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Chapter 22: MARVELous Adventures (4)

The two powerhouses stared at one another with Carol having a smirk while she was in her Binary form. Nolan clenched his fists ready to fight his opponent. He hasn't seen what Carol can do except fly but if he is being honest, he felt Carol's punch earlier.

Carol: "So what's it gonna be Omni-Man? You wanna surrender or I'll beat the ever living shit out of you?"

Nolan: "Do you really think you can stop me?"

Carol: "I don't know.....Sike!"

Carol dashed towards Omni-Man as Nolan crossed his arm to block a strike from Carol and still skidded back a few meters away. He dug his feet on the ground with his arms smoking. Carol wasn't finished, he continued to fly towards Nolan and let out a flurry of punches. Even though Nolan has a thousand years of experience, he was being pushed back by the hero.

Carol: "Come on! Show me what a Viltrumite can do!"

Nolan had enough and threw his fist forwards colliding with Carol's creating a shockwave that shook the Earth.

Carol: "Finally!"

Nolan pushed Carol back as she blocked one of Nolan's punches before retaliating with her own. Shockwaves can be heard from miles away as the two flew in the air with their fists colliding. Everyone in the GDA watched awe as they saw someone who can step up to Nolan when it comes to brute strength.

Debbie: "Cecil, you need to stop this."

Cecil: "There's no point in stopping this Debbie. If we do, we don't know how many more people will die. That's why I have Helen and Arcanna's androids to evacuate the city in case the fight gets rough."

Debbie: "Please Cecil."

Cecil: "I'm sorry."

Debbie turned towards a silent Hyperion who was watching the fight on the monitor. He was so focused that Debbie didn't try to disturb him and just watched the fight.

Carol landed another punch onto Nolan's face sending the Viltrumite crashing to the ground. Her fists then started to charge cosmic energy as she fired a photon beam at Nolan pushing him even further into the crater.

Carol flew down and landed on top of Nolan and started to pummel him punches. Nolan gritted his teeth and kicked Carol off of him as he tackled the cosmic powered hero and drag her on the ground creating a trench.

Carol elbowed him and blasted him cosmic energy making him let go of her as the two flew up a few feet away from each other. Nolan wiped the blood from his mouth as Carol dusted her suit.

Carol: "You pack a punch, I give you that."

Nolan: "This is pointless. Stop it now."

Carol: "And then what? Watch you kill innocent people? That's not gonna happen."

Carol blasted Nolan back as she charged at him with her flowing fist. He started to let out precise strikes that either Nolan blocked or took. Carol then blasted him on the face rendering him temporarily blind before tackling Nolan through a dark house. Carol let out more blasts of cosmic energy as Nolan gritted his teeth and reached out to grab Carol's face.

He slammed her down and grabbed her leg before slamming her on the ground. He then threw her through the roof as Carol crashed on top of a parked truck. Nolan flew up and brought down his foot on Carol's back destroying the truck and creating a large crater.

Nolan bent his knees before jumping into the air and flew away at breakneck speeds. Carol got out of the crater as she spit out blood with a grin on her face.

Cecil: "Carol, follow him!"

Carol: "Don't tell me what to do old man."

Carol went back into her Binary form and chased after Nolan.

Debbie: "Where is he going?"

Cecil: "Probably looking for Mark."

Debbie: "What is he gonna do with him?"

Cecil: "I don't know but it's not something good."

Hyperion: "I'll go and find him. He's probably with Eve right now."

With a burst of speed, Hyperion disappeared. Only a gust of wind was left. Debbie then brought out her phone as she tried to call her son.

Debbie: "Come on, pick up Mark."

Mark and Eve were in their hero suits at Eve's secret home in the forest as the two were conversing with each other.

Eve: "What brings you here?"

Mark: "Just wanted to check up on you. That's all."

Eve: "Really?"

Mark: "Yes....really."

The two fell in deep silence as the situation became awkward.

Mark: "Well....Amber and I had a fight because she found out about me being Invincible and didn't tell her about it."

Eve: "So you need someone to talk to."

Mark nodded as Eve sighed and made a can of soda for Mark.

Eve: "Why me though?"

Mark: "I guess you could say that I needed someone other than my best friend William to vent something out."

Eve: "Lucky me."

Mark: "You could say-"

Nolan: "Mark..."

The two teens turned towards the voice to see Nolan floating in front of them shocking Mark and Eve.

Mark: "Dad?"

Nolan: "Mark. You need to come with me."

Mark: "What? Why?"

Nolan: ".....We need to talk-"

Carol dashed at Mach speed tackling Nolan shocking Mark and Eve.

