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Chapter 195: Copycat version of "The Last Lesson"

Compared to Bronya's unexplainable confidence and the admiration from Kiana and others, the folks on the anti-entropy side could only sigh.

They couldn't help but wonder why Bronya always seemed to be connected with motorcycles?

As for Bronya's performance in the race, Welt, adjusting his glasses gently, expressed that he would observe it with his own eyes.

Bronya was determined to participate in the race, and as her teacher, he felt a bit powerless.

The phrase that probably best describes Bronya's popularity is this one: "The motorcycle champion from the Cocolia orphanage, she's the best!" It's clear that fans are drawn to the combination of a pretty girl and a sporty motorcycle. After all, who could resist such a charming duo?


In the next round, surprisingly, the fourth spot is taken by Vodka Girl. Perhaps it's because she just joined the event. Looking at the number of votes she's received this time, it seems like they might even make it to the top three.

"Huhu—it's our turn to shine! Liliya, the Vodka Girl, is ready for action!"

In the real world, Rozaliya gives Liliya a big hug, bubbling with excitement. She shares that becoming an idol has always been her dream!

All her hard work doing voice-overs hasn't been for nothing… She announces with great enthusiasm, "The Vodka Girl's journey to becoming an idol has officially begun!"

"Yeah, let's get started," Liliya responds, her voice lacking energy and her face showing no enthusiasm.


In the game, the two characters actually share the same stage. They receive a script from Otto and begin their performance.

"… 'The Last Lesson'?" Rozaliya is taken aback by the script she receives.

Otto explains that he carefully wrote the script himself, and Welt chimes in, saying he also contributed.

The characters they're going to portray are none other than Himeko and Kiana, who can also be referred to as the Herrschers of the Void.

"The heroine was completely transformed under the villain's conspiracy and became a Herrscher."

"Her teacher fought her way out and beat her? to awake kiana with love.?"

Rozaliya glanced at the script and exclaimed, "What a strange script this is!"

But, alas, the show must go on and the outcome is already decided.

After a brief moment of darkness, the two of them appeared in costumes, with Liliya taking on the role of Kiana and Rozaliya naturally stepping into the shoes of the teacher, Himeko.

Liliya weakly asked, "Do you think you can get away?"

Her costume brought laughter from the audience; her sleepy eyes tried to hold onto her dignity; and the broomstick she carried, pretending to be the Subspace Spear, was even more hilarious and embarrassing.

(She then turned her head to the side and let out a small yawn.)

Next, Rozaliya stared into space, lost in thought. The reason was quite simple: she had forgotten her lines.

'What should I say? Rozaliya, think about it. What would a teacher say to a naughty student who doesn't listen?'

Then she remembered what her mother said to her for skipping class...

"You've skipped thirty-two classes and been absent for twelve whole days! You're expelled!" Rozaliya declared with a stern tone, her words echoing with authority as if she were truly a figure of great importance.

"That's... that's all!" (Lilia said stiffly, but her eyes couldn't help but look around, showing a clear guilty conscience.)

Next, Rozaliya brandished a sword that seemed to be on fire, holding it close to Lilia's head. Judging by the name and behavior, it appeared to be a shortened version of a certain animation from not too long ago (except for the dialogue).

"When you wake up, you'll discover…" Rozaliya began, her voice serious.

"Your desk is piled high with papers that have zero scores."

"The familiar life on campus is gone forever." Her voice started to speed up, filled with encouragement, and she grew more animated as she spoke.

"But don't give up; never ever give up!"

"Turn those familiar zeros into scores that you can be proud of!"

"This is… the final lesson!"

With Lilia pretending to cry at the end and Rozaliya collapsing to the ground, this absurd performance finally concluded.

It must be said that the performance level of both parties was quite impressive. At the very least, it brought a sense of novelty and laughter to the audience.

[Otto? The bright red health bar is indeed part of your script! ]

[So, do we still need to remember the storyline of Mr. Himeko? Stop waving that knife around! (laughs) ]

[Is the reason why Himeko-Sensei didn't appear really because it has already happened? Putting everything else aside, I am actually very relieved that Mr. Himeko will not be participating in this event.]

[Indeed, for Kiana, the hardest hit may be the test paper and zero scores. Look, her eyes are spinning. ]

[The plot is too bizarre; take a look and then take another look.]


A long, quiet pause filled the air. Both Kiana and Sirin were at a loss for words, unable to find the right description for the scene before them.

Finally, Kiana broke the silence. She covered her eyes as if she had just witnessed something that left a mark on her mind. "Oh no, what just happened?" she exclaimed.

Sirin didn't look too pleased either. She glanced at the broom in disbelief. "Really? Using it as her subspace spear?"

