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Chapter 163: Sirin, who doesn’t really want to go to school

As Kallen learned about the whole story of the Second Honkai Eruption, she discovered that Otto had a plan to bring her back to life. She felt a mix of shock and curiosity.

Who wouldn't want to be resurrected?

But how could Otto achieve such a goal?

And what about God? Was there really a God? Did Sirin know anything about God's existence? Kallen never asked her in detail before.

Kallen's mind was filled with more and more questions, and she didn't know how to sort them out.

She realized that the less she knew, the less she was aware of the unknown.

But the more she knew, the more she marveled at the world beyond her.


"Mom!" Durandal's eyes widened in shock. She was staring at the horrifying scene unfolding before her - a missile was plummeting down, and there, right under it, Cecilia was hugging Sirin protectively. The sight was too much for Durandal to bear.

A sharp knife of fear gripped Durandal's heart. Cecilia wasn't just someone she looked up to; she was her mother, her family. Ever since Durandal was a child, Cecilia had been her role model, her guiding light.

In many ways, Durandal had always strived to follow in Cecilia's footsteps. Whether it was her choice of weapons or her unwavering belief in fighting to protect those she cared about, Cecilia's influence on Durandal was profound.

"Lord Durandal, please remember, it's only a game," Rita reminded her, bowing slightly as she offered her gentle consolation.

"A game… Yes, it's just a game," Durandal repeated to herself. She took a deep breath to calm her racing heart, stopped her training, and sat down to gather her thoughts.

Lord Durandal, what just happened…?" Rita asked, concern evident in her voice. She was taken aback by Durandal's reaction. Never before had she seen the usually composed and strong Durandal display such a look of panic.

"Rita, after i going out into the outside world, I've been having dreams," Durandal began, her voice steady yet filled with a hint of melancholy.

"In these dreams, my mother is no longer with us, and my father, although alive, doesn't take good care of me," she continued, managing a smile despite the somber topic. "Perhaps it's because I've always been the one looking after my mother. It's difficult for me to take a life without her."

Rita, a keen listener, nodded in understanding. She could see that Durandal was opening up about something deeply personal.

Durandal took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before delving into the details of her dream. It wasn't a thrilling or extraordinary tale.

It was just a dream, disconnected from the game they were playing and the reality they lived in.

Yet, there was one constant in these dreams - the loss of Lady Cecilia.

"So, after having these dreams, I've been constantly worried. Worried that my mother would leave me, worried that these dreams might become reality," Durandal confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Lord Durandal, do you still have these dreams?" Rita asked, her tone gentle and understanding. Her sincere gaze encouraged Durandal to share more.

"I had a dream the day before yesterday, but not yesterday. Yesterday, I felt warm and cozy instead," Durandal recalled. But she knew that one peaceful day didn't necessarily signify a change.

"Warm? Cozy? Oops," Rita panicked. She wondered if she had gotten closer to Lady Durandal during her night attack yesterday.

But there was nothing she could do. She saw Master Durandal sleeping soundly yesterday, and there was no movement at all even after trying twice, so she couldn't help but take action.

You know, even if she, the adjutant, is caught off guard, Lady Durandal's alertness ensures she reacts promptly.

Such a golden opportunity presented itself yesterday.

Maintaining a facade of calm, she responded, "Lord Durandal, perhaps you could give it another try tomorrow. A single day doesn't provide enough evidence."

"I agree," she replied, biting her lip in hesitation, "but yesterday felt distinctly different. I plan to visit my mother's place tomorrow to determine if it's just my imagination playing tricks on me."

"Um... uh..." Rita didn't say anything for a while.

"Do you also believe that I've been yearning to be with my mother recently, Rita?" Durandal asked, her gaze fixed on Rita, hoping for a reassuring response.

"Absolutely not!" Rita quickly dismissed her previous thoughts. "Lord Durandal, your intuition has always been spot-on. Moreover, the revelation about the second Honkai and your sister Siren's situation has become public knowledge. It's only natural for people to have such thoughts."

