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Chapter 3: Laying the Foundations

After walking through the portal I immediately felt warning signals through the Force. There was definitely something off about this place.

"The Mirror Dimension," I muttered, bracing for a fight.

"Indeed." The Ancient One replied, visibly impressed I knew of it. "You can relax though, traveler. I'm not trying to imprison you or anything of the sort, just making sure your presence isn't causing any major divergences in this universe." She was using hand signs and moving floating runes around, preparing some sort of spell. She was hotter than I remembered, much younger looking. Most likely because this was at a different time in this universe than when she met Stephen Strange…

"Care to explain?" I asked, still apprehensive. I could definitely take her in hand-to-hand combat if I needed to, but the Mirror Dimension was tricky. I had to be on guard.

"I'm casting a spell that will attune your presence to this universe. Because you're an anomaly, I'm unable to see your future, but at least this way I can ensure I won't have to clean up any messes caused by a divergence in the timestream you create just by being here."

"Oh? And why are you helping me so willingly? What reason do I have to trust you?"

She froze in her tracks. I could feel a great fear gripping her, but for a moment.

"I-...I received a prophecy many years ago," She hesitated. "I was told an unknown traveler would emerge into this reality and be the one to safeguard this planet. It also would signify…" she trailed off.

"Signify what?"

"It would signify that the arrival of a great war was in the near future. A war between all of the most powerful beings in the universe, all competing for control of this reality."

I felt a chill of excitement run down my spine. I couldn't help but give a twisted smile.

This universe is as good as mine. It's destiny.

"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to Earth. I intend to keep it safe." I wasn't lying. This world is integral to my plans to take over every realm in this universe. A king needs strong warriors to expand his rule, and this planet is brimming with them.

As she finished the spell, she walked closer to me. I had no fear that she'd be doing anything bad to me. I know the purpose of her existence is to protect this world, so she'd never harm me, the one person who can protect it to the capacity she can. She placed a glowing hand on my neck, and I felt a rush of energy like I'd never felt. It was different from the Force; more electric feeling than flowy. I could feel every atom of mine reconfiguring to attune to this universe, my connection to the Force deepening. It felt amazing.

"Alrighty then. Now would you kindly let me out of the Mirror Dimension?"

A portal opened up in front of us and we walked through, entering the real Kamar Taj. This place was especially strong in the Force. 'Intriguing,' I thought to myself, pleasantly surprised. I didn't think there would be places of such significant vergence of the Force on Earth. We walked through droves of sorcerers both young and old training in the mystic arts. The environment felt familiar.

'Not too much different from the Jedi temple," I thought to myself. I allowed myself a moment of mourning for my fallen people, but quickly steeled myself.

"Where to next?" I asked.

The Ancient One was rummaging through items on a desk nearby. She turned around and discreetly handed me an item. It was a sling ring. 'Handy' I thought, as I slipped it onto my hand.

"Wherever you want." With a nod and smile, she turned and began to walk away. I grabbed her arm and turned her around, bringing her close to me. Our faces almost touching, I stared deep into her eyes. This younger version of her had a subtle beauty and elegance to her. She'd be mine in due time. But not now, there was work to be done. I had someone I wanted to find, sooner rather than later. I needed this person for the coming war, and there was only one man who could point me in the right direction.

I saw her blushing and let her arm go as I turned around and waved.

'Let's see how this portal shit works'

I didn't like the way you're supposed to do it, putting both hands out in front of you and making a circle with one of them. I concentrated hard and channeled the Force through the ring, thinking of activating it and drawing a circle in my mind. The sparks immediately formed and opened a portal to what looked to be nothing but clouds and empty skies below. I leapt through the portal, freefalling.

I used the Force to feel my surroundings, and locked onto my target speeding below me in the distance. I reached both my arms out and quickly pulled them back towards my waist, using all my strength to yank myself towards the aircraft starting to appear in the distance. This deeper connection to the Force was even stronger than I thought.

'I can definitely make myself fly now.'

After a few seconds of rocketing towards it and guiding my body with the Force, the large SHIELD helicarrier was in view. I aimed for an open spot on the landing pad, cushioned my landing with the Force. I rolled once and stood up, looking around at the shocked faces of all the SHIELD soldiers and technicians.

Dusting myself off, I started strolling towards the bridge in the center of the ship. Every weapon in the vicinity was aimed at me, but I paid it no mind.

"Now who the FUCK are you supposed to be?" an aggressive voice yelled from the sliding doors at the bottom of the entrance to the bridge of the ship.

I calmly walked towards the one eyed man in a trenchcoat.

"Mr. Fury, you've become part of a bigger universe. You just don't know it yet."

He stared at me in a stupor, confused at how I knew who he was. I began walking past him and towards the doors to the bridge.

