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1.3% Lustful Dominion: An Erotic Saga of World Conquest with My Harem / Chapter 1: The Young Lord And His Maid

Chapter 1: The Young Lord And His Maid

"Young master~? Young master~~?" A gentle voice echoed through the room, rousing the slumbering boy named Cian. He stirred, slowly lifting his head to acknowledge the presence at his bedside. However, instead of offering a reply, he wearily let his head sink back onto the soft pillow, his eyes still heavy with sleep.

"Do not drift back into slumber, young master. The Lord has graced us with his presence, eagerly awaiting your company downstairs," the voice gently admonished. Its source was a girl of the same age as Cian, adorned with cascading brown locks that grazed her shoulders. With a warm and endearing countenance, her eyes held a captivating hue of deep, round brown.

"But it's far too early in the morning, Maya," Cian protested, his voice laced with a hint of irritation. "Father can simply wait for me to awaken. After all, he only graces me with his presence once a week. It's only fair for me to make him endure a short wait, don't you think?"

"But you see," Maya teased, her voice infused with a mischievous tone, "the Lord is eagerly awaiting your presence. His eyes were brimming with anticipation when he arrived, young master. It seems he was genuinely excited to see you again after his duties at the castle. Wouldn't it be a bit harsh if you made him wait?"

"Tsk! I make him wait as a form of retribution, Maya! It's only fair after he kept me waiting for a whole week. This is simply my way of seeking justice!"

Gently, Maya countered, "But consider this, young master. The Lord was away for a week fulfilling his responsibilities as an earl. He carries the weight of numerous duties upon his shoulders. Perhaps retribution isn't necessary in this case, don't you think?"

"Are you taking his side now?"

"I am not taking sides, young master," Maya responded calmly. "But if I were compelled to choose, I would stand by the Lord. After all, he is the one who has been providing for my family."

Cian's retort withered on his lips, leaving him speechless. Maya had been his constant companion since he was merely five years old, a presence that felt as natural as the air he breathed. Yet, he couldn't deny that her allegiance ultimately lay with his father, her employer.

Maya Heartwood, hailing from a noble knight family loyal to the Lambhart earldom, was a fixture in Cian's life.

Recognizing Cian's solitary existence within the estate, his father, Ciel, had taken the initiative to employ a maid around his son's age. The intention was simple: Cian needed a friend, someone with whom he could share the joys of childhood.

Yet, their connection went beyond the boundaries of mere duty and convenience. Maya genuinely considered Cian a friend, perhaps even her closest confidant. Their bond had transcended the superficial and evolved into something deeper and more meaningful.

"...Please, just go downstairs. My mother will reprimand me if you delay any longer," Maya said, her warm eyes abruptly turning cold, sending an icy shiver down Cian's spine. "Or should I take matters into my own hands and forcefully escort you downstairs?"

A sense of dread engulfed Cian, compelling him to swiftly rise from his bed. "I will make my way there on my own, thank you," he acquiesced, recognizing the futility of resisting Maya's stern resolve.

He knew better than to provoke Maya's wrath. With a sense of trepidation, he acquiesced, surrendering to the inevitable.

Maya walked over to the wardrobe and selected a set of clothes. With practiced ease, she undressed Cian, their actions devoid of any awkwardness. Despite both of them being thirteen years old and entering the stage of adolescence, their familiarity made such interactions feel normal. After all, Maya's duty was to cater to Cian's every need as his personal maid.

"By the way, I overheard that your parents will be accompanying my father back to the capital. Any idea why?" Cian asked while Maya dressed him.

Maya paused, her hands momentarily still as she contemplated the question. "I'm not entirely sure. They seldom discuss their work in my presence. Besides, I believe their role will primarily involve providing an escort. Non-nobility is strictly prohibited from entering the castle, after all."

"Hmm, you're probably right," Cian said, deep in thought.

"Why were you asking?" Maya inquired.

Cian shrugged nonchalantly. "Just curious, that's all."

