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Chapter 13: 13-Crystalized Cores and Lilith's Family

In the Principal Office within the School, It had a Luxurious Ancient Modern Template. The Calmed and Silent atmosphere was all around the room, and it was easy to calm oneself within the Room. In such a Room, Two Students were sitting in a Crossed-Legged Position. They wanted to calm themselves before eating the Cores they had. The Bag that contained the Crystalized Core was in front of them. Arthur opened his Eyelids and revealed his Blue Azure Eyes. He looked at the Bag with interest and began opening it.

Lilith also opened her Eyelids as she noticed the sound of Arthur opening the Bag. Her Red Crimson Eyes were revealed, and it looked like a Fierce Star. She looked at Arthur as he began taking out the Cores within the Bag. Arthur planned to limit the Cores they take as there would be Bad Results in the Overconsumption of Cores. While taking out the cores, Arthur asked Lilith a question. "How many Crystalized Cores are within the Bag?" Lilith thought about it for a moment and answered. "Over 150 Crystalized Cores." Arthur nodded after hearing her Answer and already had a perfect number in mind.

"We'll take Ten Crystalized Cores each. Overconsumption would bring Bad Results." Arthur said while giving Lilith, Ten Crystalized Cores. He also took out his own Ten Crystalized Cores. Hearing the Overconsumption from Arthur, Lilith remembered a Quote for her Grandfather. She remembered it long ago when she was in training. "My Grandfather said that in Path of Power. One must find a Perfect Foothold before climbing, or else they will fall to their damnation."

"That is a good quote. We should take that in mind." Arthur said as he closed back the Bag. He planned to eat Ten Crystalized Cores a Day so that the two of them could get stronger at a faster rate without any problems. Lilith held her Cores and looked at it with curiosity. She wondered why such things could help humans get stronger. She also wondered why something that could help humans get stronger was in the Brains of the Undead. She had many questions, but it was still the second day of the apocalypse.

"Do we consume them all at once?" Lilith asked Arthur. Arthur began to remember his Conversations with the Awakened Humans in the Apocalypse World. He had got much Information about them, but he found it useless as he was an Ordinary Human not long ago. With him being an Awakened Human, The Information he got was comparable to Gold. Arthur had such a thing in mind when searching within his Memory.

"Hmm... We should consume them all at once. Consuming them one by one wouldn't be efficient and can also damage our Body. Our Body can Adapt and handle all of the Crystalized Cores in front of us, but eating them one by one would make it like putting one small thing in a grinder or blender and don't it over and over again." Arthur explained a Good Analogy about the Crystalized Cores. Lilith nodded in understanding and sometimes wondered where Arthur get this Analogy from.

The Two of them were in silence as they began the consumption of the Ten Crystalized Cores. They swallowed all of it one by one, and the Heat within their Stomach turned into Pain. It was like the Worse Stomachache in their Life. It was probably comparable to Diarrhea which was not a good thing. Arthur gritted his teeth as he began calming down the energy within him. Lilith had a calm looked, but her slick eyebrows were twitching in pain.

They tried to calm their Energy down, but the Energy within their Body was raging. It was making their Body Hot and their Cells Orgasm. What the Fuck were they even feeling!!! Such a strange way of getting stronger, but the two needed to adapt to such a technique. They have no choice as it was the only way to get stronger. Time passes by within the Principal Room. The Calm atmosphere within it disappeared.

Arthur and Lilith were sweating as if there was a Heavy Rainfall within the Principal Room. Their Blood was rushing all over their body that they would get a heart attack if they stopped focussing their concentration. They began spreading the Intense Energy all over their body, and the Pain within their Stomach Calmed down. Even though the Stomachace was not too painful, The Other Parts of the Body were introduced with extreme energy.

Their Moans and Groans echoed all over the Principal Room. Arthur wondered if this was the Experience all Awakened Humans needed to pass. He calmed his Heartbeat as the Flow of energy turned into a Peaceful Calmed River. It was a Raging Flood. But after a while, It turned into a Peaceful Flow of Water that didn't bother anything that was in its Way. Arthur was finally having good control over the Energy.

While Lilith was getting good at controlling the Energy within him, Lilith was having a problem with the Energy. She was like a Dam that controlled the Intake, but it was clearly not working. As she was having a problem within her own body, She hears Arthur's voice echoed within her mind. 'BE CALM...' The Words echoed within her mind, and she let the floodgates opened. She calmly controlled the flow of the Energy and finally learned how to control it.

They were smiling after they managed to control the Flow of Energy. It was hard, but they finally complete the basics. It wasn't about controlling the intake. They need to let the Energy Flow and control how it Flows instead of stopping it. Stopping it would create Over Energy within One Part, which could damage the Body. Arthur didn't know about such things as he was an Ordinary Human before his Reboot.

