/ Urban / Mafia Don And His 7 Sisters

Mafia Don And His 7 Sisters Original

Mafia Don And His 7 Sisters

Urban 785 Chapters 21.4K Views
Author: Bryson Salazar

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He has seven beautiful sisters. They are all crazy about their younger brother, but they don't know that he has already become a king who could make the world tremble!
His elder sister, Queenie, is a cold-faced CEO!
His second elder sister, Tracy, is a skilled doctor!
His third elder sister, Alice, is a seductive killer!
His fourth elder sister, Kate, is a beautiful reporter!
His fifth elder sister, Angela, is so mysterious!
His sixth elder sister, Anita, is the best actress!
His seventh elder sister, Bertha, has an extraordinary identity......
Fifteen years ago, you treated me as your family. Fifteen years later, I will protect you in return.


  1. Cyber_Beep
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  2. Sai_Siddhardha
    Sai_Siddhardha Contributed 785
  3. Sanghoo_Park_4035
    Sanghoo_Park_4035 Contributed 780


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    Author Bryson Salazar