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Chapter 2: Almost getting killed by the boss level guy

6 hours later

As I woke up and cleaned my eyes with my fingers which were strangely wet with water and saw that all the others have already woken up and are being led away probably in the direction of the Colosseum.

Seeing nowhere to go and nothing to do I just followed them as I can't be an outcast which would make me miss something important and regret later so I followed along and on the way saw the titles I have gotten.

[Generation Champion: you have the strongest might and genes in this generation because of which the previous generation Champion will have a negative view about you and always want to challenge you to show the user how weak he is and they can't be replaced yet, the people will want you to challenge the leader/king and the females will want your genetics to pass on to their egg]

[Newbie Martian dominator: you have 10℅ chances to dominate a Martian's mind and will after the user dominates the Martian in a fight which can be skill-based or might based and 5℅ chances to make a good impression when a dominated Martian tells about you to other Martian]

[Beginner Martian domination: you have 20℅ chances to dominate a Martian's mind and Will after the user dominates the target in a fight which can be skill-based or might-based, 10℅ chances to make a good impression when a dominated Martian tells about you to other Martians, have 10℅ chances to learn the dominated Martians skill in the field you dominated him in, Martians that have negative relation with you and fear you will have a negative buff]

[Newbie Martian hunter: you have 10℅ chances to make a critical strike on a Martian when attacking, you have 5℅ chances to make an enemy Martian fearful of you with the sight of you]

[The only host who became a user: you are the only user who isn't a human in this omniverse who managed to become a user from a host because of which it is harder for you to forget good memories that happened after the becoming a user and has 20℅ chance to find rare opportunities that can fulfill the user's dreams or desires (it's a hax and also a way to tell why he is getting some things that point in one direction that is a man's lust and but as our mc is he has morals and ethics that controls the desires but as the wording of the system is it sends things that can fulfill the users desire/dreams)]

[The only host who didn't get his memories erased: one of the lucky hosts who didn't get his memories erased because of which the user has 15℅ chances to fulfill his dreams that can be fulfilled and existed before entering this omniverse and 30℅ chances to fulfill the users desire that existed before entering this omniverse]

As I looked at the titles I couldn't stop my bubbling happiness and leaked a smile but I saw that this time there isn't anyone observing me this time however when I reached the coliseum I felt several gazes filled with hatred when I entered the coliseum through the small door if I consider the other Martians height.

As I look all over the seats I see a place booked for the king in which sat the king who is looking at me with hatred with several giant Martians looking at me with a lower hint of hatred.

[The user has learning intent sensing]

"This is a day of happiness because from this day and to the day of their maturation this young generation will earn their name through challenges and their journey of growing up in which they show their might after which they can meet their parents. (only one for the MC)

"Now today is their first challenge which would mark their beginning, now let's blow the horn to start the challenge".

As the guy ended his talk there suddenly sounded a horn which I could feel would burst my hearing and felt pain from my antennas after which I knelt to cover them.

[Long mission issued:

Overview: you are currently in a duel with 150 Martian infants who have been affected by the horn of challenges which triggers the artificial disease which makes them filled with rage after which they can't be controlled by speech hypnosis.

Goal 1: survive the long journey of challenges that a Martian warrior should experience.

Goal 2: defeat all 150 Martians.

Goal 3: kill ?????? Champion.

Goal 4: kill all the champions who would still have hatred with you after the first challenge.

Goal 5: dominate 50 Martians who attacked you first]

Suddenly someone attacked me from behind my back which I couldn't dodge.

[The user has developed noise cancellation skill through the evolution and adaptation skill]

As the notification appeared the booming sound coming from the horn went down by a huge margin after which I started attacking the Martian who attacked me from behind and I still tried holding back and tried diverting attacks from vital areas but it seems the attacks seem to be very critical as every martian who stood against me went down with one strike and if he still stood then the guy will be down by the second one after which nobody had the power to stand back up again.


