/ Anime & Comics / Manhattan's Legacy

Manhattan's Legacy Original

Manhattan's Legacy

Anime & Comics 8 Chapters 90.4K Views

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Lux Osterman.

The descendant of a being akin to a God.

Lux, who's Narrative differs not from God.

A Mind defying the very limitation set by endless odds and strange variables of the Cosmos.

Pragmatistic approach in uncovering the secrets of the cosmos...

Paradoxically Nihilistic, greatly caring for things he knew lack meaning.

Apathetic yet greatly Curious to things he uncovers, Impersonal yet Personally Engaged.

The anti-social who's thoughts are Ineffable and impossible to relate by the Common Narrative...

That is Lux.

And now a legacy was passed on to him.

And so he asks himself "What changed could have a torch passed on to a star do?"


Additional Info that MAY be referenced upon...

Recommended Reads/Watch(Optional) : All comics which Dr. Manhattan appears, Doomsday Clock, Lucifer(by Mike Carey), Sandman(Neil Gaiman). Cthulhu Mythos, SCP Foundation. MHA, OPM, MCU, Tensura, DBS, Toriko, Mondaiji Tachi, Campione, Medaka Box, Umineko, and more...

You may also just Wiki Fandom on characters you may not know.

Note: Most referenced are mostly just the characters or some item and only few big events like the Thanos invasion, Power tournament, and all that interesting events will have the highest possibility to be referenced.

Disclaimer: If they are yours, now you know that I don't own them. If you want it taken down, leave a comment.


I created this fanfic on an arbitrary thought for fun, not really thinking much of a plot and more just running my thoughts just run wild.

Also, I'm too lazy to edit any misspell or awkward sentence structure as that would just hinder me from updating since editing itself takes those times I'm being productive.

And despite it being my 3rd language, I think I'm proficient enough in English for my works to be coherent, relative to this site maybe one of the higher end.

Speaking of updates, expect it somewhere between once or thrice per a week or two. Depending on the levels of my desire for escapism which is common these days.

Oh yeah, check out my novel if you want to get mindfucked. Also, it explains abstract concepts which I'll just glossed over here: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/24765255205776605?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4322821953

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. BeyondNarratives
    BeyondNarratives Contributed 10
  2. Eric_Moss
    Eric_Moss Contributed 2
  3. H20Rain
    H20Rain Contributed 1

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This I gotta say was indeed quite the ride from the revelation of mind blowing stuff to whatever that pop-up. I can certainly see why it was created from an abitrary thought. There isn't much in terms of story and character development since the first couple of chapters just feels like a recounting narrative about the past. And to be honest, it would have make things more interesting if you were to focus on the mc and his strange existence before even acquiring Dr. Manhattan's legacy since it had so much potential already even without the powers to elevate him to godhood. Welp I will enjoy it nonetheless. I do hope to see the witches in Umineko appearing since it was put in the "MAY be referenced" section and it was actually the reason I found this story in the first place. I'm always curious to see how "romance" could be form with beings like them if it ever happened and hopefully a bit more in the relationship development aspect since it was truly dull in all senses after seeing how Lux and Melissa became lovers.

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