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Chapter 12: Chapter 12

~. Kusora .~

Whelp, I did it. I fucked Issei's mom.

And I'm probably going to hell for it.

I should probably be a bit more concerned considering that I especially went after his mom with close to no care after the initial freakout was gone. But whatever, it's not like he would know, and besides, at least I did it while he was still alive, and not killed off in the first five seconds. But that might just be because I don't even have the capability of doing even that.

Oh I just know that Diabolous Dragon Fist is gonna come my way sometime in the future when Rizevim shows up and I'll have to answer a few questions as to how I came to know that Miki has a birthmark on her waist.

In other news, tonight's clientele was not even all that different. Another day, another housewife. They're practically my bread and butter these days, even if I'm just killing time until Riser responds.

She definitely was in a whole other league compared to my usual clients though. Although it'll never be as surprising as when I get an order from a supernatural entity or a member of the DxD cast, getting an order from what would be considered a superstar certainly was a step above my expectations.

It wasn't anyone that I initially knew off, but she is apparently pretty big in South Korea. K-Pop star or something?

I dunno, I don't listen to that shit.

As an unexpected consequence, I just so happened to not know their name. So if they want me to call out their name during sex, whoever this k-pop superstar is is about to find themselves very disappointed and very angry.

Attachment is a thing in prostitution apparently.

I dunno about Kusora getting a girlfriend, but 'Silver' should never have that sort of attachment. It gets dangerous in this type of business, because bitches are crazy and DxD has a whole different breed of women to worry about.

After a quick Google search on the taxi drive over there, I grasp that although I didn't know her name, she's pretty hot. I just wondered if she would be able to handle me, because I came across some very interesting information the other day.

Apparently Soaplands and Brothels in Japan do happen to have a size limit, if you know what I mean. Poor girls probably couldn't handle the foreign guys, though that's what I get for Americanizing everything in my head despite being in Japan.

It's probably because of the porn.

I'll have to be a bit gentle on this one. We already talked about me staying the night over, and I was inclined to agree since the time wasn't looking too friendly on me returning to Marakyuu anytime sans the next day. Thankfully it was the weekend, so I can take my time in this.

Surprisingly, the map shows that I'm still in Kuoh. But I'm currently questioning why the hell does the street that I'm on right now look like I took the backrooms into Tokyo?

Skyscrapers and blaring lights galore. Ramen shops left and right. This place obviously had a very active nightlife. Damn, I should've set up shop here but the plot called me. And for the sake of it's women, I had to answer.

I did find out how this could still be Kuoh on my way to the hotel. I just happened to catch a glimpse of the train station nearby, and suddenly things clicked. I remember that Rias and her peerage used this train station when they had to leave for Kyoto for the School trip.

That's still happening sometime in the future isn't it? But I'll be heading for Kyoto next week regardless. Gonna be hella awkward with Issei's mom however, but considering I wont be dyeing my hair silver while in the train, I suppose it's fine that one of us feels the harrowing awkwardness that comes with fucking your friend's mom.

Consequences, I suppose.

The hotel was something that I fairly expected from a high end idol. For being around Kuoh, the hotel that I apparently was supposed to meet her at looked like something that would come out of the regular, rich man Korean dramas my parents used to watch.

I would imagine they would be proud of me seeing where I would be spending the night. Barring the whole prostitution thing, thankfully context for them isn't needed, since both of them are hanging in Aokigahara. Me, tarnishing their name through extremely good sex is the least of their problems after that 'final destination-esque' death.

The Korean superstar in question avoided divulging her name in the order. Much like the usual clients using an alias. We agreed in advance that part of the payment she would give me will go towards arranging a room for me in the hotel, right beside her room. She went radio silent as I began to ask why—

But as I pull up to the entrance of the hotel, I quickly start to realize why she opted to just stay quiet.

Do you know how it feels like to be staring down what you could only assume is a future poor choice? It seems confusing, but really, all you would have to do is stare at a tiger for too long to feel exactly what I'm feeling right now.

While the sight I was staring at wasn't exactly on the same magnitude as a predatory attack via a raging tiger. Seeing what I can assume is guards posted right against the door which she was in more or less carried the same message.

Fuck around and find out.

I was paid the big bucks to fuck around by this client, but honestly, I'm not trying to find out what I can do against those guards. Koneko's training can only do so much.

