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Chapter 262: The name of this version is called Fu Hua!


The anticipation is reaching fever pitch in the fan forums as the current game version draws to a close.

Luo Mo has unleashed a thrilling new PV, showcasing two incredible Fu Hua battlesuits – Azure Empyrea and the menacing Herrscher of Sentience.

It's clear that Honkai Impact 3rd's next update is going to be all about Fu Hua! With the game update, the old PVs naturally made way for these exciting new trailers.

To top it off, Azure Empyrea and Shilu share a spotlight gacha banner.

Get ready, because this version is officially dubbed "Fu Hua!"


The screen flickers to life, revealing a scene that seems to echo from another time.

Ancient buildings, weathered and wise, emerge from a swirling mist. They cling to the side of a rugged mountain range, peaks stabbing the sky like defiant fingers.

A dense forest blankets the lower slopes, stretching away until it meets the distant horizon.

The sun dips below the peaks, painting the sky in streaks of gold and crimson, then gives way to a shimmering tapestry of stars.

This is Taixu Mountain, a place where reality seems to blend with the fables of old China, a place rumored to be the sanctuary of the legendary Red Kite Immortal.

 A voice echoes, resolute and unwavering: "Countless years I have honed my spirit within these mountains. Nothing in this world can sway my heart."

an out-of-this-world immortal who drinks morning dew in the morning, eats in the evening breeze, and meditates in the mountains is revealed to the world for the first time.

Her long, silver-gray hair is bound in a simple ponytail, fastened with a single, unadorned pin. This simplicity emphasizes the graceful lines of her traditional Chinese attire.

Behind one hand, calm and unsmiling She has a beautiful appearance without losing her majesty.

The twitching of the corners of her eyes can make people look like rays on their backs, and the frown of her beautiful brows can make people fearful.

Just then, the music swells – the delicate notes of a guzheng fill the air. The melody starts slow, tinged with a bittersweetness that evokes ancient times. But as the moment of battle draws near, the tempo shifts, the notes racing faster and faster, building tension.

"Flowers bloom and fade, returning to dust. Yin and yang dance in an eternal cycle, the pure and impure finding their balance."

It was like a picture scroll flowing moment by moment.

In the few moments when she turned around and looked back,

The color of the scene changes several times, from colorful colors, to black and white, to color again, flowing back and forth freely, showing the Fairy style.

What is even more striking is obviously the subsequent display of moves. Every move implies the charm of the principles of heaven and earth.

Her movements are fluid, precise – there's not a single wasted motion.

With a flick of her wrist, the monstrous Honkai Beasts are drawn towards her, helpless. Then, a final, sweeping motion – and the world seems to dissolve into an ink wash painting, a chillingly beautiful image of destruction.

As she lowers her hand, a whisper escapes her lips: "I am happy to look up to the sky alone, sit and watch the floating life and dream—— "

The last voice was like waking up from a dream, the elegant voice was a little helpless.

[Bang bang bang bang, this is so beautiful, ancient Chinese style black and white ink painting,]

[ Although white hair and red eyes are my favorite in China, except for immortals]

[Flowers that bloom and fail always end up sinking. Everything you smoke will sink. Fortunately, she gave it to you! Gave me a Yunmo]

[I don't know how long this Fu Hua can be ranked on the strength list. Will Honkai Impact Three eventually become Fu Hua San? I heard there are still two this time, so double the happiness! ]


"Wow, you are so handsome. Sister Hua, Sister Hua, when will you try on this outfit? It must match your temperament. " Pardo said first,

"Indeed... I had a hard time choosing clothes for Hua. I felt like they couldn't reflect her highlights. "

Elysia rubbed the books in her hands with both hands, her eyes lit up, and she felt like she had found her favorite clothes.

Temperament, yes, even in terms of temperament, this dress fits Hua too well.

Hua touched her head and said sheepishly, " It's just that the clothes are nice..."

"'Sure, the clothes are gorgeous, but they're nothing without the right person to wear them.' Eden smiled, swirling the wine in her glass. 'Honestly, Hua, something a little more classic might suit you better. Let me think... I bet I have a few designs that would be perfect.'"

"It's just that I didn't expect that life in the new civilization would be..."

