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Chapter 22: CH 20: Back to Shrek Academy

<Dust Valentine, my buddy, can you help me with something?>

Beibei smiled as he gave him a thumbs up :"Thanks. I'll treat you junior brothers to a meal next time."

The other person wasn't polite either as he laughed :"Then that's that. We won't give up the chance to have a feast."

Beibei raised his hand and gave him a high five :"I won't disappoint everyone." When he'd finished speaking, he and Tang Ya took Yuhao and Ali into the eastern city gate, which was also the symbol for Shrek Academy's door.

Shrek Academy had an elegant environment, and there were various types of abundant and lush flora within.

As Ali walked along the wide main path, he was able to see at least ten plants in every direction he looked. These plants had clearly been meticulously pruned.

After he'd walked for two hundred or so metres, several enormous sculptures appeared in front of him, covering his line of sight.

There were a total of ten sculptures, and they were all ten metres tall. They had all been carved from extremely tough granite.

While Beibei introduced Flender, Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong and the seven Shrek Devil's, Ali's eyes were fixated on Tang San's statue.

He had seen these statues many times, but the flame of hatred still raged in his heart whenever he looked at Tang San.

Even though it had been more than a decade since he came to this universe and already has a lover, he still found it impossible to forgive Tang San for killing his wife.

After all, in another universe, Bibi Dong is the lover of one of his soul pieces, that means that she is his lover as well.

So no way in hell would he forgive Tang San. He was going to pay him back and make him regret his actions.

He knew that Tang San technically didn't do anything wrong. After all, in a war, you have to kill your opponent to not be killed.

However, that didn't excuse the fact that he killed the woman he loves. And well, revenge isn't wrong either.

But even though he felt such a strong resentment towards Tang San, he was quite good at hiding it like nothing is wrong at all.

While he was focusing on not raging, he was also listening to Beibei's explanation :"We'll have to separate here.

If you walk to the left, you'll arrive at the Martial Soul Institution. If you walk to the right, you'll arrive at the Soul Engineering Institution.

These are the two largest branches of Shrek Academy, and they both belong to the outer courtyard. If you were to compare them, the Martial Soul Institution is larger, while the Soul Engineering Institution is smaller.

Furthermore, the Martial Soul Institution is also divided into many departments. We'll go to the Martial Soul Institution to get you registered first.

The basic requirement for you to enroll in the Soul Engineering Institution is for you to pass the first assessment for new students."

The road to the left of the sculptures was still very wide, and could fit four or five carriages side by side.

There was a signboard next to the road with the words 'Lakeside Path' written on it. You could faintly see a large body of water hidden within the shady green trees to the right.

This also meant that there was an enormous lake behind the ten sculptures of the Golden Iron Triangle and Shrek's Seven Monsters.

Tang Ya noticed Yuhao's gaze, and couldn't help but speak with a slightly proud voice :"That's an artificial lake made for the sake of commemorating our Tang Sect's ancestor, Tang San.

It's called Sea God's Lake, because according to the legends, our ancestor Tang San inherited the Sea God's legacy.

The Sea God's Lake has an extremely large surface area, and is filled entirely with groundwater. Our Shrek Academy's inner courtyard is located on an island in the middle of the Sea God's Lake.

Every single disciple from the outer courtyard feels honored if they're able to reach the centre island of Sea God's Lake."

Hearing her, Ali's heart was even more annoyed :'I guess I need to fuck up that lake in the future too then.

Even though I don't care about the Tang Sect because of Beibei and Tang Ya, there isn't a chance that I will let a single trace of Tang San stay in this Academy.'

As they followed the lakeside path to head southward, they only needed to turn westwards after a full fifteen minutes had passed.

Only after they'd walked another fifteen minutes or so did the path finally begin to recede, causing a vast, rectangular plaza to appear in their line of sight. A signboard with the words "Shrek Plaza" also stood beside the plaza.

There were many tall teaching areas behind Shrek Plaza. The colours of these teaching areas were all different, and were separated into four main colours—white, yellow, purple, and black. If one gazed into the far south of Shrek Plaza, they'd even be able to see a grey teaching area.

Beibei pointed towards the teaching areas next to the plaza as he explained :"The different coloured teaching areas represent the different years of students, which are differentiated according to the colours of soul rings.

The white teaching areas are for new students, just like the lowest level ten year soul rings. Accordingly, the yellow teaching areas are for the outer courtyard's second and third year students, and the purple teaching areas are for the fourth and fifth year students.

The black teaching areas are for the sixth year students. If you're able to leave the black teaching areas, you'll be able to obtain a graduation certificate from the academy's outer courtyard.

Those grey teaching areas in the distance belong to the Soul Engineering Institution. If you compare were to compare their size here, the Soul Engineering Institution takes up roughly a third of the teaching area, while the Martial Soul Department takes up a full two-thirds.

