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Chapter 4: Many things can happen in a single day

First thing said, I'm sorry for not giving signs of life, I was and will still be busy with some works from the college more now since the exams are right at the corner.

Second and more important, I'm not dropping this, so if I once again don't give signs of live you can rest assured that I won't drop it.

Third, long chapter as compensation, so enjoy.


"... Can I know who do you want to find and why?" - After and awkward silence engulfed the room, Professor X finally recover his senses and ask.

"I respect you Professor so I'm gonna share my idea... I was planning to create a company and a Private Military Company both in global scale, with the first one I will develop videogames, communication devices, prothesis and even medicine. While with the PMC I plan to develop military armament, give military training those that I think are good, in war zones I want to minimize damage and casualties, and those that hire what will be my army need to be people who are good, not a random guy with money. Within this PMC I want to create a team of individuals with abilities, the team would defend Earth from any treat in the future, that's why I need Cerebro, it will make it more easy to find potential recruits and allies."

There is no point in hiding my plan from him, as soon as I try to recruit someone and share my plan he can know, there is that and the fact that if I operate without him knowing our paths can cross building tension in our relationship, something that I would like to avoid.

"But why your own team and not joining our X-Men?" - The fact that he hasn't rejected at this point can be taken as a good sign.

"I admire your work but let's be honest, the X-Men act mainly when it's related with mutants and I don't want my actions be related to the X-Men since they will be dangerous."

"We can take care of ourselves." - Logan grunted at me, maybe he's thinking that I'm looking down on them.

"I'm perfectly aware of the capabilities of all of you, but think on the kids that live here, my future actions will definitely violate many policies on international level, thus making enemies, now you want me to involve the X-Men with what could be catalogued as a terrorist organization?" - Hearing the risks they are in silence digesting the proposal.

"But if you want to do something like that, why you don't join S.H.I.E.L.D.? They act in a similarly way, the law is from their side, have good intentions and they don't discriminate against us." - Hank was the one who asked this thinking in alternatives that aren't so risky.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded with the objective of protection, something very admirable but with time that objective has somehow distorted to control, Nick Fury the current director doesn't trust his own shadow and has to take orders from the World Council, politicians with power that fear everything they cannot control, in their attempts to control something or someone how many enemies they will create? Also every spy organization has moles on it, if they learn my identity they will target my loved ones so no, I won't join S.H.I.E.L.D."

"... Can you give me a few minutes to think about it?" - The Professor X that has been silent asked this, now I have a 50/50 chance of happening, if they refuse then I will have to do it in the old way.

"I will be in the school, it's been a while since I have been here." - once I said this I leave the office.


Logan: "What do you think Chuck? I like his idea but you are the one that knows him the best."

Professor X: "He's one of the smartest persons I have ever seen, even if I refuse that won't stop him, it will be only a setback at the most, he could have hacked Hank servers if he wanted without us knowing it, then build his own Cerebro using the data and operate without us knowing, but instead he bet in our trust, even warning us of the risks if we helped, that means he truly care about us and is loyal."

Logan: "So you would let him use it?"

Professor X: "...I could allow it if he answer something that has been bugging me ever since I meet him."


Walking through the mansion I'm using my powers to sense everyone on the mansion and what are they doing, Scott is in the garage seeing his motorcycle instead of following Jean, Kitty is in her room navigating through internet and programming/hacking? something, Kurt is entertained having the Blackbird for himself, Jean is in the lab, Bobby is in the danger room and Anna is in the library, heading to the last one I arrive in a couple of minutes, entering I found her reading a book, seeing her after so long make me notice the changes she has through the years, her white streak of hair divide in 2 streaks across her face reaching her neck while the brown hair is tied in a ponytail that reach her back, in her necklace she has a choker that is a facade since that is the X-gene suppressor that Hank and I developed, but it seems he made it more compact as for her clothes she currently is wearing a sleeveless brown leather jacket with a green t-shirt under it, fitting jeans that show her curves and a pair of leather boots.

"Can I know who are you?" - I was mesmerized by her beauty for a brief moment, enough time to let her know that someone's staring at her for a while, making her uncomfortable(good work Jackson), after mentally kicking myself I finally approach her.

"I know it's been 8 years, but couldn't you at least remember my face? After all I'm the one who made possible that." - I smirked pointing at her neck, this make her stare at me in wonder, widening her eyes in realization followed by almost jumping off the chair.

"Jackson!?" - nodding to her and confirming my identity she hugged me with me returning the gesture, we stay like that for a while and when she let me go she start asking a barrage of questions.

