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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Welcome to your new Home Part II

The Linda Park is the same one from the new Flash TV show on the CW

Line Break xxxxx Beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

June 22nd 2010

Naruto's new life in his new home wasn't bad at all, it was actually really great. Although, like Tony said, school did suck. Naruto kept learning about his new home, soaking in everything he could. Politics, World History, names and dates, anything to make him seem more normal and not from another world. But it was easy with Shadow Clones. They also helped with his studies and with the help of Pepper, Naruto quickly rose to become one of the top students of his junior high and high school class.

Living with Tony gave Naruto to more access to knowledge of advance technology then other students, so Naruto quickly rose in intelligence on technology and often worked with Tony in his garage on his cars. Naruto liked Tony and Pepper, Tony was a bit of an narcissist, an alcoholic and kind of an asshole but he was a nice guy when you got through that and Tony always treated Naruto with respect. Tony loved the kid, he was funny, a goofball and innocent, and when he learned by accident that Naruto couldn't get drunk, he was giddy. Pepper was the opposite of Tony and helped keep Naruto sane, which was necessary since he was living with Tony. Naruto also met Tony's friends Rhodey, a liaison to the military to Tony's company and Tony's best friend. He also met Tony's co-head of the company, Obadiah Stane.

Over the years, Naruto moved through junior high to high school with high grades and was able to keep his secret a secret. The only person who really suspected a thing was Linda, she never gave up, thinking that Naruto was really special. How he was way more talented and athletic than a high school boy his age should be, how his intelligence and his ability to be in so many school clubs and extra-curricular activities seemed to suggest that there were more than one of him, and how he always seemed to try and restrict himself so that he didn't do anything too serious or intense. She kept digging and hung around Naruto a lot and the two became quick friends…despite her attempts at trying to find the truth, she was his best friend.

Over the years, Naruto's prowess with his new abilities and powers grew as well. His skills and jutsu's had improved but since he had no access to new techniques, all he could do is just to improve his current skill to their peak and try to make up new ones. Naruto honed his shadow clone jutsu to its peak and his Rasengan was at the best he could make it. With his new powers, he was able to form it with one hand and even make it larger or do two at once. He kept on training everyday, testing his stamina limits, trying out new fighting moves from kung fu movies he watched on TV and making sure his skills were absolutely the best.

His new abilities also made him much more stronger. His energy cloak increased his strength tremendously, making him at least 20 times stronger at full power. The blue energy aura that surrounded Naruto's body also protected Naruto's body and acted like a cloak. Naruto was able to fire energy blasts from his hands and could adjust them so that they would sting and act like a taser or blast right through a solid titanium wall like a missile. His aura constructs allowed him to use his aura to manipulate and grab objects. He could use the aura to move objects around and create solid versions of whatever he could think of like shuriken or a chair. He also could make long claws that could slice through steel and shields that could stop a tank rocket. All in all, his powers made him a complete badass and Jarvis theorized that they would only improve with time.

Right now, the 19 year old Naruto was at Malibu Point High School, after finishing his last final of his senior year of High School. He had straight A's throughout high school and scored perfect on his SAT's so he could go to any school he'd want to, but Naruto wasn't sure what he wanted to do yet. Maybe go into the military, like Rhodey but his powers would make him a lab puppet for the government to breed more.

Naruto went to his locker to grab some of the books he was getting rid of as he was emptying his locker. As he was emptying his locker, he looked at some of the pictures that were hung up. One was of Naruto on his first day of High school, Tony had his arm around Naruto's neck as Pepper smiled in the background and Happy was on Tony's side. The next one was of a prank that Naruto pulled back in junior high, he set off paint bombs in the football teams locker room and the whole team was orange for a month. Naruto was grinning as he was in the picture with Linda making a goofy face as the football team practiced behind them in their orange gear.

Another photo was of the freshmen homecoming dance. Naruto didn't want to go but Linda and Pepper forced him to. So he went with Linda, as friends of course, but they ended up wining the homecoming King and Queen crown. The picture was of Linda and Naruto together with the crowns on their head. Linda was blushing as Naruto looked nervous and Tony was next to Naruto, drunk and making fun of him. The next photo was of an angry Naruto as he tried to kill Tony and Pepper and Linda tried to hold him back. The next photo after that was of Naruto receiving an academic excellence award his senior year. The next couple of photos were off Naruto and Linda on their junior class trip to San Francisco. The final photo was of Naruto and Linda dressed in nice and formal clothes at their Senior Prom. Linda didn't want to go with any of the other guys in their grade so she asked Naruto to take her,…as friends.

Naruto was soon brought out of his flashbacks when his locker slammed shut and saw Linda grinning at him.

"Hey, whiskers." Linda said with a smile as Naruto groaned.

"Linda, you've called me that since I was fourteen. Now that we're graduating, can't you call me by my actual name." Naruto said.

"Nope. So, guess why I'm so happy." Linda said as Naruto zipped up his backpack.

"You're only this happy for three things. When the cafeteria serves your favorite frozen yogurt, when you've got the scoop on a new story, and when the new episode of Vampire Diaries is out. Considering that we already ate lunch, Vampire Diaries is done for the year and the school paper ran it's last issue this morning, I'm stumped." Naruto said as Linda smiled.

"You know me so well." Linda said.

"Because you don't have a friend beside me." Naruto said. "So why are you so excited?"

"Well, NYU has accepted my scholarship petition. I got accepted." Linda said excited as Naruto went wide-eyed.

"That's amazing! Congratulations!" Naruto shouted as he hugged Linda and Linda hugged him back. "That was your dream school."

"I know. And when I'm there, I'll be able to try and get a job at the Daily Bugle, best paper on the East Coast. So, my family is throwing a congratulation dinner tonight. You coming?" Linda asked.

"Of course." Naruto said but then realized something. "Actually, I can't."

"Why not?" Linda asked.

"Tony has his Apogee Award thing tonight in Vegas and I have to go." Naruto said as Linda was a bit depressed. "But I'll be back tomorrow and we can hang out then. I promise. Tony will be gone for the weekend, and his garage will be unguarded. How about, we take his Audi and head out?"

"All right, you got yourself a deal, Whiskers." Linda said as they left school and Naruto went home. Naruto got suited up in a snazzy black suit with a dark orange shirt and tie and black shoes. He and Tony were driven to Las Vegan and arrived at Caesar's Palace where the award ceremony was being held. Naruto was escorted to the table where Rhodey and Stane were sitting at. They enjoyed a nice diner and then it was time for Tony's award so they had a nice little presentation set up.

The lights dimmed a little and the large screens showed pictures and headlines as the narrator spoke.