Thankfully she was online for most of the time, so when I texted her about the situation, It only took a few seconds for the door to open and for the guards to clear from the floor. She must've sent them on some errand, cause I can't imagine they'll let me in, knowing my profession.

Plus, they took the elevator. If they were really searching for a prostitute to fist, they would have checked the stairs.

I didn't waste any time, when I heard the ding of the elevator, I booked it to the door. From a distance, I can see it still open as though she were expecting someone. But what really froze me for a moment was when the subsequent client chose to peek her head out.

Now listen, I'm not being mean when I say this, but the moment I saw her the first thought that crossed through my mind was 'What the hell is up with her pupils—'

Don't question it, just move. I said to myself. And you know what, I was right. No one lasted long in this type of business by asking questions. It was the same case for the Fallen Angels and it'll be the same case for any others going forward.

Still though, I couldn't help but wonder about her. She may be a Korean superstar but I'm 100% certain that I had never heard of her, nor will I hear of her when I'm done. Sex will not quell my distaste towards K-pop.

To her credit, she doesn't look like any K-pop star we usually see on tv. She more or less looks like an idol. And as she slipped me into a room, I finally had a chance to take a good look at her. Despite the absence of her colorful dresses and shit, the vibrancy of her hair in different colors and shades said it all.

I didn't think Idol culture was that big in South Korea, with all the protagonist-looking superstars over there. But I guess the client right before me is the world's way of making me eat my words.

Well, fuck you world. I stopped listening the moment you made Sirzechs lust after me.

The oddest thing about being in a room with a literal idol wasn't the lack of cutesy decorations and the surprisingly modern look, but the fact that she hasn't let go of my hand once. And right now, she was dragging me to what looks like a bathroom.

She seemed fairly young, compared to my usual bread and water housewives. But despite that, the superstar didn't seem in the least bit nervous. The shower was running in the bathroom and frankly, the lack of talking between the two of us was awkwardly starting to get to me. I can't tell if it's because it's been a while since I had a client that was all business, or maybe I've been spoiled with talking all this time. It's not like they were obligated to say anything, but I found that speech and communication often makes things entertaining.

And, I am a professional after all.

"So, I'm guessing you're the quiet type?" I started.

"What?" she questioned. "No, I'm just trying to keep quiet in case the guards come back." She proceeded to place a finger on my lips afterwards, and from the corner of my eyes, I could hear her ears twitch as if listening for something.

After a few seconds of nothing, she lifts her finger off. "Right, any reason on why that would be a bad thing?"

She shyly looks away. "My marketer, doesn't want me to get pregnant."

"It's nothing that a condom won't fix."

Silence rings through the bathroom for close to a few minutes, I take a look at her at different times, she's cautious. But I can see a flash of mood within her. She looked disappointed.

Why does she look disappointed?

Breeding, Rape

No, of course she isn't normal. Why would she be normal and make my job nice and simple? I wasn't expecting a seemingly airheaded idol to have such a kink, but lo and behold. The reason why her guards are on the prowl.

The fact that she had to get rid of them at first proves that this isn't exactly the first time she pulled something like this. She watches too much hentai and some poor bloke has to meet the business end of those guards he didn't expect.

Although there wasn't much context on her side, I gave a deep sigh. The woes of being a professional, I miss Miki already.

"So, how do you want to do this?" I asked.

She didn't say anything, but the sound of rustling fabric shook the air of the room. I was frozen in place as she placed her hand on the sleeve of her clothes and started to strip right before me. Not long after, she was resting on me with my back against the cold tiled wall. Hands slipping right through my clothes and onto my chest, completely undressed.

The sight of her was impressive, modest breasts atop a small and slender frame. One could tell that she got a regular amount of exercise, whether she was running on stage or simply just the casual jog. Her smooth, pale skin was incomparably beautiful. She takes care of it, and it shows.

She slips her hand out from my shirt and goes into the shower. I take that as a sign to follow her and start undressing myself. Though, while I'm looking down at my clothes. I end up kicking them beneath a nearby table and hiding them underneath a huge woven basket. It was probably meant to carry loads of sheets to the wash, but it's currently empty enough to put my clothes in.

As I walk towards the shower, My eyes draw upon an odd sight. A box in the far corner. I assume it's because this bathroom has been newly renovated, else it wouldn't have looked this luxurious.