"Alright then, Rita, let's visit there tomorrow and see for ourselves."

"Sure, okay."


"Speaking of which, is Lady Cecilia interested in taking a look at the warriors of pre-civilization?" Luo Mo posed this question with a smile.

He then suggested to Cecilia, "If you're interested, they're just next door. You might consider meeting them."

"But I'm not fully recovered yet… They won't go easy on me." Cecilia expressed her hesitation. She had already been informed about the other party's potential true identity by Kallen and Theresa.

Although I was a little surprised that they were in the dormitory next door, it was not unexpected at all.

"If Sirin is considering going to school, it might be best to clarify this with them first to avoid any misunderstandings. After all, we don't know how much they're aware of," Luo Mo advised.

"Why do I get the feeling that you're more anxious about this than I am? There's no need to rush when it comes to schooling,"

Sirin said reluctantly, but if she had just promised to go to school, she was too embarrassed to go back on her word now.

Take the Queen of the Void, for instance, who can afford to postpone things like schooling.

I did attend school… I went for a while, but I found the classes exhausting, the homework overwhelming, and the pressure to outperform my less-than-brilliant sister in exams was draining. I was so tired, all I wanted to do was play games.

Sirin pondered, feeling a bit helpless. She considered the idea of delegating her homework to Bella, but quickly dismissed it. Bella, she knew, would likely make more errors than she would, especially on the multiple-choice questions. 

How stupid!

This feeling of frustration was buried deep within her heart once again.

If Bella knew about this, she would probably be reduced to tears. After all, Bella was just a Honkai dragon. She just did live broadcasts to make money to support her family, but she was still asked to do math problems.

Every time she saw the homework, she thought it was a task from Her Majesty. She had to resist the urge to shred it with her claws.

Can you imagine the difficulty of writing homework when you don't have a brain, only a core? The core is very smooth, devoid of any wrinkles.

"That's correct. Otherwise, Sirin will just keep procrastinating. You should go quickly." Cecilia couldn't help but agree with Luo Mo's suggestion.

She loved having her daughter at home, but she always felt a strange vibe at home. She believed that it was necessary for her daughter to step outside, to experience the world; just not to the extent of never returning home like her other two daughters.

One daughter had left to protect the world, and the other was studying in the academy. Cecilia didn't want others to know that she was their mother, fearing they might treat her differently.

But isn't that the reality today? Cecilia thought to herself with a smirk.

Cecilia found herself admiring the gentle and virtuous Mei, who exuded the grace of a Yamato Nadeshiko. The more she observed Mei, the more her affection grew.

But as my daughter! Not daughter-in-law!

Despite this, she couldn't help but think that if Kiana were to bring home a man, even if he were gravely injured, she would still put him to the test. If he were as Stupid like Siegfried (compliment), she might even consider giving him the Judgement of Shamash as a wedding gift. 

These random thoughts swirled in her mind, but she found herself at a loss for words.

Suddenly, she felt a sense of understanding towards Theresa's decision to "Anti-Lesbians" program at the academy. It seemed strangely reasonable, and she found herself wishing Theresa had been even stricter.

It was common knowledge that Theresa once harbored feelings for Cecilia, but those feelings had gradually faded over time.

Cecilia then look Luo Mo who was trying to 'train' Kiana in the corner, seeing his young face made Cecilia think

Theresa, you're not "old man eating young grass" are you? You're already 40+ right? How about you give young people a chance?

Luo Mo, who felt that he was being watched more and more, finally stopped 'training' tuna, he felt like if he continued this he would get a 'surprise'

He finally removed his hand from Kiana's head, Kiana looked a little disturbed at that time.

Luo Mo finally looked at the attention of Cecilia who was smiling slightly and... Mei who looked like she was about to 'explode' at him.

What do you all mean? I just stroked tuna's head, she was cute like a cat so I stroked her.

Kiana's initial reaction was like a cat hissing, making me want to pet her more, but it seems like if I do it again it won't be the cat that will scratch me but the owner.