"Tony Stark. Visionary. Genius. American Patriot. Even from an early age, the son of legendary weapons developer Howard Stark quickly stole the spotlight with his brilliant and unique mind. At age four, he built his first circuit board. At age six, his first his first engine. And at seventeen, he graduated summa cum laude from MIT. Then, the passing of a titan. Howard Stark's lifelong friend and ally, Obadiah Stane, steps in to help fill the gap left by the legendary founder, until at age 21, the prodigal son returns and is anointed the new CEO of Stark Industries." The narrator said as everyone cheered and clapped.

"With the keys to the Kingdom, Tony ushers in a new era for his father's legacy, creating smarter weapons, advanced robotics, satellite targeting. Today, Tony Stark has changed the face of the weapons industry by ensuring freedom and protecting America and her interests around the globe." The presentation ended as Rhodey went up to the podium to speak.

"As liaison to Stark Industries, I've had the unique privilege of serving with a real patriot. He is my friend he is my great mentor. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to present this year's Apogee award to Mr. Tony Stark." Rhodey said as everyone clapped and the spotlight shined on Tony's table and seat but he wasn't there.

"Tony?" Rhodey called out as Stane and Naruto shook their heads.

Stane then got up and walked up to the stage as Rhodey chuckled and handed Stane the award as he stood at the podium. "This is beautiful. Thank you so much. Well, I'm not Tony Stark. But if I were Tony, I would tell you how honored I feel and what a joy it is to receive this very prestigious award. Tony, you know…the best thing about Tony is also the worst thing. He's always working." Stane said as Tony was in the casino at a Craps Table with two girls hanging on his arms and with Happy and his security team with him.

Rhodey and Naruto walked through the Casino floor and saw Tony at the table and walked up to him.

"You are unbelievable." Rhodey said.

"Uh no. Did they rope you into this?" Stark said.

"Nobody roped us into this. But they don't me that you'd be deeply honored if I presented you with a reward." Rhodey said.

"Of course I would be deeply honored. And it's you, so when do we do it?" Stark asked.

"It's right here." Rhodey said as Naruto held up the award.

"There it is. I'm so sorry." Tony said.

"Yeah." Rhodey said.

"Wow. Would you look at that? That's something else. I don't have any one of those lying around. We're going to let it ride." Tony said as he bet his chips and picked up the dice. "Come on, kid give me a hand."

"Tony, he's 18." Rhodey said.

"An 18 year old with incredible luck. Let's do it kid." Tony said as Naruto took the dice quickly and tossed them and he got a seven, winning the table. "Ha, I love this kid. Color me up, ok."

Tony got his money and left the table as they walked out of the casino and through the palace's lobby.

"This is where I exit." Rhodey said as he and Tony shook hands. "Tomorrow, don't be late."

"You got it." Tony said as they passed a Caesar and Cleopatra. "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, there you go." Tony said as he handed Caesar his award and left the Casino. Naruto got in one car and left for home while Tony stuck around to get a ride in another after an interview with the Vanity Fair reporter.

Line Break xxxxx

The next morning at Tony's house, the reporter, Christine Everheart from Vanity Fair Magazine was sleeping in Tony's bed after a night of reporting. She was sleeping soundly when a voice spoke.

"Good morning. It's 7:00am. The weather in Malibu is 72 degrees with scattered clouds. The surf conditions are fair with waist-to-shoulder high lines. High tide will be at 10:52 am." Jarvis said as Christine was amazed at the house she was in.

She put on a shirt to cover herself as she walked around. "Tony?" She called out but she didn't hear a response. "Hey, Tony?"

She walked down the hallway to the living room and saw the nice furniture and paintings. She then saw some weird blue console panel on the wall and was curious so she touched it and it vibrated and an alert alarm went off.

"You are not authorized to access this area." Jarvis said.

"Jesus." Christine blurted out in shocked.

"That's Jarvis. He runs the house." Christine heard as she turned to see Pepper Pot, standing there holding some dry cleaning. "I've got your clothes here. They've been dry-cleaned and pressed, and there's a car waiting for you outside that will take you anywhere you'd like to go."

"You must be the famous Pepper Potts." Christine said.

"Indeed I am." Pepper said as Christine took her clothes.

"After all these years, and looking after a kid, Tony skill has you picking up his dry cleaning." Christine said.

"I do anything and everything that Mr. Stark requires, including, occasionally, taking out the trash. Will that be all?" Pepper said with a smile.

In the basement of the mansion, in Tony's workshop and garage, he and Naruto were working on fixing Tony's old hotrod card. Tony was kneeling next to the engine and began removing the engine cover as he was playing some old rock music on his stereo. Naruto was laying on a roller and was underneath the hotrod, looking over the fuel injection manifold and checking on the brakes.

Tony removed the engine cover and used a scanner to get a holographic image and readout of the engine. "Give me an exploded view." Tony said to Jarvis and got an exploded view of the engine.

"The pressure in cylinder three appears to be low." Jarvis said.

"Log that." Tony said.

"The right brake pad is a bit worn out. We should get that replaced. And the fuel injection level is a bit slow." Naruto said as he grabbed another wrench from the box.

Tony and Naruto kept working on the car when Pepper walked down talking on the phone, used her access code and walked in, which shut the music off.

"Please don't turn off my music." Tony said as he kept working and Pepper hung up.

"You are supposed to be half way around the world." Pepper said.

"How'd she take it?" Tony asked.

"Like a champ." Pepper said.

"Hey, Pepper." Naruto said as he peeked his head out from beneath the car.

"Hello, Naruto." Pepper said as Naruto got back to work.

"Why are you trying to hustle me out of here?" Tony asked.

"So I can get your Audi for tonight?" Naruto joked.

"Your flight was scheduled to leave an hour ago." Pepper said.

"That's funny, I thought with it being my plane and all, that it would just wait for me to get there." Tony said. "Doesn't it kind of defeat the whole purpose of having your own plane if it departs before you arrive?"

"Tony, I need to speak to you about a couple of things before I get you out of the door. Larry called. He's got another buyer for the Jackson Pollock in the wings, do you want it? Yes or no." Pepper asked.

"Is it a good representation of his spring period?" Naruto asked as he poked his head out from beneath the car.

"Uh, no. The Springs was actually the neighborhood in East Hampton where he lived and work, not like Spring the season." Pepper said.

"Weird." Naruto said as he got back to work.

"So?" Tony asked.

"I think it's a fair example. Uh, I think it's incredibly overpriced." Pepper said.

"I need it. Buy it. Store it." Tony said as Pepper chuckled.

"Ok, the MIT commencement speech…" "Is next week. Please don't harangue me about stuff that's way down." Tony said.

"Well, they've kept haranguing me so I had to remind you." Pepper said. "I need you to sign this here and here."

"What are you trying to get rid of me for? What, you got plans?" Tony asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do." Pepper said.

"I don't like it when you have plans." Tony said.

"I'm allowed to have plans on my birthday." Pepper said.