After Cian was fully dressed, Maya stepped back, allowing him to examine himself in the mirror. Cian adjusted his collar, tidied his hair, and took a moment to admire his reflection.

He was a handsome young boy, with jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes. Many remarked that he bore a striking resemblance to his father during his youth.

"Alright, let's head downstairs, shall we?" Cian proposed.

With that, the pair descended the stairs together.


Seated on a sofa, Earl Ciel Lambhart of the Lambhart earldom perused a newspaper, sipping on his tea with a mixture of concentration and frustration evident on his face.

"It appears they have already begun their maneuvers. Those wretched prince factions," he muttered, his voice tinged with disdain. "They pledge their allegiance to the prince solely because they know he lacks competence. They seek to control him like a pawn once he ascends the throne. If he were to be crowned, the fate of the Elesia Kingdom would be perilous indeed."

The article that had caught his attention detailed the Duke of Horselle's public endorsement of the first prince, along with the backing of other influential figures within the kingdom.

As the king's health continued to decline, the royal family found themselves caught up in their own internal power struggle. Siblings who were once bound by blood now eyed each other with suspicion, knowing that they must bring each other down to ascend the throne.

Among the contenders, the first prince seemed to gather a significant number of supporters, despite his glaring incompetence. It became apparent to Ciel that these backers were not driven by loyalty, but rather by their desire to manipulate the prince and gain control over certain aspects of the kingdom once he assumed power.

Recognizing the precarious situation, Ciel resolved to back a candidate whom he believed to be truly capable of becoming a worthy ruler—the first princess. With her exceptional talents and leadership qualities, she stood out among her siblings as the ideal candidate to guide the kingdom forward. If she were to ascend to the throne, Ciel could finally breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the kingdom would be in capable hands.

But the treacherous game of politics, with its manipulative figures vying for control over the royal family, complicated matters. Now, with numerous nobles swaying towards the first prince faction, the situation had grown dangerously unstable.

"I hope these fools realize the impending doom they are inviting upon the kingdom," Ciel muttered, his frustration evident as he set the newspaper aside.

In that moment, two children entered the room, both on the cusp of adolescence. One was a girl, dressed in a maid uniform, with warm brown eyes and hair that cascaded just past her shoulders. The other was a boy, his hair black as night and his eyes a piercing blue.

"Cian, my boy! Has it truly been just three days?"

Cian rolled his eyes. "No, Dad, it's been a whole week already," he replied, his exasperation seeping into his words. "So, what's the reason for summoning me? What do you need?"

Ciel raised an eyebrow, a playful glimmer dancing in his eyes. "Is that how you address your dear old father, without even a hint of respect?"

Cian let out a sigh, his frustration mingling with a wry smile. "Has my way of speaking become so grating to your ears?"

His father chuckled, the sound warm and infectious. "Well, let's just say it can be a tad irritating at times."

Cian shrugged nonchalantly, an air of casual indifference about him. "Very well, I'll make sure to be more mindful of my tone in the future, Father."

"Haha, you truly are my son!" Ciel exclaimed with a hearty laugh, pulling Cian into a tight embrace. "I've missed you so much, Cian! It felt like an eternity working in the capital without seeing you. But now, after this long week apart, your presence has reignited my motivation!"

Cian squirmed in his father's embrace, feeling a mix of discomfort and amusement. "Come on, Father, enough with the clinginess. You're starting to creep me out."

Ciel grinned mischievously. "Oh, well, if it creeps you out, then I'll enjoy it even more! Your 'creeped out' face is quite entertaining, you know!"

This display of affection between father and son may have seemed unconventional to others, but in this household, normalcy was never the standard. Ciel, being anything but ordinary, had a unique bond with his son that defied traditional expectations.

Maya, observing the scene before her, wasn't taken aback or repulsed by it. Instead, she let out a weary sigh, growing accustomed to these familiar occurrences in the Lambhart manor.

Ciel released his hold on Cian, a glint of enthusiasm in his eyes. "Hey, it's been a whole week since we last saw each other. How about we indulge in a game of chess?"

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