"When did you returned? What happened with your hair? Are you going to stay with us again?" - Seeing her like this I'm happy that I made that X-gene suppressor, otherwise she would be an introverted.

"I returned a couple of days ago, I dyed my hair because it was to eye catching as for it's length, well, rules of the Navy, luckily it will grow up fast and lastly no, I bought a house so I'm only on a visit." - hearing that I'm not coming back she looks sad for a moment but managed to hide it quickly.

"A visit you say, for what purpose?"

"Obviously to see you."



"Hahaha, no, you aren't one to say these cheeky lines, but I must say that it was funny seeing you try, so care to tell me truth this time."

Grumbling I told her my purpose here, if she approves it one more allies that could try to convince the Professor, after telling that we started talking about what we have done for this 8 years, where we have travelled since she is now a member of the X-Men, what we have seen(I'm not gonna tell her about the bad things one can see in war but others things like fun anecdotes),she told me about the attack to the mansion that Colossus mentioned, telling me that it was the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants that is directed by an old friend of the Professor, Magneto but they managed to repel them, mmm, I have to investigate this. After a few minutes she was telling me about the relationships of everyone in the mansion, when I was about to ask of her situation I was interrupted by someone.

[Jackson, can you come to my office?] - Hearing his message I sigh at the bad timing and after telling to Anna I walk once again to the office of the Professor.


POV Professor X

"I will allow you to use Cerebro as long you answer me something."

- Once Jackson arrived we started with the heavy topic.

"If it's within my capacities then I will answer your questions."

"Jackson... why you have always pursued strength? Ever since we met you have been doing everything to get stronger, practicing your powers in new ways, sparring sessions and joining the Navy, why? What compels you to do this?"

- At the beginning I thought he was just experimenting with his powers but thinking on his conduct and actions is obviously that something is driving him.


"!... What did you foresee?"

"I can show you if you want, but I must warn you that the future is always changing, never fixed, so what you see could happen or another worst could and with what will be my intervention, the butterfly effect will be unpredictable. Ready?" - he warned me and once I confirmed he tapped my forehead projecting his precognition easily without my resistance, once he did that my surroundings changed, currently I'm standing in sitting in the school, in my office but this time there is only students surrounding me, probably listening my lecture and then I feel it, millions of thoughts disappearing one after the other.

"Is something wrong Professor?" - one of them suddenly ask scared, looking at my reflection on the window I can see that my face is devoid of color. I'm feeling how the people disappear until my focus is back at the students, hearing them scream here and inside the school, looking at them I see that some of them are becoming ashes that falls in the ground, as if they never existed.

Quickly people storm in the office, they're students scared and among them are what remains of the X-Men, Jean, Colossus, Kurt Wagner, Bobby, Kitty and me.

When I'm feeling desperation I feel a pull and find myself once again in my office with everyone else some of them surrounding me seeing me gasping for air, Logan looking at Jackson like he will jump at him in the next second, I calm everyone, and looking at Jackson I start asking about what I saw.

[What was that?]

[That was 'The Decimation', a future event where half of the population of the universe is erased for the will of just one being, and why he did that? Just because that being is crazy. Now you understand my pressure, why I'm going this path, that being is powerful and I alone don't know if I can defeat but with help, I can, we can, so Professor, can I use Cerebro?]

(A/N: MCU Thanos will be chewed by MC so more like Comics Thanos, fucking dangerous.)

[...Follow me, but in the way tell me everything you know.] (A/N: I was thinking of showing him the events of House of M but knowing Charles he will time travel to avoid this, even if it means Wanda not being born.)


I'm following the professor towards Cerebro, telling some info about the Mad Titan, with us are Hank, Ororo and Logan for whatever reason the latter although I have a faint idea with the way he is staring me, after walking in an awkward silence we finally reached our destination, a reinforced door with the X-Men logo on it, behind of it is the tool that will facilitate my objective, the Professor aligned himself with the door and a laser scanned his eyes(not useful against Mystique I must say) while Hank introduced a code in the security panel and biometric scanner at the same time, mmm at least that's better security.

With all that the door finally opens showing me Cerebro, it looks exactly like the one of the movies, walking in the hallway I reach the helmet that will amplify my powers, I take it to take a look of it, after this I turn to everyone.

"Can anyone use Cerebro, or just telepaths?"

"Only telepaths, why do you ask?"