The Relaxing Feeling engulfed their bodies, but while they were closing their Eyes. They could notice something within the Darkness. Arthur and Lilith saw different things, but such even would be the Ability Perception. Having a Good Number of Crystalized Cores in your Body would trigger a response to the Awakened Ability inside the Body. Arthur could see something familiar.

'The Magus Book?' Arthur thought while looking at it. It was the Magus Book he found in the Store. Such a scene would mean that the Magus Book was the reason for his Reboot. Why the Magus Book would choose him was a good question, and Arthur only had one answer that made sense. 'Well, I am technically the Last Human, so the Magus Book wouldn't be able to choose anyone.'

Arthur chuckled to himself while observing the Magus Book. The Book was Black in Color. It looked like a Beautiful Ancient Book. It would probably be expensive if someone sold it. There was a Symbol in the Center of the Book. It looked like a Seven-Pointed Star. It was quite an interesting Symbol in the Book. As time passes by, The Book slowly faded within his mind. Arthur understood that time was up.

Arthur opened his Eyelids and saw Lilith staring at him with her Red Crimson Eyes. He stood up and asked Lilith about the recent phenomenon. "Did something happened?" Lilith heard his Calm voice and got out of her Tranced. She looked around with a confused expression and looked at Arthur with an Excited Face. "Arthur, I finally know the Name of my Ability!" Arthur smiled and wanted to know more about it. Although he already knew about it being a Telekinesis Ability.

"What is the name of your Ability? I'm quite curious about it?" Arthur asked as Lilith answered with a Smile. "My Awakened Ability is named Control." Hearing such a word, Arthur was a bit surprised. It wasn't the Telekinesis he knew. It was another Ability which was called Control. It was the First time Arthur had something wrong about the future. This means that not everything that he heard from the Future was correct.

"Control? Ain't that a good ability. It has a good potential just from its name alone." Arthur said with a smile. He never thought that he would be the first Human that would know the name of Lilith's Ability. Most considered it as Telekinesis Ability, but they were all wrong. He was quite honored to be the first one that heard such a name. "What is your Ability, Arthur?"

"Since you gave me the name of your Ability, I shall answer your question," Arthur said and spoke one word that connects to his Ability. "MAGUS." Hearing the answer, Lilith was quite confused and thought about the name. After a moment of searching for information within her Brain, She finally got the meaning of such a word. She couldn't help but smile and have high expectations about their Future.

"Do you know the meaning of that Word?" Lilith asked. Arthur shook his head as he was uneducated about such words. Lilith sighed and spoke with a teasing voice. "It means only one thing, Mystical." Lilith chuckled and began stretching her body. Arthur was quite confused at what she was trying to say. He shook his head, and the both of them began cleaning the Principal's Office.

"This was a good place to stay," Arthur said, and Lilith immediately spoke. "You shouldn't be worried about it. We can easily make something better than this." The Apocalypse World fell. There were no limits on what they could do. It was an interesting situation as the laws that shackled them were basically destroyed. While preparing to leave the Room, Arthur had an interesting question.

"Now that I think about it, You had a lot of info about the Underworld. Is this what your family does?" Arthur asked as Lilith stopped cleaning the Office and Preparing the things they needed. She was in silence as she calmly walked towards Arthur. She stared at him and spoke in her soft voice. "Yes, You're correct. My family has connections to the Underworld. The Reid is a Former Underworld Family. We decided to quit and never touch anything from the Underworld after my Father took over."

"The Family is strict. I have only Five Brothers and Sisters. Two Brother and Three Sisters. I am the youngest one in all of them. This is probably my test, and I would have to go back to my Family alone. But after meeting Arthur, I stopped thinking about it. If Arthur is my partner, I would have Interesting Experienced in this New Reality." Lilith smiled as she continued what she was currently doing.

Arthur was in silence after hearing her words. He never heard anything about her Family in his Old Life. He was hearing some of Lilith's Personal Information which would mean that she trusted him. It has been two days, but they have been through Life and Death situations. The two of them had good teamwork, and they considered themselves as Partners. A Smile slowly rose from his Face as he never thought that he would change this much in this New Life.

After preparing everything they needed, They went out of the Office as they noticed that it was almost noon. They walked through the Hallway of the Third Floor. They then found the Other Group already prepared to leave the School. Stella looked at them with a curious gaze as she was interested in what happened in the Principal Office. Lilith noticed Stella's gazed and spoke.

"We have done a lot of things in the Principal Office. It was quite tiring and hot so please don't bother with our drenched clothes. It was also a good experience, but no one could easily handle such an experience. It was hard, especially for me. Arthur was the first one to finish it, but it took a while for me to complete. My Stomach was quite Full after I finish devouring everything I need to devour." Lilith gave a full summary of the situation that happened in the Principal Officer.

The Other Group was shocked after hearing Lilith's words. Arthur agreed as there was nothing wrong with what Lilith said. Stella shook her head with a red face and nodded in understanding. She didn't know what to say other than shut up. The Students nowadays were quite bold. They can even give a summary of their experience.

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