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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: First Mission - Too Easy

"Recognizing B02, Aqualad."

Out of the zeta tube emerges Aqualad. He is dressed in his regular hero gear. Aqualad looks to see Robin, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Naruto already waiting for him. "Recognized B03, Kid Flash." Kid Flash comes out behind Aqualad.

"I am so ready for this mission," smirks Kid. The young speedster falls silent upon seeing Batman not amused with his tardiness. Quickly, Kid joins the others ready to hear the mission with barely contain excitement.

Batman begins to speak now that the entire team is assembled. "Santa Prisca is the worldwide producer of the illegal steroid Venom." Multiple holographic screens appear behind Batman. Naruto keeps his emotions in check as he stares at the images. The former missing ninja has never seen such advanced technology. Several images of are the island Santa Prisca from different angles. "Lately, all shipping has stopped despite the fact that satellite imaging shows that the factory is still producing the illegal drug. Your assignment will be to infiltrate the island, figure out what is going on and report back to the League."

"Who is the leader?" asks Robin.

Batman and Red Tornado share a glance. "That will be left up to you all to decide," states the Dark Knight. Robin gains a confident smirk.

Red Tornado steps forward placing three cases on the ground. "In each case is stealth gear. It is not required to wear, but stealth is a major part of your mission. Being able to blend in to the environment is key to a covert operation."

"Cool," grins Kid Flash.

Naruto begins to poke at the holographic screens. The technology of this world is amazing. He wonders what else the technology in this world can do. Man, it is almost like looking at some rare and crazy jutsu. 'Come on Naruto,' smiles Megan.



Miss Martian sits in the pilot seat with her hands in the two glowing white lights. "We are three miles away from Santa Prisca." Aqualad stands up pressing the center of his shirt. His outfit turns completely courtesy of the new stealth tech built into his suit. "Almost at the first drop point."

"I am ready."

Soon enough the ship hovers over the ocean a half mile out from the island. A hole opens up in the bottom of the ship. Aqualad dives through the hole straight into the ocean. He swims through the water at inhuman speeds. Swimming by a dozen mines, he comes upon a large net. He uses his water bearers to create a sword to slice through the net. In no time at all he shoots out of the water landing on the beach. Running over to the heat and motion sensors, he attaches a device to them. It turns from red to green signaling that it is on. "This is Aqualad. Heat and motion sensors are on an endless loop. I am on my way to the rendezvous point," speaks Aqualad.

Naruto emerges from the back. Robin glances backwards. The Boy Wonder raises an eyebrow at Naruto's choice in uniform and armor. The blonde is wearing a green flak vest over a short sleeve skin tight black shirt, fingerless iron clad navy blue gloves, baggy blue shorts, and open toe blue ninja sandals. "Decided to not go with the Stealth Tech?" Naruto takes a seat as if never hearing the comment.

"Dude, he doesn't speak our language," says Kid. Robin gains an annoyed look. How the heck is he supposed to lead this team when one of the members can't even communicate with the rest of the team?

"No worries, I can communicate with him through telepathy. I can use my telepathy to target the speech center of the brain so he understands everything I am saying," smiles Megan.

Robin gives a nod. "Ok, I'll leave it to you to convey to him our objective."

"Got it!"

Naruto has to admit that it feels good to be going out on a mission. He never knew how much he missed it until this moment. Of course the missions he used to go on were solo missions that usually involved bodyguard or assassination detail. Missing-ninja were cheaper to higher than ninja from hidden villages. So criminals like drug lords and syndicates hire out missing-ninja. Still, it feels good to be geared up and back in action.

The Stealth Tech gear that Batman supplied is great. The armor and clothes are top notch, but he prefers to wear his own clothes. It feels much more comfortable. Though he wouldn't mind adding more kunai and shuriken to his weapon pouches. He is running a bit low. When he gets back to Tokyo he will stop off at a store to buy some more.

"How much does the mission pay?" asks Naruto.

Batman frowns, "there is no payment." Naruto is not happy with that response. "Heroes help others to do the right thing not for money."

"But we are not helping defenseless civilians. This is a mission to infiltrate and gather information for the League."

The Dark Knight can't argue with that logic. "Be that as it may, there is no payment," states Batman.

