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Chapter 200: Early Morning in the Golden Garden

The college bell echoed softly, its clear notes reaching every corner of campus and signaling the end of a long morning of classes.

The school suddenly returned to a lively scene, with young and beautiful girls hanging out in groups of twos and threes, walking through the fountains and rain-stained lawns of the garden, discussing youthful topics and complaining about the hard work of classes and homework.

The breeze rolled up the skirts of the girls, exposing their fair skin. Black and white knee-high socks covered their skin to protect them from the caress of the cold wind.

For now, they were simply students enjoying a carefree moment. But someday, these same young women would face the world as determined and capable warriors.

And in a corner of the school, at the gate of the golden courtyard,

The white doves painted with the color of sunshine are drunkenly circling in the gentle wind; the soaring birds are high in the air and create silent, colorful lines; and the soft chirping of birds is dotted with the sounds of the picturesque scenery.

Pink cherry blossom petals were scattered in the air, dancing gently in the gentle breeze, and finally spread on the ground. Some bouquets beside the door bloomed quietly, filling the air with a fresh, earthy fragrance.

The courtyard's newly renovated gates stand open, welcoming all who pass. Above them, the golden inscription "Golden Courtyard" gleams, its calligrapher unknown but its beauty undeniable.

But the doors were not covered, instead they were open and welcoming to all guests.

It was after the rain, after a light shower near the height of the summer

This time the rain pattered for half the morning before it stopped, the

The hazy air was also tinted with a touch of water vapor, and the air in the campus, which was already near the sea, became more and more moist, perhaps also one of the reasons why there were so many beautiful women in the academy?

Now it happens to be time for the students to leave class, perhaps the rain is also aware of the students did not bring umbrellas, for the hard work of the students in the class a little reward, stop in time, to give them a rest in the afternoon!

With the rain drumming a steady rhythm outside, Luo Mo decided there was no point in heading to the company. After all, sometimes a day spent recharging is just what you need – even if the old saying about being born to work didn't quite agree.

Besides, Su Luo's attendance report was a sea of green checkmarks, meaning everyone else was at their desks except him and the voice actors.

He wasn't slacking off, though. The past two days were all about planning his next game chapter. Every detail of the foreshadowing needed to be perfect – not too obvious, but setting the stage for what was to come.

Of course, he took a moment to mentally greet the system – a little dig, perhaps, since it hadn't bothered to warn him about the growing effects of his "buff." Lately, he'd realized the impact wasn't just about time. The effect itself seemed to intensify as well.

During the process of sorting out the stigmata and materials, through getting along with Theresa and Luna, he had already discovered the impact of the buff on him.

That dazzling white hair was becoming dangerously distracting – he could barely keep his composure.

Things got especially tricky when Theresa, on a whim, decided to wear sheer white stockings around the house. Luo Mo had to strategically use Luna, who was sitting on his lap, as a shield.

Theresa noticed his lingering glances, though she couldn't quite figure out why he'd be focused on her head and legs.

But soon, clever Theresa had a hunch. Was he mocking her short legs? her height? Was this some sort of twisted dig about her not eating enough? 

Theresa, rightfully annoyed, decided to ignore him for a while.

Luo Mo was in a constant internal battle. Even when he and Luna were just cuddled on the sofa, watching TV together, his hands would wander through her hair. It was so soft, those delicate silver strands mixed in, and it stirred up an odd sense of protectiveness in him... like taking care of a daughter.

Luna seemed to enjoy their quiet time together too. The only awkwardness came from whatever was sometimes soft and sometimes hard beneath her, which is very uncomfortable.

After all, Theresa was quite shy about this aspect of knowledge and had not told Luna.

The last few days had been a welcome change of pace, filled with a warmth Luo Mo hadn't felt in a while. He was starting to see possibilities with all the rare materials he'd collected. Simply stockpiling them wasn't enough – it was time to put them to good use.

He still had those three special clothing redemption coupons burning a hole in his pocket. They seemed too valuable to use on regular clothes.

There had to be something better. For now, he knew he'd make an outfit for Luna, but for the rest... he'd keep brainstorming until the right idea came along.

Giving the rare materials to Vill-V felt like the right call. She could try her hand at replicating those next-generation Valkyrie suits from the game.

At least it was an experiment that would definitely succeed, and he also believed in the other party's ability.

Secretly, he wished he could use those resources to upgrade his company's servers. He'd heard rumors of hackers targeting them, the machines running dangerously hot. But he worried if he suggested it, Vill-V would scoff. Using materials meant for something as powerful as a God Key just to build a server? Too big and overqualified...

