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Chapter 60: V3 Chapter 24 - An Eventful time

(AN - I had to take care of some matters due to someone I know passing away leaving me with 0 motivation to write anything for the past few days, anyway I am back again.)

After getting out of the door, I could not help but ask

"Who was that funny guy?"

Knowing who I was talking about Matt answered

"His name is Franklin Percy Nelson, nicknamed Foggy, don't look at his funny actions he is a good lawyer, so good that I am not sure of winning against him."

I was honestly surprised by what he said.

"Really!? He didn't feel so smart to me." (Ryan)

"Sometimes I also wonder if he leaves his brain inside the courtroom."

Matt chuckled.

"So he's the Nelson in 'Nelson and Murdock'?" I asked.

"Yeah." (Matt)

"You know, the name's not that great, right?" (Ryan)

"We tried to keep it simple and it's not that bad!" Matt argued.

"Nah, it's pretty bad alright." I insisted.

"Says the guy who owns the brand name 'Angelo Investments'."

Matt countered.

"Angelo literally means Angel so it's better than yours."

And I presented my argument.

Just like that we made small talk as we continued on the road, as we reached the main street Matt said-

"Let's just leave it at that."

- putting an end to that conversation.

He walked to the roadside and hailed a taxi, after a 15-minute drive we got out of the cab and after 10 minutes of walking we reached a warehouse.

He opened the door and entered inside and there I saw a man whom he introduced as his teacher and after a slight interaction I gathered the following information about him.

The man was so skinny that he looked like a walking stick-man, his name was 'Stick', his preferred weapon of use was a 'stick' and he taught Matt how to use the 'stick'.

I felt it was a 'sticky' situation as I saw the man leaning on his 'stick', did my words 'stick' in your head?

So after the introductions and pleasantries were out of the way I came to know he was also blind like Matt, he told me he heard Matt talking about me and wanted to meet me.

After a short chat, he asked me

"So Ryan, Matt said you have good fighting techniques but you are quite rigid in their usage, do you want me to teach you formless fighting style?"

"Do I have to pluck out my eyes to learn it?"

I asked just to make sure I won't need to go to the other side.

"No, though you will require certain mastery over the senses other than sight."

said Mr Stick.

'Good, I don't wanna go all Uchiha on them.'

"Then sure."

Mr. Stick said since I started I would have to stick with his training and so I had to stick with him for the next 7 months.

A month after my training began I celebrated my 11th birthday with my family.

During the period of my training with Mr Stick, I was trained in gymnastics, grappling and extreme parkour for 2 to 3 hours every day depending on our schedules.

Since I already had the foundation the training ended in just 7 months but even after all that I hardly saw much improvement during spars with Matt but I learned something else, which was that Matt's senses had a limit to a few meters as of now.

It doesn't mean he can't sense stuff that is further away, it's just his brain can only handle that much sensory information and he is trying to figure out a way to improve his range.



I exhaled as I finished another round of gymnastics on the makeshift obstacle course that was present inside the warehouse and checked the time I took to complete it.

Recently I saw the improvement in my skills reach a plateau, I finally could not help but ask Mr stick

"I completed all the training tasks you gave me, then why is there so little improvement in my combat capacity?"

Mr Stick gave me a side eye and as I was starting to get unnerved by his dreadful stare he said

"Boy, the problem isn't my training, the problem is you, I don't know why it is happening but it seems like you are not yet ready to reach the full potential of your body, like you are lacking something."

"Which is...?"

I asked surprised by his words.

"I don't know, but my training gave you everything you need to master formless fighting style so as soon as you get that missing piece in place, everything will just come together for you."

Said Mr Stick.

"That's it!? At least give me some idea what I need?"

I pestered as I shouted back at his cryptic answer.

Seemingly annoyed by my loud voice he shouted back

"As I said! I don't know! YOU will have to find it yourself!!!"

"Now that your training is over you can go!"

"I will be leaving the city tomorrow as I have some business to deal with, you don't need to come here from now on."

He completed his words without giving me time to speak and walked out.

By the time I chased him out he had disappeared.

And this way the year 2008 came to an end. 

I spent the next seven months peacefully acquiring some shares of Facebook, I wanted to buy the whole thing but then I thought that since I wasn't a full-time businessman I might not be able to develop its full potential so I decided to just acquire shares I now hold 22% of them.

On June 4 we celebrated Sasha's 7th birthday, it was the first time we celebreated her birthday with us as we found her birth records this year with Aunt Maria's(Heather) help.

At the end of July a few weeks after my birthday I received the news that Tony Stark had gone missing after a weapons demonstration in Afghanistan and I knew, An Eventful time was coming.

During the next period of time, I had my company stop all other operations as I tried to buy as many shares of Stark Industries as we could and after injecting all our funds we managed 3% from some tiny shareholders.

I knew I had about three months before he comes back from being kidnapped.

The next three months passed eventfully and just as the news about Tony Stark's disappearance was about to die down in the last week of October the news was confirmed that Tony Stark is alive and is returning to America.

Knowing it would take him at least a day to return, I did what I did in my last life, as soon as the share prices increased I sold the shares before Tony held the Press conference.

After a press conference where Tony Stark announced the closure of Stark's weapon manufacturing division, the shares of Stark Industries started falling lower.

I spent the next few days cashing out a few of my investments and handling the purchase of Stark Industries shares but as soon as I acquired 4% and tried to acquire more I noticed someone secretly intervening in the market.

I quickly stopped all purchasing activities as I did now want to draw any unwanted attention, I ordered the employees to use the rest of the resources elsewhere.

Now all that was left was to wait.


Meanwhile, in the SHIELD headquarters in New York, a black man with an eyepatch watched Tony Stark being interviewed and he felt his only eye jump, as if feeling the troubles that were ahead.

As he read the report he received about the circumstances surrounding Tony Stark's rescue, he decided to send some people to keep an eye on him and examine the hideout where Tony Stark was kept for the last three months.

The spy chief did not know why his instincts had such a reaction but he decided to trust his instincts and make some preparations to deal with any oncoming trouble.

A decision he rejoiced for as much as it irritated him in the future.

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