Naruto continues to speak. "I agreed to join this team to help, but if I am spending so much time here and not getting paid for missions then I will have to leave."

"The cave is stocked with food…"

"My home is in Tokyo not the cave. I don't need the League's charity. Pay me for my services or I will leave after this mission."

Batman gains a hard look. "We will talk after the mission."

A ninja taking on missions for free. He might as well put a slave collar on. Ocean blue eyes drift over to Robin and Kid Flash. Those two don't know the meaning of survival of the fittest. Sure the two have been in many life and death situations, but those were situations that the two willingly entered into. It is completely different from having to fight each day for food and water. Superboy is a ward of the Justice League being the clone of Superman. And Miss Martian is the niece of Martian Manhunter. All of them have others to help them so that money is not an issue. Naruto on the other hands relies on his skills to make a living. Only one person in the world helps him and that is Naruto. He doesn't need or want charity from the Justice League. All he wants is to receive payment for his services that is all. He is no different from everyone else in the world that is working a job. The League has enough money to build a cave in a mountain with technology far beyond anything else on the planet. Surely paying him for a mission would not cause a dent in their checkbook. If the League won't agree to pay him than he will leave the team. It is that simple. As much as he enjoys playing the hero, he could do that in Tokyo without the League.

"We are at the second drop point." She brings the ship to a complete stop over the forest.

Kid Flash stands up with a cocky smirk. "Time to use the new Stealth gear." He presses the lightning bolt on his shirt making his own suit turn black. "Check me out," smirks Kid.

"Impressive," smiles Megan. Her own clothes begin to morph into a black and a navy blue cape. Naruto is impressed with that skill every time he witnesses it.

"I am loving this new gear. It is not too late to change." The speedster looks over at Superboy.

Superboy folds his arms across his chest. "No tights, no capes, no offense."

"It totally works for you," Megan sighs dreamily. Superboy glances at her. Her cheeks begin to burn red as she realizes that she said that aloud. "In that you can totally work in it." Blushing, she tosses up her hood and turns invisible.

Grappling hooks come down from the ceiling. Robin and Kid Flash secure the lines to their waists. Holes open up on the floor beneath the team. Robin and Kid lightly land on the ground. Megan hovers down to the ground in a graceful manner. All three quickly move out the way. Superboy smashes down upon the ground.

"I knew I didn't need a line," smirks Superboy.

"And yet causing a seismic event might go against the point of being covert," Robin shakes his head at the clone. Superboy shrugs not caring in the least.

"Where is the rookie?" asks Kid. "Did he get lost jumping down?"

Robin smirks lifting a finger to point behind Kid. Kid turns around only to jump in surprise. Naruto stands behind him staring off into the distance. "When…?" splutters Kid.

"Be more mindful of your surroundings," laughs Robin. "Let's get moving!" Robin takes off without bothering to wait for the others. Naruto shrugs following the Boy Wonder. The rest of the team soon starts to move.


The doors slide open allowing entrance to the main control room of the Watchtower. Diana enters the room. There is no surprise on her face at seeing Batman already there. It is a rare to find a time that Batman is not in the Watchtower looking up information on certain criminals. He usually does it in the Batcave where he has complete privacy, but he did call her up here. The Amazon glances at the various screens that are displaying a single video feed from different angles. Stopping behind the Batman, she watches as a child battles against a villain she never seen. This villain is able to control wind currents to form twisters much like Red Tornado. The screen switches to show the villain take out a team of young heroes before that same child bursts out of the ground and spits out a giant fireball destroying the villain in a single shot.

"He inhaled a large amount of oxygen before using hand gestures to internalize the oxygen into fuel to create the fireball. I am unable to see the exact gestures of each hand but there were three to five in total," says Batman.

Wonder Woman gains a pensive expression. "There are spells that require hand motions to cast, but it is usually follow by an incantation." The tape is rewound. She watches closely. "I have never seen a fire spell like that."

Batman narrows his eyes. Magic is an essential part of Amazon life. Wonder Woman is an expert on magic. He wanted to keep this between as few as people as possible. But if Wonder Woman doesn't recognize the magic it looks like he will have to expand his circle. The only other member in the Justice League that might know more about magic then Diana is Zatara. Zatara uses magic more frequently than Wonder Woman, but she has over a century's worth more knowledge on it. She is an immortal amazon that has lived for about a hundred years or more.