Luo Mo decided to put the server issue on the back burner for now. His priority was figuring out how to use the stigmata to combat the Honkai. He planned to visit the Golden Courtyard, discuss strategy, and reward his two reliable SIM employees.

——Luo Mo has always believed that work requires compensation, and it does not depend on whether the relationship is good or bad. After all, appropriate compensation is more conducive to motivating employees to work.

However, as he approached the Golden Courtyard, his path was unexpectedly blocked by some Pink Elf. It was an awkward encounter, the two of them standing close at the entrance. An outsider, unaware of the context, could easily misunderstand their private conversation as something more intimate.

Her long pink hair cascaded down to her waist, and her pointed elf ears added a touch of whimsy to her appearance. Today, she'd swapped her usual outfit for cozy loungewear, making her feel less like a character from a storybook and more like a vibrant girl from a painting come to life.

Her smile was dazzling, a flash of warmth that seemed to brighten the scene even more as cherry blossoms, dislodged by a light breeze, swirled around them.

She was looking at the black-haired boy in front of her with a smile. She was still holding a strand of hair hanging from her hand. The smile on her face was full of laughter, but it was more of a teasing and joking tone.

"So, Luo Mo..." she began, leaning forward slightly. Her generous curves shimmered with movement, and she tilted her head with a playful air.

"Do you really not agree to hand it over to them through me? This is a rare opportunity to gain Elysia's favor! What a pity. ♪ "

"Sorry," Luo Mo replied, gently deflecting Elysia's outstretched hand. He met her gaze steadily.

"If you treat me like this, I will cry! ♪ " Elysia put her hands on her eyes, pretending to be about to cry.

But the big eyes that looked at Luo Mo from time to time through the fingers were still moving slyly, and they were watery but had no intention of crying, which made Luo Mo very disappointed.

"Really? What a missed opportunity! I always imagined a beautiful girl crying would be so charming," Luo Mo said, his voice deadpan as if simply reciting a fact. "And a girl as cute as Ellie? It must be adorable when she cries."

He studied Elysia, his expression completely neutral.

Elysia was stunned, staring at him in disbelief. This Man was young but surprisingly have bad mind.

Did he actually...enjoy seeing beautiful girls cry?

At this time, she stopped pretending, put down her hands, put her hands on her waist to increase her momentum, raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly, and showed a scornful expression on her face.

"You might think you know everything, but you can't beat me. Unless... do you want to see a beautiful boy in tears? Or how about Ellie demonstrating a good old-fashioned beatdown?"

"Look, I made a promise. Here's Mobius's stigma," Luo Mo shrugged, digging in his pocket. He located the stigmata within the system space but didn't pull it out just yet. "The rest? I'd rather take care of my hardworking employees myself."

"Unfortunately, I've only been interested in white hair recently. Pink hair doesn't look good."

"What!? Are you serious, Luo Mo? You dare say my pink hair isn't stylish? But pink is the cutest, most feminine color there is! ♪"

"Hmm, maybe I should warn Kevin to stay away from you then. And come to think of it, Kalpas too!"

uo Mo watched the girl beside him, a touch of amusement mixed with exasperation. She hopped around him like an energetic dragonfly, her words buzzing in his ears. Still, she was careful to maintain a playful distance.

"Wow! So eager to give it to Griseo yourself? I bet you won't try anything funny, right? Maybe I should go with you, just to keep an eye on things. ♪ " Her voice chirped at his side 

"And here you were, avoiding Mobius. Sounds like you have a soft spot for Sakura! Bet you and Mobius need to have a little chat about that."

Ellie's pacing was impeccable. No matter if Luo Mo sped up or slowed down, she effortlessly matched his stride, always close enough to be a distraction. Her playful words echoed constantly, disrupting his focus.

He was starting to wish he hadn't been so open with her. True, her promise of secrecy was ironclad, but having her buzzing around him, a constant chatter he couldn't quite ignore, had become surprisingly annoying.

Wait, should I say that the person who came out this time was fortunately not a person with pink hair? Otherwise, wouldn't he really have to obey her words?

Luo Mo's heart froze, and he realized the seriousness of the problem.

He admired the innocent smile of the pink elf lady in front of him for a moment. It looked very harmless.

Ellie, completely unfazed, smoothed a strand of stray hair, maintaining that perfect distance from him. Even on the move, a girl had to look her best. All that circling around Luo Mo had messed up her bangs!

"Tch, Bad woman..." Luo Mo muttered under his breath, a quiet accusation that took Elysia by surprise. Finally, he handed over Mobius's stigma, but not without a final warning as they approached the door.

