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Chapter 5: Chapter 5

After he dodged his disguise in the dark realm, Jax quickly teleported near the class and jogged to catch up with them, not noticing the person looking at him suspiciously.

"Hey, Pete! Finding the restroom took way longer than I thought. What did I miss?" Jax asked, doing his best to seem casual. There were no alarms in the public area, but Jax wasn't stupid enough to think that the whole security team wasn't tearing this building apart to find him.

"Oh, Jax! Um, you didn't really miss anything too exciting to be honest. I did get bite by a strange spider though, but that's about it." Peter said, shrugging his shoulder and rubbing the sore bite on his hand, completely unaware that his life would never be the same.

'Dammit! I can't believe I missed such an iconic moment! Whatever, it's okay. At least I have my Starter Pack and Holocron now. All I need to do is get out of here safely, and it's smooth sailing from here!' Jax thought to himself, excited to finally get his boons after he's struggled so hard. What kind of sick joke was it to make him work so hard to get his boons while other people in the fanfics he read had it so easy?!

Distracted by his thoughts, Jax hardly felt when someone had lightly bumped against his back and fell down. Turning around to see what happened, Jax saw a short, skinny looking girl with bright orange hair that covered her face, was on her ass, her things sprawled around her.

"Good going MJ, now you're even trying to wipe your ugly on our Jaxy Waxy! How could you be such a clutz?" Asked one of the mean girls in class, which earned the laughter of the others, besides Jax and Peter.

Jax wanted to slit the girls throat the second she has the audacity to call him "Jaxy Waxy", but he was surprised that the small girl in front of him was the notorious heart throb, Mary Jane Watson, Spiderman's love interest. Jax was surprised because every rendition of MJ that's he's seen, has always been the "Beautiful girl nextdoor" type, but this girl was different.

This MJ was short, skinny, pale sickly looking skin, and clothes that had patches in them. She had thin, oily orange hair in a plain, straight style that cover most of her face that already wasn't covered by her large glasses. She even had freckles over her button nose that Jax found to be oddly cute.

Now that Jax looked closer at MJ, she actually did seem pretty cute, just unassuming and recluse, which isn't something young mind could appreciate often. Jax was willing to bet that once MJ got older, she was going to have all of the boys begging for her attention.

Not wanting to seem rude, Jax quickly crouched down to check on MJ. "Hey, I'm sorry about that. I kinda spaced out and wasn't paying attention. Are you okay?" Jax asked genuinely. From what he knew, every MJ was always a sweet girl, she just fell in love with a man who couldn't make time for her.

"I'm okay. And I'm the one who bumped into you, so I'm sorry." MJ said meekly, not sure how to react to the positive attention of someone so attractive. Most people usually either bully her, or act like she doesn't exist, so this was a strange occurrence for her.

"Well, let's just call it a mutual accident. We don't even have to exchange insurance information." Jax joked, which made MJ chuckle. Reaching out his hand, Jax helped MJ to her feet, and she felt lighter than a feather. Her skinny state and rough clothes made Jax wonder if she were being taken care of properly, and resolved to look into it later.

Seeing their new crush, Jax, give so much attention to MJ, they reaffirmed in their hearts that Jax was both attractive and kind hearted, which made them fawn over him even more. Unfortunately, this made MJ the target if their ire, as the girls planned to knock MJ down a peg.

The rest of the trip of boring and uneventful. Though he was able not chat and get closer to both MJ and Peter, they were both quiet and shy, so they didn't talk much, but they did sincerely listen and laughed at his jokes, which is something at least. But, luckily Jax's misery ended after just a few hours, but as they were heading towards the entrance, Jax spotted a security checkpoint that wasn't there originally, as they check each departing guest thoroughly before they left, claiming it as just an added precaution.

'There's nothing to worry about, as I don't actually have anything on me. I'm safe.' Jax assured himself as he joined the line with the others. Carefully scanning the guards surface thoughts, Jax was relieved they didn't actually know what he looked like, and even suspected The Hand for stealing the boons, which worked out greatly in Jax's favor. After they made it past the checkpoint, they got in the bus, and head back to the school.

By the time they got back, it was nearly time for them to leave, so the class just chilled in their homeroom. Surprisingly, MJ sat on the other side of Jax in class, and he just hadn't noticed her before, which he felt bad for, and promised to be more aware of his surroundings next time.

"Hey, MJ, Peter, I have something to do today, but why don't y'all come to my place tomorrow for dinner? It's usually just me, my mom, and occasionally my estranged father, so my mom will love the extra company. Plus, she always makes too much, so you'll be saving me from drowning in leftovers!" Jax joked, not leaving the two any room to deny his request, so they just agreed.

When the bell rang, Jax was about to leave when he saw MJ still sitting in her seat, scared to walk out of the class. When he was about to asked her what was wrong, he heard the loud cackling of the mean girls outside of the class, waiting for something. Reading their surface thoughts, Jax got the full picture, and immediately wore a frown.