"It is impressive," admits Diana. "But he went straight for the killing blow. Did he know that the villain was an android?"

"Yes, but to go to such extremes." Batman stares upon Naruto. "The child is trained extensively in stealth and martial arts." He brings up various video footage of Naruto training at the cave. "It is a blend of various styles. There are signs of ninjutsu, judo, jujitsu, and several others I am unable to recognize. In his battle against Mister Twister he used shuriken and kunai. Weapons like those were used in Japan hundreds of years ago. Very few have such skill in weapons. Those that do are mercenaries and assassins."

Diana gazes upon the child. "He is a warrior." A small smile forms on her face. She remembers when she was that age and trained just as hard.

Batman glances at the Amazon. "More like a mercenary. I had a conversation with him alone after the mission briefing." The Dark Knight remembers that conversation with perfect clarity. "He wanted to be paid for the mission. And he threatened to leave the team if not paid for his services."

"It is not an unreasonable request." Diana ignores the accusatory glare. "Bruce, he is a warrior and possesses a warrior's pride. Though it may seem mercenary, it was the way he was raised. Amazons are raised in the same manner. Are soldiers and police officers not paid for their services? I first joined the Justice League to not just help mankind, but to open communications between my people and the outside world. My motives were not as noble as yours or Superman. Give the child a chance to learn the true meaning of being a hero."

A contemplative look is on Batman's face. The Dark Knight has much to think about.

Santa Prisca

Santa Prisca is a small tropical island with a thick forest. The dense forest doesn't have any trail through it making it a tedious time for the team to navigate. Superboy, Kid Flash, and Miss Martian are having the hardest time moving through the forest while trying to be discreet. Superboy has to resist the urge to not smash every branch and fallen tree in his path. Miss Martian is not used to the environment coming from a planet that doesn't have much vegetation on it. Kid Flash is always eager to rush ahead but is forced to travel at the same speed as the rest of the group. Naruto and Robin on the other hand are having no trouble at all. The two are moving through the terrain with trained experience. Naruto could go even faster if he takes to the branches but doesn't want to reveal too many of his abilities.

Robin lifts up his arm. "We are almost at the rendezvous point."

Superboy picks up a crunching sound. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what? Wait is this a super hearing thing?" asks Kid.

"Kid, Superboy use infrared vision to scout ahead."

Kid puts on his goggles. The infrared picks up five heat signatures. "I got five signatures about a quarter mile away."

"I see six others. The two groups are about to meet," relays Superboy.

"Circle around them! We can't risk being seen!"

Naruto glances to the right watching as Robin takes to the tree tops. Boy Wonder completely abandons the team. "Hey Robin…where did he go?" frowns Kid trying to find his friend.

"He was here a second ago," blinks Miss Martian.

"Great, now we have to find him as well." Gunshots begin to fill the air. "Don't need super hearing for that," says Kid.

"Kid, circle around."

"Yeah, yeah I will but I need to find Robin."

In a burst of speed, Kid takes off running straight towards the two groups. Unfortunately, the ground is mudding making his super speed turn against him. He slips on the mud falling forward before rolling across and straight in between the two groups that are shooting at each other. Kid looks up to see everyone looking at him. "So much for stealth," gulps the speedster.


Bane leads his men into a fight with those cobra bastards. He is going to make them pay for taking over his island. Venom is his property. And no one takes what belongs to him and gets away with it. Speaking in Spanish, he orders his mean to kill all the cobra fighters. "Take no prisoners!"

A crash from the east makes the gun fighting stop for a few seconds. All turn to see a boy come rolling into between them. The boy wears an all-black tight fitting outfit with a symbol of a lightning bolt on the chest. Bane is reminded of Flash's protégé. What would a sidekick be doing on his island? Is the Justice League here?

"Kill him," orders Bane.

Kid moves at incredible speeds dodging the bullets. Several bird-a-rangs come out of the shadows knocking weapons out of Bane's men hands. Robin comes down from above taking out two men in a single spin kick. "What are you doing? Why didn't you vanish into the woods?"

