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Chapter 87: Chapter 86. The God of Hammers Who Can't Lift the Hammer! It's Reversed! Odin's Adoptive Son Has Revolted!

[The video continued.]

[On the Earth.]

[Thor was following Jane and others to the restaurant for lunch, when he heard a diner next to him mention a satellite that had fallen to the ground.]

[Thor didn't care about this at first, but then he heard the diners mention that the satellite was very heavy, no one could lift it.]

[At that, Thor's expression instantly changed.]

[He asked for the location of the satellite, and Thor immediately pushed open the door of the restaurant and rushed out.]

Seeing that scene, after being shocked by Loki's origins, the dumbfounded Thor finally showed some light in his eyes.

"Satellite? No, it's not a satellite. It must be Mjolnir!"

Looking back at Jane, Thor was a little rude when he shouted...

"Why? When we went to lunch just now, why was there no one in the restaurant?"

"Um ... That ..."

When asked, Jane was speechless, but then Darcy said...

"Maybe it's because we missed lunchtime and everyone already went to work."


[The video continued.]

[Jane and the others didn't believe that this guy was actually Thor. They ended up parting ways with Thor.]

[But no one expected that Jane, who had just returned to her lab when she found that everything in the house had been taken away by a group of men in black!]

[And a middle-aged man in the lead, claimed to be Agent Coulson from S.H.I.E.L.D!]

[Although Jane desperately protested, in the end, she couldn't stop S.H.I.E.L.D from collecting all her research and stuff.]

Seeing that scene, Natasha in the live streaming room and Fury in S.H.I.E.L.D both looked stiff.

'What S.H.I.E.L.D was doing was actually made public by the system?!'

In the live streaming room, Wanda looked unhappy and angrily stomped her feet...

"Who are these S.H.I.E.L.D people?? Why are they stealing things in broad daylight?"

Natasha: "..."

Tony touched his chin, glanced at Natasha, who was standing in the corner without saying a word, and softly chuckled...

"I seem to remember, just now, when you were forced to reveal secrets, you said you were a member of S.H.I.E.L.D, right? "

"That means those men in black suits on-screen work together with you."


Peter turned his head in surprise and looked at Natasha, who was speechless. He was in shock.

As a young high school student, Peter had some good impressions of a beautiful woman like Natasha.

But after seeing the scene on-screen, he suddenly felt a little disappointed.

'Taking things from someone when they didn't consent was no different from a thief!'

'Sure enough, Mr Stark was right. These so-called spy organisations couldn't be taken lightly!'

[The video continued.]

[In Asgard, the Warriors Three and Sif came before Odin's throne, ready to report to him that Loki might be suspected of colluding with the enemies.]

[But none of them thought that it was Loki, sitting on Odin's throne, holding Gungnir!]

[Looking at the man on the throne who was dressed in a green robe and wearing a double-horned helmet, the warriors froze in place, hardly believing their eyes.]

[Seeing the warriors arrive, Loki coldly said...]

["My friends, you're here."]

[The warriors looked at each other and came forward to ask about Odin's whereabouts.]

[Loki replied with a sad face, "Father has fallen into the Odinsleep."]

["Mother fears he may never awaken again."]

[At Sif, who insisted on seeing Frigga, Loki replied...]

["You can bring your urgent matter to me."]

[He slowly stood up from his throne, as Odin used to do, and knocked Gungnir to the ground with a loud thud.]

["Your King!"]

[The warriors looked at each other, seeing the doubt in each other's eyes.]

[But in this case, they could only kneel down on one knee and bow to Loki.]

Seeing that, the live streaming room suddenly fell into silence again. The eyes of everyone that was looking at Loki widened.

However, Loki wasn't concerned about it this time. There was another wave of shock in his heart, and he simply couldn't calm down.

'King! I sat on the throne and became the King of Asgard!'

Looking at himself on the screen, holding Gungnir, forcing the warriors to kneel down and surrender, Loki felt light-headed; his body couldn't stop trembling.

From childhood to adulthood, Loki would always feel contempt in the eyes of people around him and the difference in their attitude towards him and Thor.

Odin and Frigga were better.

