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Chapter 19: Chapter 18: The Watcher...

After walking through the subway for around 30 minutes, Grim made it to the exit that led to the address Felicia told him.

"Grim, thank you for saving me...I'm sorry I made you do what you did, I know it is my..."

"Don't finish that sentence, I chose to do what I did, you didn't force me, plus it seems like Cheng didn't take my advice all those years ago..."

"Do you know who those people were...were they gangsters."

"Yes and no...let's go," Grim said, and Miss Xuãn could tell Grim wanted to move on from the topic so she didn't say anything more.

Grim and Miss Xuãn navigated the labyrinth of the subway, emerging into the light of day.

As they walked toward their safe haven, Grim handed his hood to Miss Xuãn, it was to ensure no cameras could capture her face just in case they wanted to track her.

He also gave her the ripped part of his shirt to wrap around at mouth.

The key, hidden among the potted plants, clicked in the lock, and they stepped into the safe house provided by Felicia.

Grim was still vigilant, ensuring their safety with a final glance outside before closing the door behind them.

"Looks like we're in the clear, in the meanwhile you can just relax, and take your time to digest everything Miss Xuãn, I can imagine you're pretty worried about Cheng, but he should be fine for now."

"Thank you, Grim." She replied while sitting downcast at her hands, feeling powerless.


Back at the station, Felicia worked with her usual focus, but the situation with Grim lingered in her mind.

Having been Black cat for years, she was used to odd situations, so Grim's predicament didn't faze her much.

No, what did annoy her was the person responsible for Grim's situation.

The crime organization that had entangled Grim was becoming increasingly notorious in Chinatown.

Known as the "Serpent's Coil," this syndicate had tightened its grip on the underworld, spreading fear and influence with ruthless efficiency.

At its head was a figure known only as "The Boss," an unknown presence whose real name remained a mystery.

Felicia pondered the connection between Grim and this enigmatic crime lord.

The information Grim had shared hinted at a deeper connection to said organisation, one she was determined to uncover.

In any case, she now had to deal with this, as despite only knowing him for less than a day, she finds the kid quite charming in his own way.

And if she was being completely honest, he reminded her of her estranged kids. Maybe she was doing this for her own selfish reasons but was that so bad...

She was interrupted by a buzz from her phone. A message from an old contact confirmed that Grim's new identity was ready.

Under the name "Gabriel Ryder," he would have the freedom to start anew, a chance to live freely again.

Felicia reviewed the documentation. As Grim was technically dead, he needed an identity so she called up a favour she was owed, and in less than a few hours Grim was given a new identity and name.

Now he would be able to create a bank account, and their contract would 100% be passable.

A knock at her office door snapped her back to the present. She tucked away the papers and composed herself. "Come in," she called.


In the safe house, Grim and Miss Xuãn settled in. The quiet inside was a stark contrast to the violence they had just escaped not too long ago.

Grim had a chance to breathe, to plan his next move.' Considering the circumstances and that pricks personality...

Cheng probably told him about me, and with his obsessiveness over things he's deemed his, he probably had Cheng look for me but failed and that's how we got into this situation...'

'But this might be different, I've been gone for a year and things might have changed...he might have changed.' Grim paused for a moment deep in thought.

But I guess I can only hope that he hasn't, and if I'm betting Cheng's life that he hasn't then there's only one option.' He sighed internally, he doesn't want to deal with this sort of crap but...looking over to Miss Xuãn he sighed again.



As Felicia prepared to leave her office, her mind raced with the next steps.

She needed to ensure Xuãn's safety, confront the Serpent's Coil, and figure out a way to save the woman's child, while simultaneously and maybe, just maybe take down the Serpent's Coil.

''ve got a lot of work ahead of you Felicia, dammit, I'm demanding more cuddles after all this is over, I deserve them...'

With a steely resolve, she stepped out of her office and made her way to the safe house.


(High above the Sky...)

High above the Earth, the Watcher named Uatu stood on the moon, observing the unfolding events on the planet below.

His task was to watch, never to interfere, and he had seen the rise and fall of countless individuals, empires, and civilizations.

Yet, the story of Grim, caught his attention.

Uatu spoke softly, his voice unheard by any but echoing with the wisdom of ages. "In Manhattan's concrete jungle, a young man named Grim crossed paths with Valeria Richards, prodigal child of Sue Storm and Dr Reed Richards.

Their meeting, seemingly inconsequential, set in motion a chain of events leading to Grim's untimely demise and his inexplicable return from death's grasp."

He reflected on Grim's transformation, "Resurrected, Grim found himself entangled in a world he barely recognized, burdened with newfound powers. This rebirth was not just a second chance at life but a gateway to a realm of complexities he had never imagined, and never wanted..."

Uatu's gaze followed Grim's journey, "In his quest for understanding, Grim found an ally in Felicia Hardy, a woman of formidable resolve. Their new bond forged in the crucible of shared struggles, will it become a significant chapter in Grim's new life."

The Watcher's eyes then narrowed, focusing on the darker elements of Grim's story. "Yet, the shadows of the past loomed large. The Serpent's Coil, an enigmatic crime syndicate, emerged from the depths, their tendrils linked to Grim in ways those around him couldn't fathom. The Boss, a figure shrouded in mystery, appeared to pull the strings, his motives as elusive as his identity."

In a solemn tone, Uatu concluded, "As Grim navigates this coiling path of life, his story remains unwritten, his path undefined. What will be written for one who is fateless? Only time will tell."

With these words, Uatu resumed his silent vigil, his gaze fixed on the blue planet.

The saga of Grim, a tale of sadness and mystery, continued to unfold under the watchful eyes of the cosmos.

samadomkv samadomkv

Felicia is just the cutest...

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