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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

~• Kusora •~

You know that one moment where you wish you just stayed in bed? No? Then obviously you've never worked retail.

While I don't think retail and the situation I find myself in are completely the same, if one finds themselves in a world like DXD, I think they're entitled to a few complaints.

Until the world just Uno reverse cards you.

"Ufufu. Kusora, was it? I do apologize, but I need that."

"I'm sorry, these are the only kind they have in stock. And the manager saves it for me."

For those of you not in the know, the person I'm talking to is also one of the people I didn't want to meet because of sheer strategical imbalance.

Akeno Himejima.

One of the two Onee-samas of Kuoh Academy. And the queen of Rias Gremory.

Little sister to sis-con, motherfucking Lucifer.

While I don't think the resident Super-Devil is willing to make the trip over a damn sack of coffee beans, I wasn't nearly prepared to take that kind of risk interacting with the devils as of yet.

Well surprise, surprise. I should've known when my aura also attracted bugs and mosquitoes. The world doesn't give a fuck about how prepared I am.

All plans fail when in contact with the enemy. And while the devils weren't my enemy, my plan of non-interaction was certainly failing.


I managed to keep my hold on the sack of coffee beans, but the vein on Akeno's forehead was showing more and more.

Oh god. If my goal of a first impression was to piss her off, it's working. I'm sure nothing short of Baraquel is enough to get her this annoyed.

"Look, Miss…" The vein in her forehead dwindled until it couldn't be seen. Good, she was calm. "Akeno. Akeno Himejima." She answered.

As if I didn't already know her name. "I'm Kusora." I motioned to myself, she didn't say anything but the tension visibly lessened.

"I happen to run a coffee shop down the street. Marakyuu. The staple of the most popular blend that customers want happens to need these coffee beans to make. " I explain. Fuck it, if it will get Akeno of my back about this, I'll let her know about the shop. It's a Sunday, and this argument was getting annoying.


I smiled. "The name of the coffee shop." How creative, am I right?

The explanation seemed to have subdued her for now, as she enveloped a thinking pose while she looked at me. "Hmm. But I kind of also need that. A very important guest is arriving soon and he happens to like that particular brand of coffee."

An important guest? Fuck, is it Riser? I haven't even met Akeno for five minutes and I'm already needing to somehow think of a way to cook chicken?

Isn't this going kinda fast? We just skipped like a whole damn arc. I mean, where's Asia? Or better yet Raynare?

"I'll tell you what." I started. "If it's not a bother, you can drop by at Marakyuu." I'm definitely gonna regret saying this.

"If you come over, I'll see if I have any of these brands in stock and give one to you." I said with a smile. "Does that sound a bit better?"

This kinda sounded simpy as soon as it left my mouth, truth be told I could've just left the store like any other person.

Actually, I should've done that in the first place. It's not like Akeno even knew me five minutes ago and it's not like she would've hunted me down for some coffee.

I fucking hate how I can only come up with this type of shit last minute.

"Sure. It does sound acceptable." Akeno responded with a smile. "Down the street, right?"

"Yeah, it doesn't take long to get there from here."

~• Raynare •~

"How ironic for the midget to be this late."

Kalawarner commented as she stood right beside Raynare at the entrance to the church, right in broad daylight as they watched Mittelt struggle to even climb the stairs to the chapel.

The Loli seemed to have gotten a few steps down at first, until she reached halfway and started to semi-crawl.

The walking was weird, but the state in which Mittelt travelled was a cause of concern. At least on Raynare's part. Kalawarner just smiled, knowingly, like that time she had given her the card.

Which until this day, Raynare hadn't found the need, nor want to give the option a shot.

She looked worn and ragged, her ass red and swollen from strikes with crusty stains on her clothes and thighs. Raynare could see the visage of mascara running down the sides of her eyes.

And the look of absolute bliss on her face.

"Are you okay?" Kalawarner questioned with a sultry chuckle.

"O-one…more. Please…" Mittelt answered, tired and dazed. A familiar card slipped and fell out of her ruined skirt. A white card with a black mask.

Raynare spotted it, and grew incredulous. "What the hell?" A good question. A culmination of the short seconds she spent wondering what kind of human had put a Fallen angel into this kind of state.

Kalawarner cackled. "Enjoyed it a bit too much huh? Sex with him must've been wild." She quickly scanned her, and saw her twitch each time she wearily called out the name 'Silver.'