A high speed punch knocks out a Cobra follower. "Oh is that what you wanted us to do!? We can't read your mind." Two cobra followers are telekinetically tossed into a tree. Kid turns to look at Miss Martian. "Well, at least I can't."

"Hey, you told me I was only allowed to read the bad guy's mind," says Miss Martian.

Naruto stays in the shadows not bothering to join in on the fighting. There is no point in it. The others are easily able to handle the men with guns. A ninja never reveals his secrets until absolutely necessary. Beside, this is supposed to be a recon mission. Kid Flash already broke cover by running ahead. Now the enemy knows that they are here. Well, the enemy knows about five members of the team. His own presence is hidden so the enemy doesn't know about him.

Bane blocks a punch before nailing Superboy in the face. "You think you can take down Bane?" A second punch comes at Superboy, but this time the clone blocks it. Smirking, Superboy delivers a full powered uppercut that knocks Bane out cold. Bane hits the ground like a sack of potatoes.

One of the cobra followers tries to run away, but Aqualad lands in front of him. Aqualad places a hand on the cobra follower's chest. Lightning is channeled through his arm electrocuting the villain. A scream comes from the cobra follower before he drops to the ground unconscious. "I know these outfits," says Robin tying up a couple of the cobra followers. "They are part of the Cult of Cobra."

"I am sure that if Batman knew such extremists were on the island he would have let us know," says Aqualad.

"Which means that Cobra are the ones that took over the island," says Robin.

"Great, now we can contact the League. Mission accomplished," says Kid.

Robin shakes his head. "No way, Cobra isn't selling Venom they are hoarding it. We aren't leaving here until I find out why."

"Until you find out?"

"This team needs a leader."

"And you think it is you? You are thirteen year old kid who bailed on us."

"So I guess you are a mature fifteen? Ha, you blew our cover at the first chance!"

Miss Martian looks at Superboy. "Don't you want to be leader?"

Superboy scoffs, "no thanks. How about you?"

"I don't think I am ready to be a leader. I am new to all this hero stuff," admits Megan. Her eyes turn to find Naruto. She gasps in surprise to find him standing next to her with his usual nonchalant expression. It is a bit creepy as she didn't even notice him. 'Do you want me to translate?'

'If you want,' replies Naruto. Megan telepathically relays the entire conversation between Kid and Naruto. He regrets declining the offer. Arguing on a mission while in enemy territory is beyond stupid. Kurama would have his head for dealing with a bunch of amateurs.

Superboy's hearing picks up the talking between a couple of the men. "Senor Bane, why do you not break the ropes and beat these children?"

"Quiet," Bane smirks. "I can use them to help me get my factory back." Superboy gains a small smirk. He loves having super hearing and the ability to understand multiple languages. One of the few bonuses of being trained by Cadmus.

"Do you think you are Batman?"

"I am the closest thing we got."

Laughter erupts from Bane drawing the attention of the team. "Such clever children, but if you want to find out what is going on I can take you inside." Bane smirks. "I know a secret entrance."

Aqualad looks over at Miss Martian. She walks over to Bane and concentrates. "There is a secret entrance, but he is hiding something." Miss Martian struggles to keep up with all his thoughts. "He is reciting football scores in Spanish."

"It is not my first time dealing with a telepath," smirks Bane.

"Why are you willing to help us?" asks Aqualad.

"It is not complicated. The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Megan continues to translate to Naruto. Naruto gains a slight frown. He watches as the team unties Bane. An enemy is always an enemy no such thing as an enemy being a friend. There are so many other ways to infiltrate the factory that doesn't require following a well-known criminal. No wonder their mentors never let them operate on their own. None of them would have survived in the ninja world.

Robin has a pensive expression. "If there really is a secret entrance it would allow us to get into the factory undetected."

"If he tries anything I'll take him down," states Superboy.

Aqualad glances at the team. He has to admit that trusting Bane, one of the most dangerous villains in the world is risky. Bane is a villain that managed to beat Batman at one point in the past. Still, a secret entrance into the factory is too good an opportunity to pass up. "It is the best plan at the moment." Robin slices the ropes freeing Bane. "Lead the way," orders Aqualad.