Suddenly a loader boom sound came which made me collapse on the ground but managed to stand back up quickly as I stood back I saw one of the giant margins who stood along with the king has jumped down from his side.

Tol Cortak - (lev-60) - the favorite of the king

After I tried using observe which also showed the same thing with the addition of health points which is 2000 and relation which is stepping into eternal hatred because of jealousy, but suddenly the observe tab expanded.

[The skill observe has leveled]

[Tol Cortak is neither the weakest nor the strongest champion but is the most favorite of the king because he always follows the king's orders readily and not interrupting him because of the king's corruption, he hates you because he thinks that because he is weak he would be replaced by you or other champions as they have also started to not interrupt and started to readily orders in the recent months]

[current goal: wants to kill you because he knows the king doesn't like you so he wants to make you disabled physically or neutralize mentally in the form of testing the youngest strongest champion]

As I saw the last screen I felt cursing at whoever birthed and raised this guy to be such an asshole.

"hello, little guy I congratulate you for winning, and as a reward I allow you to fight with me and I will only use two arms" As Tol talked he started folding his middle limbs.

As Cal is talking I am checking the new skills I learned which are very useful.

[Rage-active-(lev-2): The user enters a temporary rage state by consuming mana in which the user's STR and DEX are heightened, actions can't be controlled, and the amount of boost depends upon the mana spent every second.

Mana consumption: 1 mana per second for an increase of 1 in STR, DEX / 2 mana for 1.5 an increase of STR, DEX.]

[Controlled strikes-passive-active-(lev-8): the user strikes are precise and controlled, 8℅ increase in dex, the user can control the degree of damage he can deal] (but the mc doesn't consider the critical strike chances he has because of which many have already gotten seriously injured but not too much)

[Controlled rage-active-(lev-1): the user can enters a temporary controlled rage state by consuming mana in which the user's STR and DEX are heightened, has 10℅ chances of critical strike, and the amount of boost depends upon the mana spent every second.

Mana consumption: 1 mana per second for an increase of 0.25 in STR, DEX/ 2 mana per second for an increase of 0.50 in STR, DEX]

"It is not necessary for such a reward now you can give it later when he is of age now come back here. I have a personal reward for him" As tar tarkas stopped Tol from fighting, I tried using observe on him.

[Tar Tarkas - (lev-100) - the corrupt king]

[relation - doesn't like you but currently devising a plan to make you his underdog]

[ observe skill is low leveled to display the information]

[Observe has leveled up]

[Title- The Corrupt Martian, brainwash expert, the one who is cruel to one's species and brothers, Martian who is a passive logic field creator and mind/strength distorter]

It left me confused when I read the last title but then it clicked in my mind because as this is a movie world there should be something that keeps everything in a straight line or distorts the character's strengths to allow the protagonist to defeat them or distort the villain's mind like that guy who took over thanks but couldn't think of killing tar Tarkas or shooting at John Carter.

"CHAMPION, my reward for you is that you will be personally trained by the previous generation champion in the art of fighting and controlling our weaknesses and I will teach you the art of living as my bodyguard slave" I tried hearing louder what exactly Tar is talking after which I learned acute hearing and was able to hear a little bit as far as my skill level allows but didn't hear the last part but didn't ponder it much as suddenly one of the champions whispered something in tars ears.

"I am very sorry to say it but I have to decline my last promise as I can't teach you the art of living because it is taught by the carer" I didn't worry much about it and I didn't even want to be near him because of his brainwash expert title like what if the gamers mind doesn't give protection against brainwash as I don't remember gamers mind stopping the change in personality of MC in any fanfiction but if I consider them then the system is also different because it has extra option extra things.