"I'm thinking that Magneto could ignore your security and if hypothetically he got a telepath it wouldn't be good, maybe this is the reason he attacked the mansion so I recommend you to make an IA that will control Cerebro, this way a telepath won't be necessary."

After giving the idea to create Cerebra I put on the helmet, with it I feel my mind connected to every being in this planet momentarily overwhelming me, I take a few breaths to calm down, to get accustomed to this sensation that is in a greater scale than usual, and thanks to my experience I could get accustomed in a short time, once I get accustomed I take my time and observe the lights surrounding us, white are normal humans and red are the mutants, I must say that is breathtaking being here and seeing it, after observing I remember my objective and start, searching future heroes, mercenaries, villains, and the valuable information they have, among those are:

[ Tony Stark, his arrogance can be felt from just looking at him... Peter Parker is still an student without powers... Bruce Banner is still in Brazil... Aldrich Killian and Maya Hansen thanks for the Extremis formula, I will complete it... Norman Osborn thank you too for the OZ serum and everything bad you have done thus allowing me to blackmail you... Wilson Fisk you too, I'm gonna clean your bank account... Ulysses Klaue is in Johannesburg with his stash of Vibranium... Nick Fury mmm... I know where he is but he has something that block telepaths... William Stryker has the same device like the latter but not his scientists, thanks for the Carbonadium and Adamantium alloy... Wade Wilson hasn't been a subject of Weapon X program yet... Muramasa is in a province of China, weird since he's Japanese... Black Widow is working in London... Clint Barton is with his family... Skye is in her Van in Los Angeles... Matthew Murdock is working for Landman & Zack, he could have detected me so I'm using his best friend Foggy Nelson to find him... Jessica Jones... I found her, finding someone in a coma is hard... Luke Cage is in prison... Danny Rand... K'un Lun was in another dimension if I remember right so that could explain why I can't find him... the Maximoff twins are in Sokovia, Wanda almost detected me when I got her twin, God damn twins connection... Hank Pym thanks for the Pym Particle, I'm gonna give it a good use. ]

I'm taking a break from all the stole- borrowed information while also learning their brainwaves allowing me to find them without Cerebro, although much more difficult when they are far away while thinking that some of the materials or formulas are to difficult to create from zero, or they are to time consuming so I'm gonna borrow it from them directly. Once again I start searching:

[ Anton Vanko, thanks for the blueprints of the Arc Reactor... Taskmaster founded, Jessica Drew is with him, if she exists that means that the High Evolutionary is out there too, but I can't sense him... Jiaying is in Afterlife, it seems Inhumans appears as humans since Cerebro can't differentiate between them... Winter Soldier is currently frozen and Captain America too... Reed Richards working in something with Ben Grimm... Stephen Strange working too... Sue Storm studying at college, her brother is young, the same age than Peter... Victor Von Doom being the arrogant asshole he is, should I kill him before he becomes Dr. Doom?... Namor is in his court... Felicia Hardy is just a normal student... Jennifer Walters is busy... Blade is killing vampires... Wakanda, I choose to read the mind of everyone who works with Shuri instead of aiming at her, don't know if their Gods exist here and not worth the risk... The Ancient One is another option that isn't worth it, he/she could be offended about my mind reading... Ohh, Logan has kids, Laura Kinney if you want to consider her as his daughter and Akihiro, although they aren't in the best conditions... there are many more too, with every hero I find I encounter more villains. ] (A/N: please help me with those many more, some of them were omitted for surprise or I forget about them)

Satisfied with my finding I take off the helmet, I must start in NY since I live there and when I'm in another country I will need vigilantes to cover me, sadly only one of the Defenders is operative and the heroes of New York still don't have their powers, I could accelerate the process of getting their powers but I need the resources first, as always.

I confirm that I have accomplished my objective so we are leaving, but as we were leaving Logan stood in my way, he probably want that spar that I avoided an hour ago.

"Chuck gave you his approval kid but not mine, I don't know you and your idea could endanger everyone so you need to prove me that won't happen."

- Hearing this the Professor stood back in silence, probably agreeing with him and wanting to see my abilities, well, at least he's more decent than others versions of himself.

"...And you want a spar to show you that I can fight, that I can accomplish my goal without repercussions to this school?" - Hearing this he nodded, I sigh at his antics, turning towards the Professor.

"Can we use the Danger Room?" - hearing both of us he accepted Logan requests and guides us to the Danger Room.


