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Chapter 189: Eat, Broadcast, and Shrimp Catcher

As soon as everyone heard about the song lyric, Theresa's loyal fans were all dumbfounded. In reality, they couldn't help laughing.

They hadn't seen this coming—their dignified principal turned game sensation. Now, they adored her even more.

" 'Teresa's flying kick'? Show off my mouth!" This is perverted.

"Judas bought it with Top up?; where can Teresa get it?" This is a peach.

"Oh,, I never said that!" This is the principal(Theresa).

"Theresa's… petite and sweet, heh heh…" went the cheekier fans.

"Principal, are you okay? If you're feeling cornered, just give us a shout, and I'll be right there to back you up." offered the more protective ones.

The atmosphere was electric, the crowd's emotions running high. It was speculated that if not for the timing of the performance and the need for fairness, Theresa wouldn't have been able to cast her vote, and she would have easily clinched the top spot.


In Schicksal's office,

A document slipped from Kallen's grasp, landing on the floor with a noticeable thud.

Seated, Kallen held her forehead, a wry smile playing on her lips as she mused, "This is truly… I'm glad he didn't rope me into this, but Theresa is undeniably adorable!"

"Ms. Theresa is naturally quite charming, but this one seems a tad…" Rita moved forward, scooping up the fallen documents from the floor, and placed them gently back on the table.

Then she naturally took a step back, maintained his position, raised a smile on his face, and said playfully, "I wonder what kind of expression Lady Theresa will show this time? It's really exciting."

It's a pity that she is not around and can't record it well. It is indeed a big loss. Rita thought to herself,

"Durandal is still training. She is such a hard-working kid," Kallen sighed, a hint of amusement in her voice, "I'm actually looking forward to the next performance. It really makes people laugh."

In a nutshell, she set aside the file she was holding and focused her attention on the video showcasing her beloved granddaughter's performance.

Meanwhile, Theresa's enchanting voice persisted, resonating in everyone's ears. The chibi version of Theresa's eyes sparkled with (not)intelligence.

"Captain, from this moment forward."

"Hand over your entire salary to me."

"Bitter gourd juice blended with chocolate."

"Indulging in ice cream during winter."



In the golden courtyard, several people stared at this scene with wide eyes.

"Well, there's a certain unconventional charm to it," Eden commented with difficulty, with a somewhat obscure expression. As an artist, she did not want to compliment the work in front of her.

This was beyond the constraints of the era, and the beauty of it was utterly incomprehensible.

But Elysia looked at it with great interest, so she couldn't be disturbed.

In her previous life, she had chosen art; this time around, she was dedicating her life to her friends.

Even if she said this, it was difficult for her to sincerely praise the debut of the idol in front of her. Sorry, this is the last persistence of an idol.

For the first time, Eden was filled with regret for her profession. As a former superstar of civilization, she staunchly refuted that this was a scene from an idol's performance—absolutely not!

"It's really interesting. Bitter melon juice mixed with chocolate... it's an unimagined path!"

Elysia is actually brimming with curiosity to give it a shot. She's keen on embracing everything she's never encountered before, including, of course, exotic culinary delights!

"What a weird song, Elysia; I messed up the experiment, and you just showed me this?" Mobius said, very dissatisfied,

This time around, Elysia had coaxed her into coming here, and she wasn't too keen on it!

However, looking at the Chibi Theresa bouncing in screen front of her, Mobius decided to give her a Judas (top up). It was not easy for her.

It's not her money anyway.

"Haha, this kind of song should appeal to kids; it carries a distinct charm."

Aponia lightly placed her hand over her mouth, uttering these words with a smile. Her serene smile was faintly discernible through the spaces between her fingers.

"Really? My dear Aponia, do you share the same sentiment?" Elysia, feeling as though she'd found a kindred spirit, clasped Aponia's hand and expressed her joy.

Eden could only sigh. She couldn't deny what she really thought in her heart.

Tucked away in a corner of the sofa, Vill-V sat in silence, a coin twirling on her finger.

She remained quiet; her gaze fixed on the spinning coin, or perhaps the screen behind it, her face brimming with anticipation.

But don't misunderstand; she was merely curious to see how her invention would Work in practical applications.


Theresa's performance came to a swift conclusion. For Theresa, it might have felt like an eternity, as she was practically engrossed in her bowl, cooking non-stop.

Even when Bronya approached her, all she did was mumble about Luo Mo's whereabouts, never once lifting her head from start to finish. Luna, on the other hand, was humming a tune while fiddling with the trinkets that Luo Mo had gifted her not too long ago.