"Relax, Director. I'm not a foe. We want the same thing for this world, and I believe it's in both our best interests to work together. Shall we?" The sliding doors hissed open and I gestured inside.

"This mothafucka…" he muttered under his breath as he trudged into the hallway behind me.

On the way to the conference room, we passed Maria Hill. 'She's fine as fuck' I thought to myself, smiling wryly and taking a mental note.

"Miss Hill, if you'd be so kind as to join us."

Just as confused as Fury was, she obliged and followed.

Once the three of us were alone, I kicked my feet up on the table and put my hands behind my head.

"I'll get right to the point, so we're not wasting time. We're both aware of the extraterrestrial threat and impending doom that this planet faces, yadda yadda yadda. It's my goal to protect this world, much like you. I'm here to offer my strength to your Avengers Initiative."

Their jaws dropped, stunned at my knowledge of what they thought was top secret.

"I know you have insane trust issues, Director Fury, so here's what I'm offering. You point me in the right direction to a friend of yours, and when called upon we'll both be able to help your team out against the alien threats."

"And who the hell is this 'friend'?" Fury inquired. I could feel through the Force he was on the defensive, but was willing to hear me out, as he knew he needed all the help he could get for the team he was creating.

"Carol Danvers."

Fury and Hill looked at each other nervously.

"How the fuck do you know about-"

"That's not important right now. Time is of the essence. Trust me, we're going to need her for the battles ahead. You'll be thanking me for bringing her back to Earth."

I could sense he was conflicted. Sighing, I waved my hand, commanded the Force to flow into his and Hill's minds, and thought;

'You know that having her back on-planet will make our defenses even stronger, so it makes sense to let me bring her back.'

The ol' Jedi mind trick. Whatever happened to me in Kamar Taj made my connection to the Force so much stronger I didn't even need to say the words out loud to implant the suggestion in their minds.

"Well, if having her back on-planet will reinforce our defenses, it makes sense to have you bring her back."

Worked like a charm.

"Perfect! Now, if you can give me her last whereabouts, I'll be on my way."

He and Hill went to a desk and scrolled through data on holograms.

"Xandar. She's assisting something called… Nova Corps?"

"Great. Now, I'll be on my way." I stood up, walking past Fury. I walked up to Maria, and lifted her chin up with my thumb and index finger. She stared at me blushing, I could sense her falling for me. The seed was planted in her mind.

"Don't look so sad that I'm leaving," I laughed. "I'll be back soon enough."

I immediately created a portal behind me and fell backwards through it, rolling back into Shuri's lab.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" She and T'challa both exclaimed.

"No time for questions! Shuri, I need you to whip something up for me as fast as you can…"


My new suit felt amazing. Black all around. It looked similar to my previous Jedi Robes, but with subtle battle armor donning my arms and legs. The vibranium was surprisingly lightweight. The best part was that I could summon different parts of my attire at will. I made sure Shuri equipped it with rebreathers in case I needed to go anywhere that wasn't friendly to organisms that needed oxygen, including space. I also requested a mask that covered the bottom half of my face, simply because it's cool as fuck.

Taking one last look at my reflection, I summoned my mask and cloak, threw my hood over my head, and began to concentrate. I reached out with the Force beyond the galaxy I was in, eventually pinpointing my target on Xandar. With that, I opened a portal and stepped through.

I emerged on top of a skyscraper, a vast beautiful city below me. I could see the sun setting over a beautiful ocean in the distance.

'I could get used to this.'

I saw a figure soaring towards me in my peripheral, and could sense it was who I was looking for.

"Looks like someone else found my quiet spot. How did you even get up here?" Her red, yellow, and blue suit fit her sexy figure amazingly.

"Looks like it," I mused. "Care to join me?" I sat with one leg propped up, my arm resting on it.

She descended next to me, her curiosity palpable. I didn't even need the Force to sense it. She was intrigued by me, she couldn't help it.

"And you are?"

I looked at her and deactivated my mask, smiling. Her face turned to an expression of surprise. She couldn't hide her immediate attraction to me. All these years on her own, traveling from planet to planet. She was getting tired of the loneliness.

"Atreus, of Earth." I smiled.

She was entranced right away.

"Since when did Earth have a way to get all the way out here?"

"They don't. You'll find I'm not your typical Earthling."

"Oh really?" She raised an eyebrow.

I laughed, standing up and leaving my hand out for her to grab.

"Come on. We have much to…discuss."

zKodu zKodu

back with another chapter! the pace is a little fast right now but don't worry, I'm just trying to get through a bunch of character introductions before the plot REALLY kicks in. as always, leave a comment and add it to your library if you enjoyed! P.S.: the next chapter will have lemons and begin the harem :)

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