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Madara In The Beginning After The End Madara In The Beginning After The End original

Madara In The Beginning After The End

Author: Fat_Cultivator

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: My life as an Earthling

Chapter 1: My life as an Earthling.

I was called a lot of things in my past life. The main thing was the 'Ghost of the Uchiha.'

I did a lot of things, a lot of horrible things. Sure, some might say I was manipulated, but I, as one of the greatest Shinobi of existence, should have seen it coming.

To this day, after 60 years of living in this new world, I regret what I have done. If only I had walked a different path... Maybe, just maybe what Hashirama envisioned would have become true, maybe we would have had peace with our village.

That is why, when the old man sent me to this world, I promised to change my ways.

This world had no chakra, or any people with 'super-human strength.' It was a normal world, with huge amounts of technological advancements

My mother passed quickly after giving birth, and I had never seen my father. At first I was a bit sad. I wanted to have a family, something which I had lost due to war in my past life, but I quickly got over it.

I was sent into an orphanage, and they loved me like I was one of their own. To be honest, it was better than having a smaller family for me, I had a lot of siblings who used to dote on me, so it was nice.

Living as a child was bad. I mean, for a shinobi of my caliber, someone who was at the cusp of god-hood, it was extremely embarrassing to live as a child once more.

Then, as a teen, I came into contact with anime. This was the first time I had cried after my death. Why? I saw an anime called 'Naruto,' and saw the perspective of people I had once considered pawns.

The old man did tell me that I would see anime here, and to not be too surprised, but this was something else.

I saw how Naruto lived. I felt guilty. I caused that. If I didn't order Obito to go and infiltrate the leaf, maybe Naruto might have lived a normal life.

His lines hit me harder than the normal fans. Like when he said to Hinata when he was younger, "Wow, why do you cry when you live in such a huge place? I live alone and I still don't cry."

I then watched through the anime, how Naruto behaved like a knuckle-head to gain attention, to how he gained strength to protect the people he loved, and became the Hokage.

I essentially grew up watching the childhood of the person who defeated me. While I was an adult, I saw 'Naruto Shippuden.'

I saw how the war started, and I must say, they made me look badass.

I mean, I was a badass, who else other than me can stand in front of the army with no fear. I watched as 'Madara' wrecked the 5-kage.

Being honest, they made it look more difficult than it actually was. It didn't actually take that long, it was more like an amusement for me.

After that, I saw how I came back to life, and eventually, I fought the greatest taijutsu expert I had ever seen, Maito Guy.

He truly was strong. While I hate to admit it, and the past me would have denied it, I gained my power by taking Hashirama's cells, obtaining the Rinnegan, and becoming the next sage of 6 paths.

However, Guy is someone who trained hard and used the 8 inner gates to fight me.

I would say he was one of my most entertaining opponents.

I then watched as I eventually got betrayed, and watched how Sasuke showed his Emo side.

I must say, it must be part of the Uchiha's curse to be emo. I mean, there was me, Obito, Itachi and Sasuke. That's only the people the show showed, there were actually more I knew from my time.

I then watched Naruto win against Sasuke, and I believe I can speak for everyone when I say that if they were both at 100% of their strength, Sasuke would have lost immediately.

I mean, Naruto fought a war from multiple fronts, fought against Obito and the tailed beasts, fought the Juubi while Obito and I were there, distributed his chakra to so many shinobi, basically fought while being bothered to save other people, went into near death, fought me, than Kaguya.

And this is keeping in mind, the Biju were supposed to be on Naruto's side, but Sasuke took them away from Naruto, but Naruto still won.

To be honest I was disappointed by the strength of my descendant

It was a roller coaster of emotions for me, and I was honestly happy to see that everyone lived happily, surviving my selfish desire.

After that I read and watched many Novels, manga and anime. I mean, if mine was real, how many others were? I mostly wanted to see what other powers were out there.

I then proceeded to live my life as well. I wanted to help the world this time, and not destroy it.

I chose to go into professional boxing and wrestling. I mean, I am Madara Uchiha, I wanted to stay in combat.

It also kind of reminded me of my old world. I used this time to polish and create my own unique Taijutsu style. It wasn't perfect, but it would have been one of the top in the Naruto world.

I mean, even if there was no chakra here, I was a genius in Taijutsu, and I was able to create a good style to suit me.

I then used the money I got from my job, and donated it to good causes.

I lived a life I was content with, even after retiring from boxing, at the late age of 50, I became an inspirational speaker. To be honest, the later years of my career helped me more in forming my taijutsu, as without a powerful young body to help, I was able to fight by using minimal strength.

I tried to find someone to marry, and grow old with, but I tell you women here are more complicated than in Konoha. I mean there at least there was a sort of gender equality, kunoichi fought and died in wars, and there were some decent fights I had with women.

But here? They preach gender equality, but it is obviously not equal. I mean, at the army front, there are women sure, but it is mainly men. And men suicide rates? How about when they say they want men to be fit, tall and handsome, and when a guy says he wants a fit woman, they say body shaming?

If I had my rinnegan, I would have…. Never mind. However this doesn't mean I am gay, it's just that I haven't found the one.

Anyway, as I slept on my bed, I could feel my life slipping away. At the age of 60, I passed from the modern Earth.

I was now going to meet the old man I had met before.

A/N: The word count is 1,190 before the authors note, and I want to say that it will usually be less, but I will upload more.

I hope you guys liked a little bit being shown into Madara's personality change, and his thoughts. Obviously, I changed it from the bad ass god we knew from the anime into a person who regrets what he does, and wants to change his ways.

I made it so Madara would live on Earth for 3 reasons.

1- His mentality would change, and while he will be the Madara we all know and love, I will have some leeway while writing.

2- He will know the plot.

3- His Taijutsu. I mean, I could have made him make his taijutsu inside TBATE, but I feel like Guy really showed Madara that only with Taijutsu you could be strong.





























Also guys, I don't actually know TBATE after the school arc too well.

I mean, the reason I am writing this is because my friend went ahead and spoiled the freaking novel at volume 8, then I just lost the will to read the novel, so I proceeded to find spoilers.

I know about Asura's, Indra's, Virtra's. I also know about the main antagonist being Agrona, and the reincarnation experiments.

I also know about Elijah actually being someone important, the Tess thing and the other continents.

However, I don't know about the aether and the other powers.

So essentially, I will be writing with knowledge about volume 4 and some after volume 4. I was hoping someone would tell me a site where all the volumes are summarized, if not I am going to have to waste like 1 week to read the entire thing.

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