The superstar opened up the shower door and lowered the consistency at which the water fell, shower jets sprayed all around, making sure a good amount of our bodies were covered. The impact of the torrents weren't enough to make me feel like I was drowning, but the shower was vitally warm. Far warmer than anything outside.

Shit, I really should renovate my house while I'm at it, this shower is too damn good. Maybe if someone pays me in the millions I'll see what I can do.

"Would you care to join me, Silver?" she offered.

"Naturally." I said. I'm not a dumbass, we both know why she made a show of just stripping out of her clothes.

She turned back to face the shower head. I can see the moment she tensed in anticipation when the shower door opened a draft and then closed. She turns to me, and I can feel the coldness of her arms draping across my chest. What sneaked me was how warm her body was, despite her fingers being cold. It might've been the steam playing tricks on temperature, but I can feel the encroaching warmth of her entire body pressing up against me.

"First time having sex in a shower?" she asked.

Slowly, she guided one of my hands low. Trailing from her belly and moving to her stomach. I played along to her rhythm, using her other hand to cup her supple breast and gently knead it as my hand travelled lower and lower. "First time in one this luxurious." I lied. It was my first time in general. I don't usually have the time to fool around like this with my clients when I'm done.

Then again, we're doing this while hiding from what essentially equates to a simp force rivalling a police operation.

"It certainly is quite the experience this time around." I leaned forward and delivered soft and gentle kisses along her nape. She let out a weak mewl as she shivered from the assault of my dirty kisses on her spot. Her knees had nearly buckled underneath the sudden and intense surge of pleasure, coursing through her body.

"Don't remind me." She said, "My marketer is a pain."

I sorta understand his thing though. I'm also a bit miffed that she has a rape and breeding fetish. Someone has to get her ass off the internet, no one needs to tell me that those are some dangerous kinks to have.

As a professional, I have to meet her half-way when it comes to satisfying her. But we're doing this, my way.

I pulled away from her nape and focused on kneading her breasts. Gently squeezing her nipple in between my fingers as her other hand moved to grope the other side of her supple chest. "Don't worry about such things right now, let me take care of you." I whispered.

She couldn't muster the strength to approve verbally without exuding a moan loud enough to wake the simp guard as to what was happening inside the bathroom. While biting onto the finger she brought to her mouth, I can see her nod instead. Resting her head on my chest and staring straight into my eyes.

Suddenly, she locks lips with me. I keep my eyes open for long enough to see her's begin to widen as my finger dives towards her clit and starts rubbing it with fervor. Her whole body started to shake, with constant, never-ending currents of pleasure surging through.

With an urge I can only describe as wild, she grabbed me by the locks of my hair and forced her tongue down my throat. Delivering a deep, wet dirty kiss that sought to desperately cling to my every motion.

Well, she tried to. The kiss must've seemed better in her head before she gave it a shot, because as hard as she tried, I could tell that she didn't know what she was doing. Considering her lack of nerves around dining something like this, I would say that the kiss probably suited many other men before.

Not me however. She was terrible. But, I'm not here to judge her kissing skills.

So instead of stopping midway in surprise, I gently stroke her cheek and use that to take a hold of her chin. Then, I slowly slide my tongue through instead, utterly dominating the dirty kiss. The vibrations of her moaning from her arousal of the sudden intrusion had sent lightning striking through her nerves.

Soon, we parted for some air and looked at each other. She was burning red from the wild, dirty kiss we shared, and in a bit of a daze with each breath.

And then we both hear the front door open.

I can sort of vaguely remember the last time I felt my heart beating aloud like this. It might've been when I was taking Miki to the alleyway and keeping watch while I did my job, maybe it was coming across Grayfia for the first time.

I never really thought that anything on the human side of the world would be enough to offer the same sort of tension as meeting her for the first time did. But considering I was already out of the shower about to make a mad dash for my clothes, I would like to take a moment to say that I stand heavily fucking corrected.

"Did you guys arrive?" the Idol calls out from the shower door. Equally as panicked as she tries to motion me further from the door. I can see she's relatively calmer compared to me, maybe it's because she knows that the guards can't enter because they're guys.

Huh, maybe hiding out in the bathroom isn't such a bad call. She could just lie and say that she's naked and getting dressed. Every lie is successfully built upon a single truth after all.

