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Chapter 15: 15. Almost...

Eric went from hell to heaven in seconds. He was just a hair breath away from getting shredded into a meat paste when he was pulled out of the way.

"Phew! That was a close call."

Eric was trembling but he still managed to locate the source of that voice. A man wearing blue and red leotard with a symbol which looked like black spider stood above a car. His voice was a bit immature indicating his age.

Connor felt rage boiling inside him, he was so close to killing his enemy when this pest intruded. Without even bothering about Peter he charged at Eric.

"Hey, you are ignoring me!"

Spiderman got upset. He used his webs to pull back the car and tied up Eric. Finding a safe spot above a balcony several floors above he placed Eric there.

"Bug, I'll kill you!"

Connor couldn't control his emotions anymore. The more he fought the faster his psychy churned, he felt everyone around him to be beneath him. Like insects to be crushed.

"Bug? No, I am Spiderman and technically spiders belong to a group of animals called "arachnids". Arachnids are creatures with two body segments. You know many people think that spiders are insects but that's not the case. Insects have six legs and three main body parts."

"Geez! you should get your facts straight otherwise you are gonna embarrass yourself, like right now. But don't worry I won't look down on you, its not a major mistake since most people get that idea because of their small size and Eight legs."

Connor was really not in the mood to talk, the more Peter talked the angrier he got. He rushed towards Peter and clawed at him.

Peter already anticipated this, he nimbly dodged the attack and blinded him using his web. He used a pole as a swing and pummelled Connor to the ground.


Connor let out an enraged roar. His leg muscles throbbed for a second before he threw himself towards Peter like an ammo shell.

Peter of course dodged it but his spidy sense suddenly went haywire and warned him of danger from his right side. He ducked quickly, a burst of wind swept past his head and crashed into a nearby car.


The car's hood was penetrated by a large tail. Sweat trickled down his Peter's face behind the mask. He quickly used his webs and tried to bind the monster. But those large claws and those sturdy arms weren't there for show.

It easily tore through the webs and continued to assault Peter. Using his spidy sense Peter was able to avoid fatal strikes. As they fought Peter found himself unable to land a single strike and was on the defensive.

Just as they were fighting sirens rang from the distance. Not long after several cars blinking with red and blue light screeched to a stop meters away from them.

Men wearing head gears and kevlars armed with assault rifles jumped out. All of them aimed at Peter and Connor. A man wearing the same outfit but clearly different from them stepped out.

"Stand down or we will open fire!"

Spiderman immediately retreated however Connor didn't. His mind was completely taken over by his wild instincts, what he valued as law and morales were completely gone. He was now a monster.


Letting out an ear splitting roar Connor rushed towards the police.


Seeing the monster still attacking, the leader yelled.

Rounds of bullets hailed upon doctor Connor's but none managed to wound him, they simply bounced off of his body. Only very few of them managed to harm him but even those attacks couldn't penetrate his muscles.

Due to the assault Connor's speed was reduced but the madness in his eyes only intensified. Before the police could react he was already upon them.

One men felt death stare upon him. His head was just about to be crushed like a water melon when that huge claw stopped midway.

"Mister, get back! I can't hold on much longer."

Peter was tugging on a web twisted around Connor's body. The men was obviously experienced he immediately snapped out and retreated.

Peter successfully caught Connor's attention. The assault lead saw this and immediately ordered.

"Keep distance! Andre, Ben, Jim take position. If you see a chance, take it!"

These men have been together for years. They didn't need specific orders to understand what the other party implied.

Three men separated from the group and took their respective position. The guns in their hands were different, it was more powerful than the standard Assault rifles!

Peter was getting frustrated. He didn't know how to deal with this kind of monster, his web wasn't working and he wasn't able to get close to it.


Just as he fired another round of web towards its eyes aloud bang echoed. He found a man holding a bigger gun aim fire at Connor's.

The shot was aimed at its ankle area. The bullet broke Connor's skin and nearly shot through his flesh. For a second Connor's flinched and that was all Peter needed.

He went for broke and used every capsule he had. Webs shot out without end and completely covered the monster. The sheer strength it had was jaw dropping, even with such strong restraining element it was still able to break through most of it.

Luckily Peter used everything he had and barely managed to hold it still. Everyone relaxed upon seeing the Lizard subdued, assault lead also heaved a sigh of relief.

They were fighting a monster, the outcome was unpredictable. He was a loyal man and didn't want to lose any of his subordinates, not under his watch.

Peter also relaxed. Just as he was about to leave, something unexpected happened.

Connor's suddenly slammed his tail on the ground. The sheer strength behind it made a crack on the ground, he repeated this action. Peter felt slightly confused but it suddenly dawned on him.

"Sir, he is about to escape!"

The team leader realised what was happening and yelled out.

"Fire! Now!"


Before the bullets could reach him the ground beneath them cracked and caved in, revealing a sewer. Connor's dropped down and disappeared into the darkness.

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