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Chapter 3: 17 years later...(mostly edited)

A now 17 year old Hope and her crush Roman get out of the car and walk toward the seemingly abandoned house. Hope having readily agreed to do whatever anyone wanted of her for the return of her mother - unaware that not only is Roman working with the one who kidnapped her missing mother, but that he was as naiive to their true intentions as Hope herself was.

"Well, your witch really goes for atmosphere," Hope commented as she eyed the house that was literally in the middle of nowhere. Paint chipping off the sides.

Behind her, Roman was fidgeting. Keeping his nerves carefully hidden from the girl in front of him. "She's not my witch." He denies quickly, "Just a witch I know,"

"Not your witch," Hope humms, "Got it." But his shifty behavior didn't escape her notice. "Are you okay?" She questions as she walks up the stairs to the house with a furrow in her brow.

"Look, Hope," He starts but pauses as she turns to look at him. He swallows nervously, "You know I like you, right?"

Hope releases a breathy chuckle and adjusts the bag on her shoulder, "Well I didn't think you drove me all this way 'cause you hated me." Her smile is genuine and fond when she turns to walk into the house again.

He stops her once more, "It's just ... " He hesitates, and she raises her eyebrows expectantly, still smiling softly at him. "there's gonna be some things I have to explain." He avoids her eye, guilt building up inside of him for the girl he hadn't meant to actually develop feelings for.

"Look," Hope interrupts shifting slightly, "Sorry, but the only thing worse than doing this is waiting to do this." She turns back towards the door, walking confidently forward while he stands at the bottom of the stairs and fidgets. She goes to grab the handle,

"Stop!" Roman stops her, "It's spelled." He's still avoiding eye contact as he walks up the stairs and only now is Hope beginning to have a bad feeling about the situation.

He walks forward and walks over a small pile of rocks at the top of the stairs, the magic keeping the place sealed breaks as Hope watches. "You can go in."

Slowly Hope opens the door and walks in the house, looking around it only takes a few seconds for her to see that her mother is actually in this house. Groggy, weak and strapped to a chair. "Mom?"

She storms over to her mom and grabs her shoulder causing Hayley to look up at her, "Hope,"

"What is this?" Hope asks in a panic, breathing coming out in pants. Roman slowly walks up behind her to make his presence known.

Hayley jerks at his presence, once again trying to get free of her bounds the closer he gets to her child. "You,"

Hope turns toward Roman only for him to attach a pair of chained cuffs to her wrists, preventing her from accessing her magic. "I'm so sorry," He mutters as Hope looks up at him in betrayal.

Hope tries to break free from her chains while she watches Roman give Hayley water she drinks desperately.

"What's going on?" She demands, while Roman gulps

"He's the one that led them to me in the church attic," Hayley explains for him when it's clear he doesn't know what to say. He carefully avoids looking at Hope as she puts the pieces together in her head. Looking to her and away and back again.

"But how did you know where she was?" He walks away from her as understanding washes over her, "You got inside my head. The first day you touched me. When you tucked my hair behind my ear. You were really just trying to figure out where my mom was hidden." You can hear the hurt in her voice.

"Hope look, I know this looks bad, okay?" He walks toward her but she steps away from him, "But if you just do the binding spell..."

"Binding spell?" Hayley interrupts looking between the two of them, "What's he talking about?"

"Greta said that if I-I did the binding spell, then they'd let you live." Hope explains to her mom who looks confused and suspicious.

"Greta said that?" Hayley doesn't believe it.

"I-It's just so Hope can't make any more hybrids. Our movement is about getting the natural order back. That's all my mom wants." Roman tries to get them to understand,

"Wait. Greta's your mom?!" Hope's anger is made known by the way her voice hardens.

Hayley starts to struggle harder, "Untie me! Now!"

"I can't," Roman insists, "Okay? Just do the binding spell, and you'll be fine!"

"Nothing will be fine for you unless you untie me!"


"You realize your mother is insane," Hayley tries to reason with Roman.

"It's not insane to defend yourself, okay? Werewolves kill to trigger their curse. None of them are innocent. But at least they're a naturally occurring species! Hybrids are a perversion." The more he talks to tighter Hope's face gets, "Look at Klaus. And - and Henry was a hybrid for less than a day before he murdered someone. They're just unnatural."

"Well, um at least I know how you really feel," Hope's voice cracks slightly, and Roman looks away.

"Hybrids have a choice, too, Roman." Hayley insists, "We all have free will. Klaus did whatever he did not because he's a hybrid, but because he's Klaus. Henry is just a kid. Eventually, he'll learn self-control."