It turns out like he used to, MJ suffered through relentless bullying every day from these girls, and thanks to him being nice to her, they planned on hurting and possibly scarring MJ to teach her a lesson. Though they weren't super close yet, Jax genuinely liked MJ and wasn't about to let her suffer from those bitches, especially because of him.

"Hey, MJ, let me walk you home. And before you say anything, no, it won't be too much trouble. Maybe we can stop to get a bite to eat on the way." Jax said as he held out his hand and flashed a smile that made MJ's face flush and her heart pound inside of her chest.

'Eating together, alone? I-isn't that a date?! I've barely even talked to a boy before today, and now I'm going on a date with a handsome, kind man? I don't think my heart can take it!' MJ thought in a panic, as she held Jax's hand, and her face grew a deeper shade of red.

Walking out of the class, passing the stunned expressions of the mean girls seeing Jax hold hands with MJ, until he stopped in front of them, and gave them a side glance.

"MJ is someone important to me now, so if anyone, and I mean anyone tries to hurt her in anyway, I will personally end them. Clear?" said Jax that sent chills down all who heard spine. Though his voice was seemingly calm, a perk of his mutation is Intimidation, so every listening felt his words were oppressive and that something bad would truly happen to them were they to ever cross him. Thanks to this, the girls began nodding their heads like broken bobble heads, and Jax continued on his way.

MJ was stunned to see Jax stand up for her, and felt her heart beating even faster as she subconsciously hugged Jax's arm. A fact that didn't escape his notice as he could hear MJ's increased heart rate and smell the pheromones she was giving off, nearly sending his hormonal body into primal mode and taking her right there, but he restrained himself. The last thing he needed was more drama, and had no intentions of cuckolding Spiderman.

As they walked to MJ's home, the two stop at a nice food truck, and sat at a small park and chatted. Just like her more outgoing versions, MJ was incredibly smart, and actually topped Peter as the number 1 student in their class. Feeling more comfortable around Jax, MJ opens up a bit and talks about constantly being abused and ignored in school, which Jax felt sympathy for.

MJ also mentioned how due to money being tight at home, and those mean girls constantly ruining her clothes, MJ got really good at sewing her clothes, and wanted to be a fashion designer one day, which Jax joked that he would be her model any day, making MJ laugh, as she brushed her hair from in front of her face, reveal a cute freckled face.

"See, I knew you were cute, you just can't see it it you block with your hair!" Jax said as he brushed the other strands from her face and and gave her a soft smile. "Yep, I was right. You look absolutely beautiful!" Jax said genuinely, as he held her face in his hand and stared into her large blue eyes.

Hearing this, and feeling Jax hold her face as he stared deeply into her eyes, MJ felt as though her heart my explode and wondered if she were in a dream. She began imagining Jax's lips against her, and how amazing it would be to have him on top of her, taking her chastity for himself. She quickly got wet just imagining Jax taking her like them men did in the porno's she watched.

Smelling the string pheromones of arousal wafting from MJ, Jax grew immediately hard, but still fought the urge to strip her naked and fill her up with cum right in the park. Shaking his head clear, Jax realized that if he didn't get MJ home soon, they'd both be losing their virginities that day. If this is what Wolverine had to deal with constantly around the beautiful women in his life, he must have to willpower of a monk to not constantly be in a rut.

Shortly after, they were actually just a few blocks from Jax's home, but MJ's house looked to be somewhat in a poor state. But, since Jax was at his limit if self control, he wanted to say his goodbyes quickly.

"I'm still surprised by how close we live to each other. But, now that you know where I live, you can come over anytime you need to or if you just want to talk, okay? I'll be there if you need me." Jax said, and he wasn't lying.

Another power that Jax learned was to leave a Mark on people and locations. The Mark worked like a magical GPS letting him track whatever he's marked and creates a connection between Jax and his Mark, even allowing him to teleport to them, or teleport them to him.

Unfortunately, his number of tags are limited at the moment and has one on Jada, Logan, Peter, and now MJ.

Hearing that she could see Jax whenever she wanted made MJ incredibly happy, as her cheeks grew flushed. She began wondering if this was what it was like to have a boyfriend, and would love to date someone like Jax one day.

Seeing her give him a cute nod, Jax smiled, held MJ's face, and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead, and pulled the red-faced MJ into a hug. MJ was startled, as she never hugged anyone outside of her family, and even that was sparingly even since her mother left them, and her father started on his downward spiral and growing more and more abusive. So to an affectionate hug from Jax, nearly brought her to tears, as she buried her face into his broad chest.

After they said their goodbyes and Jax made sure she got in the house safely, and turned around and made his way home before it got to dark. Not only was he excited to open his boons, his mother has been very protective over him going out too late after he was nearly killed. He wanted to argue that he was nearly impossible to kill at this point, but he didn't want her to worry, so he listened.

Walking in the house, Jax quickly greeted Jada and told her they would have guests for dinner the next day before rushing to his room.

Now securely in his room, Jax accessed his Dark Storage and two dark wisps appeared on his desk before revealing his boons. This was finally it! After this, this will be the official start of his Marvel adventure where all of his choices and actions depend entirely on him.

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