Eve: "Was that-"

Mark: "Dad! Come on Eve!"

The two went to chase after them as Carol slammed Nolan on an open field. She charged her cosmic energy to her fist and punched Nolan further to the ground. She went for another strike but Nolan blocked it and elbowed her on the head sending her flying up. He slowly floated up and saw three fighter jets from the distance closing in.

Carol: "Cecil! Why did you send jets here?!"

Cecil: "Those aren't mine. The government must have sent them to their doom thinking they could stop him."

The jets fired missiles towards Nolan who just floated there and tanked the explosions. Once the smoke cleared, Nolan just scoffed and flew towards them. He tore through them like paper as Carol gritted her teeth before catching the falling pilots. Mark and Eve arrived and saw how Nolan dismantled the jets like they were nothing.

Mark: "Dad?"

Nolan turned towards his son who looked at him in confusion.

Eve went to help Carol who put the pilots safely on the ground as Mark stared at his dad.

Eve: "Let me help."

Carol: "It's okay. Cecil wants you to go back to the Guardians HQ. The others are waiting there."

Eve nodded hesitantly as she flew off back to the Guardian's HQ. Mark shook his head still not forgetting what he saw. He saw how his dad destroyed those jets like they mean nothing to him. Just letting the pilots fall to their doom. He dashed towards his dad and punched him sending Nolan barrelling through the air. He then tackled Nolan and grabbed him by the head.

Mark: "Dad! I think someone's controlling you! Tell me how to stop them!"

Nolan: "Mark..."

Nolan grabbed Mark by the arm and threw him off of him. Mark stopped in the air as his father approached him.

Nolan: "It's just me Mark. This is how I wanted to do this, but I don't have a choice. It's time for you to know where I really come from. I am from Viltrum, but it's not the planet I've told you about. We have created a perfect civilization but it took all of our strength, determination and courage to get there. In order for our people to reach their full potential, we had to remove the weak from our society. It was a long and difficult process. When it was over, our population was cut in half, but what emerged from the ashes was unstoppable. By the time I was born, Viltrum was already the greatest empire in our galaxy. We decided to make it the only empire in our galaxy. Once I was old enough, I joined the war effort. It was hard but I believe in our cause. Some species resisted, of course but no one could withstand us for long. Soon our empire encompassed thousands of planets. But as our territory grew, our forces were stretched thin and our expansion stopped. We needed a better, more efficient way to conquer worlds. Our most trusted officers were each given a planet to weaken by themselves. I was one of those lucky few. I couldn't tell your mother why I was here... But that time has come to an end. And now we need to get Earth ready to join the Viltrum Empire."

Mark could only listen as a tear rolled down his eyes. Everything he was told from the start was a lie.

Nolan: "Mark this is good news. We can finally do what we were meant to do. Be who we were meant to be.

Mark: "You lied to me..."

Nolan: "You couldn't know the truth.... Not until I was sure."

Mark: "Sure of what?"

Nolan: "Sure that-"

Hyperion: "That he's a Viltrumite?"

Hyperion finally stepped in as he floated beside Mark. Nolan stared at him with no emotion as the Eternal did the same.

Nolan: "Correct."

Mark: "If I wasn't, I'd just be another human to conquer? No this doesn't make any sense! You love me! You love Mom! I know you do!"

Nolan looked down and then looked back up to Mark with a glare.

Nolan: "Do you have any ideas how long we live? The older we get, the slower we age. Viltrumite DNA is so pure, you're nearly full-blooded. You'll live for thousands of years. Do you understand what this means? Everyone you love will be gone before you even look thirty. It's not something I want for you. This isn't your world, it's theirs. But we can help them. We could stop wars. Eliminate hunger-"

Hyperion: "That's where I stop you Nolan. This won't go any further."

Nolan: "You can't stop what has already begun. Mark will join me one way or another."

Hyperion: "Not if I have a say in this. I'm like you, I have lived for thousands of years now. I saw the friends I made all those years die but they want me to live on and be happy and that is what I'm doing now. You can still change Nolan. If the empire goes after you and this planet, then you and Mark can stop them. Together."

Nolan was silent at first until he charged at Hyperion with his fist but Hyperion caught it creating a shockwave that pushed everyone back. Hyperion could only sigh as he pushed Nolan back and landed a hard cross to the Viltrumite's face before blasting him with his Atomic Vision sending him bouncing on the ground before stopping with a crash. Hyperion then turned to Mark and Carol.

Hyperion: "I'll deal with him. Go and take the pilots to safety and help evacuate the nearby city. Chicago is not far from here."