But those people below, especially the Warriors Three and Sif, almost made no secret of their admiration for Thor and disdain for him.

But on-screen, although the eyes of the warriors were still full of dissatisfaction and doubt, they still had to kneel to him!

All this was because ... He was already sitting on the throne! He became King!

At this time, in Asgard, Odin looked at Loki on screen, holding Gungnir. His brow was slightly wrinkled.

This wasn't what he wanted to see.

In Odin's mind, there was only one person who could succeed him and sit on the throne of Asgard, and that was Thor!

'Loki, how dare you sit on the throne?'

'How dare he!'

[The video continued.]

[Kneeling on the ground, Sif looked up and said...]

["My king, we would ask that you end Thor's banishment."]

[Loki coldly snorted and said...]

["My first command cannot be to undo the Allfather's last."]

["We're on the brink of war with Jotunheim."]

["Our people need a sense of continuity, in order to feel safe in these difficult times."]

["All of us must stand together. For the good of Asgard."]

[Looking at Lok, who was full of high-sounding arguments. Sif stood up from the ground, seemingly about to rush up to him.]

[Fortunately, one of the Warriors Three stopped her and said...]

["Yes, of course."]

[Looking at these close friends of Thor in front of him, Loki nodded his head.]

["Good. Then you will wait for my word."]

[The chubby Volstagg of the Warriors Three still didn't want to give up and tried again ...]

["If I may beg the indulgence of Your Majesty, to perhaps reconsider..."]

[Faced with these persistent people, Loki's expression immediately turned cold and, without hesitation, asserted...]

["We're done!"]

[In helplessness, the Warriors Three could only turn around and leave, while Sif revealed a provocative smile to Loki before she turned around.]

Looking at the angry but helpless expression on the Warriors Three on-screen, Loki felt as if he had drunk a glass of ice water on a hot day. He felt refreshed, and he couldn't help but look up and breathe a sigh of relief.

'This is the taste of power!'

'Very nice!'

At this point, Thor popped back up in the chat group.

[Thor: Loki, if you want to be a King, that's fine with me. But why won't you let me go back?]

[Thor: Earth is terrible. I don't want to stay here for another minute!]

[Master Mordo: Fine with you? You can't be serious. Didn't you see that just now? He isn't your real brother Thor. He's a Frost Giant.]

[Thor: Shut up. This is our family matter. You have no right to interrupt!]

[Thor: Loki is my younger brother, and we spent 1500 years together. How can you humans understand that?]

[Peter Parker: Well, your brotherhood is really enviable.]

[Natasha Romanoff: Is this really brotherhood? I think it's kind of strange.]

[Nick Fury: Natasha! Don't butt in.]

[The video continued.]

[As soon as the scene changed, Loki arrived before Odin's sickbed.]

[He saw Odin's whole body was covered by golden light, but his eyes were still closed, and he didn't seem to be waking up any time soon.]

[Frigga spoke with a worried face, "He's put it off for so long now, that I fear ..."]

["How long will it last?" Loki asked.]

[There was no confidence in Frigga's voice, "I don't know."]

["This time, it's different. We were unprepared."]

[Loki was silent for a while, and suddenly the conversation changed, "So, why did he lie?"]

[Frigga looked at Loki and whispered, "He kept the truth from you so that you would never feel different."]

["You are our son, Loki, and we, your family."]

["We mustn't lose hope that your father will return to us."]

["And your brother."]

[Loki was slightly moved, "What hope is there for Thor?"]

[Frigga said, "There's always a purpose to everything your father does."]

In the otherworldly live streaming room.

Hearing that, Loki's eyes suddenly turned a little cold again.

At first, when Odin banished Thor to Earth in front of him, Loki had guessed Odin's intention.

He was trying to use this to sharpen this eldest son and push him to grow to be a suitable heir for the throne.

Even though Thor rushed into Muspelheim without warning, recklessly started a war, and almost buried all the warriors there, Odin still didn't give up on his son.

Even if Thor was deprived of divine power, Odin didn't leave Mjolnir, a symbol of power to himself, but threw it to Midgard with Thor.