'This is a terrible idea,' Naruto doesn't like this one bit. One thing he learned being on the run is to never trust anyone especially not an enemy. A ninja never accepts that there is only one option to complete a task. Bane is not needed to find a way to enter into the factory. There are so many other options.

'Naruto, come on.'

Naruto frowns as he follows the team.


"My Lord, he approaches," bows Flicker.

Cobra stares out over the balcony. "Put up a radio jamming net. Nothing must interfere."


Superboy keeps his eyes trained on Bane. If the villain makes any move to betray them he is going to take out Bane hard.

Bane reaches the edge of the cliff pointing down at the factory. The team gathers at the edge of the cliff looking down upon the factory. Robin uses his binoculars to get a closer look. "Cobra is moving the product all right. It looks like they are getting ready to move."

"We need to get inside to get a closer look," says Aqualad.

"Just what I was thinking," agrees Kid.

"Yeah, you are the thinker all right," laughs Robin.

Kid glares at Robin. "Sarcasm really? A real leader would focus on getting us down there."

Naruto ignores them all keeping his eyes on Bane who walked away towards a large boulder. Bane moves the boulder with little effort revealing a hidden entrance to a cave. "Your answers are this way," says Bane. The villain enters the cave.

"Great, now El Luchador is our leader," scowls Kid. Robin elbows Kid in the ribs. The team follows Bane.

Bane leads them through the cave to where a secret door is at. Putting his hand on a fingerprint reader, it beeps before the doors slide open. All of them enter into the factory. "Robin…" Aqualad turns to find the Boy Wonder is gone once again.

"Don't tell me he was captured all ready," frowns Bane.

"No, he just does that," sighs Aqualad.

Kid smirks putting on his goggles. "I'll go get the information we need before Boy Wonder returns." Aqualad never gets a chance to stop Kid as the speedster takes off at high speeds.

"Great chain of command," glares Bane. Naruto doesn't know it, but he thought the same thing in his mind. Batman should have assigned a leader to them team to keep certain…idiots in line. Using the term idiot is being nice. Kurama was the one with a more colorful personality and no doubt would have come up with a much better term to define Robin and Kid Flash's actions.

Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Superboy all share the same expression.

The remaining members of the team and Bane sneak through the factory. Ducking behind a pile of crater, they oversee Cobra moving shipment. "It looks like they are moving all the new shipment. None of the old shipment," says Superboy.

"Maybe freshness counts?" suggest Miss Martian.

'Freshness?' repeats Naruto with a raised eyebrow. Miss Martian gains a light blush realizing how silly that sounded.

"Helicopter," says Superboy.


A cobra follower is sitting at the computer console making sure that there are no security breaches. A bat-a-rang pierces the console. The cobra follower has no time to react when gas sprays out. The knock out gas makes the cobra follower passes out. Robin pushes the knocked out cobra follower to the floor. Taking a seat, he begins to type rapidly.

"Find anything?"

Kid appears behind Robin. "I am decoding the system now," Robin continues to type. Kid leans forward pointing his chocolate bar at the screen.

"That is the original Venom formula." A new blue strand appears next to the purple Venom. "And that is…the Blockbuster formula. Cobra found a way to combine Venom and Blockbuster together. Together the new drug is three times more potent and permanent." Kid stares at the screen with wide eyes. "How did Cobra get its hands on Blockbuster?"

Robin's eyes narrow. "The Buyer must also be the supplier." He reaches up to his ear to activate the communication link. "Robin to Red Tornado. We have…static." Kid frowns knowing that the situation took a turn for the worse.

Santa Prisca

A military grade helicopter lands on the ground. Cobra stands patiently with his men surrounding the perimeter. Out of the helicopter emerges one of best assassins in the world. "Lord Cobra," greets the assassin. His hockey mask hides his facial features.

"Sportsmaster," greets Cobra. A simple gesture has a lackey run up towards the two. The lackey brings out a suitcase opening it. Inside the suitcase is a single vial. "The new formula is ready." Sportsmaster glances behind Cobra to see the large hulking beast, Mammoth. Mammoth is the first test product of the new formula. A literal mountain of muscle.