She couldn't help but grumble about the audacity of humans to meddle with the queen of Honkai!!

"Such a tale… hahaha—it's truly amusing! Moments that were once serious have been turned into laughter by these two sisters. I must admit, this is a unique talent!" Cecilia couldn't help but express her thoughts, a smile spreading across her face.

She covered her mouth as she chuckled softly, appearing as if she had traveled back to her younger days, forever youthful.

"Boss——," Kiana crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Luo. Her expression seemed to say, "Is this how you treat your workers?"

"But isn't this quite entertaining? It helps everyone to ease their psychological trauma." Luo Mo responded with a simple explanation, a smile on his face.

Mei was taken aback by the scene before her. She didn't think she would witness such a spectacle again. She was left speechless, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"So... shouldn't you reflect on why you have caused psychological trauma to everyone? Don't just make up for it."

Kiana calmly complained at this time, pointing out the key omissions in Luo Mo's point of view.

"Ah, I'll keep that in mind for next time," Luo Mo responded thoughtfully, "I wonder what Teacher Himeko would say about this?"

"Teacher Himeko might say something like this, ahem——, Kiana."

Kiana cleared her throat and tried to mimic Teacher Himeko's voice. Her next words were a bit stern: "Did you manage to improve your test scores? Have you earned enough credits? You've been missing a lot of classes; be careful, or I might have to tell your mom!"

"Himeko wouldn't say that," Cecilia quickly corrected, but her smile hinted at a warning. "So, Kiana, you didn't really miss 32 classes, did you?"

There was a majesty hidden in the cold eyes that Kiana did not dare to face. It was a natural and subconscious avoidance of her mother.

"No, no, how could that be? I'm not that kind of person! If you don't believe me, ask Teacher Himeko!" Kiana quickly defended herself, a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

She promised with all her heart that she hadn't missed that many classes!

"I can't confirm this," a grown-up voice echoed from behind. It was their well-known teacher, Himeko, dressed in a red uniform, her face lit up with a smile.

Under normal circumstances, Kiana would be thrilled to see Teacher Himeko and might even jump with joy. But not today…

Kiana glanced at the two of them, a smirk on her face, her eyes begging, hoping that Himeko wouldn't share such information with her mother.

"Teacher Himeko, what brings you here? Please, have a seat," Cecilia welcomed her, but she didn't inquire about Kiana. She was just observing her.

If she really wanted to know, she could directly ask Theresa to check the St. Freya Academy system.

But when it comes to Kiana's studies, she doesn't plan to pressure her, especially after watching the game. Her ultimate goal is for Kiana to grow up joyfully.

She doesn't want Kiana to become a Valkyrie. In fact, she doesn't want anyone to walk down that path at all.

But alas, the Kaslana gene is something else…

"Initially, I went to visit Theresa, but she was a bit too timid and quickly ran upstairs," Himeko said, glancing at the innocent-looking Luo Mo. She thought to herself that it was his matter anyway, and she didn't plan to get involved.

She continued, "I noticed that there was quite a buzz here, so I decided to join in."

"Speaking of which, Luo Mo, it's not really like what is said on the Internet. It's because I died in the game, so I didn't participate in the idol competition, right?" Himeko was not annoyed and asked with a smile.

She gently rested her hands on the sofa, her movements showing a mature elegance, of course, assuming she hadn't had any drinks.

"Do you want to participate?" Luo Mo asked, still calm and composed.

Honestly, he doesn't harbor any wicked thoughts. It's clear that the players themselves came up with the idea, so how could he be blamed?

"No, I definitely don't want to," Himeko replied, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions, and she felt a secret sense of relief. "I didn't expect that an idol competition would be like this. I'm glad I didn't participate."

After observing the first few games, she has pretty much concluded that this is a trap. She keeps falling into one trap after another, and only the twins seem to be normal now.

"Bronya, if you're planning to drive, you need to have a driver's license," Himeko gently reminded her when she noticed Bronya nearby.

"Why would you say that?" Bronya's lips curled into a frown, her eyes filled with confusion.

Why does everyone assume she doesn't have a driver's license and that she must be driving too fast?

Is it possible that she was only speeding in an emergency, and her age does not allow her to get a driver's license?

Being a strong girl from Siberia, she could even handle driving a tank, so a motorcycle was no big deal.


"They are… two fascinating girls, just as fascinating as Griseo! Come here, let's have a hug."

Elysia couldn't help but express her admiration. She never imagined that the short film that once made her cry so much could be transformed into something like this. It was truly astonishing.

But just as she finished her praise, she realized something wasn't quite right. After all, Griseo and Mobius standing next to her were also very adorable!