"It's your birthday? I knew that. Already?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, isn't that strange? It's the same day as last year." Pepper joked.

"Well, get yourself something nice from me." Tony said.

"I already did." Pepper said.

"And?" Tony asked.

"Oh, it's very nice. Very tasteful. Thank you, Mr. Stark." Pepper said.

"You're welcome Ms. Potts." Tony said as he downed his Cappuccino and left as Pepper smiled and followed leaving Naruto to work on the car.

"Have fun." Naruto said.

"See ya when I get back, kid." Tony said as they left and Naruto got out from beneath the car.

"All right, Jarvis. Let's get to work on the other project." Naruto said as he went to a chair near the computer and holographic workspace.

"Ready when you are sir." Jarvis said as they got to work.

Naruto went to the computer and brought up a file that was under his private file on the computer. Tony respected Naruto's privacy and allowed him some space on one of the computers.

Naruto opened the file the read, Project Maelstrom. Naruto clicked it open and it revealed to be an assortment of data on his powers over the years that Jarvis had recorded as well as his physical body conditions.

Naruto started this file to help monitor his powers and abilities through the years and to help design the best training regime. Naruto was smiling at the data, he was becoming a serious force to be reckoned with.

He was also designing an outfit in his spare time that he would eventually wear when he trained, so it could keep his powers in check, just in case and to make him look cooler. It was made of an experimental tri-weave titanium fiber polymer, making it much more durable and lighter than normal body armor. It was interlaced with special nanoweaver technology Naruto borrowed from the experimental weapons section of Stark Industries. It could conduct energy from a power source and make the material even stronger. It was predominantly used in nuclear reactors and power plants. It absorbed energy in the case of a power outage or explosion so the generators weren't damaged.

Naruto theorized his could channel his chakra energy into this material and it not only made it stronger, but it created a better channel for his energy blasts and constructs to form, and made them much more stable, not to mention it made him look badass.

Naruto brought up the rough prototype image of what his armor would look like and stood up and smiled at it. The armor had a flexible, almost cloth-like consistency breastplate armor, where the tri-weave titanium fiber polymer was placed. It was light, durable and shock resistant thanks to the MR-fluid mixed into the polymer so it harden at impact, making his attacks and defense stronger, and it's light feel made it so he wasn't burden with heavy armor.

The armor was black in its basic design and had two parts. His upper body and lower body. He had decided to add his headband symbol to the chest of the armor, and then a whirlpool symbol on the back. He wanted it to render with a dark orange and crimson color scheme with streaks of black interlaced through the arms and legs. (His armor is like the Batman Beyond Skin in Batman Arkham Knight but with a different color scheme and the Konoha Symbol on the chest)

"Nice." Naruto said.

"If I may, sir I agree. Does that mean you would like this armor to be rendered now?" Jarvis asked.

"Not yet, Jarvis. Just gather the parts together for now. I'm not sure Pepper would be happy if she found me working on this." Naruto said.

"Yes, sir. And I must remind you, that your scheduled time with Ms. Park is in an hour." Jarvis said.

"Right, better get changed. Thanks, Jarvis." Naruto said as he shut down the computer.

"My pleasure, sir." Jarvis said.

Line Break xxxxx

Naruto got dressed up in a slick blue-button up, dark blue jeans and converse sneakers and got the Audi and drove to pick up Linda. The two were going to hang out at the Malibu pier, play some games and eat some food and hang out. Naruto drove up to pick her up at her house and parked the Audi outside as he walked up to her door.

Naruto knocked on the door and Linda's mom answered it. A nice woman, she always thought that Naruto and Linda should get together. "Hey, Mrs. Park." Naruto said.

"Hello, sweetie. Hold on, Linda is on her way down." Mrs. Park said.

"So, are you excited for Monday? You and Linda are graduating. Off to see what awaits you in the future." Mrs. Park said.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to see what the future has in store." Naruto said as Linda walked down the stairs in nice black pants, a dark red shirt and black jacket with her purse and bag around her shoulder.

"Hey, whiskers. Come on." Linda said as she grabbed Naruto's hand and walked to the Audi.

"Bye, Mrs. Park." Naruto said as the got in the car and drove to the pier.

"Come on. You owe me for missing the dinner yesterday." Linda said as Naruto drove them to the pier.

"I know." Naruto said as they drove down and Linda turned on the radio.

"So, when is Tony suppose to be back?" Linda asked.

"By Monday morning, if something else doesn't come up." Naruto said as he parked in the parking lot.

"So he'll be there for graduation?" Linda asked.

"Most likely. Why? Hoping he would give us some alcohol as a present?" Naruto joked.

"Maybe. But it'll be nice to see him there for you." Linda said.

"Yeah, it would." Naruto said as they went through the pier.

The two enjoyed their time together and their fun at the pier with Naruto pretty much winning every single carnival game and getting Linda a whole bunch of stuffed animals, which made her even more suspicious of him.

After that, Naruto just relaxed on Sunday and heard from Tony on Sunday night about how well the weapon demonstration on the Jericho missile went. Naruto bid Tony a good night and would see him on Monday at the graduation.

The next morning, Naruto got dressed for his last day of school and it went through quickly. After school and his goodbyes, he returned home to get dressed and back to the school for the Graduation ceremony. He was in his cap and gown and in line with the other boys in his class as he saw Linda and waved. He then looked around in the stands and saw Pepper but he didn't see Tony. The ceremony soon started and when Naruto was called up to get his diploma, he smiled and waved but he only saw Pepper, not Tony.

Pepper walked up to Naruto and hugged him in congratulations. "Congratulations, Naruto!" Pepper said as Naruto hugged her back.

"Thank you, Pepper. Where is Tony?" Naruto asked.

"Oh, I'm sure he's coming. I bet he just wants to make an entrance." Pepper said as two men in military uniforms and one man in a suit then approached them.

"Ms. Potts, Mr. Uzumaki." One of the soldiers said.

"Yes?" Naruto replied, confused.

"We'd like you to come with us. There is something we need to discuss with you in private." The one in the suit said.

That day was a day for celebration and worry, because those men were from the Military, saying that insurgents attacked Tony's caravan and he was not found. He could be dead or could have been captured, there was no way of knowing. Rhodey and the military were doing everything they could to try and find him but it was a lot of territory they have to check to try and find leads.

From that day on, Naruto focused on trying to find Tony, the man who gave him a new life.

Line Break xxxxx

Tony woke up, not knowing where he was. He was cold, in a bed he didn't remember sleeping in with something in his nose and some pain in his chest. The last thing he remembered was that his army caravan group was attacked. A huge fight broke out and he remembered an explosion and then some images and then he woke up. Tony groaned in pain and discomfort and then pulled the large IV tube out of his nose. He felt thirsty and saw a cup of water to a table next to the bed.