"Mom..." Hope interrupts regretfully, "Henry's dead."

Hayley looks toward Roman before asking, "What happened?"

"They tore his heart out and strung him up outside Rousseau's."

"Who did?" Hayley questions,

"No one knows," Hope sniffs

Roman had turned his back on the conversation but he stiffens when he hears Hayley's next sentence "I bet Roman's mother does." Roman looks at Hayley shaking his head in denial. "Think about it. If they did that to some backwoods bayou kid that they barely even knew - imagine what they're gonna do to us."

"No!" He denies, "My mom just wants peace! If you bind'll be free! You - You'll see!"

The door is thrown open, throwing Roman across the room violently. Hayley and Hope look up only to see a young blonde stride confidently through the door. Long flowing locks of blonde hair to her waist, sunglasses covering her eyes - which were revealed to be a bright beautiful blue the second she pushed those glasses into her hair to hold her hair back. She had perfectly manicured eyebrows, a heart shaped face with pink and plump lips. She was toned, strong and her body showed it - not in an unflattering type of way though. She walked with confidence, her back straight and her head held high. The aura surrounding her screamed, 'powerful' and the way her eyes scanned over the room's occupants caused slight goosebumps to form on their arms. The look in her eyes stated she already had decided who was with and who was against her - and it didn't promise anything positive to those she deemed 'against' her. She had on a pair of black jeans, a blue tank-top, and a golden locket necklace around her neck.

Beside her stood a boy (Face Claim: Dylan O'Brien) who was more built than Roman but around the same height. Brown hair that was short but not too short - a muscled T-shirt and blue jeans. He kept his sunglasses on but it was clear by the way his body was tight as a spring he was more than ready for a fight. He was confident in the way he stood but more cautious than the blonde by his side and the way he subtly and perhaps even unconsciously angled his body so he was in front of her immediately proved why. Despite this fact his face was relaxed, his lips pulled into what resembled a slight smirk as he observed the scene before him. While the sunglasses hid his eyes from view, they could feel his gaze as it moved across the three occupants in the room - not necessarily holding malicious intent but promising a fate worse than death should you be a threat he will eliminate. He wasn't someone to underestimate.

"And if you think that," The young blonde began eyes locked onto the downed form of Roman who was only just now slowly coming to a stand with a pained groan, breaking the silence that had overtaken the room at their arrival. "Then you are more of an idiot than we assumed you were," A slight British accent was revealed as she spoke - an unimpressed eyebrow raised as she looked toward the boy with a similarly unimpressed expression on her face. Her voice was soft and sweet like honey and lavender.

"An impressive feat considering we already thought very little of you," The boy beside her spoke with an impish grin - curiously his voice lacked the same accent but made up for it with a slight boyish tint that countered his fierce appearance - if only to show that he was still young.

"Your mother doesn't want to bind them; she wants to kill them." The blonde continued as if the boy beside her hadn't spoken despite the slight quirk of her lips at his comment. Her eyes flicked to Hayley and Hope and despite the fact that she hadn't moved a muscle nor did she utter a spell - the ropes holding Hayley evaporated into thin air while the chains holding Hope fell uselessly to the floor.

"Who are you?" Hayley asks, not unkind but suspiciously she immediately moved to stand in front of her daughter. Angling herself so she was in front of her and keeping her own body between Roman who was now watching them all with slight panic in his eyes and the two newcomers.

The blonde hesitated, Hayley watched as the conflict shown clear in her eyes before it passed as quickly as it came. She had to fight the urge to reach out and wrap the girl in a hug. "I'm Alana, Alana Marshall and this is my brother Atlas,"

Atlas, who was standing tall beside Alana with his arms crossed across his chest and his head turned in the direction of the slightly terrified looking Roman, gave a slight wave of his hand and a small nod of acknowledgement but his attention didn't stray from the boy.

"Marshall?" Hope was the one to ask while Hayley looked at Alana with a surprised expression - it had to be a coincidence, but Hayley had never met anyone with her last name before. Not to mention her wolf was currently raging inside of her - it had identified Alana as part of its pack...a lost pack member, a cub, and it wanted her back.

Alana tilted her head curiously, eyes flicking back and forth between Hayley and Hope. "That's what I said, although Atlas is an Andrews. We're adopted siblings,"

"I'm Hope," Hope introduced herself with a shy smile, "And this is my mom, Hayley." Alana had already earned her trust by saving her mother.

Alana went to respond but Hayley cut her off, again her voice wasn't unkind but it was still suspicious. Hayley didn't know what to make of how her wolf was acting - it was like Alana wasn't just a lost cub - but like she was HER cub. Hayley knew she only had one daughter and Hope hadn't activated her curse yet. If Hayley had her way, she never would. "Why did you help us?"

