immune to my acid and thorns too. It was tough, but fortunately, I was able to just grow and pull my slave out of it. None of my vipul worked against it, but my slave was able to cut it pretty easily when I formed a blade. Slimes are a rather weird gem. We're considered one of the weakest beings, but somehow I've managed to acquire or utilize some ridiculous abilities. If I knew more about myself, I think I could do more. For now, protecting and enhancing my slave is enough.'

'The other day I discovered something interesting. The spiders were great at web weaving, which didn't seem useful to me. I could only throw myself in the shape of a web, but I threw a single solid tentacle, and my slave was able to crack it like a whip. She started throwing it, and she may have a weapon she enjoys now. It gives her a decent amount of range as she throws and whips me. I never thought I would be weaponized like that either. It sort of helps her move in more ways as I grab and pull her too. She can really go anywhere she wants in a myriad of ways. It's fun watching her jump or swing circles around beasts.'

'We've been heading to a volcano that's active down here. It seemed pretty far across this expanse, but I think we're finally getting close. We've learned a few more skills. I can put things to sleep. I can shock things too. She's been doing well to grow our skills too. I might use her barrier more. It takes a lot of vipul for as short as it lasts. It's good protection against a strong attack though. Vipul is quite the double edged sword.'

'She's still been carrying me and getting stronger and faster. She has to absorb stronger beings to even grow a little, but she's still growing. I swear she's getting more fun too. I thought her body was great when we met, but her body itself is getting better. She's been dancing with me. It became a skill for her a few days later. She actually charmed some of the monkeys. Her wisps helped her, and I glowed and changed colors to helps her. She really is impossibly enchanting. It was interesting watching them fight each other for her. She really could be a witch or demon, seducing men to their demise before she steals their soul. Granted, the fact that she can steal souls or spirit is my fault. She hasn't messed with that skill too much. Other than being able to see creature's souls, she doesn't want anything to do with it. Not much has a name, and it seems she has to actually be touching a being to see it's name. She has to focus on it too or else she just doesn't see it. I'm almost more baffled by her ability that my existence. I guess I can feel myself and understand myself that way better.'

'I've gotten pretty big. Every time she thinks she might be able to carry me easily, I give her more weight to carry. She really doesn't know how much I help her carry me. I'm impressed by how much of me she actually does carry though. If I don't keep growing, she might be carrying all of me in a few months. I do feel massive though. She's been able to swim in me for a while now, but it's almost like she can swim laps in me. It's amazing I can still compact to the same small cube. I get so dense like that. Even as a slim suit around her body, I'm still putting a lot between her and everything else. I don't get why or how, but as I get bigger, my strength and vipul get better too. I don't feel it, but I can lift much more than when I started. It's like the innate abilities I'm gaining from creatures. I don't know why I can sense some things, but not other stuff. There's just way too much that I don't know. At least I have my slut. I've taken the form of a bikini on her so she could get a tan while she rode Fembur. If she wasn't my slave, I'd say I spoil her too much. Granted, I enjoy sharing her and Fembur's eyes to see her. Seeing everything is nice. The caves were dark and it didn't matter, but now I can share their senses. As dangerous as this jungle is, it is really beautiful too.'

"Master, there is another pond ahead."

"I noticed that. It looks weird though."

"Woah! Fembur, stop!"

"What is it?"

"It is a vipul pool."

"Vipul can pool."

"Yeah, it is extremely rare and very dangerous. If it was properly collected and processed it could be put to good use, but as it is, it will kill most beings."

"Would even touching it kill someone?"

"Not necessarily, it could have very adverse effects though. I have heard stories of people's clothes or armor getting fused to their skin. Sometimes, their limbs morph or become ghostly. No one has ever been submerged in vipul and lived."

"Hmm, I completely believe you, but at the same time, it's been shown that I am an exceedingly odd creature."

"Actually, I guess I was sort of wrong. People have actually dipped slimes in vipul to see what would happen. They were trying to see if it was a key to getting slime jello, but the slimes just absorbed the vipul. Unfortunately, they couldn't get the vipul back, and it didn't make it any easier to make slime jello. I am not sure if it changes the slime. I just know people have actually used slimes to remove vipul if it is somewhere they don't want it."

"Can slimes be trained?"

