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Chapter 16: 15.finally a working nanitesand plot

weapons manufacturing and ammunition was a huge source for profit, especially for south American and African countries, the instability in those always affected by the amount of ammunition and guns , mainly the A47 Kalashnikov rifle, the infamous rifle is the most used weapon and will still be used in all of Asia , Africa, Europe, and south America , the A47 was designed to last , they were weapon of choice for all of those not from the allied forces and they will still be available at the 21 century, so owning a facility to produce these weapons was one way ticket to own the weapons district in these areas,

this was along term investment he was sure that would pay back good .

he dispatched T800 to Africa and started building a factory there , and using the ark reactor he was sure to power up factories, he made it in Nigerian border , made sure to slip some to middle east now and then , also fund revolutions cause the ruling regimes there are shit, and he made sure to make them fall , everyone from American to USSR tried to shut down this operation, but their forces were decimated with a single one left , considering that's the main reason he made the T800, he was glad of the robots actions , he also finished the ammunition factory and started selling those like it was hot cakes and boy did they bring profit, he was making a kill out of it he also bought a couple of diamonds mine and many precious stones mines across the African continent, he will in the future use nanites to extract them and would sell them at a hefty price across America, Europe and the middle east.

For the last three years of Franklin life ,making a working nanites models were his biggest goal, he even postponed the rest of his projects , but like howard stark he was limited to his time by the machinery available, in these last three years he did his best to achieve that , working on nanites manually was utter stupid and there was too much room for errors if he hired other people for the job , so he did what he thought to be best advance the technology industry and this era's technology to help him create his goal , he started small , 3d printers , 3d manufacturers machine , special ingot metal, CNC,special circuit boards designed for easing the designs of nanites whether 1mm , 10nm, 5nm ,centrifuge, metal bending and cutting machines and many mechanical arms for steady and delicate work, spectrometers , all kinds of machines were brought up from howard and tony memories plus the available ones , finally at the age of 13 and half he was ready to bring the world to anew era due to nanotechnology, he was excited and thrilled, and was jumping around like a child who got anew toy .

nanites were distributed into different categories:

1. used for the IRON man,Patriot,monger projects , with pure military purpose, designed with the purpose of gathering in defined shapes or forms to create weapons , thruster , blaster,machine gun ,etc ....

2. medical ones that will be used for surgery, like eradicating cancer cells or any form of medical assistance whether reconstruct a bone attach a tendon or working on nerves , this was going to revolutionize the medical industry, hopefully making artificial limbs for those incapacitated and making them able for moving again , having them attached to nerves reading nervous orders like a real limb , and using nanites to inject SSS at a certain amounts and apply vita Rays to wounds to help faster healing and even fixing genetical disorders.

3. used to facilitate building process and speeding up the times periods for construction of dangerous and important projects thus eliminating the process of the schematics being known by outside partys.

4. information gathering, infiltration, espionage, tracking and many more .

there are many other subjects but these 4 mostly appealed to Franklin so he started finishing the builders first to create more machines for nanites construction, because previous ones created personally by him and his dad , after 2 more months he managed to get all the builders finished with machines that he needed to make all the nanites types,starting with military equipment first and after finishing he went to the espionage program and applied all needed equipment in a form of nanites, he was sure the boys at the intelligence agency will cry tears of joy at this , the nanites are designed to look like hand watches ,buttons ,necklaces,rings,earrings etc , they can be modeled into a shocker used to taze people to unconcious state , tracker and traking screen on watches , communication devices for a short range of 25 km plus his masterpiece a suitcase that can report to Eden through satellite and it was 1979 , so the governments still not very active with satellites and thus their signals are hard to intercept if not impossible, unless you know what you are looking for, on another thought since this is before the era of satellites I should buy a couple of orbits from UN if not all , imagine renting one of those to multi million companies, it's like free money and its an ever lasting investment that we could milk for ever , offcourse, this won't be easy but nothing a couple of masterly placed imperious spell can't fix , so his guys went to the UN first as DC they bought all the orbits rights close to earth nearing 44% went to him , he was satisfied but not much , he had to get his hands on the 46% also available, he asked his family and made his mission to get the rest , even asked Atlantis for help in gold in return of giving them Intel on naval petrol digging rigs .

2 years earlier at a board of management at DC Co.