Naturally, she didn't understand Theresa's embarrassment, so she wouldn't laugh at her.

Had Luo Mo been present, he might have attempted to coax Theresa out of her bowl.

Then you can see Theresa with circled eyes and a flushed face, saying to die and die. The current Theresa is the ultimate, invincible social death.

Her only prayer now is that there will be someone worse than her in the future.

that can overshadow public opinion is greater public opinion, and the same is true for social death.

This time, it was much more shameful than she imagined. After this battle, she would never believe Luo Mo's lies again.

As per the sequence, Kiana naturally took the second spot.


Kiana's performance was standard; it showcased the gunfighting Skill of the Kaslana family.

With the game, the movements became noticeably more vibrant and varied, with each shot and strike exuding grace, clearly executed with different instruments.

And so, in an open space, Kiana found herself drenched in sweat as she darted around, leaping and diving, finally culminating in a spectacular move to holster her gun.


"It seems quite normal?" Eden frowned slightly as he watched this scene. Although it is still difficult to understand participating in idols in this way, at least it is not out of imagination...

Before she finished speaking, the painting style changed again toward a strange scene.


Finally, the voice outside the video(RL video) appeared, and after Mei said it was time to eat, Kiana's expression of joy and swift movements suddenly changed.

Looking at the table full of delicacies, the color and shape of the delicacies are exactly the same as in reality. In the video, you can think of the fragrant and drool-worthy taste.

From fried chicken steak to bitter gourd and coriander, there were tempura, beef balls, bear paws, shark's fin, and a variety of Eastern and Western dishes. There was even a plate tucked away in a corner, as if reaching for the stars.

These dishes were devoured like a storm passing through in Kiana's hands, each bite savored with evident delight.

The time ratio between fighting and food is 1:2.

One could say that this time, it was almost akin to a mukbang.


Inside the villa, Kiana found herself gazing at the screen, her eyes filled with bewilderment.

Could this really be her idol's live broadcast? Was this for real?

Hey, hey, hey, does she actually look like this?

Although this behavior seemed somewhat familiar, it appeared to be a meal of her own, and many of the dishes seemed spot on.

Some were prepared by Mei, some were whipped up by mom, and some were even purchased by Luo Mo from the external canteen.

Upon reflection, Luo Mo seemed to have brought along an unusual device that time, and he also mentioned that the meals he brought this time were for the benefit of the employees…

Sure enough, she shouldn't believe his lies.

Kiana looked at Luo Mo angrily and stared at him for a while until Luo Mo felt guilty.

Could he really be blamed? When Luo Mo had asked her, she had confessed that her only talent was combat. Luo Mo had simply added another to her repertoire, so what was there for her to grumble about?

"Mei——" Kiana elongated her voice, yearning to nestle into Mei's comforting embrace.

Is she really as edible as in the video?

No wonder no one else had shown up that time… In the end, she had ended up devouring an entire table of food. It was utterly outrageous!

Kiana huffed and nuzzled against Mei's arms to express her displeasure.

"Gu——" At this time, an inappropriate sound came from Kiana...

"Don't, don't look at me; I'm not hungry!" Kiana's face turned slightly red; she raised her head, looked around at the people around her, and stammered.

That time was so delicious, I recalled the scene again.

"This can't be blamed on Kiana; I'm so hungry." Sirin said nice things for Kiana, but her eyes were full of teasing.

Sirin crossed her legs and also changed her sitting position, and her golden eyes watched the video scene with interest.

At this time, Kiana's reputation will be ruined, and the voice of the queen will continue to be heard.

Kiana cast a suspicious glance at Sirin. She sensed that something was off with Sirin today. She wasn't adding fuel to the fire, which was uncharacteristic of her!

Could it be that ARC City's Action Conscience discovered it last time?

"Little Kiana's food is delicious. Me and Mei used all our skills at that time to prepare a full table." Cecilia smiled softly.

It was then that she acknowledged Mei's Power!, at least in the culinary realm, earning Cecilia's nod of approval!

The other party was youthful and brimming with vitality.

"Uh, something's not right with this company, right? The first two shows are so weird; do you really want us to vote?" This is a person who is frantically pressing the vote button for Theresa.

"I'm so hungry when I see it; it smells so good. I'm so hungry." This is a person who found the takeout icon. He even took two screenshots of the video and started looking for them one by one.

