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Chapter 19: Chapter 19

*Cyrus POV*

It's been a long few weeks. Between answering questions being fired off from every angle and dealing with that look I kept getting from that Red Priest. I swear those are 'undress you' eyes, gods it sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it. Are Red Priests like those priests for the Seven? Gods I hope not.

Maybe it's time to get a girlfriend, that way he can see there's no entrance here. Exit only.

Maybe I can direct him to the Reach, I heard there is a Tyrrell there that swings that way. Its much closer than Dorne. I meant to each his own, do whatever, or whoever, just not me.

Shouldn't be too hard to find one, mother has already been spouting off names for a while now. None were very appealing but now for some reason they sound like heaven, must be the impending threat from that damn Priest. Maybe I should say I'm a priest too? I heard those priests for the Faith don't touch the other priests, hopefully the Red Temple is the same. If so, sorry Robb or Jon your own your own. Unless it's forced, there's no way I could let some dude go to town on my bros, unless it was willing.

They surprisingly accepted the answers on where my armor and weapons came from. Anything really above Tier 3 armor set or even the weapons get a little over the top in visuals. I mean the crown on the [Lightbringer] set just screams I am THE King, so wouldn't be a good set to have on in front of an actual king. Nothing worse than a king with a complex.

It wasn't until I told my father that I had a plan for capturing proof of the undead that he eased up a bit, making the rest of the way more pleasant. After judging that Jon had the potential for magic and Robb for Warrior I began teaching them some things on what I knew, like training regiments and tips. After running into a Lich King I know I'm going to need all the help I can get. I even taught my father a few moves, I saw him listening to what I was telling Robb.

It was much more difficult to teach Jon, trying to explain mana and how it feels is like trying to describe color to the color blind. It's distinct but hard to describe, so I had him focus on meditation.

All was going well until we reached Winterfell. While we were gone a few ravens had arrived informing us of Jon Arryn's death and that the King and entourage were due to arrive in a few weeks.

Then mother spoke of a letter she received from Selyse Baratheon. She was asking for help with their daughter, who apparently had contracted a disease. After I confirmed that I should be able to, considering I had [Cure Disease] and if it was a curse I had that covered with the mages [Remove Curse] so I could confidently say yes.

As soon as I did I could see the smile that bloomed on her face, such a wonderful feeling to make my mother proud.

Surprisingly she also suggested moving Jon to stay with Benjen during the Kings stay, ever since she found out Jon wasn't father's real bastard her attitude had changed 180°.

Before she was still pretty cold with him, not interacting with him unless needed. Not really cruel per say but was very uncomfortable at times, I mean he's still family, bastard or not.

But since then she has actually offered to be a mother. Kinda pissed me off but I guess it's better late than never.

Jon was ecstatic, it was all he ever wanted from her was her acceptance. Even as children he always put his 200% for her.

One year for her name day gift he had carved a nice fish sculpture, the sigil of her house. She only accepted it and put it down and focused on the other gifts, needless to say I swapped out my gift for a box of spring loaded worms. The look was priceless, well worth the smack in the head.

*General POV*

As the staff at Winterfell cleaned and prepared for the arrival of the King, Ned was struggling with himself. He knew what was beyond the wall and from what his son told him it was definitely coming.

He was unsure of what to do, he needed to prepare for what was coming. He knew Robert was coming to make him Hand of the King. He was hesitant because he also knew as Hand of the King he could also support the North and his son's best.

With all the realms together they would stand a better chance, right now it was just the north alone. His own experience telling him their chances were very low. Even with the display he saw from Cyrus, he knew it wasn't enough. One man can make a difference in a war, but that's only against a war against men. Not of monsters and legends, he saw how they continued forward even as the bear tore them apart. No fear of death, no tiring, no need to rest or eat. The worst kind of enemy.

Humans along with any living creature needed rest and nutrition to continue, without it they weaken. Many of the best warriors died due to fatigue during combat, it was what lost battles. Whoever tired out first lost, and to have to fight an inexhaustible enemy is demoralizing from the start.

He knew he had a tough choice to make, so he left his solar and went to the heart tree of Winterfell to sit under it and think as he cleaned Ice, the Stark family heirloom passed down to each Lord of Winterfell.

It was his favorite place to think, it reminded him of his youth. Brandon, Lyanna, Benjen and himself played around the very tree he sat under. Lost in his thoughts he didn't hear his wife's approach.

Seeing Ned sit there and remembering times of the past and the problems of today, Caitlyn felt lost and powerless. She too was afraid, when he heard Robb and Jon telling of their experience her heart had almost beat out of her chest and was pale during the tale, eyes blazing with fury at her husband for putting her children in danger. While Arya, Bran and Rickon with looks of astonishment and reverence to their brothers and father. Sansa was just excited that Prince Joffrey was coming, not even listening to Robb and Jon tell their tale.

"You know, every time I come here I feel like an outsider." Caitlyn finally spoke up to get Ned's attention.

"You an outsider? You've had six northern children you're no outsider here my love." Ned responded with a chuckle, moving Ice off to the side and patted on his lap.

Caitlyn returned his smile and proceeded to sit on his lap, putting one arm around him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You don't have to say yes Ned. The north needs you, your family needs you, I need you." Caitlyn whispered to her husband.

"Aye, you are right on all accounts but one. I have to go, the north can't take this enemy alone. Even in the stories it took the whole realm of men to fight it and even then they only beat it back. So yes I must go South. I can do more for the north and my family from there." Ned answered with a sigh while squeezing her closer.

He didn't want to go to that shit smelling capital, his father was tricked into going there thinking he was going to ransom his heir but was swiftly arrested and executed along with his son Brandon.

He hated that literal shit hole, and to top off the sight of Elia Martell and her children outside Kings Landing still haunted him.

Now that he knew the truth about his sister not really being kidnapped and raped, he had a feeling there was more to it he just wasn't sure who was responsible. It was another reason he wanted to take the job. His sister had told him she wrote letters to try to tell them the truth, to stop the war after the Mad King was dead. She tried to save Rhaegar but it had all failed.

Ned wanted to know who had hindered those letters, had they received them Brandon would've never rode to Kings Landing to demand the return of Lyanna thus causing his arrest and subsequent events.

It's what brought the north into the rebellion, the north had been approached multiple times trying to get their support for a rebellion. But the north didn't care for the squabbles in the south. They had winter to prepare for. It was southerners being burned alive by the king. Until it wasn't, and the North Remembers.

Seeing that his mind was made up they just sat quietly under the heart tree, enjoying the little time left they had together before he left for Kings Landing. They had already decided he would be bringing the girls and Cyrus to the capital. Cyrus for the fact he would be able to create a portal to Kings Landing after he visits.

He had already visited all the castles and Watchtowers in the north and had even commandeered one of the unmanned castles along the wall. After finding out all the things he had been hiding, Caitlyn threatened that if she found out more that he had hidden anything else she would be taking his armor.

Needless to say he spilt the beans on everything even unrelated topics such as events in the past that they never knew was him. Like when someone iced only the middle step on every stair. Or putting a hot spice on the training sword handles which caused many knights some bad days, especially the ones who had to use the bathroom after practice.

He had to make sure that his armor was never taken again.

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