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Chapter 8: CHAPTER 008

"Wake the fuck up bone heads! We have a Devil to burn." Umbra shouted before driving down the two spears straight down to the head of the passed out Johny Blaze and Carter Slade.

The two uncoscious individuals were engulfed in flames and turned into skeletons in just a secod, before catching the spear that was aimed at their heads.

"Oh! It worked?!" Umbra said with a hint of disbelief since he really didn't expect that they would wake up

"Wha?! Where am I?" Johny Blaze asked as he looked at his skeleton hands

"You are in the hospital. Your wounds were pretty severe after the fight so I had no choice but to take you to the hospital." The Hero of Olympus said as he looked him before turning to the confused Carter Slade. "What's up old man! How is your body feeling?"

"I feel like shit! Do you have any whisky there boy. That Black Heart really did me dirty. I couldn't even transform and fight back since Mephisto would sense me if I unleashed my full power." Carter Slade said with an annoyed voice

"That is pretty shitty, oh by the way this is Carter Slade which is the first hunting dog to actually escape from Mephisto. He is also the old man in the cemetery." The Hero introduced the older Ghost Rider or should I say, the Phantom Rider to the new Ghost Rider

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?" Roxanne hysterically shouted as she literally saw two human combust and turned into skeletons that can actually talk

"First off, they are what they call Spirit of Vengeance. They were originally created by God from the Bible to keep humans safe and free from wickedness. However the Devil Mephisto found a way to corrupt them and use them as he saw fit." Umbra butchered the whole backstory and just explained it the simplest way possible

"As for Johny boy over here, he is the newest incarnation of Mephisto's Spirit of Vengeance which they call the Ghost Rider. Really strong guy, can control hell fire, master in using chains, and can make any vehicle cooler if he rides on it." Umbra said as he patted Johny Blaze before moving back to Carter Slade and patting him. "This guy right here is Carter Slade, a former Ghost Rider of Mephisto that stood up against the evil of Mephisto. If my memory is correct he sold his soul for greed similar to the souls that Black Heart is searching for. Similar types of abilities except he rides in a Horse and have a Shotgun for a weapon. I believe his nickname was the Phantom Rider." He finished which shocked Roxanne and Carter Slade

"What are we doing here Hero of Olympus?" The Phantom Rider asked as he flexed his limbs

"Well, first off we need to teach this rookie right here his powers. Which is why I have my tv right here to show the reply footage of his battle earlier. By the way, you can call me Umbra." Umbra explained before opening the tv and playin the footage of the Zarathos controlled Ghost rider and Abigor fighting in the desert.

"Is that me?" Johny Blaze asked as he was astounded by the amount of power and speed that he was displaying in the video.

"No that's not you. That is your Spirit of Vengeance taking over your body." Carter Slade corrected as he was all too familiar with what's happening

"Wait?! So you mean the Spirit of Vengeance controls Johny's body? Doesn't that sound dangerous?" Roxanne asked as she realized how severe Johny's current situation could be.

"Why is this lass in here, Umbra?" Carter Slade asked with confusion.

"She is currently a target of Black Heart. Didn't Black Heart beat you up then gave up after realizing that you wouldn't break. So my next guess would be that Black Heart would like use Johny to get the contract from you." Umbra expositioned in which Carter Slade nod in agreement

"Knowing that he was the son of a devil, I believe that Black Heart would stoop so low as to use hostage just to get what he wants. So I am guessing that this lass over here is Johny's lover." Carter Slade said which made Roxanne blush a little and for Johny Blaze's flame to increased a little bit before returning to normal.

"As I was saying, this video right here shows how you can fight Johny. If you want to defeat Black Heart, you need to be able to accomplish what your Spirit of Vengeance is doing." The Hero of Olympus stated to get back to the topic

"How exactly do you expect me to become a strong fighter all of a sudden? I am a stunt driver, not a martial artist." The rookie Ghost Rider asked as he was unsure on how he would accomplish what Umbra was asking

"Oh, that's easy. Carter over here is an expert Ghost Rider, he can Mentor you real easy in terms of your Ghost Rider capabilities." Umbra said as he pointed to Carter Slade which returned into his human form.

"As for knowing how to fight properly, I could beat you up..*cough* I mean tech you how to wield any weapon that you want." Umbra said as he pointed out to himself which made the Ghost Rider have a bad premonition

"As for Roxanne over there....well.. she's a damsel in distress. She would be a reminder of why you are training." He said with a lax tone as if Roxanne was just an after though which offended the woman

"So what are you gonna do to me? Keep me like a prisoner? Hmph! Just so you know, I am a famous reporter and people would certainly find me." Roxanne asked with a little bit of rage as she feels that she was just being objectified as some sort of trophy that Johny Blaze should protect

"Oh not really, you are free to go. No one would believe you anyway if your tried telling what happened here. As for you Johny, remember this, Roxanne right now is in harms way just by being associated with you. So if you just sit there and don't take training seriously, you might see her die in the hand of Black Heart due to your incompitence." Umbra said before backing his things.

"Hey Carter, where are you going to stay now? I mean your location has already been blown by Black Heart and your house was devastated by his attacks." Umbra asked as to the old man

"Well, I am no fool boy, I didn't outrun the Devil for a hundred of years just by staying in one location. I have other places where I can lay low and relax at. As for me teaching Johny over there, I can only show him the ropes as each Ghost Rider have their own fighting style." The Phantom Rider said with a smile since he really don't care about his place at the cemetery.

"If what you are telling me is true, I will abide by your arrangements. But first of all, I want you to assure the safety of Roxanne as I train." Johny joined in the conversation as he finished pondering what Umbra explained earlier about Roxanne's situation.

"That I can assure. She may have her attitude but she is still someone you care about. They are the people that gives the heroes their reason to fight so I need to keep her safe for your development and for your mental health." Umbra said vaguely as he remembered a bad memory that he experienced

"For your first lesson, I want you to control yourself and revert back to your norma--- *Bang*" Carter Slade tried to teach Johny his first lesson before being interrupted by the exploding of the wall.

"Tch! When I thought that my magic was succeful enough, you just have to barge in like." Umbra said with annoyance as he clearly sensed the enemy miles away but didn't act yet since it would certainly attract the attention of the enemy.

"You think that a measely barrier like this can hoodwink me? You are clearky underestimating me Olympian." The enemy laughed as he stepped inside the room crackling with lightning.

"Not really, but I tried. Hey Carter, I know you want to beat up someone. How about we team up and make this Fallen Angel here regret his decision." Umbra offered to the aged Phantom Rider

"I really want too. But I am sure that Mephisto would notice my existence if I do that." Carter said with uncertainty before remembering the beating that he took earlier. "You know what! Fuck that! I am dying anyways. I am gonna release some pent up rage." Carter said with hint of anger as he suddenly combusted into his Phantom Rider Form.

"Bring it on, Mephisto's lost dog! I will make you feel the difference between me and a mortal like you. I am Hauras! Tell to Mephisto that I killed you when you go down to hell." Hauras said before disaplering from his place and appearing mid air infront of the Phantom Rider while holding an Axe ready to split his enemy.

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