At this point, Loki suddenly laughed bitterly in his heart.

'How could he give him up?'

'Thor is Odin's only blood!'

'And I'm the son of a Frost Giant!'


Tony looked at Loki on-screen and doubtfully said...

"Look at this guy's eyes. I think he's going to try and do something to that brother of his."

Peter quickly shook his head and said, "No way, they're brothers."

Tony spread out his hands...

"Kid, you're still too naive. This is a battle for the throne!"

"In ancient times, among the royal family, in order to compete for the throne, there are too many things like fathers and sons and brothers killing each other."

Natasha also nodded...

"Yes, a battle for the throne has happened too times in the history of every country."

"Now that Loki has taken the throne, and his father might not wake up. His only obstacle ... is his brother."

"As long as he could get rid of his brother, his position would be unshakeable."

Through the picture in the picture, Thor couldn't help but fly into a rage when he saw these people talking about him and Loki in the live streaming room.

[Thor: You ignorant mortals. You have no idea how deep my brotherhood with Loki is.]

But after thinking about it, Thor asked with a little less confidence.

[Thor: Loki, you won't really do anything to me, will you? If it's just the throne, you can take it if you want it.]

[Loki Odinson: Idiot, this is someone from another universe! Why are you talking as if it's me?!]

[Thor: Ah! Right! Haha ...]

Looking at Thor's silly words in the chat group, at this moment, both Odin in Asgard and Loki in the live streaming room helplessly sighed.

'What should we do with this big fool?'

[The video continued.]

[Jane Foster drove the car, taking Thor to the location where the hammer had fallen.]

[However, the place has been completely overrun by S.H.I.E.L.D's people, and a simple research camp had been set up.]

[Although heavily guarded, Thor wasn't scared at all and broke in.]

[He busted through checkpoint after checkpoint, defeating countless guards. Thor rushed through to the place where the hammer was located.]

[At this point, the eagle-eyed Clint Barton pulled open the bow in his hand, standing in the basket dangling high above.]

["You want me to slow him down, Sir?"]

[Hawkeye was high up in the basket, with his bow and arrow aimed at Thor.]

["Or are you sending in more guys for him to beat up?"]

[Coulson hesitated, "I'll let you know."]

At this point, Fury couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Even in another universe, if Thor was injured by his subordinates, and this scene was seen by the gods of Asgard...

It could be a huge problem.

[Finally reaching Mjolnir, Thor's face once again revealed his arrogant smile.]

[Just then, a tall, burly guard stepped in front of him.]

[Thor wrestled with the guard, and they fought from inside the camp, all the way to the outside.]

[It heavily rained outside, and the rained turned the dusty ground to mud.]

[Thor and the guard fought in the mud, and both got covered in mud.]

[In the end, Thor won because of his naturally strong physique.]

[At this time, on the hanging basket up high, Hawkeye said...]

["Better call it, Coulson. Cause I'm starting to root for this guy."]

[Tearing through the barrier and breaking into the centre of the camp, Thor looked at the hammer that had fallen to the ground with a smug smile on his face.]

[As long as he could lift it, he could regain his divine power and become the God of Thunder.]

[Seeing that, Hawkeye continued to urge Coulson...]

["Last chance, Sir."]

["Wait, I want to see this."]

[Standing on the other side of the high ground, Coulson carefully watched Thor, without taking action.]

[With a smile on his face, Thor reached out and held Mjolnir's handle.]

[No response.]

[The smile on Thor's face instantly froze, full of disbelief.]

[Finding out that one hand couldn't pull it up, Thor couldn't help but stretch out both his hands. Grabbing Mjolnir's handle, he pulled with all his might.]

[Still no response.]

[The hammer seemed to be stuck to the ground.]


[The muscles on his face were completely twisted, and the veins stood out on his arms. Thor roared out loud. He tried to exert all his strength.]

[However, Mjolnir didn't respond at all.]

[After repeated attempts, Thor finally gave up.]

[He let go of his hands, with the look of disbelief on his face. Looking at Mjolnir on the ground, he tilted his head and roared to the sky!]


[A terrible roar carried far in the night sky.]