Getting back to the real world I saw that everyone is going and some people are carrying to treat them back at the place I slept or are just treating them right at the moment because of being too injured by their own actions as some have scratched eyes but didn't manage to touch the eye and I know that I didn't do those damages because I directed most strikes at the extra arms and shoulders but wait a second doesn't shoulder have many blood vessels and deep veins that send blood from the heart and signal from brain motherfucker where should I have striked at.

As I see everyone going back I also followed as I don't even know the place here and the other children seem to innately know where they need to go. Am I the gamer or are they the gamer because the gamer has a map function but it seems they have that function. (they know it because the worm they ate has given them innate understanding and the others had been briefed about it).

As I go back I see some of the tons of notifications.

[The user has learned physical endurance and mental endurance]

[The user has leveled up karate chop by 10×, sumo wrestling to max level, street fighting to max]

[The user has evolved sumo wrestling from basic to beginner level]

[The user has learned acute hearing, rage, controlled strike, and controlled rage]

[The user has earned 1 point in STR, 2 point in PER, 3 point in DEX, 2 def]

[The user has completed 1 goal and gotten two new goals to the long mission

First new goal: kill Tol Cortak before he kills you

Second new goal: kill Tar Tarkas before he manipulates/distorts your personality

Completed goal: dominate 50 Martians

Rewards: 1 shop point, intermediate martian dominator]

[Intermediate Martian domination: you have 40℅ chances to dominate a Martian's mind and Will after the user dominates the target in a fight which can be anything, 20℅ chances to make a good impression when a dominated Martian tells about you to other Martians, have 20℅ chance to learn the dominated Martian's skill in the field you dominated him in, Martians that have a negative relation with you and fear you will have a negative buff, enemy species of the Martians will have a medium level of growth boost of good relation for you ignoring the user's species and will have low excitations to do mundane activities along with the user if the user wills it so]

(has a huge development potential in the funny direction in the future because of oh so many crossover worlds monstrous species on Mars how their body structure is like a symbiote will make a normal person want to vomit their stomach out and this last effect is supposed to be funny in my mind because of some species just being giant ants and cockroaches that got there through temporal distortions from some Korean movie and as such what mundane activities can they even do)

At the second last effect I couldn't help but laugh because if I am to take over the green Martian then I should still be able to use this effect but couldn't understand the last one as mundane means too many things like washing dishes I think so it means that or is it something else.

[The user has leveled up love at first sight by 50×]

WTF how many people fell in love actually and I don't understand the need for this skill because my taste is still human female or close to it as I don't to be one of the studs the female bar dancer or the cheerleader slept with it should be a lifetime thing like like uh I don't remember any more than that... motherfucker system what memory did you save from being erased did the system cheat with me.

(clarification he doesn't have deep memory about anything because as one of the titles said any memory that happens after becoming a user is harder to forget along with the good memory being more harder to forget and as such he still remembers but not too clearly so in a way the system cheated with him but the Mc could still have had his full hard memories right now if he tried to do a flashback at that time which would be counted as a good memory that makes one cry remembering it all)

I kept walking with bullshit thoughts running through my head until I reached the room which has increased its size unnaturally because the structure size has been increased while I was in the coliseum whatever it is called as coliseum fights meant a fight to the death as far as I remembered but it seems the rules have changed along with the species man I want my human level growth body back because the skills are making it grow rapidly I have grown half a foot in just a night but the other infants have grown too but just a few inches.

As I look around the new, bigger, more comfortable-looking room well as close to comfortable as it could be on a barren planet like Mars but what can I say about it at least they used Martian white ape fur in all the beds and pillows as far as the system tells it is made up of pure white ape fur which shouldn't be a huge thing because as I remember from the movie they were giant-sized.

After getting a look at the room with the not-so-injured infants that now look like children to me because of the rapid growth in height and body, being treated by their parents who chose them I look around the room once again to find the female or male whoever it was who had taken me. (he still can't identify her gender because of her being too muscular, hmm if I give the comparison she looks like she Hulk but with more height and a little more muscle but still less than Hulk muscles because some hulks just look like people on steroids)

I find her/him in a corner with a larger luxurious bed to which I approach and still am amazed to see the body like if the person is a female then it is truly amazing because most of the other females here aren't that muscular.