"It's almost time, the others are waiting for you at the cinema."


That wasn't a man's voice. That most definitely wasn't a man's voice. I look at the idol and see the equal amount of surprise and sheer horror in her eyes as well. Her marketer has arrived.

She's coming closer. She's gonna enter the bathroom.

I can hear her mouth to me to hide, but considering that I was just coming right out of being blue-balled in the worst possible way, I forgot to take in to consideration that the bathroom is literally the worst place to hide in when the person on the other side knows that only one person is supposed to be here.

As I hear her footsteps closing in, I realize that my dumbass put my clothes in the basket right next to the fucking door.

I'm currently scrambling trying to find something to block sight and hide. And either by sheer coincidence or stupid fate, my foot happens to knock on something, and my eyes bear upon the single cardboard box from earlier.

No way in hell this would work. I knew very well that there was no chance of this working in the slightest. It seems fucking stupid even thinking about it, but as I hear the Marketer's footsteps draw silent at the door and the creak of the door handle giving way, I aptly realized that I don't really have much of a choice left in the matter.

I sigh.

Fuck it, we ball.

~. Riser .~

He wasn't expecting to be receiving a gift from Satan Lucifer of all people. But after being perpetually locked into what he could assume is either eternal embarrassment or unethical execution by raging sis-con. Riser was inclined to take any gift that can somehow give Sirzechs a little more of a favorable impression of him.

He gave her ten days, he wanted to give her more even if only to spend more of his remaining time amongst his harem and peerage. But then Grayfia would have suspected something amiss and reported back, try as he might, ten days was all he could manage.

His peerage most definitely didn't give him any rest today, and to think it's only been a few hours. But right now, Riser ran into one other problem that started out small but over the passing days had begun to irk him deep inside.

He didn't have a lot of time left with them.

But as mighty as he was, Riser was only one man. Despite the willingness of his mind, he was beginning to see the detriment of having so many women ready and willing to fuck him.

He cant pleasure them all, especially with the time he's got left until the Rating Game. What elevates this further is that it was Yubellina's turn this week for his exclusive and undivided attention. And he didn't want to break his promise to her or any of his girls by dividing his attention during one of their special weeks.

He sighed. Honestly, fuck Rias. And more so, fuck his entire family for putting him through this.

If there's one thing he could take gratitude from in this situation is that most of the girls now were asleep. It gave Riser some alone time for him to stair at the ceiling and think. The warmth of his girls embrace seeps into his skin.

He'll miss this warmth, surely.

Squeezing his arm from under Xuelan's naked waist, he pulled out the so-called 'gift' that Sirzechs had sent his Queen to deliver to the Phoenix Manor. He didn't bother reading the letter that came with it, his parents seemed more inclined on reading it however so he left it at their discretion.

Right now he was staring at a rather well made card. Laminated and all. It was white with a picture of a black mask on it, some contact details were etched onto the back with a certain bar-code of sorts.

The girls were all asleep, but Riser could still make out the brightness of Ravel's blue eyes staring at him from outside his room. "Close the door if you wish to enter, the light will disturb their sleep." Riser said.

"Are you okay, brother?" she asked.

Riser looked around at the absolute carnage that is his entire peerage stark naked and cuddling him on the bed. "I'm fine, safe to say that I'm rather warm at the moment." he said.

"Will you be okay for the Rating Game then?"

Riser paused. Ravel still didn't realize the implications of her question, but he chose to wave her off. "Are you worried about me?" he asks.

She pouts and turns away slightly with an embarrassed blush rushing to her cheeks. Riser felt a bit moved, his sister would rather die than show it on her face but she was adamantly worried. She may have not known about the true nature of Sirzechs and the reason he was acting like this, but Riser no doubt knew that Ravel could sense that something was wrong.

If there was any mercy he could do as the useless third-child of the Phoenix family, he would use it to fool his sister for longer.

Still though, Ravel's impeccable timing still shows even when not necessarily needed. He gave a look to the card in his hands, maybe there was something she could help with instead considering her favour towards management and research.

"Could you do something for me, Ravel?" Riser asked. He presented her with the card. "Find out what you can about this card, it's a gift from Lord Sirzechs."