[Even Jane, who was hiding near the camp, could clearly hear it.]

[After roaring wildly to the sky, Thor seemed to have lost all his strength and fell helplessly to his knees in front of Mjolnir.]

[Then, he was arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D.]

Seeing this scene in the live chat:

[Thor: How come? I couldn't lift the hammer?! How is that possible?]

[Thor: The one on the screen must be a fake one.]

[Peter Parker: It's not necessarily fake, but another universe's hammer. So ... Maybe you can't lift that one, but you can lift one from this Multiverse.]

[Thor: Haha! You're right. When I lift the hammer, I'll be the God of Thunder again and go back to Asgard. Haha ...]

[Loki Odinson: Sometimes I really envy you ...]

[Thor: Aha! Do you envy my strength? My dear brother :)]

[Loki Odinson: No, I envy your stupidity.]

[The video continued.]

[In a temporary confinement room, Coulson started to interrogate Thor.]

["You made my men some of the most highly trained professionals in the world..."]

["Look like a bunch of minimum-wage mall cops."]

["That's hurtful."]

["In my experience, it takes someone who's received similar training to do what you did to them."]

["Why don't you tell me where you received your training?"]

[Thor didn't reply.]

[After seeing that, Coulson calmly said...]

["One way or another, we find out what we need to know. We're good at that."]

["Don't go anywhere."]

[Unable to get an answer, Coulson turned his head and went out.]

[No sooner had he left the room than there was another person inside.]

[It was Loki, in a green suit and jacket.]

[Seeing Loki, Thor's face, which was dull, finally showed a surprised expression.]

["Loki, what are you doing here?"]

[Loki quietly said, "I had to see you."]

[Noticing that something was not right, Thor quickly asked...]

["What's happened? Tell me. Is it Jotunheim? Let me explain to father!"]

[Loki coldly said, "Father is dead."]


[Thor's face was filled with disbelief as if he had heard the most ridiculous and incomprehensible thing in the world.]

["Your banishment, and the threat of a new war..."]

[Loki looked sad, "It was too much for him to bear."]

[Looking at Thor, Loki slowly said, "You mustn't blame yourself. I know that you loved him."]

["I tried to tell him so, but he wouldn't listen."]

[Thor was heartbroken, and tears finally flowed down.]

["It was so cruel to put the hammer within your reach, knowing that you could never lift it."]

[Looking down at Thor, who was sitting in a chair, Loki had taken a hint of condescension in his tone.]

["The burden of the throne has fallen to me now."]

[On hearing that, Thor looked up at his brother and asked in a hopeful tone.]

["Can I come home?"]

[Loki slightly frowned and said...]

["The truce with Jotunheim is conditional upon your exile."]

["Yes... but..."]

[Thor relentlessly asked, "Couldn't we find a way...?"]

[Seeing that, Loki finally released the last blow.]

["And Mother has forbidden your return."]

[After hearing that Frigga didn't want to see him again, Thor's face suddenly froze completely. He almost stopped breathing.]

[Seeing that, Loki gently nodded.]

["This is goodbye, Brother. I'm so sorry."]

[Thor hesitated for a moment and suddenly shook his head in pain.]

["No, I am sorry."]

["Thank you for coming here."]

[Loki's eyes flickered, "Farewell.]

[At this time, the door opened. Coulson came in, and all he could hear was Thor saying...]



[Coulson was confused, "I just got back."]

Seeing that, Thor started shouting in the chat group again.

[Thor: Loki! Why did you lie to me? What do you mean Father is dead and mother doesn't want me back? I'm going to get angry with you!]

[Loki Odinson: Shut up! You fool!]

[Thor: I won't shut up! You really went too far this time!]

[Tony Stark: Thor, can't you see it by now? Loki, the one on the screen, really loves you.]

[Thor: What? Of course, I know he loves me. But he lied to me! Why?!]


In Asgard, Odin sighed.

However, his expression suddenly became better.

'Not bad.'

In that other universe, even though Loki had gained power and position ... he still hadn't forgotten the brotherhood between them.

Thor seemed to have gained some growth after he arrived on Earth.

It seems that as a father, he wasn't a complete failure.



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