(I forgot to tell one big detail the Martians are a mix between the book/novel and the movie version because I liked that their arms aren't too much far apart but didn't like how malnourished they look when they are supposed to be fighting with four kingdoms and still survive with their not so good remaining technology and could be easily defeated but I am going to blame that on tar Tarkas in my fanfic because of him being the logic distorter field point/tower)

"My guess didn't go wrong as I had guessed you are the champion of this generation just like me by looking at your body and you may even be an improved version of us because you are very powerful compared to me and the other generations and so much more beautiful and mesmerizing compared to other I can't imagine how powerful and beautiful you would get in the future" as I heard the first word out of the giant I felt surprised because the voice is female and is very soft making me feel like that saying is true, you imagined meeting a cruel monster but met a gentle monster, however, I felt strange at her last words as the last words felt like the words of a mother to her beautiful son.

"Thanks for the praise but how do you know I am uhh strong" As I said the words suddenly everyone started looking at me for some seconds but then returned to their staring contest.

"As I thought you are as intelligent as our ancestors as they were born intelligent with all the information given to them from their birth but we haven't seen such a phenomenon since that purple menace attacked and we were betrayed after which it left our world with some of our brothers prisoner decades ago" this time she got emotional for the people killed in some war that could have happened but the movie or book didn't cover it.

"anyway what are you going to teach me and first of all what is your name and what is my name going to be" The last one isn't that important to me because I remember my old name which IS (dramatic music rolling) John Cena.

hehe joking I am not going to even try remembering it because what if this universe is not so normal and has name magic that can kill people by their name which the person should believe is his name and what if the gamer mind fails and I get mind raped in which the person gets to know it and then the skill gets turned back but then the person who mind raped already knows it what can I do except for regretting.

"My name is Siola Santro (I couldn't find a name sense on the internet that gives information on how martian name themselves so just a name with similarity to others) and I can't give you your name right now because it is only given after the challenges are completed and if you do manage to win in all like you won today then you would have the highest chance to be king and would be given the name that suits a martian that is born to be king and would be the king by default without any fight after you come of age" as I processed the information I couldn't help but want to laugh but controlled myself because I can just solo everyone sitting here.

"anyway shouldn't you come with all the knowledge like how to make and repair the first plasma weaponry to the last invention of the neutron bomb which creates a fake small neutron star for some seconds when in contact with the target".

The reply sent my mind into coma and I only wanted to reply back to her, mam are you crazy or an idiot how would a 2-day-old child know it if he doesn't have the 15th-level intelligence from the DC universe as that intelligence level would just have enough calculation power to develop millions of books on one subject with deep study in a matter of seconds and that is just imagination of my mind how powerful would that be and mam you expect that from a guy with peak human INT, WIS which hasn't given me any benefits except for being able to sense the mana and control without knowing how I am even controlling it.

(The MC didn't consider the use of tech that can draft information in a clone or tech that can accelerate the growth and give the consciousness a simulated world's memories which would give it basic knowledge)

"I do not have such information. I only know we are called green martians and there are red martians, white martians, black martians and pet animal species, and white ape" at which she laughed.

"I think you forgot the korguan the most dangerous thing on the planet that can kill one of us in a matter of seconds but you being unknown to this creature is understandable because it only appeared after the purple menace left making many of us think it left it here and this wasn't the situation before when it just appeared it was weak so we ignored it but it later rose through strength and now it can kill a single martian in a matter of seconds but there is only one korguan so we do not need to worry much".