We reached the danger room, interrupting Bobby training, after we explained about our intention he complied and left only to return with everyone else that I know in this school, damn you Iceman and your mouth. So here I am, preparing myself to face either a fighter or one of the best Martial artists of Marvel in a friendly spar so I must be focused.

As soon we enter I start jogging to avoid muscular damage, Logan on the other hand is waiting in silence for me since he has his healing factor, an awkward silence created with the building tension between us, to break this I start talking to get a little info.

"The professor told me that you have amnesia, that you left to find who you are and what you did before, any luck on that?"

*grr* "Why do you care?" - Someone is on the defense.

"Because maybe I have a lead about it?" - Let's hope he falls for the bait, maybe it'll allow me to recruit him or owning me a favor and now I need to focus my entire energy on this, since he outclasses me in almost every aspect, with almost none advantage against him.

"Ready kid?" - He asks and as soon as I nod he grins in a feral way before start charging against me in a speed that no athlete could equal, almost taking me by surprise when he was punching straight at my head, almost being the important part since I sidestepped dodging by a hair length, my eyes never leaving his body, seeing how his muscles moves and react before he even pull out that strike allowing me to keep up with him. I cant hit in any part where the bones will be affected normally, otherwise my punch or kick will only end with a broken hand or calf, so my only choices are pressure points, cartilage, the liver, kidney and guts.

Seeing that I dodged his punch his feral grin only augment in excitement, with him starting throwing punches, hooks and uppercuts at me like a boxing match, forcing me to dodge and redirect the punches whenever I can, seeing that punches aren't working he started throwing kicks, elbow strikes, chops, and every technique he has acquired in his long life, putting me on the defensive, a defensive that I can't even block unless I want to go home with broken bones so I can only dodge by bending thanks to my superior flexibility and predicting his moves, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Finally a chance presented to me when he tried an uppercut that grazed my chin, the uppercut leaving him open to a strike either because he's baiting me or in his excitement he made a mistake, taking the risk I close in giving him a clear uppercut in the guts, knocking the air out of him but thanks to his will he strikes back with another straight punch at my jaw wich I barely managed to dodge by twisting my head but not without a scratch, although the punch grazed my face it's strength could have snapped my neck, to counter it I twist my body following the momentum of his strike giving him a spinning hook kick in the temple making him dizzy and me closing in once again to end this since it will be my only chance.

Seeing me come at him he throws a push kick to gain distance, I sidestep and grab the extended leg, quickly tripping him bringing the fight to the ground with me materializing a red Psionic knife aiming it at his eye.

"Yield!" - Seeing the red Psionic knife aimed at his eye he choose to surrender, seeing this I get up and help him too, fighting against him put me under great pressure and although he didn't manage to land a clear hit on me, he had the initiative through all the fight, also if he used his claws I don't know if my Psionic weapons could block Beta Adamantium and too risky.

"So what do you think?"

"Not bad kid, among us you are the best fighter that has studied here and now I'm confident in your abilities but... What do you mean about a lead? You know who I was?"

"Give me some time and I will be able to gather the information."

Seeing us stopping the spar everyone comes to talk, some of them saluting me, some worried at me seeing if I'm injured, others hyped up after the fight and that I defeated Logan. I'm tired and after telling them that they let me go, I approach the Professor to talk about something we forgot.

"Professor, it seems that with the serious stuff we forgot something and that was that I wanted to ask for some requests, you granted the main one but the others I haven't even mentioned, the others were that I would like the help of Hank in building a aircraft and some satellites if it isn't much."

"What I can do to help you?" - hearing this got the attention of Hank and before I knew it he was besides me with a look of interest, Kurt too, he was a little back but still heard us and although he didn't show it in his expression but he was mentally screaming that he wanted to participate in this, seeing him like this make smile.


I stayed till night in the mansion, an hour explaining to Hank and Kurt what I needed and the rest of the day with everyone talking, just like before but this time instead of staying I left to return to my house walking this time, stopping a mugging in the way and by the four of the morning I reached my home only to see someone I didn't wanted to see so soon.

"Good night Lieutenant Price, I'm the agent Phil Coulson and I come from the 'Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division', may I have a moment of you?"


Deadman293 Deadman293

Easiest way to get all the good stuff, why I haven't read that in other fanfiction?

With that of buying the materials I forgot that a powerful Psionic user can change the atoms from a element to transform it to another, changing copper to gold for example. Psionic Powers are so vast that I can forget some things.

Also in other fanfictions that I have read they always make Logan like the one in the movie, street fighter level so I choose to make him the martial artist he is from the comics.

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