Ravel takes the card in hand and takes a picture before typing on her phone, little more than a few seconds later, she erupts in a red blush that completely covers her facade. Riser raised an eyebrow, though he couldn't see well in the dark, he could make out the rose of his sister's cheeks.

She's been on that phone for a while. "What's gotten you so rattled?" he asks.

"I-It's–it's…" Ravel stammers. In the end, she returns the card to him and instead of conveying her words, shows him the screen of her phone.

It's an escort site, for a human prostitute.

At first he thought it was a woman, but after reading the reviews he was vehemently corrected to believe that the escort in question is in fact a man. He didn't look human in the slightest, most humans look ugly.

As soon as he noticed that he was a guy, Riser all but lost his interest. It's practically insulting, giving him contact with a male escort. What did Sirzechs mean by such an action? Clearly something offensive.

But right as he turned away and looked at his naked sleeping peerage, he gazed back at the site and took a good long look at the card.

Maybe this offensive front could be a blessing in disguise. He most certainly had a use for this male escort presented to him. He just needed to make a few preparations.

~. Kusora .~

Never again will I doubt the methods of spy movies and the grace of Metal Gear Solid.

I can't believe the box actually fucking worked.

The marketer made her way inside the bathroom right at the second I decided to put the box over me. It was big enough to fit me curling at my side over the tile without making it look weird.

It was apparently convincing enough for her to have a quick sit on while she smoked and explained a few things. Apparently either her stage name or real name was Ai. Or whatever the fuck that chain-smoker called her.

They were supposed to be meeting up with the rest of her team down by the cinema to watch a premiere of some sort. I didn't listen too much on that, I was trying to lay as still as I could possibly be to avoid detection. Even when both of them left the bathroom I stayed, because I'm not dumb enough to think I'm safe even though both of them are right outside the bathroom.

I should pat myself on the back for such a good call, because over the course of getting ready for the premiere, both of them made a trip to and fro the bathroom practically every few seconds. I couldn't take a look at Ai because I didn't think to punch any holes before trying this, but considering this box is the only thing keeping me from being clotheslined by the simps waiting outside as guards, I didn't consider it too much of a problem in my regard.

I, for one, think of the box as a success. Even though it's quite obvious that getting better at hiding is going to become a requirement from my job sometime soon. Too bad I don't know anyone in DxD that's skilled with stealth, probably only blasting things and losing clothes a lot. Although I'll be honest, the latter I could stake as a talent, one that I would be willing to learn in tandem.

I hear the front door closing up after a few soundly steps outside the bathroom. I quietly creep out of the bathroom and peek through the keyhole for a few moments to check if everything is clear. Once I was confident I wasn't gonna get caught, I immediately went towards my clothes and put them on with a quickness. Ai was smart enough to leave the spare key to the hotel room at the same place where I put my clothes, so getting out from here on forth wouldn't be a problem.

I was inclined to call it a night and simply just head to my hotel room to catch some sleep and leave this fucking insanity.

That was until I got a message that now has me and her standing in the middle of this cold alleyway right outside the cinema.

"There's no way you're seriously asking me to fuck you in a alleyway." I voiced it aloud. But either she didn't hear me over the sounds of the rave going on in the houses nearby, or she just chose not to listen.

"What's the issue?" she questioned.

Well, not only does this unnerve me from a slightly moralistic standpoint as—let's face it, nothing good ever happens in an alleyway right after twelve in the morning. But we also have to contend with the only sheer disparity between the shower and a paved street at nightfall.

"It's cold as hell." I deadpanned. "I know I'm not the only one that feels it."

"Did you like the shower that much?"

"I didn't mind it, it was just an experience." I lied. I fucking loved that shower, and after the night I've been having with dodging guards, hiding inside buildings and fooling around with a clearly deranged hot idol, I just wanted to sleep off this night.

Either way. Ai approached me and slowly forced me against the wall. I'm guessing she's still raring to go from earlier since she didn't have to hide. Up-close, her breathing was rather quick, panting like she had just gotten over a sprint. And just as fast, she curled her hands into my shirt and nearly ripped it off barring the buttons.

I begin to briefly wonder if it's my aura that was making her this horny, but whatever she did flipped a switch on me. And now, I am beginning to feel the same way.

She restrained my arms and lathered up kisses on my nape. The feeling that arouses from her wet lips sucking my neck was usual and yet pleasant. She trailed down her kisses until she reached my pants and pulled them down.