What shit is this korguan what type of creature is this that can kill Martians in seconds I am surprised at this korguan creature's strength whatever it is I should stay away from it "Anyway why don't you open your mind to me so that we can speak without me and you needing to break our throat that should be used for eating"

As she spoke about opening my mind to her I am left confused as I do not remember anything from the movie but then remembered the speech hypnosis skill I got which could be a way to communicate without speaking.

so I tried using it by mentally saying it's name as it is an active and passive skill in passive mode I can hypnotize someone to do my bidding if he just hears my voice and in active mode, I can edit a command into someone which lasts for 5 minutes if it is a big impact command and the command is against the targets will and if it a small impact command it can last forever or several days.


I only have to manually activate this one skill because I can't just get used to the effect it causes when using it by will because it causes a strange taste in my mouth when trying to will it to be used that can't be negated by the iron stomach because I am not eating anything, even when I used the command of the skill nothing happened but then I remembered that I need to speak "hello siola".

"wh-" just as I spoke I heard a voice coming from her mouth but suddenly the voice transferred to my mind "-y are you speaking from your mouth when I said to open your mind".

"I was testing the difference anyways what is it about the reward I will get from Tar Tarkas and why did he abolish the last promise" I questioned her in the mind talk after which I looked at the screen I got.

[Command enter:...,

time limit accordingly:....] (this screen appears if he activates this skill through the system way but if activated by will then give the command by will)

This gave me a good idea which is to make her say everything truthfully to me when speaking mentally between us, after entering the command the time limit is 19 years which is kind of strange because why only 19 couldn't it be 30, 10, or something else.

"hehe, that's probably because the other asshole told him about me being your carer, and why would he refuse when he heard my name because I had declined his offer of being one of his personal items that he uses whenever he wants and in private trades them with other species and had almost cut off his arms but stopped because our species can't accept female leaders or champions anyway he would have also abolished his other promises if he did not have that remaining pride in himself" as she said that I couldn't believe that the good tars Tarkas would be so evil but could now understand his title of being cruel to ones own species but one thing left me confused.

"Why don't the people oppose him" At that, she physically laughed a little bit "We would have killed him but then we would fight against our species because the next king can only be decided by strength so it will be a massacre and no one wants to break the peace between ourself when there are four enemy species surrounding us" so basically I am fucked because this seems fully different from the movie or even the book/novel and I can only escape or become king with overpowered strength show.

Now the last thought suddenly made me question myself, why do I even want to be king of this barren planet's species, I knew the answer innately that humans would kill me if I went alone there to rule there or try to live there in peace because that is the nature of species now I subconsciously want to rule here so that I can improve the living and live here in content after wiping out the other species or making them submit which is impossible in ordinary sense but is not so impossible if the system is to be concerned.

"your food will be prepared by me from today now on and my sleeping quarter will be beside you and I will focus on teaching you the art of fighting with four arms because your fighting way looks good but can't be compared to the champions who fought their whole life on the Colosseum to prepare for wars from outside and one of your way of fighting looks more suitable for people with two arms but that jumping and slamming down style is good who invented it in the ancient times anyway" her voice looked serious but the last questions tone made me remember she is still creature with flesh and blood.

"no one uhm just invented by myself but will the challenges that happened today happen again".

"yes they happen from time to time and we get entertainment while the children exhaust themselves so that we can teach them when they are not that violent but you weren't violent from the start anyway but you were still sent because of wanting to find the new champion who is always noticeable in every generation and the next fight happen after 497 days" so basically a year now on.

"now no more questions you go to sleep I sleep on the bed next to you if you need food I have it prepared in the hardened soil box just break it open they are easy to make" As she is talking telepathically she is also walking towards her bed to sleep off.


A thing to note some things will be different as one reads it the purple menace is a hint that connects to the hints in the previous chapter that also gives reasons for the MC's weakness of sound as the challenge horn is a way to show the infants journey in learning to survive and has some effects of boosting adaptation to beating but as the disease stops evolution and adaptation from making huge changes the mc would get rid of it when he meets korguan and I know this chapter looks worse than the previous but i

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