"Remember our deal! Snap some pictures of whatever you see in there. I'm curious, too!"

"But seriously, what was that about calling me a 'bad woman'? Harsh! ♪ " Elysia's smile wavered slightly, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face.

Bad, Bad woman? What had she done to deserve called that?

She was nothing but genuine – the most honest person in the world!

Plus, her smile had been positively radiant a moment ago! Where did Luo Mo get off labeling her like that?

If you don't need your eyes, you can try to donate them. It just so happens that the principal of the school also has a kind-hearted, blind female student. I helped her last time(Chatting - being friend). I can definitely help contact her. It just so happens that you can also do a good deed.

Elysia's cheeks were bulging, like a hamster with a stuffed mouth. Even if she was angry, she was still so cute.

She was holding back some words in her mouth, but speaking them out disturbed her own image. She remained silent and found it difficult to vent her anger.

"Spit it out," she finally snapped, "If you have something to say, then say it!"

Luo Mo ignored her pointed comment, an uneasy feeling prickling at him. Too late, he realized how easily Ellie could overhear him at this distance;

her hearing was exceptional! Internally cursing his lack of foresight, he quickened his pace towards the Golden Courtyard.

Thank goodness, the hall wasn't empty. With her keen sense of image, Elysia wasn't likely to cause a scene.

As Ellie closed in behind him, Luo Mo strategically sank onto the sofa, initiating a conversation with Pardo. He kept one eye on Ellie, relieved to see her anger had simmered down.

She shot him a disdainful look, snorted, and turned her attention to Eden instead, clearly not interested in further confrontation.

The hall was a hub of activity. Griseo, Sakura, and Rin were absorbed in their paintings, while Mobius and Vill-V, as always, were consumed by their work.

"Eden, it was awful! Luo Mo was bullying me,"

Elysia complained at this time; her hands were still wiping tears around her eyes, but if you look carefully, you will find that there is no moisture at all.

"Okay, Ellie. Tell me, did you go out to take out the trash today, and he managed to upset you with just a few words?"

"Woo——, Eden, help me teach him a lesson."

Eden said helplessly, opening his arms to embrace her,

Ellie does something different every day. In her words, what's the meaning of boring repetition day after day?

Ellie thrived on change. Every day had to be a unique experience, and the best way to ensure that was to meet new and interesting girls! ♪

Perhaps that's why Eden found Ellie so endearing. Eden hated the monotony, the endless repetition, but Ellie was the spark that lit up an otherwise dull existence.

Of course, in fact, no matter what kind of Elysia she is, Eden will never be stingy with her embrace.

Even if she knew that the other person was just acting or wanted to get closer to her, it didn't matter; Eden also hoped so.

"Boss, you're not kidding? A pirate king's hoard buried on a faraway island?" Pardo's eyes gleamed with excitement, her tail twitching in anticipation. It was clear the idea of hidden treasure had captured her imagination.

Luo Mo nodded, full of confidence. Honestly, he wanted to point out that he'd referenced a different pirate king entirely, but...

"Whatever, that's beside the point now!" Pardo exclaimed, rubbing her hands together in excitement. "Let's map out exactly how we'll find those seven dragon balls! Then, it's off to Konoha to inherit the Will of Fire!"


(Shigure Kira · Idol Theater, Part 1)

Although the idol competition in this world is coming to an end, the idol competition in another world has already been held.

June 31st: Hosted with great love!

It's supposed to be the ultimate showdown, a clash between idol titans: Hare vs. Kira Shigure.

"Wait a minute – who decided I'm fighting her?" Kira Shigure rips the on-screen banner apart, her voice a fierce mix of shock and annoyance.

"And why are you sending me to another world? What's with this random June 31st date? And some unknown called Hare? Ugh!"

"Imagine this: the person you love most dies. Then, someone new shows up, wearing their face as a mask. Would you step up and expose their lies?"

Luo Mo studied the blue-haired tone-deaf idol before him, her expression a whirlwind of confusion. His question hung in the air, heavy as a poem.

"Well, I don't have anyone like that! And those stinky men..." Kira Shigure trailed off, a quiet grumble escaping her.

She absentmindedly rubbed her hands, still tender from tearing up the poster.

"Oh? So you don't have a crush on Lady Cecilia? I figured everyone in your time was head over heels for her!"

"Hmm... who? Cecilia? Of course, she's my idol!"

"Well then, would you fight Hare for her honor?"

"Absolutely! Not even Siegfried could stop me! But seriously, who in the world is Hare?" Kira Shigure scratched her cheek, genuinely perplexed.

"Did they seriously not give you a good picture on that poster?"

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