Especially Griseo, who had just finished showering and was still damp, she wasn't as boastful as Mobius.

Loli is so wonderful; she is Elysia's favorite!

"Well, dear sister Elysia…" Griseo hummed softly, as she found herself enveloped in a warm hug from Elysia. Her body felt as soft as a cloud, and she rested peacefully against Elysia.

"Pink, it's so pretty; I really like it." She blinked her eyes slowly and spoke in a dreamy voice.

She had just completed her painting, and there was a bit of paint here and there on her body. When Aponia's mother noticed this, she quickly decided it was time for a bath.

Given the unique nature of Stigmata projection body, instant cleaning wasn't out of the question, but having regular interactions with everyday life was also important.

As for Griseo's condition, it seemed that she had made significant progress since leaving the Elysian realm. Perhaps it was due to an improvement in her health.

While she was still somewhat susceptible to the thoughts of others, it was no longer a situation that couldn't be reversed.

"Did the last lesson really evolve into this form?" Eden pondered aloud, taking a gentle sip of her drink.

Indeed, she found it hard to comprehend the current idol competition. It was entirely different from what she was used to in her time.

"Zero points… exam paper… missed class, sigh!" Eden exhaled slowly. She had never experienced so much torture.


"Rozaliya and Liliya? They certainly have their own unique styles. They actually decided to join the idol competition, just like they wanted to in the game."

Cocolia released a deep sigh. As she looked at the joyful faces of her daughters on the screen, a wave of happiness washed over her.

It's strange; it's really strange. When she was outside, she had a multitude of electronic gadgets, but now, a small mobile phone could keep her content for such a long time.

However, today, she had a visitor. Actually, they were already here.

Cocolia noticed the slim legs and plain clothes outside the prison bars. She asked in a soft voice,

"Dear alliance leader, you didn't come here because Rozaliya and Liliya have outperformed Einstein and the others, did you?"

"Absolutely not." Welt took a seat outside and gazed at Cocolia in the prison. Her mental condition seemed much more stable now.

Thanks to the information and evidence provided by Cocolia, almost all members of the Radical Party were apprehended. Now, Anti-Entropy will no longer be divided into two groups, and the unity is restored once again.

As for the idol competition, he had only heard a little about it.

"I didn't think you'd be in the mood to make jokes. You seem to be doing well." Welt gave her another look, as if to double-check, and then spoke.

"So, did you come here because you think I'm not important?" Cocolia asked with a cold smile. By now, she had shared most of her story with Welt.

Of course, it wasn't just about her. Welt must understand that the bond between Anti-Entropy and Schicksal is much stronger than one might think.

If she continues to show no progress, she can't promise that Bronya won't be held responsible. In such a scenario, the children in the orphanage would have even less chance of a better future.

"…" Welt remained silent for a while before finally saying, "I want to know more about Bronya."

He lifted his head and looked at Cocolia, who seemed surprised.

When it comes to the people who know Bronya the best, Cocolia is still at the top of the list. Yes, because she is her mother.


During the live game, the performance came to an end swiftly, and then it was Fu Hua's turn, who was in fifth place.

She showcased a series of Chinese-style boxing moves, each one executed with strength and precision.

Every action she made demonstrated the true spirit of a warrior. There was a constant whooshing sound with each punch and palm strike, and the gusts of wind from her palms burst forth, sometimes resembling a crane, sometimes a tiger.

To make the demonstration easier to understand, wooden stakes and the Honkai Beast were even added, which made the performance clever and endlessly adaptable.

Indeed, it was a set of medium-strength boxing techniques from Fu Hua's memory(SIM), the kind that could be used to battle against Honkai.

The reason why she remembered it was because it looked truly beautiful when performed, and its strength was just above average. Regular people could strengthen their bodies by practicing it.

It's worth noting that this was also created using Vill-V's motion capture device.

And at the finale, just when everyone thought it was about to conclude, there was an explosion off-screen, and several missiles zoomed toward Fu Hua from the bottom of the screen, leaving trails of smoke behind.

Fu Hua inside paused for a moment, swiftly adjusted her stance, and darted back and forth among the many tracking missiles. Several of them instantly fell into the air and got stuck to the wooden pile.

As the last one failed to dodge, the missile exploded on her. Just when everyone thought there was an accident,

Fu Hua coughed and emerged from the smoke. Countless cherry blossom petals were scattered all over her body, including her hair and clothes.

The pink petals contrasted with her hair, the simple practice clothes were covered with fallen leaves, and amidst the smoke, there was indeed a hint of the charm of the Red Kite Immortal.

Then I noticed that, with the sound of the explosion, the surroundings were blanketed with cherry blossom petals.

It's not hard to guess whose masterpiece this is.

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