He reached over to grab it and accidently knocked it over. He then saw another man with glasses in the cave. He was shaving with an old razor and using a small mirror taped to an old wooden beam. Tony reached over to grab the water jug when he felt his body tug on something.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The man said as Tony looked at what he tugged and saw it was a car battery with power cables attached to something on his chest but was underneath all the bandages. He felt something metal and in a panic, removed all the bandages to see an large metal device in his chest cavity and it seemed to be attached into his chest.

Tony managed to sit up on his bed and used a small mirror to get a better look at the metal object while the other man was cooking some food over a small fire in the cave.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Tony asked as the man chuckled.

"What I did? What I did is to save your life. I removed all the shrapnel I could, but there's a lot left and it's moving to your atria septum. Here, want to see? I have a souvenir. Take a look." The man said as he tossed a small vial to Tony, which held about three small pieces of shrapnel from Tony's rocket propelled grenade he was hit with.

"I've seen many wounds like that in my village. We call them the walking dead because it takes about a week for the barbs to reach the vital organs." The man said.

"What is this?" Tony asked.

"That is an electromagnet, hooked up to a car battery, and it's keeping the shrapnel from reaching your heart." The man said as Tony zipped up his sweater to cover the magnet and then noticed the cameras in the cave.

"That's right. Smile. We met once, you know, at a technical conference in Bern." The man said.

"I don't remember." Tony said.

"No, you wouldn't. If I had been that drunk, I wouldn't have been able to stand, much less give a lecture on integrated circuits." The man said.

"Where are we?" Tony asked but before the man could ask, the main large metal door eye slip opened and man shouted in Arabic.

"Come on, stand up. Stand up! Do what I do and do not speak!" The man said

The doors opened as the man and Tony put their hands behind their head and a group of men walked in, with some armed with Tony's own guns that he designed.

"Those are my guns. How did they get my guns?" Tony asked.

"Do you understand me? Do as I do." The man said as the main man walked up, holding a rolled up piece of paper.

The man who entered the room then began speaking in Arabic and walked closer as his men armed with guns moved up with him, ready to shot just in case. The man stopped talking and gestured for Tony's cave mate to translate.

"He says, 'Welcome Tony Stark, the most famous mass murderer in the history of America.'" The man translated as the other man began speaking again.

"He is honored. He wants you to build the missile. The Jericho Missile that you demonstrated. This one." The man said, showing a photo of Tony in front of the Jericho missile during his demonstration, they were following him.

"I refuse." Tony said as the man then ordered his men to discipline and punish Tony by dunking him in some water. After some disciplining, they covered his head as they took him through some tunnels and when they removed the bag, he was greeted by the sight of their camp, surrounded by mountains and rocks, and filled with armed insurgents and whole caches of Stark Industry weapons.

The insurgent leader then showed Tony around as Tony saw all his weapons when he spoke again.

"He wants to know what you think?" The man translated.

"I think you got a lot of my weapons." Tony said as the man translated. The insurgent leader then spoke as the man translated.

"He says that they have everything you need to build the Jericho Missile. He wants you to make a list of materials. He says for you to stark working immediately, and when you're done, they'll set you free." The man with the glasses translated as Tony then shook the man's hand with a smile.

"No I won't." Tony said.

"No he won't." The man said in English but the insurgent leader smiled, thinking that Tony said yes.

Tony and his cave mate soon returned to their cell as Tony sat in front of the fire. "I'm sure they're looking for you, Stark. But they will never find you in the mountains." The man said as he sat down across from Tony. "Look, what you just saw, that is your legacy Stark. You're life's work in the hands of those murderers. Is that how you want to go out? Is this the last act of defiance of the great Tony Stark? Or are you going to do something?"

"Why should I do anything? They're going to kill me, you, either way. And if they don't, I'll probably be dead in a week." Tony said.

"Then this will be a very important week for you, wont it?" The man said as Tony got an idea and had the man tell the insurgent leader what he needed and had the other men move the weapons and material he needed. They thought he was building the missile, but he was working on a plan to get out and go home.

After they got all the things they needed, Tony got to work, deconstructing one of his missiles, and decided to get some info as well. "How many languages do you speak?" Tony asked.

"A lot but apparently not enough for this place. They speak Arabic, Urdu, Dari, Pashto, Mongolian, Farsi, Russian." The man said as Tony removed the missiles inner mechanism and powder holding.

"Who are these people?" Tony asked.

"They are your loyal customers, sir. They call themselves the Ten Rings." The man said as Tony kept working on for hours.

Tony then began unscrewing the top of a missile using an electric screwdriver as the man came over to see what he was doing. "You know we'd be more productive if you include me in the planning process." The man said.

"Uh huh." Tony said he finished unscrewing and then smacked the top off of the missile and removed the main circuit board. He then took some tweezers and removed a small thin slither of metal. "Ok, we don't need this." Tony said as he threw the circuit board away.

"What is that?" The man asked.

"That's Palladium, .15 grams. I need at least 1.6 so why don't you go break down the other 12." Tony said as the man got to work.

Tony and his cave mate worked for two days in the cave getting everything ready as their insurgent captors were monitoring them. They gathered the palladium and put it in a pot and put in the hot fire that Tony had installed for smithing. While the Palladium melted down, Tony got to work on making a mold.

The man then got some large tongs and carefully removed the hot palladium ore from the fire. "Careful. Careful we only get one shot at this." Tony said.

"Relax. I have steady hands. How else do you think you're alive?" The man said as he carefully moved the hot ore to the mold and slowly poured it in.

"What do I call you?" Tony asked.

"My name is Yinsen." Yinsen said.

"Yinsen. Nice to meet you." Tony said as Yinsen smiled.

"Nice to meet you too." Yinsen said.

When the ore cooled down and solidified, Tony took the Palladium out of the mold and it formed a circle which Tony put on a base surrounded by circuits and copper wire. Tony then began working on something, welding circuits and copper wire to the device and when he was done, he attached the device he made to a missile control and power source, which he hooked up to the cave's lighting system. He then turned on the device as it drained the power from the rest of the cave and then the device began to self regulate and self power itself, generating power: It was a miniature version of Tony's Arc Reactor.

"That doesn't look like a Jericho Missile." Yinsen said as the device amazed him.

"That's because it's a miniaturized Arc Reactor. I got a big one powering my factory back home. It should keep the shrapnel out of my heart." Tony said.

"But what could it generate?" Yinsen asked.

"If my math is right, and it always is, three gigajoules per second." Tony said.

"That could run your heart for 50 life times." Yinsen said.

"Yeah, or something big for 15 minutes." Tony said as he and Yinsen walked over to his desk and showed him some pieces of paper with designs and drawing on them as Yinsen looked at them and was a bit confused. "This is our ticket out of here."

"What is it?" Yinsen asked.