Having enough of her fun, Kalawarner walked up to Mittelt and guided her to her room in the church. Raynare made the mistake of seeing the state of Mittelt's behind again as she walked to her room, the urge was there, raging, storming her insides and making the itch worse.

Raynare looked at the card, and felt herself grow a bit damp as she aptly remembered the state in which this prostitute had left her comrades in and the vivid imagination of what Silver would have in store for her.

~• Akeno •~

Going to the coffee shop yielded an unexpected turn of events. One that seemed good at the time.

Truth be told, she had been looking for a place to relax when the Old School building wasn't an option. Marakyuu was surprisingly close to the shrine where she lived. And the shop actually had a blend that she liked.

Although getting it wasn't for personal indulgence this time.

"This coffee is marvelous, Rias." Sirzechs complemented, raising a cup to his mouth as he took a sip.

Rias waved off the compliment. "No, no. That's all Akeno." She motioned to her queen. "I certainly wouldn't know where to get a blend this good."

Akeno did. And it turned out to be much harder than just simply buying it at the store.

For the longest while, Akeno smiled as her king gave the report to Sirzechs all the while she was repeatedly frozen into silence by the Strongest Queen standing right at her master's side.

Going by her visage, you wouldn't think that the stone-faced woman could be phased. And yet like any spirited wife, she's been regularly seen whacking her husband with anything that could be lifted off the ground. That just so happens to always be a newspaper.

Akeno could see the very tip of one in her hands right now, hiding at her back. Waiting for Sirzechs to act a bit goofy.

Despite accompanying her husband, Grayfia spent an awful lot of time eyeing Akeno. She didn't think it was anything malicious, there was no sharpness in her glare. It was probably something she was curious about, and has been meaning to get off her chest.

Eventually the meeting came to an end. It went on for longer than Akeno thought, since she also knows what was in those reports that Rias discussed with Sirzechs. A whole lot of nothing really, not much action these days.

If she were honest, Akeno thought that things were a bit boring and mundane.

"Ms. Himejima."

Finally, Grayfia called out to her. She approached her silently enough to not alert Sirzechs while he was spending time with Rias.

She couldn't deny the slight tension she felt as the Strongest Queen approached. Her expression was always so intense and stoic when accompanying Sirzechs. And as if she could read what Akeno was thinking, her gaze softened onto her still lips.

It may have not eased the tension even slightly, but Akeno could tell she was at least making the effort to approach. She smiled, trying her best to meet her forward. "Do you need something—"

"Grayfia. We should be getting back now."

The strongest queen turned to Sirzechs standing atop a glowing magic circle. Without even the slightest of hesitation, Grayfia nodded as she joined her king on the circle.

"I wish we could've stayed longer, Rias." Sirzechs confessed with a warm smile.

Rias held a still line with her lips. "That's hardly appropriate for a Satan." She folded her arms amidst the light scolding.

"What of siblings then?"

"Just leave already." Rias said. To any other, it would've looked as though she was annoyed. But there was no fooling the red embarrassment that rose to her cheeks, and the pout that came afterward.

With a small laugh, both Grayfia and Sirzechs vanished back into the Underworld. Leaving the room quite empty save for the tired yawn coming from Rias.

Although, Akeno inquired as to what Grayfia could've meant with the eyes she gave during her departure. There were still things left unfinished, and she'll probably be back later today.

What could the Strongest Queen want with someone like her?

~• Kusora •~

Inside my store currently resides the first homicide and or cuckold of any fan made fiction about this world.

As I brewed up two cups of coffee, I take a moment to think about how I can make contact with two main characters in a single day. And how one of them became Issei fucking Hyoudou.

Although I digress, he has been a constant fixture on my life for a while. It's not like I had a choice of killing him for Boosted Gear. He can own me in a fight as he is now, much less later. And besides, it's not like I hated him, since he and his parents have the one thing I need to lead a somewhat peaceful life with my abilities.

"It's been a while, you don't come over as often anymore." I start. Placing a cup of coffee on the desk.

"I'm always tired, that's why." Issei claims, holding up the coffee and taking a sip.

"Don't bullshit, you don't even have any clubs."

"And why does that matter?" Issei asked, slowly curling his lips into a lecherous smile. Oh boy. "I have more important things to do."

Let me humour the poor bastard. "Oh, like what?" I took a sip of my own coffee. With the look he was giving me, I was going to need it.

"Let me guess, peeping?"

