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Chapter 2: Lost in the Forest

He cast water magic towards the cat, a large ball of water hits it straight in the chest, sending the cat flying back into a tree. It seems stunned from the water magic, it is barely able to stay upright.

The cat looks up back at him, but still looks barely able to stand. Its eyes are still glowing red, and its sharp claws still show.

"Calm down kitty..."

The cat has now fully steadied itself, he hear it begin to growl again.

"I do not think this cat is going to stop attacking." He notice the cats claws are also extending, they look exceptionally sharp. HE should either get ready to cast magic on it again, or fight back somehow, or he can try to run.

He drew a knife from his waist as the cat begins to lunge again.

The cat is fast, much faster than he anticipated, and the moment he tries to stab at it, the cat dodges and counters, slashing at his face.

"Ahh! That hurts!" He shout.

"D*mn you! I'll end you now!"

He quickly cast water magic at the cat. It lands just inches in front of the cat, and the cat is sent stumbling backwards.

This time the water magic looks like it actually did some significant damage.

The cat looks wounded, it is still getting up, trying to steady itself.

"I got you now."

He cast his water magic, his spell strikes the cat, and this time it dies. The cat drops to the ground, it feels like it died instantly.

He hear no cries of pain, or anything. The cat just lands to the ground.

"I need to get out of this forest soon..."

He begins to think of a plan, this is just one encounter, what if he happen to run into another monster while in his weakened state.

He looked down at his arm, he noticed the cat's claws dug deep into the flesh, and he can also see blood from the deep scratches.

"The hell... when did it get me on the arm?"

He is definitely not in ideal condition to survive another battle against another monster. He begins to wonder how he can get out of this forest.

"What if I use teleportation magic again? maybe it will teleport me somewhere."

He starts to think about using his teleportation magic. He recalls it took a significant toll on his mana before, but he might not have many other options.

He decides to try casting it again, he focuses and starts to attempt to cast what he remembered from when he previously cast the spell.

After a few seconds, his teleportation spell goes off and he's instantly sent to a completely different location.

He takes a moment to take in his environment, he appear to be at the top of a large mountain.

"Mother f*cking teleportation magic!" he shout out after casting the teleportation magic.

He finds himself now on top of the biggest mountain he have ever seen.

He can see the entirety of the forest below him as well as far off places in the distance, in all directions.

He looks around in hopes of finding any civilization, but in his current place and vantage point, all he spot is more forest and more mountains.

He stands at the top of this mountain, not knowing where he is. He shouts into the air, but nobody can hear his shout.

He notices the sun begins to creep behind the horizon, signaling that night will begin soon. He's starting to get hungry.

He look around the mountain, and eventually manage to find some ripe looking fruit.

His hunger is getting stronger and stronger by the second, almost becoming unbearable. He eat the fruit, the taste is sweet, but very fresh. It tastes like a good fruit.

As he begins to eat, he realizes his mana has now fully restored.

He gaze up into the night sky and see a beautiful sky full of stars.

He can also see the moon directly in front of him, and two more moons in the distance, just barely behind the mountain.

All three moons shine bright in this evening sky, and it is quite serene.

He begins to think of finding a good tree to sleep on. After some searching, he manage to find a tree with large spread out branches.

He climb up the tree onto one of its spread out branches.

He finds himself in a comfortable sleeping place, and he is now able to find somewhere to rest in comfort.

As night falls and everything gets dark, he feels his eyes getting heavy, his tiredness is starting to catch up with him after all that has happened.

"I'm going to sleep..."

He says these words, and then closes his eyes in a deep sleep.

He ended up sleeping for a long time, until morning. There is now sunlight in the sky.

He notices that his hunger is gone, and the pain in his arm has subsided from when the cat slashed him.

His arm is still injured, but the cut from the cat's claws has sealed itself. You begin to walk and explore this forest, looking for a way out.

He travels for a few minutes until he notices that there are still no signs of civilization.

He started to feel like this was a complete waste of time, when his luck begins to change.

He notice a path of grass to the right, a path that looks clearly cut.

He starts to notice as he get closer to the path, he notice tracks that look like they are from some sort of carriage.

He looks at the tracks and notices that his assessment is correct.

The tracks look like this could potentially be from a carriage or a wagon.

As he investigates the area more, he notice the remnants of a destroyed carriage.

There are several pieces of wood broken from the carriage, as well as several pieces of fabric and rope.

He see a broken piece of the front of the cart, which looks like it used to be used to hold two horses.

There are still a few pieces of food there, probably left by a merchant that was attacked.

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