"Normal slimes, no, I might have you trained soon."

"Oh, is that how this is. So, you really are a slut that's trained me to molest you every night."

"No, I didn't foresee that part of training."

"Ha, I'm sure. Did the slimes act normally after they absorbed the vipul?"

"From what I know, yes, if anything, they sort of got stronger. They may have gotten more aggressive, but slimes normally just burn anything that can be eaten. It's hard to examine them. Are you really going to get in the pool?"

"Is there any reason for me to not absorb it?"

"It just feels scary. It is suicide for anything else, and will this affect me when you use me?"

"I'm not sure. I think I'm going to take this risk though. We're still far behind beings like Tsuru. I'm going to have to take some risks. Slimes seem really resilient too."

"Just be careful. I am going to wait right here on the edge."

"Alright, I'll start by just dipping myself in it. Wow, this feels really good. I'm absorbing it."

"Master, your colors are changing."

A multicolored oily substance looked like it was spreading through me.

"That's it coursing through me. The vipul I absorb is spreading throughout me. It's dispersing to every bit of me. As I get more, it gets thicker and thicker."

"The vipul is receding. You are drinking the whole pool."

"It's still just flowing into me. I'm going to drink all of this pool."

I jumped off Kira and plunged completely into the little pool. I disappeared beneath the surface.

"Master! You don't know what could happen. Why are you so foolish? You better absorb all of this vipul and come back to me. Master!"

I finished drinking all of the vipul from the bottom of the pool.

"Wow! I feel amazing! Let me see you."

I jumped back to my slave and tackled her.


"Ohhh, you still feel great! Try a bite of me."

I stuffed myself in her mouth. I was feeling great.


"Oooh, what happened? What do I taste like? Hmmm, it didn't change much. It replenished your vipul though! I can replenish your vipul! You can have infinite vipul just by eating me! This is great! How strong is my vipul?"

I lit myself on fire. I was burning much hotter than normal.


"Master! The fire is huge! I can't see past it."

"I'm charged! My vipul actually rose! My pool is still tiny compared to you, but it's so much bigger than it was. It's like five times bigger. Combined with my size this is great. I can give you vipul. I can actually create strong abilities. This is great! How are slimes not ridiculous monsters? I'm a god!"

"Master, are you alright? Woahhn, Master!"

"I'm great!"

"You are not acting like yourself."

"Well of course not, I just became ridiculously strong. This was a great find. I should drink all the vipul."

"Master, please be careful. I am really happy for you, but I don't want you to get hurt or hurt me."

"Ha! We need to celebrate!"

"Master, stop! You are acting reckless! I just said that it kills a person if they bathe in vipul. You are charged with it, now. I thought you might morph me or make me disappear altogether. Bad things happen to people in vipul. Eating it raw is just as bad. You made no hesitation in forcing me to take a bite of you. I am really glad you are powerful and even better to eat, but that was careless. I don't know what is wrong with you right now, but it is worrisome."

"Hmm... You are right. I apologize. I did get too excited. It's not just from getting stronger either. My body feels more energized or something strange."

"Are you stronger too?"

"No, it's just my vipul that increased."

"I am sorry for killing your joy. This is really exciting. I am really happy for you. Maybe, we should celebrate."

"You don't need to apologize. I did go overboard with that and got careless. I should have been careful with you. Every step needs to be taken with some caution. We're lucky it worked for us. We do know it's safe now though. So, what did you have in mind for celebration?"

"Well, it isn't night yet, but maybe you could have your snack early, or would you rather do something with your new enhanced vipul?"

"Hmm, I don't use too many abilities on you. I think I can test my new strength tomorrow. I would like an early snack."

"I could have guessed. You can't resist me. You could see how long I last again. You haven't made me go unconscious in a bit."

"I don't think that's supposed to be normal."

"I have no idea what normal is anymore. I have been ruined by a slime. Now ruin me."

"Mm, I most certainly can ruin you."

I drug her down into the hole left from the vipul pool. I was going to be using her for a while. I played with my greater abilities and teased and tortured her a lot in combination with excessive orgasms. I played with her for a few hours before making her orgasm into unconsciousness.

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Master got careless after getting vipul charged. He finally found a way to increase his ability power too. He just needs to be careful of how it effects him.

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