Alana looked toward Atlas who grabbed her hand and squeezed reassuringly. His head turning slightly in her direction to acknowledge her while he lifted his sunglasses to reveal sharp green eyes that were indeed trained on every move Roman made.

"I can't answer that," Alana shrugged, but it was clear by the look on her face she was a bit more bothered by her statement than she was letting on. When Hayley went to open her mouth, no doubt to ask why NOT, Alana elaborated before she could.

"I dreamt of this...of where we are, you being tied to that chair. Hope chained up. Someone by the name of Greta will arrive shortly with a witch. That witch would have bound your wolf side - leaving you as nothing more than a vampire and then you would have been killed by sunlight since you don't have a daylight ring."

Roman began shaking his head adamantly, looking at Hayley and Hope as if to say Alana was crazy - but they were busy watching Alana. Hope with wide and pained but grateful eyes and Hayley was once again fighting her wolves near constant desire to grab Alana and pull her behind her. It somehow felt wrong to have Alana standing in front of her instead of behind her. She had never felt her wolf so out of control.

"Something told me to save you," Alana finished with another shrug, oblivious to Hayley's internal turmoil. "Something told me to save you, and to get rid of this Greta chick - so, I have a plan."

"That is?" Hayley asked, stumbling slightly from her weakened state. She was hungry, thirsty and not just for actual food - without blood she knew she'd be in no state to fight should Greta come bringing friends.

As if reading her mind - "Here," Alana was in front of Hayley before she could blink, moving too fast for even the hybrid of the room to see startling her slightly. Hope stabilized her mother from behind while Alana reached out and gently grabbed Hayley's arm to help. When Alana touched her, Hayley's wolf calmed - a pleased rumble left her chest that surprised those standing around her. She ducked her head and tried to pass it off as a cough.

Alana offered her wrist to Hayley, who hesitated - the part of her wolf that had been screaming Alana was her cub and should be protected detested feeding off of the young blonde but with the clear concern in those big trusting blue eyes she couldn't find it in her to say no, nor did she want to admit how much it pained her to think of Alana moving to stand back across the room instead of standing beside her and Hope.

"You can't seriously be trusting her?!" Roman asked in disbelief when he watched Hayley smile softly at Alana, a fondness in her dark brown eyes that confused him as she lifted Alana's wrist to her mouth. She cradled it preciously before she opened her mouth, veins appeared under her eyes as her fangs extended. Gentler than he had ever seen a vampire feed, Hayley bit into Alana's wrist.

"You have no room to talk about trust," Hope threw back at him, while Atlas took a step toward Roman who backed away from the hybrid and Alana. Hope watched her mom and Alana interact - and felt a flicker of jealousy in her chest watching the two of them. Her mother had almost died because of her and instead of saving her...she had almost made the situation worse. Guilt joined the jealousy and she looked away.

"Don't be shy, I can take it." Alana knew with how weak Hayley had been she'd need much more blood than she was trying to take from her. She appreciated the care Hayley was offering but Alana didn't save her just for her hesitance to get her killed anyway. She stepped closer, making Hayley's eyes snap up to look at her and cupped the back of the hybrid's head, pushing it more into her wrist as further incentive and that was all Hayley needed to drink her fill.

Alana ran her fingers through Hayley's hair as she drunk from her, and when Hayley pulled away, she stepped back toward her brother - ignoring the confusing ache she felt the further away she got from the hybrid. Unbeknownst to her, Hayley had to cross her arms over her chest to keep from pulling Alana back.

"Thanks," Hayley smiled at her, allowing Hope to take one of her hands in her own. "Now what's this plan?"



The plan was straight forward. Do nothing - change nothing. Hayley was once again 'bound' to the chair - only this time the ropes weren't actually keeping her subdued. They were just meant to make people assume she couldn't escape.

Hope had the magic binding cuffs on her wrists - looser than before and they were de-spelled by Alana giving Hope the appearance of a scared young girl with no magic despite it being the exact opposite.

Roman had been compelled by Alana - something that had shocked Hayley and Hope - Roman had also been shocked but the compulsion distracted him from it. Hayley and Hope both knew that there were very few vampires in the world that could compel other vampires and most importantly - the one's that could were usually the most powerful. It did nothing to quell the protective instinct that continued to grow as time went on inside of Hayley for Alana.

It didn't replace the one she had for Hope - of course not, merely joined it. They were both her cubs - Hayley just didn't understand why. If only she knew.