When Cecilia finally gaps the situation, she quickly defuses the bomb by inviting them to come out now, even though Mei still looks gloomy on the way

And what she and grup is about to go to will be another female eater basecamp—the Golden Courtyard.

beware of lesbian of Golden Courtyard!


In a unique villa, two cherry blossom trees are planted in the courtyard, which is really eye-catching.

The petals dance with the wind and fall in groups.

It's a mystery how these trees are in full bloom. It's not the season for cherry blossoms, and this location isn't ideal for their growth. Yet, they flourish vibrantly, defying all odds.

The courtyard is adorned with numerous bouquets, each more lavish and beautiful than the last. Skillfully arranged, they are clearly the work of an artist with a keen eye for aesthetics. No matter the viewpoint, they present a unique charm.

Just looking at the layout in the courtyard made Cecilia feel incredible.

Walking in, I heard the loud playing of girls inside.

As she steps inside, the lively chatter of girls fills the air. As the old saying goes, "You hear the person before you see them."

"Seele, please let me know, and Bronya, stop trying to change the subject. Your attempts are too obvious," a vibrant voice echoes from inside.

"It's not possible. Even if you give everything, Bronya will never let go. Seele means everything to Bronya!" a cute mechanical voice responds with determination.

Cecilia hesitates for a moment and glances back at Luo Mo. Is everything really okay here?

She wonders how it feels to be at a party.

It feels odd! After all, she's a mother herself, so it might not be appropriate for her to join…

"Who's out there? Come in!" a voice, filled with irritation, echoed from inside.

"Kalpas, remember to be courteous when dealing with guests," a soothing voice advised, sounding both comforting and instructive.

"Hmph! "Please" come in!"

The person who was about to push the door open and enter paused. He thought to himself, 'This is my house, after all. Shouldn't Kalpas be the one to keep quiet?' Despite his annoyance, he decided to proceed. After all, it wasn't worth turning back over such a minor issue.

Upon entering, they saw members of the Flame-Chasers scattered around the hall, either sitting or leaning against the walls. It seemed as if they were in the middle of a meeting.

Elysia stopped grabbing Seele's hand and looked back. Bronya also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, the other party had been playing very childishly with her, like hawks catching chickens.

Of course, Bronya couldn't afford to lose. She had narrowly escaped being 'caught' by the 'Eagle' several times, thanks to Seele's timely interventions.

"Hey, Luo Mo, Are you here too? Who are these?"

"Take a closer look; you should have noticed them earlier." Luo Mo replied, stepping aside to join Bronya.

At that moment, Elysia got a clear view of the person standing behind her. It was the same individual she had just seen, but this time not on a screen.

In the room were Mei, the supportive character from game, and Kiana, whom she had been trying to persuade to join their team. And then, she noticed…

"Wow, it's Cecilia, and little Sirin too," she exclaimed, her eyebrows lifting in surprise. It was evident that she was quite pleased today.

Even though the game didn't have a happy ending, wouldn't it be more joyful to see people you thought weren't around in real life?

"Luo Mo, I'll let you off the hook for now, and I won't bother you anymore!" Elysia walked past Luo Mo and greeted everyone directly.

Evil poison? What did I do wrong? All I wanted was to share the story I know with everyone. Why are there so many opinions about me? Isn't this bias? Luo Mo pondered but didn't respond.

At this point, Bronya asked in a soft voice, "Boss, who is that woman? Why can't Bronya defeat her at all?"

Luo Mo glanced at Bronya's situation, sighed gently, and said with compassion, "Bronya, don't worry; you can do it. Make an eight-year pact with her, and you will surely be able to turn defeat into victory!"

Bronya fell silent. Would it really take 8 years to surpass the other party?

Why does the boss keep mentioning the number 8 years?

Bronya didn't understand it fully, but she was determined to work hard to learn the knowledge of the Herrscher of Reason. She knew that only by becoming stronger could she better protect Seele!

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