"Flatten them out and take a look." Tony said he flattened the papers together to show a drawing of a large metal suit.

"Oh wow. Impressive." Yinsen said.

Yinsen got to work on replacing the electromagnet with the Arc reactor and after that it was straight to work on the suit that would be their ticket to freedom.

Line Break xxxxx

August 20th, 2010

Two months after Tony was attacked, Rhodey and the military kept on trying to find him, scouring inches of sand and mountains to find any leads but the terrain was vast. Pepper had worked overtime with Stane to try and help keep Stark Industries going in Tony's apparent death but Naruto was a different story. He disappeared for the two months and Pepper and Linda didn't know where he went. Linda was there to offer emotional support for Naruto during this time but he had disappeared until recently when he appeared back at the house where he just said he took some time to get his head together, and to think about his future.

Naruto actually had snuck into all the military bases in the country to borrow their data on the area where Tony was demonstrating his weapon. He also borrowed their system data and copied their digital key to the satellites in the area, while also training his butt off, which showed him some new things. His body had changed so stuff like bullets and knives bounced off or broke against his skin. He also found out that he could fly…he wasn't kidding. He could channel his chakra and energy through his body and feet and propel himself off the ground, it was awesome and would come in handy in finding Tony, even if Naruto had to scour the planet.

Right now, Naruto was downstairs in Tony's garage working with Jarvis and using all of Tony's computers and his holographic field to do his own search for Tony.

"All right, Jarvis. You set?" Naruto asked as he finished uploading the data from a flash drive.

"Indeed sir. All the data you've downloaded into my system has been fully uploaded and I'm ready to cross reference the data at a moments notice. But, perhaps you should inform Ms. Potts of what you're about to do." Jarvis said.

"No. Pepper would try and stop me." Naruto said.

"I believe that would be a good idea." Jarvis said.

"Not if this data can help me find Tony." Naruto said as he activated the holographic field. "Jarvis, use the photos and satellite footage of the area to create a rough holographic replication of what happened."

"Yes sir." Jarvis said as he used all the photos taken by the military and satellite footage of the area as well as the data on the military caravan to recreate the incident and what happened. "Virtual holographic reconstruction is complete."

"All right, walk me through what happened." Naruto said as Jarvis assembled a holographic reconstruction of the area where Tony's caravan was attacked.

"Mr. Stark's caravan left the weapon demonstration at 14:42 IDT. On route back to the United States Military base, the military caravan was under attacked at approximately 15:15 IDT. The military recorded receiving a distress signal at 15:17 IDT saying that their caravan was under attacked. Military reinforcements arrived but all the soldiers were dead and Mr. Stark was missing." Jarvis said as he narrated what happened and showed a holographic re-imagining of what it most likely looked like. With the holographic military vehicles attacked and the holographic soldiers opening fire.

"Tony was in the third military vehicle in the caravan." Naruto said.

"Correct. The first vehicle in the caravan was the first attacked. It was destroyed by a placed explosive land mine in the road. The blast was so strong that the entire vehicle was destroyed." Jarvis said.

"That's impressive. Any idea what kind of land mine it was?" Naruto asked.

"Inconclusive, do to the lack of physical remains of the mine." Jarvis said.

"The soldiers were fired upon from the left side. There were hills and rocks, which provided natural cover for the insurgents to ambush the caravan. It seems that this was planned." Naruto said.

"Why do you assume that, sir?" Jarvis asked.

"The time and how they hit this caravan. According to all our data, the attack lasted about three minutes, tops. That means, they had the weapons and knowledge of when exactly to hit this caravan and that takes some planning. They took out the lead vehicle, and scans show they used RPG's to immobilize the back vehicles so they couldn't leave. They used large explosives and particular weapons to take down this caravan." Naruto said.

"It would seem so." Jarvis said.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"My scans have come back to show that the military found residue of high explosives around the military caravan. And I've found some rather interesting results of the scans." Jarvis said.

"What's that?" Naruto asked.

"If my scans are correct, the explosive residue is a 98% match for the explosive weapons that were created and designed by Mr. Stark." Jarvis said.

"Are you sure?" Naruto asked.

"98% match for Mr. Stark's Rocket Propelled grenade launchers, explosive blast shots, and the 60mm rocket launcher." Jarvis said.

"How did the insurgents get their hands on Tony's weapons?" Naruto asked.

"Unclear." Jarvis said.

"All right. Bring up the military archive footage from the soldiers in the caravan. The soldiers wear cameras on their helmets. Let's sort through the footage to try and find more clues." Naruto said.

"Bringing up footage now." Jarvis said as he brought up 18 small screens, which showed the 18 soldiers head cameras. Jarvis played them and Naruto sorted through all the footage, looking for anything that could be a clue.

"Wait a minute. Number 14. Enhance and run it back. Go, go, and stop. Enhance again." Naruto said as the image enhanced to show a soldier shooting at the rocks to the side. "Now run at ¼ speed." Naruto said as the image slowly kept going to show the soldier taking cover but his camera got a glimpse of Tony taking cover behind a rock.

"There, he's right there. Now, organize the other footage to show what happened." Naruto said as Jarvis did. They couldn't get anything super clear but they did get some images. Tony ran from his car and took cover behind a rock as he took out his phone. Then some grenade landed next to him and Naruto saw an explosion that Tony was caught in. "Jarvis, could Tony survive that explosion?"

"Mr. Stark was fitted with a Kevlar vest but that particular grenade is designed for shrapnel explosion, allowing it to penetrate body armor. By my calculations, shrapnel will have penetrated into his body." Jarvis said.

"He could have survived that. If his body wasn't there, it meant that the insurgents took him. Jarvis, log that location." Naruto said as he thought for a moment. "And assemble the suit while you're at it."

"With pleasure, sir. Estimated completion time is 12 hours." Jarvis said.

"12?" Naruto asked.

"Weaving the titanium polymer fibers into clothing material is much more complicated than building a suit of armor. But I can build a suit of armor for you instead, if you would like?" Jarvis asked.

"No, let's go with what I designed." Naruto said as Jarvis got to work.

Line Break xxxxx

The next day, Naruto woke up early. He ate breakfast and was about to head down to the garage when he heard Pepper walk in.

"Naruto." Pepper said.

"Hey, Pepper." Naruto said.

"You haven't said much since you got back." Pepper said.

"Wasn't much to talk about." Naruto said. "I just needed some time to clear my head."

"I understand. But it can help to talk about these kind of things. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." Pepper said.

"Thanks, Pepper." Naruto said.

"I need to grab some of Tony's old papers." Pepper said as she walked to his office and when she was gone, Naruto went to the garage.

Naruto went to the garage and activated the lock and soundproof the room so Pepper didn't hear him. Naruto went to the center of the room where a large box was waiting.