Hua spoke in a low voice. Although her ears were full of praise, she understood better that if she wanted to become like that, it would be unimaginable what kind of hardships she would have to go through. (Fu Hua herself)

"... Fu Hua, Fu Hua Immortal, alas, I really didn't expect Fu Hua to have so many experiences. Some even..."

Elysia closed the book with a somewhat complicated expression. It was about the title [Saga of the Shattered Swords]. There was also a scarred picture of Red Kite Immortal in it.

The physical book is because there is a large audience in China, so in response to official demand, MiHoYo Official even released a physical book.

Of course, Luo Mo actually felt that the other party might be more trying to please Schicksal's intention to cooperate.

"Hah, those so-called 'Seven Disciples of Taixu'. They might have this big reputation, but they're just a bunch of frauds who used fancy Chinese martial arts to take down their master. Can you believe that?" Mobius let out a scoff, sounding a bit amused and a lot irritated.

Who knows if the story's even true, but it still makes her blood boil!

——Who allowed them to touch her cherished experimental materials like that! Fu Hua could only die on her own experimental table.

" If these people hadn't died, the only orthodoxy left would be the Taixu Sect..." Kalpas growled, his voice tight with rage.

You could practically see the flames flickering behind his back.

He crushed the teacup in his fist, shards of ceramic scattering, then glared up at Kevin. There was a dangerous glint in his eyes as he forced out the words, "Kevin, weren't you supposed to be there that day? To stop them?"

He took a harsh breath, then added, almost as an afterthought, "Oh, right. I'm talking about the real you..."

"Don't even try to tell me Fu Hua went willingly. Even if she did, those seven traitors deserve to rot! You should have been the one to take them down!" Kalpas practically spat the words, barely holding back his fury.

He couldn't wait to tear into Kevin – how could he just stand there after what happened?

"Obviously, I was trapped in the depths of the Quantum Sea by Su at that time. Elysia should have met Real me once. "

Kevin nodded slightly, not angry.

"Oh, Immortal, Immortal, Sister Hua is called an Immortal, but it makes Sister Hua suffer so much. It shows that living to the next civilization is not a good thing."

Pardo swished her tail, snagging a grape from the fruit plate. Her fingers worked quickly, peeling off the skin before she popped it into her mouth, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Let me tell you, Red Kite Immortal shouldn't have any apprentices. "

"But a thousand years of loneliness is hard to bear. I can't even see a beautiful girl while meditating alone in the mountains. I can't bear the thought of it. "

Elysia said helplessly that there was obviously a problem with Divine voice(i forgot the name) in Hua's matter, but it was hard to say.

"Look, the truth is... she's found some real happiness in her life now. It's more than just fighting for some grand purpose." Hua was a little hesitant, and her friends around her spoke up for her.

She was very moved, but she was not herself, and it always felt weird.

"Wait a minute..." Elysia paused, a thoughtful look on her face, before snapping her fingers. "That's right! The voice in Hua's head, that's someone else too, right? It's the Herrscher side of Fu Hua. Now, wouldn't that be something to dig into?"

There someone that Fu Hua care later, but she must also know why Fu Hua never accepted Cheng Lixue as her apprentice at that time. There must be something wrong with this aspect.

These guys are really in the way and doing a lot of harm to people.

"Oh? Tell me in detail. " Mobius's glasses lit up, This was a Herrscher she had high hopes of deceiving.

She couldn't let her run away.

"Huh, Herrscher. " Kalpas did not comment.


In the darkness, two lines of writing appeared on Screen,

In the painting, there is a lonely moon hanging in the sky, and countless long swords are stuck on the ground.



"Times have changed. We no longer have to play other roles. We can be ourselves, our true selves! "

The familiar swirl of the Tai Chi Bagua pattern appeared, but this time it pulsed with a strange darkness. Countless black feathers shimmered within the formation, twisting and turning like a flock of restless crows.

The scene shifted to the shadowed peak of Taixu Mountain. Under the cloak of night, a figure sat grandly in the central hall.

Though shrouded in darkness, her posture was unmistakable: legs gracefully crossed, right hand propping her chin, head tilted upwards. Her face, when finally revealed, mirrored that of Fu Hua.

The virtual image flickered to life, a cruel replay of memories: the powerless struggle of the pre-civilization, and Kevin's helpless back against the wall.

Then she saw the treachery in his eyes, the man with the golden spear who swore himself a friend, his words a hollow lie.