Roman had been compelled to keep Alana and Atlas's presence to himself. Not to warn anyone, not to so much as breath about it. And in the end Hayley had been the one to decide that they should let things play out almost exactly like her dream/vison - if only to ensure that Greta shows up, none the wiser.

With that in mind, Roman called his witch friend to come bind Hayley's wolf. Or at least that's what the witch assumed he was there for, but as the witch stood before Hayley. A malicious glint in his eye knowing the pain she would endure to successfully bind her - while Hayley and Hope 'struggled' and 'begged' him not to do it.

Alana waited for the perfect moment to appear behind him and rip his heart out of his chest from behind. Roman letting out an open mouthed but silent scream to try to warn him seconds before it happened. Due to the compulsion he was unsuccessful, and that caused his fear to sky rocket - knowing that the mother he wrongly idolized would soon be walking into a trap he couldn't protect her from.

Atlas was behind Alana a second later, lifting the body of the witch before with a warning glare toward Roman he disappeared to dispose of it before the other's arrived and saw.

"Thanks," Hayley sighed in relief eyes frantically checking Alana to ensure she was okay. It was again - irrational, she had seen Alana effortlessly dispose of the witch but she had no control over this new found instinct.

"What now?" Hope asked, relief evident in her voice and eyes. She hadn't doubted Alana exactly but she was scared, especially when she had heard how much pain her mother would have had to endure. If Alana hadn't of done anything - they would have had to let the witch torture her mother, if only to keep up appearances and ensure Greta arrived on schedule.

"Now we wait for Greta..." Alana directed her statement toward Hope with a small reassuring smile. She reached her hand out and absently ran it across Hayley's arm - unknowingly it settled both unruly parts inside of them before she moved to follow her brother.


Alana stood in an abandoned room with her brother standing beside her. "Why are we here, Alana?"

When she looked at him with a raised brow he elaborated, "I know your dreams but... You know Marcel is going to be pissed when he finds out we exposed you. We don't even know these people."

"I know but I trust Hayley," Alana sighed running a hand through her hair, "I can't explain it but I feel something for her." She looked off into the distance with a vacant look in her eye before she snapped herself out of it, "Plus what Marcel doesn't know won't hurt him,"

"So, we're here - risking his anger - because you have a crush?" Atlas's tone wasn't judging but bordering disbelief.

"No," Alana sighed with a slight chuckle, and a slight disgusted wrinkle in her nose "Not that kind of 'feel', it's more like... I don't know - she's.... familiar?" She had wanted to say Hayley was pack but she didn't understand her wolves claim - Hayley wasn't a hybrid she created nor was she her mate so none of it made any sense to her and she had no one to ask.

Before they had a chance to continue their conversation they heard Hayley's voice, "If you lay one finger on my daughter..." Alana's eyes hardened immediately, knowing that Hayley was in danger.

"I'd say you're not in a terribly good position to make threats," The voice Alana knew was Greta retorted and at Atlas's questioning look, she nodded confirming it was her and that it was time.

"No," Alana chuckled as in a second, she appeared behind Greta, grabbing her by her throat and throwing her into the far wall where she landed on the floor in a crash. Roman went to defend his mother only for Atlas to grab the boy while Hayley stood in front of Hope, spine ram rod straight as she fought with the warring parts of her mind. The part that screamed Alana needed her protection and the part that knew Alana could take care of herself.

Alana vamp-sped in front of Greta and grabbed her by her throat once more, this time holding the struggling vampire against the wall with no strain on her end. "But I am." Muttering a spell under her breath - much too low for the rest to hear - she rendered the vampire immobile and her struggles ceased, the pressure Alana had on her throat however, did not.

Alana may have offered up some information to Hayley but she wasn't going to expose herself completely. Knowledge is Power and Power was all about Knowledge. No one would ever be able to control her with knowledge they didn't possess.

"Who are you?" Greta gasped out while Roman tried to move and help his mother, but Atlas's grip was unrelenting, and Hayley's warning growl caused confused glances from both Roman and Hope.

"I'm every nightmare you and your little 'movement' has ever had," Alana cryptically replied before she turned back toward Hayley, "So do we kill her or...?"

"No. Please no! She isn't what you think!" Roman began struggling harder, but just like Alana the boy didn't seem to cause Atlas an ounce of strain.

"God you're an idiot" Alana groaned in exasperation, "Seriously!" Alana directed her next statement toward Hope, "Is it the hair? Aside from his boy next door appearance I can't possibly see what you saw in him,"

All eyes were on Hope who blushed and looked away, "He was sweet," She mumbled causing Alana to sigh sympathetically.