Carol nodded and grabbed two of the pilots with Mark grabbing the last one as he then turned to Hyperion.

Mark: "Don't kill him."

Hyperion: "Don't worry, I won't."

Nolan broke out of the rubble as his chest was smoking from Hyperion's Atomic Vision. He glared at the Eternal as he clenched his fists.

Nolan: "That hurt."

Hyperion: "Good."

The two dashed at each other as they collided creating another shockwave that obliterated the surrounding area. Cecil, Debbie and the others watched through the drone as they could see shockwaves rippling through the air.

Arcanna: "Everyone has been evacuated. We are clear."

Cecil: "Good. I don't know the kind of damage those two could cause from their fight alone."

The whole GDA shook as the fight can be felt from miles away causing earthquakes. Helen was calm knowing Hyperion can take on Nolan.

Cecil: "I could only hope Hyperion can stop him."

Helen: "Believe me when I say that he can stop him with no problem."

Arcanna: "How can you be so calm?"

Helen: "I witnessed him fight a guy with the Power of a Million Exploding Suns. Their fight caused solar flares outside our world's atmosphere."

They all were shocked to hear this as they turned back towards the monitor and saw Hyperion grab Nolan by the collar and dragged him across the open field before throwing Nolan towards the forest uprooting trees on Nolan's way.

Helen: "I'm sorry for the lies you lived through Debbie."

Debbie: "I-I don't know him anymore."

Arcanna: "The reason he killed the Guardians and tried to kill me is so that he can weaken the planet's defenses."

Cecil: "All we can do now is watch. I hope after this fight, Nolan will change his mind."

Hyperion crashed in the streets of Chicago as he dug his feet on the concrete floor to stop himself from skidding back. He saw that the city was evacuated and gave out a sigh of relief. Nolan then landed in front of him with a thud as he stood tall.

Nolan: "Whatever you are doing, it's all for nothing. This planet will join the Viltrumite empire."

Hyperion: "And what good will you guys get with that? Just another planet conquered? Recognition?"

Nolan: "You won't understand."

Hyperion: "You have mixed feelings about all of this. You've come to live on this planet. The family you made here."

Nolan: "I don't have a family anymore after everything is over."

Hyperion: "You don't know that."

Nolan: "Yes I do."

Nolan flew towards Hyperion and threw a punch which the Eternal blocked but was still sent crashing towards a building. Hyperion bursts out from the other side as he looks up to see Nolan flying at him. He flew back to dodge a slice from him as Nolan maneuvered around and charged at Hyperion again.

Hyperion dodged a punch from Nolan and landed his own. Nolan went for another but Hyperion deflected them and landed two more punches to the gut then to the Viltrumite's chin. He then grabbed Nolan by the cape and spun him around before throwing him towards a building. The building shook as Nolan lifted it and threw it towards Hyperion. The Eternal flew towards it and caught with less difficulty but Nolan flew through it and speared Hyperion sending them both to the ground.

Nolan grabbed Hyperion by the neck but Hyperion fired his Atomic Vision blasting Nolan on his face stunning him. Hyperion then landed an uppercut sending the Viltrumite in the air as the Eternal flew up to chase after him. Hyperion landed another punch sending him further in the air blowing away the clouds. The drone that was following them was recording everything and even everyone from around the world saw the fight. From Nolan destroying the jets to him fighting Hyperion.

The two fought in the air until they were out of the planet's atmosphere. Nolan wrapped his around Hyperion as he flew towards the moon using Hyperion as landing. Dust and debris were everywhere as Hyperion broke out of Nolan's lock and head-butted the Viltrumite gave him a right cross the sent Nolan stumbling on the moon's surface.

Hyperion: "You need to stop Nolan!"

Nolan slowly stood back up with cuts and bruises and his suit torn while Hyperion. Only has a few scratches and is still in good shape.

Nolan: "It is for the greater good of the planet!"

Hyperion: "No it's not. They will destroy the planet and will make this a mating ground to breed more Viltrumites. Think about what they will do to Debbie."

Nolan: "Don't say her name!"

Nolan grabbed a large piece of rock and threw it at Hyperion who just blasted it with his Atomic Vision. Nolan charged at Hyperion but Mark appeared and stood in between them making Nolan stop on his tracks.

Mark: "Dad! That's enough!"

Nolan "Mark"

Mark: "You don't have to do this dad! It's not too late!"

Nolan's expression softened as he looked down but in a swift motion, he backhanded Mark sending the hybrid crashing on a hill. Hyperion then speared him as the two flew high up by Nolan kneed him on the torso pushing him back as Nolan hit him with a hammerfist sending the Eternal crashing back on the moon.