Even Cheng Lixue, a steady hand in the chaos, couldn't escape the Second Honkai eruption – the world seemed determined to tear away everything she held dear.

"And now, haha——, I will control everything! "

The arrogant voice shouted, It was a cry against the past, a futile wish to reshape the cruel hands of fate.

Her grip tightened on her hand, a tremor passing through her – then the screen erupted with her own image. For a moment, the entire world seemed to contract, held within her grasp, before it burst apart in a flash of defiance.

" This is the complete Phoenix(jingwei), the complete Fu Hua, the complete... me! "

Weapons flickered between her hands, shifting forms with impossible ease. She moved with a newfound grace, a whirlwind in combat. Each strike, each word, cut through the monsters like a blade, one by one falling before her.

On the final screen, there are clearly written four characters: I am the only one who respects me.

[auxiliary? Is this an auxiliary? Why does it look like she can fight better than my main DPS! ]

[Is there a possibility that she is the main DPS, independent of the auxiliary and output (gotta add the dog head emoji to survive)]

[Times have changed! ——Means, Queen, it's time for you to withdraw from the Stage.]

[Wow, she's so COOL. she feels like she's not restricted by anything and can unleash her true nature.]

Compared to Azure Empyrea, who had a loud China player voice in front of her PV, Senti popularity is not inferior at all.


" this why you refused to let me become your true disciple?" Cheng Lixue's voice held a warmth that couldn't hide a sharp edge of hurt.

She stared at the images on the screen, unfolding a story she never imagined.

Her master, the revered Red Kite Immortal, had a hidden past – a past where disciples who strayed from the path, who were touched by the 'demon', were met with death at her own hands.

Soo the seven disciples killed their master first.

Maybe her disciples had been planning this for a long time.

But I didn't expect that this was the reason why the master refused to accept me... It was only now that she relented and agreed.

Cheng Lixue didn't blame the master, only herself - why didn't she think about the reason why the master disagreed.

"Cheng Lixue, it's in the past." Fu Hua's voice held a weary gentleness.

A wry smile crossed her face, and then laughed at Herself, " Maybe I pushed them too hard at that time."

"Their hurt, no doubt. But in a strange way, it also broke the chains that held me back. Perhaps you could even call it...a twisted kind of liberation," Fu Hua mused, a hint of sorrow in her voice.

"What...they were in the wrong!" Cheng Lixue's voice flared with anger, then hardened into determination. "Forget them! If it happened like this, they never deserved to be your disciples anyway. From now on, I'll be your eldest disciple, the true one!"

She nodded forcefully, her words a vow.

"They never understood how precious this chance was..." Cheng Lixue trailed off, then glanced at Fu Hua with a hopeful smile.

Cheng Lixue's earnest, hopeful expression – those puppy-dog eyes she wore so well – only made Fu Hua sigh inwardly.

"... Perhaps there's truth in the old saying – a disciple's path is often fraught with trials," Fu Hua murmured, a weariness slipping into her voice.

"Then I'll welcome them!" Cheng Lixue burst out, her voice filled with a determination that brooked no argument. As if sensing hesitation from Fu Hua, she spoke with even more dedication.

"Cheng Lixue..." Fu Hua began, but the words caught in her throat. Their eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, a flicker of warmth chased away the guilt in Fu Hua's gaze.

A small figure behind her suddenly bumped into Fu Hua's back, shouting and looking very pitiful and very angry about what she just learned.

"Immortal, I'm so sorry for you! Ugh, who could do something like that? To betray their own master!" Her voice cracked with anger.

"At least you're strong! You're okay now..."

"It's all right, Book of Fuxi, I'm fine," Fu Hua said, a hint of amusement mingled with weariness in her voice. She reached out, gently ruffling the girl's hair in a gesture of reassurance.

"Absolutely! It's all Fuxi's fault, huh? Or maybe that meddling Nuwa!" The Book of Fuxi huffed, practically vibrating with resentment.

She latched onto blaming them as if it might lessen the sting. "Always thinking Immortal needed companionship, blah blah blah. But sometimes 'friends' are more trouble than they're worth!"

Her voice was a rapid, full of both genuine anger and a touch of self-directed frustration.

It was almost as if she felt personally betrayed by these mistakes, a sense of responsibility weighing on her alongside the sympathy for Fu Hua.

"..." Fu Hua smiled helplessly.

The Book of Fuxi meant well, but it had been so long ago... a lifetime, or several.