"Sweetie we need to get you higher standards," She turned her eyes onto Greta, "Tell poor naïve little Roman the truth about all of your plans," Alana looked directly into Greta's eyes - her pupils dilating as she compelled the truth from her.

"I tried telling them, that if we just bound their werewolf side, they'd be free to go," Roman directed his statement toward his mother,

"Klaus Mikaelson was bound but found a way to break it. There are loopholes and we cannot afford any more hybrids," Greta countered robotically, still held up by Alana who had no trouble with their current position. She actually looked rather bored.

"I don't understand what's happening..." Roman spoke slowly, causing a scoff from Hayley, Alana and Atlas.

"If we want peace, we cannot allow an apex predator to exist." Great again answered robotically, the answers leaving her lips without her permission while Roman looked at her near tears at her lies.

Due to the proximity of Klaus and Elijah outside the house, currently fighting, to hope it starts to hail. Lightning flashing in the otherwise clear sky.

"The hollow..." Hayley whispers before looking at Alana, "End this already, we can't have them anywhere near Hope."

Alana looked toward the young witch; she knew the situation with the Hollow - if only from her many dreams. She had had them since she was a child, even if she couldn't ever actually do anything to help until now.

"Kill her, do not hesitate." She directed it toward Hayley before throwing Greta to her feet. With that she sped outside, stepping in between the two fighting Mikaelson's. Without thought she slipped her hand into each of their chests, ignoring their pained cries as she gripped their hearts in her hand.

"Sorry about this," She mumbled, "but it's better this way."

"What are you doing?!" Hayley insisted as she and Hope came outside, she held Hope back as they watched. Hayley wouldn't admit it but she was panicking, barely resisting the urge to rip Alana away from them. Alana locked eyes with Hayley before she looked away and began the spell she had personally created.

"Jag ropar på dig - nattens ihålighet. Kom till mig - hör min belägenhet!" Alana chanted repeatedly, her voice growing louder and more confident as she went. Klaus and Elijah both let out pained groans, falling to their knees on either side of Alana while she continued to chant - a breeze broke out, gently at first and gaining speed as she continued until it was blowing violently. A rain started, similar to the wind it was soft at first until it was pouring down upon them all.

Atlas appeared next to Alana, whose eyes had closed and Hayley could see the concern he held for Alana. She was sure her own concern was just as clearly seen in her own eyes as she stood tensely. Roman was inside crying over the body of his mother - Hayley had wanted to take her time but couldn't afford to.

"Jag ropar på dig - nattens ihålighet. Kom till mig - hör min belägenhet! Jag ropar på dig - nattens ihålighet. Kom till mig - hör min belägenhet!"

It took a few minutes before those observing saw any changes aside from the weather. But when it did, Hayley's concern increased tenfold and she couldn't resist moving closer to Alana. As Alana continued to chant, the blue light belonging to the hollow slowly started to bleed out of the hybrid and his once noble brother - the same happening to Kol and Rebekah despite the fact that they were nowhere near Alana or the rest of their family.

Elijah and Klaus started to hyperventilate, trying to pull air into their lungs but failing to do so - Kol and Rebekah in a similar position - the pain was unlike anything they had ever felt as it bled from their bodies. It crept out like a slow-moving fog from out of their mouths, nose, eyes and ears at an agonizingly slow pace - and all of it was making its way into Alana.

"Jag ropar på dig - nattens ihålighet. Kom till mig - hör min belägenhet!"

After nearly an hour, the rain and the wind came to an abrupt halt - all of the Mikaelson's collapsing unconscious on the ground where they had previously been kneeling. Alana swayed as the hollow settled inside of her.

"Alana," Hayley gasped, hands reaching out but hesitant to touch, "What did you do?" A part of her knew but needed the confirmation, her wolf snarling in irritation.

Alana looked up at Hayley as her chest heaved, her teeth chattering from the cold of the rain, her eyes flashing a glowing and haunting blue before clashing with bright gold, over and over as it showed her fight for control - the hollow attempting to take over completely.

"," She managed to answer in between gasps before her eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed.

Atlas moved to catch her before she hit the ground but it was Hayley who got there first, she protectively cradled the girl as she stared helplessly at her body - pulling her phone out she dialed Freya as fast as she could.

Hope came over to kneel beside her mom and Alana, despite the jealousy she had been feeling it was replaced with a protective NEED when she saw Alana pass out. Quickly she checked her pulse if only to assure herself the girl was still alive.

While Hayley called Freya, Atlas was apparently calling his and Alana's mother - Hope couldn't help but wonder what would happen now.

MistressAlly123 MistressAlly123

Well that was eventful! I'll explain more about Alana's powers/weaknesses next chapter.

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