When she exposed my cock to the elements, I was treated to the sight of her making way and leaning over a nearby dumpster. She raises the hem of her dress to reveal her lack of panties and her pussy sopping wet, her fluids running down her leg.

I come up to her, hand on her shapely ass as I roughly grind the head of my cock against her labia, I push my hard cock deep into Ai's perfect pussy. I frantically thrust my hips forwards, letting out a desperate grunt as I drive into her. Squealing in delight, enough to nearly stir the homeless that take refuge here, she eagerly pushes her shapely hips out, seemingly begging me to go harder.

Her movements helped to sink my cock even deeper into her desperate cunt. I pound hard into her tight pussy, letting out a groan with every thrust buried into her. I could hardly feel the cold in the air as I frantically slammed into her. Ai bucks out her hips just as she can barely make out the volumes of her moans and cries.

Together we desperately try to be quiet, but our bodies slap together, silent but euphoric. I let out a grunt while I continued to ram my dick into her. I feel my balls tense up and I feel something building up. A desperate, shuddering heat suddenly crashes up from her pussy, and Ai lets out a squeal that I was barely able to force a hand over to keep quiet. The surges bare down even more as I see a blinding wave of ecstasy wash over her, and cause her pussy to clench down hard on my shaft.

I feel the warmth leave me as I dump my load deep into her snatch. I can feel my balls churning with every spray. I shudder from the cold, but even with my full length buried within her, I feel a good amount ooze right out of her pussy with a squelch.

Ai bites down hard on my hand covering her mouth, I feel the severity of her moans through the vibration of my fingers. I feel her pussy tighten up once again and seemingly drain me for every drop of cum I had, before I felt it twitching in spasms and suddenly, I saw more of her juices running down her leg.

Did she just cum, again?

"Oh, fuck. That was amazing." she said in a daze. "I-i'm not sure how i'm still standing, but I still need to head to the premier."

I pulled out of her freshly fucked cunt and although she was fine, Ai chose to rest on the dumpster for a few moments. Treating me to a sight of my cum oozing slowly out of her pussy.

Ai rolled down her dress eventually and stood on shaky legs walking towards the door of the cinema. She looks back at me with a little smile despite how weird her eyes looked. "I guess I'll see you later."

I deadpanned and held both my hands up and walked without looking back once I saw her rush towards the arena, a slight bead of my cum leaking onto the very floor she walked on. A job well done, Kusora. That isn't your problem anymore.

I swear, ever since Murayama and Katase I've been getting nothing but weirdos these days.

It's Saturday right now, and it's a long weekend until next Tuesday, where we have about two days before Golden Week.

Realistically, I don't have as much time as I first thought to fix things. Ten days will absolutely cut into my time in Golden Week and thereby in Kyoto.

I say this right as I stop with my morning pushups and send a picture to Koneko in the meantime. Waking up in an unfamiliar ceiling nearly scared the crap out of me, I thought I woke up in a dumpster until I remembered that I practically reserved the very room I'm using in advance.

The picture of myself exercising is decent enough. It just delivered so Koneko must still be asleep at her training camp. I didn't necessarily have a picture to send to Akeno, but the least I've done is send her a text saying morning. Let's see what comes from that I guess.

In the meantime, I have no idea of what to do while I wait for Riser's response. Who knows, it might take the full ten days for me to receive a response by means of order or death ray from raging Sis-con.

Who knows, maybe it didn't even work?

A notification from my phone causes the desk to visibly vibrate. Grabbing it, and unlocking my screen reveals it to be a new order from the app. Oh well, guess I'm killing time again tonight.

Name - Riser Phoenix

Job - Escort

Duration - Five Days

Location - Kuoh, Japan - Nazame Station

Time - 12:00 AM

Amount - 1,000,000 Yen

Well…fuck me, I guess.

SwitchBlad SwitchBlad

I forgot to add the bathroom scene the first time. Enjoy. I'll be heading back to Lost Aegis updates for the time being while I further outline the oncoming arcs.

For those who cannot wait the two weeks for updates, or want an easier way to commission something from me, in addition to my Kofi link that has the next two chapters in advance. I've also set up a Patreon for anyone that wants to support my work, with also two chapters in advance.

With that being said, see you all next time.

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