/ Urban / Luna Warrior's Revenge

Luna Warrior's Revenge Original

Luna Warrior's Revenge

Urban 107 Chapters 10.6K Views
Author: Grace Carter

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Claire Parker boasted about her privileged life, but somehow, she ended up losing everything she was proud of.
She had an abortion and a ruined face. Her career was in a mess as her reputation was damaged.
She couldn't figure out why she became like this. It was probably because of Fernando Clark.
After all, love could ruin a woman's life.


  1. The_Sand_Queen
    The_Sand_Queen Contributed 812
  2. Leeann_Haereroa
    Leeann_Haereroa Contributed 785
  3. Pamela_Rodecap
    Pamela_Rodecap Contributed 761


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    Author Grace Carter