Sportsmaster smirks, "finally with this on our side we can go man to man with the League."

In the air watching the exchange is Miss Martian. "Aqualad, I am sending a mental image of the Buyer to you now."

Aqualad, Superboy, Naruto, and Bane are standing on a balcony inside the factory. Miss Martian sends Aqualad the mental image of Sportsmaster and Cobra. "It is Sportsmaster, he is the buyer," says Aqualad in surprise. Naruto is the only one among the four that has no idea who this Sportsmaster is.

"What is the plan?" asks Superboy.

"We need to stop Sportsmaster from obtaining that new formula."

"How do we do that?"

Bane smirks, "like this!" The villain leaps over the railing. Bane slams down on the ground between two cobra followers. Screaming the villain takes out the followers quick and in the process blows the cover of the entire team. The window behind the team bursts as Mammoth attacks the team. Aqualad lands on the ground. He grabs his water bearers using one to create a small water shield to protect from incoming bullets.

Mammoth roars before charging at Superboy. Superboy charges forward and the two lock arms. The two are evenly matched in strength. Mammoth picks Superboy up and slams him back first into the ground creating a small crater. With a yell, Superboy rolls backwards onto his feet and leaps at Mammoth delivering a right hook.

"I'll take those!" Kid moves at high speeds stealing the guns from the Cobra followers. Aqualad takes advantage by shooting small water balls at high speeds at the disarmed Cobra followers.

Sportsmaster watches the fight. His eyes narrowed as he sees several Cobra followers being knocked aside by an invisible force. The air above the battle shimmers. Taking a closer look, he spots a distortion in the air. He draws a metal rod that opens up into a javelin. Sportsmaster tosses it with deadly accuracy at the distortion. Miss Martian goes to move out of the way but as it passes by her it explodes blasting her into several crates.

Cobra turns his head to see a familiar sidekick. "Batman must be getting desperate to send his whelp."

"What is the matter Cobra? You seem disconcerted," smirks Robin.

"I am plagued by mosquitos," frowns Cobra.

Aqualad yells over at Miss Martian. "Link us up!"

"Everyone online?"

"Yeah," grunts Superboy blocking a punch.

"I'm here beautiful."


"I am busy!"

Miss Martian tries to find Naruto. "Where is Naruto?"

"Everyone we need to retreat. Fall back to the cave!" orders Aqualad.

Robin dodges a kick from Shimmer. "I got this…"

"Robin now!"

Frowning, Robin tosses a pellet onto the ground. Shimmer coughs as smoke blinds her. Once the smoke is gone, Robin is nowhere in sight. Cobra stares off into the distance.

Superboy tosses Mammoth before running into the cave. Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash are right behind Superboy. Robin enters the cave last. The five start to run down the tunnel avoiding fire from Cobra followers. "Superboy take out the pillars!" Superboy begins to punch out the pillars. The cave begins to collapse preventing the team from being followed.

Miss Martian looks around frantically. "Naruto is not here! I can't sense his mind at all!"

Robin punches the wall in anger. "How could my first mission as leader go wrong?"

"It is true that you have the most experience, but that can also be a weakness." Aqualad walks towards his friend. "With Batman your roles are defined and don't need to speak. This team is new, inexperienced. The leader needs to be vocal and clearly give orders."

"So what I have to play babysitter?!" Robin soon loses his anger. "Who I am kidding? Kaldur you should be leader. You're the only one that can."

"Please I can run circles…"

"Wally come on. You know it is true."

Superboy nods, "I could have told you that."

"Hello Megan! It is so obvious."

All turn to look at Kid. "Fine," smirks Kid.

Aqualad places a hand on Robin's shoulder. "Then I will bear the burden for now. Until you are ready. You are destined to lead this team, maybe not now but soon." Robin smirks. "The first order of business is to get back into that factory and find Naruto. If he was captured we need to free him."

Kid scowls, "the rookie probably tried to run off on his own."

"After we find Naruto we need to stop Sportsmaster from leaving the island with the shipment," finishes Aqualad.

"I was thinking the same thing," chuckles Robin.