"Jarvis, is it done?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, sir. Completed to your specifications." Jarvis said as Naruto smiled and opened the box to see his uniform.

Naruto took the armor out of the box and began to put it on. He took off his shirt and put on a thin tight black shirt and then strapped on his chest armor. It was a mix of light plate armor interweaved with nanoweave fiber and polymers, but it felt like fabric. Naruto had to buckle the armor at his shoulders and then attached his buckle to his waist so it stayed secure. He then put on his bottom pants and boots, and put on his gloves and forearm guards. He felt comfortable and ready for action, should it come to that.

Naruto looked at himself in the mirror and smiled, he looked badass. The armor felt good, and the leaf on his chest was a nice touch to Konoha. "I…look…so…badass." Naruto said as he began to move around in the armor, to get more accustomed to it and he felt good.

"I must say, sir. The render came out quite well." Jarvis said.

"That it did. Time to get to work." Naruto said.

"But sir, have you given thought as to how you will stay in contact with me should you encounter some issues?" Jarvis asked as Naruto realized he didn't.

"Actually, no. I was going to use my phone, but something tells me the Middle East is a bit out of my cell phone's reception." Naruto said as he tried to think of a solution.

"And have you considered a method to conceal your face. Should you encounter the American Military or, forbid Colonel Rhodes?" Jarvis asked as Naruto realized he didn't do that as well.

He didn't worry about this kind of thing when he was a Shinobi since he worked for the village, but Jarvis was right. If he was spotted, it could cause some serious trouble in the future.

"Damn it, I was so wrapped up in finding Tony and assembling the suit that I forgot about that." Naruto said.

"Luckily, sir. I anticipated this and developed something I think will solve both problems." Jarvis said as the floor opened and a small box appeared.

"What is this?" Naruto asked.

"Something I believe you will like." Jarvis said as Naruto opened the box and was confused. It was some kind of weird band-like, thing that was thicker at the ends and thinner in the middle. It seemed to be electronic and metal, because it has some kind of blue chip at the ends that signified something electronic in it. It also seemed to fit around his chin and jawbone.

"What is it, exactly?" Naruto asked.

"It's a means to disguise yourself and a way to keep in contact with me. Put it on the back of your head." Jarvis said as Naruto did so and it fit around the back of his head and onto his jaw. "Now, press the button on the side."

Naruto did and the side of his mask moved forward and up around his head and covered his mouth and nose with a facemask that obscured what he looked like and his eyes were covered with some special angular lenses that glowed blue. "Whoa…hey, my voice changed." Naruto said as the device seemed to deepen and distort his voice. (1)

"Yes, this device will help keep your identity a secret and will enable you to stay in contact with me here." Jarvis said as he remotely activated Naruto's heads-up display on his mask and Naruto saw that Jarvis was uploaded to his mask's computer and interface system. "The HUD will allow me to keep in contact with you, bring up relevant data should you wish it and connects you back to the computers here at the mansion."

"Jarvis, you're a miracle worker." Naruto said as his cell phone rang and Naruto saw a screen pop up that showed it was Linda calling him.

"I've also taken the liberty of connecting the HUD to your phone." Jarvis said.

"Thanks. Uh, answer." Naruto said as his phone was answered and his voice returned to normal.

"Hey, whiskers." Linda said.

"Hey, Linda. What's up?" Naruto asked.

"Nothing, just getting stuff set up for college in a month. What about you?" Linda asked.

"I'm uh…working on a new project." Naruto said.

"Really? What kind of project?" Linda asked.

"Uh…the top secret kind." Naruto said.

"Are you ok, whiskers? I know things haven't been easy for you the past two months, but I want you know if you need someone, I'm here." Linda said as Naruto smiled.

"Thanks, Linda. I appreciate that, I really do." Naruto said.

"I'm still upset that you're not coming to NYU with me. You have the grades, smarts and money to go if you want to." Linda said.

"NYU is your dream, not mine." Naruto said.

"I know, but it means you never get rid of me." Linda said.

"Something tells me I can never get rid of you, Linda. Besides, just because you're off to New York in a month and I'm probably staying here doesn't change our friendship." Naruto said.

"Yeah….friendship…" Linda said.

"Look, I got to get back to work. So, I'll talk to you later." Naruto said.

"All right, bye whiskers." Linda said.

"Bye, Linda." Naruto said as the call ended. He then did a hand sign. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted as a Naruto clone appeared next to him in a cloud of smoke, wearing normal clothes. "You stay here incase Pepper or Linda stop by."

"Got it, boss." The clone said as Naruto reactivated his facemasks systems.

"Jarvis, give me the coordinates." Naruto said.

"Coordinates placed and locked, sir." Jarvis said.

"All right, let's find Tony." Naruto said as he activated his powers and glowed blue and then flew out of the garage, out of the house and into the sky, heading to the Middle East.

Line Break xxxxx

Naruto flew to the Middle East and soared through the air as he watched the ocean pass by for land and then for desert and mountains. Naruto then flew to the route Tony's caravan took from his the weapon demonstration and then to the position where it was attacked. Naruto flew down the ground fast and then landed with a loud boom and puff of sand. He landed with a crouch and then stood up as he looked around. There wasn't much left as sand have covered up most of the tire tracks and explosion marks, but there were depressions in the ground from explosions and some spent shell casings from bullets.

"Jarvis, is this right?" Naruto asked.

"Yes sir. This is the location." Jarvis said.

"All right. The mountains are there. That means they went that direction." Naruto said, pointing north. "The leaves about 200 miles of desert and possible mountains to cover. Time to get to work." Naruto said as he flew up and began searching.

While Naruto had spent his time searching and using clones to expand his area, Tony was almost done with his escape plan. He and Yinsen had been working diligently for the past two months and a half on the armor and weapons that would get them out. Working on the gears and mechanism that would allow Tony to walk with all that steel.

Tony was welding some steel when the door opened and the insurgent leader spoke. The door opened as he walked in and his men pointed their guns as Tony and Yinsen raised their hands up. The men with guns then moved aside as a another man stepped forward and by the way he handled himself and his men bowed in respect, he was the real leader.

The man walked forward as he looked at Tony. "Relax." He said as Tony and Yinsen put their hands down. The man then walked forward and marveled at the arc reactor in Tony's chest.

"The bow and arrow, once was the pinnacle of weapons technology. It allowed the great Genghis Khan to rule the Pacific to the Ukraine. An empire twice the size of Alexander the Great, and four times the size of the Roman Empire." The leader said as he walked over to Tony's work table and looked at some of the sketches he did but they weren't complete so he didn't really know what Tony was working on.

"But today, whoever holds the latest Stark weapons rules these lands. And soon, it will be my turn." The leader said as he then spoke Urdu.

"Why have you failed me?" He asked Yinsen.

"We're working. Diligently." Yinsen replied.