" ..... and that's gentlemen is the next step of our company advancement, petrol rigs in the Atlantic ocean will raise our production to ridiculous prices and bring in alot of income "

said one economist expert in DC managment and planning team , his new idea wasn't actually his , its was Franklin's to use this to antagonize the atlantians and surface dwellers whom will cause immense destruction to marine life while digging, the first rigs in Atlantic ocean were owned by DC and garnered much income and profits, plus it became leading company in petroleum production industry, rocket fuel, gasoline and all kinds of petroleum products were created to high quality, this cemented the company's reputation and power until they were given the red light to stop operating in Atlantic ocean and Luthor's were the first to jump at the opportunity of DC's leave of this feild , until I gave Arthur intelligence about Luthor's corp , the atlantians made raids on them and brought rain and storm causing complete shut of all companies rigs at the Atlantic ocean, until DC came back to drill, but this time they made environment preserve procedures and never harmed marine life , those companies took a great hit , first they bought the rights for so much money and now sold for less than 30% the value it was a complete loss and the biggest loser(not in weight ) is Luthor's, this brought me the amount of money needed to buy half the remaining orbits, plus used the gold of Atlantis to but the remaining 20% so now am the proud owner of all earth orbits, next I created a company by the name of Valkyrie , this company will be become the leading expert on satellites, it will build satellites and launch them for 80% the building and launching cost , but the catch is they have to pay DC for occupying said orbits cause its legally owned by the company, many companies didn't have the money for their own satellite, but governments do and America and Russia are the main competitors in this era due to cold war , and I will be damned if I didn't make profits of it , I sold weapons secretly for both sides , on American side their was DC and the USSR had Leviathan, the same weapons were sold for both sides , once the American bought a weapon ,the USSR bought the same from leviathan, the Americans got suspicious and started buying from other companies but the same happened, they deduced that they had spies in their midst and they started large clean processes, the same happened to the USSR , but leviathan was their sole contractor and had many weapons that the Americans have according to their spies the have the same nuclear power the Americans if not more, cause unlike the Americans they don't have corrupt politicians whom stealing money from public left and right , no , they were organized, disciplined and united , but still they get infiltrated and they are still leakage of Intel they can't stop, they sometimes catch them put they are released for USSR hostages in American hands , Franklin was playing both sides and milking away their money he knew that in a few years USSR will fall due to incompetence of several individuals, who were in reality American spies who managed to climb up the ladder and cause mayhem and distrust in USSR , till this day he was baffled how the Americans managed to do that , will it's not his issue, after some companies failed to get orbits cause all were mostly owned by USA , USSR , DC and Leviathan they started making ruckus about that, many still saw that renting was better and more reliable because Valkyrie is bound to fix and maintain their satellites at certain discounts, but the rest wanted to own their orbits , when they found no other ways they went back to Valkyrie but found that the price was more than before offers , they reculantely signed the contract and no problems happened after cause Valkyrie made an example out few companies who decided to launch unauthorized satellites in their orbits, they hijacked and took over them and made those companies pay triple the rent and some interest, when they tried to sue , Valkyrie and DC pressed charges for unauthorized use of their properties and orbits and those companies had to pay huge some of money to sate DC's thirst .

another project of his was to control the cinema industry and their companies, he had many share in Disney and Warner brothers, bad news was their was no George Lucas, meaning no star wars, he was about to find an answer to that , so he wrote the script and sent it for Warner and ORDERED THE PRODUCTION of this movie , he sent life versions of R2D2 and C3P0 and added his name as author and R2D2 , the cast choice were done by him as well and they shoot the film in the Moroccan dessert, and after it releas was a huge success, also special effects were added by JARVIS so that was better than any movie at that time . He also had plans to make star trek , conan the barbarian, Xena princess warrior and the crown jewel, the terminator, who would get great credit and profits for him plus he had actual terminators to play the rule , he also helped creating many TV series that were famous at the 80's and 70's back in his and marvel world , and the bonuses were also gaining popularity in the music fields, but he was still a green horn here .

also he controlled the gaming industry earlier with Sony company who produced pong game and snake released on his device called game boy, who was also a hit and managed to sell it across the globe, first there were some competitors but they easily handled and the talented people employed by his company .

author's note

hey guys this me thanks for all the fellas who reviewed my novel , thank you a thousand , plus I have some ideas for novels which you guys might like

GOW system in marvel , imagine the famous Sony game God of war kratos, being thrown in either marvel or DC, and how he kicks ass , offcourse its transmigration , no harem plz ,no mentally deranged MC , just a normal fellow who loves fighting, imagine kratos using blades of chaose as web shooters between new York buildings and slaying leviathans ,using the blades to fly leviathans and crashing them with their each other. and since there's a system, the rewards will be one of the many equipment kratos used ingame .

pretty dope idea right , no harem loving fella is allowed to use this and only serious writers.

love moh999 .

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