Besides these teaching areas at the front, there are also many special teaching grounds located in the back, such as the Soul Dueling Arena, the assessment areas, the dormitories, the teacher's offices, and so on."

Even though Ali lived in Shrek Academy, he never came here because he didn't want to reveal his identity.

So as Beibei explained, he listened careful so that he wouldn't lose his way later on. Oh, by the way, even though he didn't know the dorms and such, he was actually quite familiar with the Soul Engineering Institution and some other places.

This world didn't have many things to entertain yourself with, so he had to find a hobby or two.

And well, that was soul tools. In the many years that have passed, he not only fought and trained, but also learned Soul Engineering and how to make soul tools.

But he wasn't that focused on it. The reason for why he learned it wasn't just for hobbies either, but for his lightborne soul beasts.

There are three types in total, close combat soul tools, long range combat soul tools, and mounted soul tools. They're names are pretty self-explanatory.

Close combat spirit devices: It is used for close combats. These devices can use spirit power to enable explosive attacks or defence. Comparatively, few spirit guidance masters use close combat devices. Most spirit guidance masters do not excel at long battles, so they are a bit timid to engage in close combat themselves. Close combat devices have great power, but against battle spirit masters of a similar level, they will be hard pressed. So, close combat spirit devices tend to be used more by battle spirit division spirit masters.

Long combat spirit devices: They require more spirit power than close combat ones. But with good use, each device is like an additional spirit ability. It's destructive force is also powerful.

The mounted spirit guidance weapon is a unique type of spirit guidance device developed by Fan Yu by incorporating past research. The mounted spirit guidance device was originally invented by Sun Moon Empire.

They release a long ranged attack but do not require much Spirit Power. Simply, it is to break the spirit guidance device and the attacking weapon into two parts.

The spirit guidance device is used to release and ignite. The mounted spirit guidance cannon is just to release the cannon ball.

The most exceptional quality of mounted spirit guidance weapons is the small cost of Spirit Power, which means it can be used without a high cultivation.

But, what they lack is accuracy. Especially against moving targets. Against stationary targets, they have extreme power.

However, it is hard to create the cannon balls and they require many precious materials. Conceptually, mounted spirit guidance weapons can increase a Spirit Master's power by ten fold.

Unfortunately, even a mounted spirit guidance weapon's power is limited since it is still affected by the materials used to create it. So it is destined that very few spirit masters will be compatible with its usage.

However, that all changes when it comes to Ali. You can say that the mounted spirit guidance weapons were tailormade for lightborne soul beasts!

After all, the accuracy isn't a problem with Ali's Spirit Spy, and Ali's huge lightborne soul beasts can easily move around with them!

And it was because of that that Ali decided to learn soul tool making. With the fusion of soul master, soul beasts and spirit guidance, that would be true power in this era!

The levels of the spirit guidance masters is also quite easy to understand. If one can construct and use suitable spirit guidance weapon for spirit masters of level 10 and below, then he/she is a level one spirit guidance master.

If one can construct and use level 10 to level 20 spirit master's spirit guidance devices, then you are a level 2 spirit guidance master.

A level 9 spirit guidance master is already a titled douluo. As for a level 10 spirit guidance master, their own cultivation must be above level 95.

Ali wasn't too focused on spirit guidance devices, but he tried to keep his spirit guidance level with his own level.

Now that he was a level 35 lightborne soul master, he was also a level 4 spirit guidance master. The youngest there has ever been in Shrek Academy!

Anyways, The new students' white teaching areas were located to the far south, and were also the closest to the lakeside path. The three of them walked southwards from Shrek Plaza, arriving at the teaching area.

Because it was currently the period that new students were admitted in, the new student's teaching area was especially lively. A few new students who'd already passed their assessments were currently there to enroll.

Even though Ali didn't know the dorms and other courtyard that much, his enrollment had already been taken care of.

With Beibei and Tang Ya's guidance, Yuhao was able to report for his registration extremely smoothly.

The school's fees were paid by Beibei, with the fee for a new student unexpectedly being ten gold soul coins.

Furthermore, this didn't include his food expenses. If one had to quit school due to failing an assessment, their school fees wouldn't be refunded.

After collecting their dorm keys and two sets of school uniforms each, as well as a white freshman badge, Ali and Yuhao followed Tang Ya and Beibei towards the new student's teaching area.

Tang Ya explained to Yuhao about his enrollment and how he should gather money for his own daily life while walking.

He looked to the side to look at the nearby bulletin board and read it out loud :"Teacher in charge of the class one: Zhou Yi? It's her, huh?"

Because of them registering pretty early, with Ali having registered a long time ago, they would be in class one.

But once Tang Ya heard him, her head whipped to look at the bulletin board as she gave a low cry of shock :"Ah?! Why is it that perverted old grandma, Zhou Yi?! Doesn't she teach year three?! Why would she be assigned to teach new students?!"

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