"I let you live. This is how you repay me?" He asked Yinsen.

"It's very complex. He's trying very hard." Yinsen replied.

"On his knees." The leader said as his men forced Yinsen on his knees and put his head on the welding anvil. "You think I'm a fool? I'll get the truth."

"We're both working." Yinsen said as the leader used some pincers to get a hot coal from a fire.

"Open your mouth." The leader said.

"What does he want?" Tony asked.

"You think I'm a fool?" The leader asked as he placed the hot coal near his face. "What's going on? Tell me the truth."

"He's building your Jericho." Yinsen said.

"What is going on?" "He's building your Jericho." What's going on?!" "He's building your Jericho!" They went back and forth as Tony tried to stop it.

"What you want? A delivery date—" "{Gun Cocks}" Tony was stopped as the insurgents aimed their guns and everyone looked at him.

"I need him. Good assistant." Tony said as the leader put the hot coal down.

"You have until tomorrow, to assembly my missile." The leader said as he and his men left and Tony and Yinsen needed to work in overdrive.

Tony worked through the rest of the night to finish making the armor and by the morning, they were ready. Time to put it together. Tony wrapped bandages around his fingers and put gloves on his hands while Yinsen was hoisting the armor up on a pulley. Tony then put on a jacket to cover his skin and then a neck brace so he didn't hurt his neck. He then stood still as Yinsen helped strapped the armor to his body. The armor fit on as the chest piece fit around the arc reactor so the suit was powered.

"Ok, can you move?" Yinsen asked as Tony got his body use to the suit. "Ok, say it again?"

"41 steps straight ahead. Then 16 steps, that's from the door, fork right, 33 steps, turn right." Tony said as he gave Yinsen the movements that Yinsen would program into the computer. He tightened the bolt on the wrist and then began screwing in the armor at the joints so it didn't fall apart, when the door was knocked on and someone shouted in Hungarian.

"Say something. Say something back to him." Tony said to Yinsen.

"He's speaking Hungarian, I don't know Hungarian." Yinsen said.

"Then speak Hungarian." Tony said.

"Ok. I know." Yinsen said as he spoke a few words but the guards were persistent and then began to open the door, which was a bad idea. The door knob was connected to a makeshift bomb, using some of the old missile pieces from the missiles.

As soon as they opened the door, the explosive went off, killing the three guards, blowing the door off the hinges and taking out the lights and security cameras, not to mention making a really loud boom.

Speaking of that boom, Naruto even heard it from miles away. Naruto was flying over the sand when his ears picked up a boom in the distance that sounded like a bomb. He stopped in midair when he heard that noise.

"Jarvis, what was that?" Naruto asked as Jarvis began to record the echo and sound wave from the explosive.

"Analyzing the echo and sound of blast. It appears to be some kind of explosive. Approximately 150 miles southeast of our direction." Jarvis said.

"Thanks. It might be the guys who took Tony." Naruto said as he flew in that direction. Naruto flew as fast as he could in that direction as he was now flying past the desert to the mountains and Jarvis then picked up heat signatures in the distance, a lot of them. "Jarvis, zoom in."

Jarvis zoomed in and saw some guy in an armored suit using built in flamethrowers on some kind of metal suit as he fought against a whole group of insurgents. Naruto noticed some men on fire as weapon caches and stockpiles exploded. He then saw that they had the Stark Logo on them. The guy in the suit seemed to be destroying those weapons and Naruto would be damned if he let terrorists use Tony's weapons so he flew down fast and hit the ground hard, creating a shockwave that knocked the two insurgents who were next to the explosion in the air and the others to hit the ground from the shockwave.

The insurgent got back to their feet and saw some blue glowing man arrive and immediately opened fire, shooting them with their guns but the blue aura around Naruto blocked, vaporized or deflected the bullets off. Naruto then raised his hands up and began firing energy blasts, hitting the insurgents and knocking them away. Knocking them into the air or knocking them into rocks. Some insurgent then ran at Naruto as he kicked one in the chest knocking him about 20 ft away. He then grabbed another soldier, head butted him and threw him in the air and broke the gun in half. The man in the metal suit kept shooting fire and destroying the weapons.

Then one of the insurgent ran to the hill and loaded the .50 caliber machine gun and began firing on the metal man as the heavy impact from the large caliber bullets caused the metal man to recoil and stop moving. The other insurgents kept firing as Naruto fought more, blasting them with his energy blasts or punching and kicking them away.

Naruto saw the heavy gunner and grabbed a large crate using his aura cloak ability to form a hand and then threw it at the gunner, knocking the gunner away. The combination of the fire, bullets and the raging fire, eventually all came together and caused a massive explosion. Naruto generated a larger aura cloak to protect him while he saw the metal man press a button and fly out of the explosion and into the air. The explosion kept going as a fire raged, so Naruto jumped out of the mountain ravine and jumped to the top of the mountain. He then saw the metal man fly through the air and fall down and hit the desert sand. Who was this guy?

Naruto levitated up and flew down to the metal man as he saw metal scraps and pieces of the metal suit all over the sand. He then saw the man take off his mask and Naruto saw it was Tony, he was alive.

Tony removed his armor and groaned in pain as he saw the glowing man in weird armor land in front of him. "Tony!" Tony heard as the man pressed a button on his mask and it retracted to show Naruto. "Tony, you're alive! Thank god!" Naruto said as he knelt down.

"Kid?! {Laughing} I have never been so happy to see someone in my entire life! God I love your powers!" Tony said as Naruto ripped off the metal suit and helped Tony out of the ground.

"I knew you were alive." Naruto said as he looked at Tony's chest. "What's with the glowing thing?"

"Miniaturize Arc Reactor. Keeping me alive. What's with the suit?" Tony asked.

"Special titanium tri-weave polymer fiber with special conductive nanofibers. One hell of a suit and disguise. Come on, let's get you out of here." Naruto said as he supported Tony by putting his arm behind him and carrying him. Naruto then activated his HUD and it came back on. "Jarvis, direct me to the nearest US military base."

"Jarvis?" Tony asked.

"Good to see you again, Mr. Stark. Nearest Military base, 100 miles southeast." Jarvis said.

"On it." Naruto said as he glowed blue and flew away with Tony.

At the Al-Mualim US military Base, Colonel Rhodes was about to leave with his chopper crew to continue their search for Tony when they heard a noise in the sky. They looked up and saw something blue flying towards them.

"Contact front!" Rhodes shouted as the men readied their weapons and prepared to fire when the thing landed on the base in front of Colonel Rhodey, they could see it was two people. One glowing blue and the other not.

"Tony?!" Rhodes shouted as Rhodes grabbed Tony and looked him over. "Jesus, your alive!"

The glowing blue man stood up as the US Marines surrounded him with their guns pointed at him. "Freeze, down on the ground! You are on US Military grounds, you are under arrest!" A marine captain shouted.