"A somewhat familiar dish... wait a minute, isn't that what the young man insisted on making me?" This is a certain St. Freya canteen chef. It is worth mentioning that he is good at cooking British dishes.


In the courtyard bathed in golden sunlight, Vill-V found herself taken aback.

"Could it be? Is my creation being utilized in such a setting?" she mused aloud, her voice full with a hint of surprise and a touch of disappointment.

It was somewhat disheartening to realize that if one were to record their mealtime, the recording wouldn't capture anything out of the ordinary, nor would it highlight the intricate functionalities she had so painstakingly designed into her invention.

Vill-V had always maintained a hands-off approach when it came to how her inventions were used.

She hope that users would discover new and innovative ways to utilize her creations. For example, she had no idea that Judas could grow taller. (maybe she's co-creator)

She made a mental note to include this newfound application in the user manual for future reference.

Lost in thought, Vill-V gazed out of the window, her mind already racing ahead to conceive the next batch of exciting experimental products.

Meanwhile, Mobius was keeping a close eye on Vill-V's activities. His concern was not borne out of genuine worry but rather a need to maintain surveillance.

If asked who was most likely to stir up trouble at present, Mobius would unhesitatingly point a finger at Vill-V.

Of course, the same goes for Vill-V.

Attempting to sound casual yet subtly probing, Mobius queried, "This motion capture device you've supplied, does it serve any other purpose?"

Vill-V turned to face Mobius, the one person who had the uncanny ability to give her a headache. She responded lightly, "Oh, it's nothing extraordinary. It merely includes a minor protective feature."

She continued, "When compared to Dr. Mobius's costume generator, my invention seems rather insignificant."

Mobius's eyes narrowed slightly at her words. "How did you come to know about my invention?" 

Isn't it normal that she made no progress with the stigmata and decided to make a device to help her choose her daily outfits?

"I saw it by accident." Vill-V knew she had said the wrong thing and whistled as if nothing had happened.

The other party definitely knows what she is doing, so why bother pretending?

Now that Aponia is obsessed with stability and her combat power now is limited to deal with Kalpas, they are the only two who are still keen on inventing. If they are not guarding against each other, who can they guard against?

" Wow! No wonder it looks like a real scene and can be understood as a virtual scene(3D) at the same time. It's so well done, Vill-V!" Elysia said in surprise,

She wondered if this meant that she could share every moment of her life with everyone in the game once she made her appearance.

"Don't get too excited; there might be some unexpected results." Mobius warned, crossing her arms and speaking in a dismissive tone.

"Are you feeling a bit jealous, Mobius?" Vill-V asked, making a big gesture and smiling broadly.

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous? What are you talking about, Vill-V?"

Mobius' voice, which was a bit high-pitched, sounded a little upset. It was odd. Could she be feeling jealous?


Get ready for the next video game live stream, it's Bronya's turn to shine!

Bronya demonstrated her impressive driving abilities. Her blue motorcycle zoomed through the bustling city streets.

The background was filled with music.

[ Dejavu ]

[ I've just been in this time before]

[ Higher on the beat ]

She navigated through the sharp turns of the road, encountering a variety of road conditions one after another.

There were even some zombies riding bicycles along the side of the road. Bronya knocked them down and sent them flying with a swift drift.

In the vast cityscape, the numbers on the speedometer kept climbing higher and higher. The thrill of extreme speed, the sensation of the wind rushing past, and the exhilarating music playing in the background seemed to transport people back to the vibrant days of the past.

Even when a Honkai beast blocked her path, she would confront it directly with a powerful attack.

pity-- _

In the end, judging from the fact that she was taken away by the traffic police, her situation was not optimistic.

In the end, there was only a scream: "Seele, in order to pick you up from school, Bronya's motorcycle was gone."


"Um, Sister Bronya, you shouldn't always use Seele as an excuse," Seele said, smiling a little awkwardly but politely. She looked at Bronya, who seemed calm and not bothered at all.

Bronya felt like she sensed a tiny bit of danger and looked up, but all she saw was Seele's kind face. She must have been mistaken!

Bronya shook her head and said, "It's just a show put on by the boss; don't take it seriously."

But deep down, she couldn't help but think that it would be pretty cool to have a race like that. She just didn't know if she would ever get the chance.

"Bronya, you need to be careful when you're driving. If something happens to you, the people who care about you will be really sad!" Luo Mo reminded Bronya with a friendly smile.

"Hehe, don't worry! With Bronya's skills, there's no way she'll mess up!" Bronya replied, not taking it too seriously. She was confident in her abilities.

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