Issei grew flushed as he seemingly started to remember what he had seen today. If only he knew the things I did, and what I do when the store closes. If my aura was a sacred gear, I'd trade it for Boosted Gear in a heartbeat.

"I almost managed to see Murayama's nipples!" Issei panted. In all seriousness, he kind of is the tension breaking idiot I need. DXD would be a lot worse if Issei wasn't her feeding me copium. A saving grace was that he was the only one of the trio that showed up here, and he usually does it while empty.

During my first years here, there was a lot inner debate as to what I should do with Issei. It's sort of ironic that he's sitting there with a pervy but warm smile, without at all knowing that I was considering getting him killed.

But later during my first year, I became good friends with him and his family. Issei's like the 12-year-old that never grew out of porn. It's creepy, but wholesome in a way that always breaks the tension I feel while surviving in this world.

"I've seen and touched bigger." I could say I fucked bigger too, but he's already having some sort of freakout.

Fuckers even jerking me by the collar with a jealous look on his face. "How! How are you doing this!? You fucker, stop holding out!"

Don't be jealous of me Issei, this ability is more trouble than it's worth.

"Oh, before I forget." Issei let go of my collar and dug into his school bag before pulling out a small plastic bag.

Is that? No, issei you didn't…

"I heard you were having trouble with some mosquitoes at night, it was my moms idea to give you our old net, but I couldn't leave you like that." Issei explained passing me a bag filled with some mosquito nets, bug spray and repellent.

"The repellant is supposed to be really good.y dad was talking about it last summer." Issei said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"Issei, I could kiss you." But that would be gay, and you'll probably cum in your pants because of my touch.

Issei receded back. "Please don't." He then smiled. "Gotta save it for my harem."

This idiot just brought me a week's relief from the mosquitoes and bugs attracted by my aura. I can't believe I was almost about to kill him when we first met. Finally, sweet relief.

A buzz on my phone broke the mood, it was from the app. A new order.

"Sorry Issei, I've got to close up shop." I said. Issei quickly finished his coffee and grabbed his back.

"It's alright." Issei said. "It's getting late anyway and I have to meet up with Matsuda at Motoyama's place."

I raised my eyebrows. "Do you know how sus it looks having three high schoolers watching porn in the dark?" I should've used pathetic, but I don't want to tempt him in taking away the mosquito net.

He gave me a little look before leaving. The sun was barely out as he was making his way back. It should be fine, he hasn't bragged about getting a girlfriend yet so he won't be attacked.

When he went far enough away, I locked down the store, turned off the lights then went upstairs to my living room.

As I sat on the couch I browsed through my phone to take a look at the order this time.

Name - blackRay49

Job - Once-Off

Location - Kuoh, Japan

Time - 9:30 AM

Amount - 67,000 Yen

Note - It's in the Chapel at the top of the hill.

Holy hell, this one is nearly double the last order. And it's one of the first times someone has made use of the note function.

If read it, the doubled amount makes sense. This client wants to fuck during Church. Sunday service must be hitting different these days.

Whatever, it's not like I'm Christian. A job is a job. And besides, it's good. A little dicey since Akeno is going to be coming over tomorrow, but it's just outside opening time for Marakyuu.

If I really push it, I can make it back before she even gets here.

I guess it's a great thing that I don't have any orders today. I'll definitely need the rest for all the shit I'm going to pull tomorrow.

Hopefully nothing too crazy happens while I'm asleep. Gonna make some good use out of this mosquito net.

~• Issei •~

The night started out relatively calm. Walking home a few blocks away, just finishing his hangout at Motoyama's place.

Kusora had been right when he said that it looked a bit weird, and part of him couldn't help but notice the oddities shown in tonight's session.

Session? They had this more than once? He's probably right, this was more than a little weird.

Maybe if he had toned it down some he could actually find a girlfriend. Not that it mattered now.

Not that anything mattered with a gaping hole in his chest.

The man in the trenchcoat loomed over him as blood soaked into the asphalt pavement. He gave a little sneer as he wiped off the blood stains on his yellow light spear, and took off in a cluster of black feathers.

He shouted his name earlier, Donut-something. Issei didn't remember. His thoughts were rapidly fading as he bled out in the street.

Why did he have to be killed by a dude? It would've been better if it were a hot chick? At least that would've made sense, he didn't exactly leave any of them with the best impression.

His eyes grew heavy as he struggled to keep conscious. His last thoughts before blacking out were of how silent her steps were. And how the hell did the white haired shortstack manage to lift him?

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