"He saved me." Tony said.

"Hold your fire!" Rhodes said, getting them to stop. "Lower your weapon!" He said as they did.

"Thank you." Rhodes said as the figure nodded. "Who are you?"

"A friend." The figure said as he then flew up in the air and left.

"Damn." Rhodes said as he then looked at Tony. "Let's get him to the infirmary."

"Not a bad exit, kid." Tony whispered as he was taken to the infirmary.

Line Break xxxxx

August 28th, 2010

After a week of recuperating at the US military base, Tony was flown back to the states in a military plane at the military base near San Diego. The military staff and medics were there and so were Happy, Pepper and Naruto. The saw the military plane land on the airstrip as it came to a stop. The hangar door opened and Rhodey helped Tony down the ramp. Tony was in a suit with his arm in a sling, some scratches on his face but he was looking ok.

Pepper, Happy and Naruto smiled seeing him alive. Naruto knew he was ok but had to keep up appearances. Tony and Rhodey walked down the ramp as the army medics came up with a gurney.

"What are you kidding me with this? Get rid of them." Tony said, referring to the medics.

Rhodey waved them off as Tony walked up to Pepper and Naruto. "Hmm. Your eyes are red. A few tears for you long lost boss?" Tony asked.

"Tears of joy. I hate job hunting." Pepper joked.

"Yeah, vacation's over." Tony said as he hugged Naruto. "Good to see you, kid."

"You too, Tony." Naruto replied as they walked up to the Rolls Royce and Tony hugged Happy. They got in the car with Tony and Pepper sitting in the bag and Naruto sitting shotgun with Happy.

"Where to sir?" Happy asked.

"Take us to the hospital, Happy." Pepper said.

"No." Tony replied.

"No. Tony you have to go to the hospital. The doctor has to look at you." Pepper said.

"No is a complete answer. I don't have to do anything. I've been in captivity for 3 months, there are two things I want to do. I wan an American Cheeseburger, and the other…" "That's enough of that." Pepper stopped him there.

"is not what you think. I want you to call for a press conference now." Tony said.

"Call for a press conference? What on earth for?" Pepper asked.

"Hogan, drive. Cheeseburger first." Tony said as they drove away.

After stopping by Burger King for burgers, they drove to Stark Industries to the front entrance where Stane and all his employees and the board members clapped and cheered at his safe return.

"Look at this!" Stane said as he walked up to the door and helped Tony out. He then hugged Tony. "Tony. We were going to meet you at the hospital."

"Nah, I'm fine." Tony said as Naruto got out of the shotgun seat, holding a Burger King bag and Tony took another.

"Look at you! Oh, you had to have a burger. You get me one of those?" Stane asked as they walked in with Pepper and Naruto behind him.

"Uh, there's only one left and I need it." Tony said as they walked in and he ate it. They walked through the building to where the press conference was being held and all the press people clapped loud and cheered as Tony walked to the front.

Tony walked through the crowd as people shook his hand and cameramen took his picture. Naruto and Pepper stood at the back, to avoid the crowd and watch the press conference when a man in a suit came up to them.

"Ms. Potts?" The man asked.

"Yes." Pepper replied.

"Can I speak to you for a moment?" The man asked.

"I'm not part of the press conference but it's about to begin now." Pepper said.

"I'm not a report. I'm agent Phil Coulson, with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." Agent Coulson said, showing her a card.

"Wow, that's a mouthful." Naruto joked as he looked at the card.

"I know, we're working on it." Agent Coulson said.

"You know, we've been approached already by the DOD, the FBI, the CIA…" "We're a separate division with a more specific focus." Agent Coulson said.

"We need to debrief Mr. Stark on the circumstances of his escape." Agent Coulson said.

"I'll put something in the books, shall I?" Pepper asked.

"Thank you." Coulson said as they watched the press conference as Tony had everyone sit down.

"Did he fill you guys in?" Rhodey asked Pepper and Naruto.

"I got no idea." Pepper said.

"Sorry." Naruto replied, but he knew what Tony was going to do, he saw it in his eyes.

"I never got to say goodbye to my father. There's questions that I would have asked him. I would have asked him how he felt about what this company did. If he was conflicted, if he ever had doubts. Or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels." Tony said as his mood changed to a more serious one.

"I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons that I created to defend them and protect them. And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability." Tony said as he answered one reporters questions.

"What happened over there?" He asked.

"I had my eyes open." Tony said as he got up speak at the podium. "I came to realize that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up. And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International until such a time as I can decide what the future of this company will be. What direction it should take, one that I'm comfortable with and is consistent with the highest good for this country as well." Tony said as he got down and there was a media frenzy as reporters tried to ask him questions but he just walked by.

He walked up to Naruto and the two walked out, leaving everyone else confused. "Come on, kid. We got work to do." Tony said as they left

End of Chapter 2

Hoped you guys like the first chapter of this story. This story will include a lot of the movie elements as well as the elements from various Marvel shows like Daredevil and the animated shows such as Spider man and will be a lot wider than the movies. It will follow the Marvel phases and movies with Naruto having a lot of a bigger influence in the movies and the avengers. Some movies will be changed and fixed to accommodate Naruto being added.

I hoped you guys like the outfit, when I play Arkham Knight, I like the Batman Beyond skin because it looks awesome. Naruto's got his awesome ninja skills still but he's also got powers that make him much stronger so he'll be a force to reckoned with, a Maelstrom.

1) Think of Naruto's mask as a mix between Optimus Prime's battle mask that covers his mouth and The Batman Arkham Knight Batman Beyond skin eye coverage except blue color. The collapsed mask band fits around the back of Naruto's head and when it's activated, closes around his face, leaving his hair the only thing exposed.

As for the pairing, I decided to add in Linda Park from the Flash TV series on the CW. I liked her character and I thought the actress that played her was beautiful so I decided to have her and Naruto be the romantic pairing. It'll be similar to how in the Ultimate Spider Man Universe, Peter and MJ are good friends that eventually go out and Linda will help Naruto as well.

For those who think Tony isn't acting like Tony Stark, well with growing up with Naruto and taking him in when he was younger, Naruto's had some good influence on Tony. Granted Tony is still Tony, but he's not as bad.

Naruto's Abilities

Alter Ego Name: ?

Powers: Enhance speed. Enhance strength. Accelerated healing. Superior intelligence. Enhance senses. Excellent fighting skills and combat adaptability. Chakra system and Jutsu's from home world. Superhuman durability and resistance to stimuli.

New Powers: Chakra aura cloak, which increases strength, speed, durability and reflexes. Energy projection blasts, capable of stunning and destroying. Capable of aura constructs. Capable of absorbing energy. Capable of Flight.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any Marvel products. Both belong to their respective owners, I'm just a big fan.

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