Besides, was there such a thing as true blamelessness? Even she carried the weight of choices made, the knowledge of her own potential for darkness.

Who under the possession of devil will be punished... But emotions were messy, weren't they? Could anyone claim to be perfectly rational, always dispensing absolute justice?

What's more, on top of that, family ties, Fu Hua shook her head.

Time changed everything, even the people closest to you. 

Dwelling on certain accomplished nothing now.

" Okay, let's see what's going on in the Story next? I'm also curious as to why I have a relationship with the Herrscher..."

As she spoke, she asked curiously. Although she had guessed the reason, she was more willing to see the truth of the matter.

" By the way, Cheng Lixue, you should be able to stand up now, "

It's so sudden, Fu Hua said thoughtfully,

Just now, when the other party was excited, she kicked her legs violently. Maybe his emotions also had a certain influence...

" Hehe, I can't hide it from you, master ~" Cheng Lixue smiled awkwardly,

" It's okay. Since you're okay, let's stretch our muscles today and stop to the company to have a look. Regarding the Herrscher of Sentience... it's better to ask in person. " Fu Hua nodded slightly, her eyes filled with brilliance.

" Uh... Okay, master, I just happen to have a lot of curiosity. "


Luo Mo, being the boss of MiHoYo, had an endearingly predictable habit.

If he wasn't found in his office, the dubbing studio upstairs was definitely his next location.

It was an unspoken rule within the company ––– if Luo Mo was absent from his usual spot, the dubbing room was a sure bet But If he wasn't there, chances were he hadn't arrived yet in afternoon (or not at all).

This quirky pattern said a lot about his passion for the 'creative' process.

Even Su Lu, with important business to discuss, understood this and often made the dubbing studio her first stop.

Luo Mo shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. "Hey, cut it out. I need the review voice work done too, you know? This is totally professional," he insisted.

Sure, the dubbing room was usually full of talented beautiful voice actresses, but honestly, his focus was on the work.

Woman only slow down my ability to produce games!

Honestly, what kind of rumor is this? Be careful if she makes a ridiculous comment to the other party to confuse the public! Are you that kind of person? Don't wrong any good person!

"Haha, I was just thinking I don't need that motorcycle model at all," Bronya replied, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Honestly, the way he seemed so fixated on her Project Bunny was a little...odd.

Don't make my motorbike a public joke!! (Project Bunny: huhu_-- Am I just considered a motorbike now?)

Also, my own driving certificate came down from the sky, so I didn't use the relationship of Anti entropy!

"Oh? But isn't that the one(Project Bunny motorcycle) you made using the core of the Herrscher of Reason model as a reference?"

Luo Mo said, "Besides, it seems that your expression has recovered."

"That's true." Bronya nodded slowly, her gray eyes always filled with joy.

My Love(Seele), career, driver's license, good harvest! Now I am completely Bronya, completely me! Complete DUCK!

"No matter what, thank you," she said, her voice soft but sincere.

 at least before this you have to remember because of who you got all that, you have to thank the dog boss for achieving all that.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just remember, you owe it to me to push yourself even harder next time, okay?" A dismissive wave of his hand downplayed her thanks, and Luo Mo winced internally.

He hadn't meant to sound so dismissive, but the words were already out.

Bronya's chin lifted slightly, and for a moment, she thought she saw a flash of anger she hadn't felt in a long time.

But then she took a deep breath, visibly calming herself. "Of course," she replied, her voice carefully neutral.

" Okay, the main Story is open. Let me lead my Azure Empyrea first. Hehe, the squad leader's clothes are really nice ~ " Kiana didn't want to listen to the continued greetings and interrupted directly.

"This look... reminds me of someone, " Kongming said, shaking her feather fan.

"It can't be that 'Sweet angel', right? " Kiana thought of bad memories, the angel who acted as a light bulb, and if she thought about it carefully, there was no chance of Kongming.

Kongming shook her head lightly, " It's the second prince who used to be lazy and lazy. "

" Ah... it 's so delicious, so I don't need to pick it up if I'm lazy. " Kiana said helplessly, touching her head.

"Squad leader Fu Hua messaged – she'll be a bit late," Mei announced, glancing at her phone. "Guess we'll have to hold down the fort until she arrives."

"No worries!" Kiana squeaked, already deep in the game and admiring her character.

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