Nolan then flew down but was tackled away by Mark who then punched him with full force sending him back. Nolan was surprised. Mark didn't punch this hard before. His momentarily dazed gave Mark the opening to land more strikes that made Nolan spit out blood.

Mark: "Don't make me do this!"

Nolan then grabbed Mark by the arm and gave his son a headbutt sending him to the moon. Nolan then landed as he stood over Mark. He grabbed Mark by his suit and gave him another punch that broke his goggles and made him spit out blood. He went for another hit but Mark grabbed his fist holding it off.

Mark: "P-Please dad. W-We can stop them. Just stop."

Nolan gritted his teeth as he stared at his son. He then remembered the time he had with Mark and Debbie, the time he saved the people of Earth. The time he made new friends and allies. He let go of Mark as he stared at his blood stained hands from Mark's blood. A tear rolled down his eye as he then bent his knees before blasting off to god knows where. Mark could only watch as he weakly reached out to his father.

Mark: "D-Dad."

Mark then went unconscious as Hyperion lifted the rubble off of him. He saw the unconscious Mark and checked for pulse and was relieved that he was just asleep. He carried the hybrid back to Earth and towards the GDA. He was sent to the infirmary with a worried Debbie as Hyperion was left with Cecil, Arcanna, Helen and Carol.

Cecil: "Our satellites say that he flew out of our solar system. We don't know where he is going."

Carol: "Probably going back to get some reinforcements."

Hyperion: "Probably not. The worst part will be that more of his species will arrive since he left his post."

Cecil: "Let's forget about that for now. What's important is everyone is safe and it's all thanks to you three. If it wasn't for you, people would have died today. You have my thanks."

He then walked away leaving the three.

Helen: "So what now?"

Hyperion: "Now we help them rebuild. We damaged the city. I'm just glad it wasn't that much."

Carol: "Then go back home?"

Hyperion: "Then we go back home."


Time Skip

6 Months

It's been roughly six months since the events of Omni-Man going rogue. The city of Chicago started to rebuild and forget about Omni-Man since new heroes stepped up to fill in the shoes. Mark was still down about his father leaving but he still does hero work from time to time and also goes to school. Now it was time for Hyperion, Helen and Carol's return to their world with Arcanna going with them.

Cecil: "I can't thank you enough for everything you have while you are here."

Carol: "It was no problem Cecil. Kinda need a little vacation from work back in our dimension."

Helen: "I wish we could stay but we still have our duties back home."

Cecil: "Are you sure about this Arcanna?"

Arcanna: "I have decided that to go with them."

Cecil: "Alright then. Have a safe trip back."

Hyperion: "We will."

Arcanna then approached Cecil and gave him a device.

Arcanna: "This will allow you to call me even if we are not in this dimension. I had a little help from Hyperion and Helen with this. Call only when it is necessary."

Cecil: "I will. Thanks."

Hyperion: "Say goodbye to everyone for us."

Cecil: "I will. Take care, you four."

They nodded and went inside Helen's ship. They flew out of the hangar as a portal appeared and the ship went through it. Cecil stared at the device for a few moments before walking back inside.



The ship appeared in the air above the island. They landed on the ground as Carol bid farewell to everyone with her kissing Hyperion the cheek and giving a wink before flying off. Helen gave him a questioning look as Hyperion could only shrug. Zarda then approached them as she got ready to attack still remembering the events that happened.

Arcanna: "It's okay. They are friends."

Zarda: "Where have you been?!"

Arcanna: "Had to deal with some problems back home. How long are we gone by the way?"

Zarda: "It's only been three weeks."

Helen: "Wow. Time is really different there."

Zarda: "Hey you, big guy."

Hyperion: "Yeah."

Zarda: "You're with the Avengers right? I heard they are starting to fall out from each other."

Hyperion: "Hmm?"

Zarda: "They say that if they want to continue on doing their job, then they should sign with the government."

Helen: "That's not good news."

Hyperion approached Zarda as the Eternal stared at the tall woman before walking towards Arcanna's cabin and opened the door for them.

Hyperion: "Tell me everything. I need to know about what's going on."

Zarda nodded as everyone went inside the cabin so that Zarda could update them on what happened when they were away.


Note :

Members of Squadron Supreme :

• Hyperion

• Power Princess

• Moonglow

• Quicksilver

• ????

• ????

• ????

Please recommend any three characters for this team and comment on respective " ????". Thank you.

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Also read Marvel+DC : Superman on my profile.

HarHarMahadev HarHarMahadev

Please give your review and ratings. Also read Marvel+DC : Superman

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