The team begins to head out of the cave. Moonlight shines up ahead signaling the exit. As the team rushes ahead, a familiar voice stops them. Outside the cave waits the person that was supposed to be on their side. "Stop right there," laughs Bane. "Or I will blow up the cave and bury you alive."

"You?" Aqualad's eyes widen in surprise. "Why?" Mentally, Aqualad orders Kid to take a few steps back to get a running start. Kid discreetly starts to step backwards.

Bane smirks holding the detonator in his right hand. The team notices explosive all over the exit. One false step and Bane will ignite the explosives burying them alive. "It is simple. The reason I helped you was to get Santa Prisca back. I hoped that my two enemies would take each other out and when the smoke cleared Santa Prisca would be mine again. However, killing you sidekicks will make the Justice League take action. Either way, I get back my island." Smirking, Bane is about to press the button. "Good bye children…"

In a blur, the detonator is snatched out of Bane's hand. "Huh?" Bane looks down at his hand.

"Looking for this?" smirks Kid.

"I'll kill you!" Bane charges at Kid only to be lifted into the air. The villain's eyes widen. Superboy steps forward crouching down.

"Drop him."

Bane falls down straight into Superboy's punch. "Now, I have a plan," says Aqualad. The team gathers together.


Miss Martian flies above the factory in camouflage mode. 'Aqualad, I am not seeing any activity at all. It is so quiet.'

'Get a closer look. We are almost there,' orders Aqualad.

Diving down, she goes around the back. Miss Martian's eyes widen. The sight that greets her is one that she never expected. Cobra followers are lying all over the ground unconscious. She flies into the factory to find the rest of the Cobra followers in the same condition. Heading back out, she flies over to the Helicopter. Unconscious with multiple bruises are Cobra and Sportsmaster. Both villains are tied up tightly in ninja wire.

"What the heck happened here?"

Kid speeds into the area with a stunned expression. He looks at Miss Martian with new respect. "It wasn't me," says Miss Martian.

Robin swings down from the roof. He lands lightly on his feet. Boy Wonder looks around with the same look of disbelief. "Who did this?"

Superboy uses his x-ray vision. "Over there." His eyes lock onto the one responsible. The team watches as someone walks out of the woods towards them.

"Naruto," gasps Miss Martian.

Naruto walks towards the team dragging an unconscious Mammoth behind him. Robin and Kid Flash can't believe it. Superboy hides his surprise well. Aqualad is in the same state of disbelief. Unceremoniously Naruto comes to a stop in front of them team. 'Mission accomplished,' states Naruto to Miss Martian.

"How? No way the rookie did all this!" exclaims Kid. "It isn't possible…I mean…"

Robin tries hard to hide his emotions, but finds it extremely hard. He is the protégé of Batman. One of the greatest heroes in the world and leader of the Justice League. It may seem arrogant, but he knows that out of all the sidekicks in the world that he is in the top three. Other sidekicks may have special powers, but he has been trained to take down super power individuals using his brains. Never has he felt inferior to another protégé until this moment. Naruto accomplished the mission on his own without any help from the others. Cobra, Sportsmaster, and a genetically enhanced monster were all defeated by a kid a year older than him. And Naruto doesn't have a single scratch. Robin knows with all his skill this a task that even he couldn't accomplish alone. So how did Naruto do it? Who is Naruto Uzumaki?

"Red Tornado to team. I am on my way to the rendezvous point."

"You called the League! Dude!"

Aqualad places a hand on Kid Flash's shoulder. "The mission is over. Calling the League was the logical decision."

Mount Justice

"You are all dismissed."

Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash head towards the Zeta Tubes. Megan and Superboy head in the opposite direction to their rooms. Naruto on the other hand stands in front of Batman not moving from his spot. Robin glances backwards at the two before disappearing through the Zeta Tube.

Batman stares at Naruto. "The League has agreed to grant your request. You will be given a monthly stipend as long as you are on the team." Naruto knows that there is more to the agreement so remains silent. "Your powers…"

"I am a former ninja that is all I will reveal for the moment," interrupts Naruto. That bit of information is all Batman needs to confirm his suspicions.

"I will have Canary take you to the bank to set up an account. Your money will be transferred to the account," says Batman. The Dark Knight takes his leave. Naruto heads to the Zeta Tubes.

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